HTC Incredible :: Mounting To PC?

Oct 24, 2010

Rooted 2.2, stock kernel etc. No ROM changes (yet). Trying to xferr some media files from internal mem to SD card. Shouldn't be this hard! USB Debugging checked, rebooted phone, stock charging cable. Connect to PC, select "MOUNT AS DISK" option on phone; AUTOPLAY pops up, but then windows explorer refuses to open and locks up. Only fix is to unplug phone from computer. Booted into Clockwork Recovery and tried to mount system. Now when I plug phone into PC, I show two new drives (good) but then when I click on them in explorer, it says "Please insert a disc into external drive" (BAD). I don't think this should be that tough! Is this a rooted phone issue? A windows issue? A general Android OS issue?

HTC Incredible :: Mounting to PC?

HTC Incredible : Third Drive After Mounting

Sep 15, 2010

Has anyone else noticed (after froyo update) that Verizon has added a drive when the phone get's mounted to the PC? One is for the phone, two is for the SD card and the third has some kind of Verizon software/drivers on them.

I know that this has been posted before but I've had trouble finding it by searching the forum. Does anyone know what this software is and if i can remove it so it doesn't appear every time?

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HTC Incredible :: Errors Mounting Phone And Sd Card After 2.2 Update

Sep 7, 2010

Just updated to 2.2 and phone/sd card will mount to pc but then it randomly acts like it has been unplugged and plugged by in. For instance I was copying a 1gb file from the phone to the sd card and it was copying for all of 20 seconds then it was gone then it was back and wanted to know if I wanted to copy over the existing files that had been transfered before the disconnect (or whatever). It does this on both the sd card and the phone memory; anyone else have this problem? Have a solution? Oh, and this is done over the same usb cable I have been using for months without the slightest problem.

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HTC Incredible :: Trouble Mounting Internal Phone Storage And Sd Storage

Aug 22, 2010

For some reason my Incredible won't mount both the internal phone storage and the SD card storage at the same time. What I mean is...when I plug my phone into my PC I only get a single popup asking to mount the phone's SD card storage, but not the internal phone storage.If I remove the SD card (or unmount the SD card using menus on the phone) and then toggle the connection type from Disk Drive, to Charge only, and then back to Disk Drive (to burp the connection), the internal phone storage will mount, but the SD card won't mount because it has been removed.When I connect my wife's incredible, my computer sees both the SD card storage and the internal storage (as expected) and gives me prompts for both. I took the SD card from the problematic phone and put it in the "good" phone and there are no issues at all (IE.. both the internal storage and SD storage mount). This of course means there is no issue with the SD card.

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HTC Desire :: Car Mounting Kit

Jul 27, 2010

I'm looking for a decent car mounting kit. I thought I saw one on mobile fun but I'll be damned if I can see the original one I saw when I first got my desire. Does anyone have any experience of what to get / not get?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Mounting SD Card Via USB NOW Slow?

Sep 19, 2010

Didn't have a problem with this before on my EVO and can't recall any settings I might have changed to cause this problem but when I choose the "Disk Drive" connection for "Connect to PC" it takes a long while (minute or so) for the drive to mount. I have the default connection to "Charge Only" but when connected to my computer and I choose the "Disk Drive" option the mount is SLOW. It SEEMS to get a bit quicker if I RE-choose "Charge Only" and then go back to "Disk Drive" to mount the SD card, however, like I said above, it is MUCH SLOWER than before. I used to choose the Disk Drive option and the mount would occur RIGHT AWAY. But not it is slow.

I have installed various apps over the weeks but only recently experienced this slowness. I recall some information about USB debugging conflicting with the SD mount but that option is turned OFF on my phone. Anyone know of any apps that might be known to conflict with the SD mount?

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Android :: USB Auto Mounting

Nov 9, 2010

When I plug my phone in, it auto-mounts and its very annoying, anyone know what app is doing this? I keep finding apps that do it which I don't have.

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HTC Desire :: USB Charge Only Keeps Mounting SD

Nov 27, 2010

contrary to what the title says , every time I plug my phone into USB it keeps UNmounting the SD card. Despite me having it set to charge only. Is there anyway to stop this?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Sd Card Not Mounting And Bootloop

Sep 16, 2010

I have a rooted evo, fresh 3.2, and noticed this morning that my sdcard wasnt mounting, so i did a hard reset and now am stuck in a bootloop, i can enter recovery and bootloader, but since sdcard is not mounting can not preform a nand restore any ideas?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Automatically Mounting When Plugged Into PC?

Sep 12, 2010

It still says 'charge only' and not 'disk drive', yet when I plug it in I can still open the folder for Evo to view contents and on the phone itself, the SD card is unavailable.

I don't know what exactly I did to cause this. Its especially strange since it says charge only on the phone. Are there any common setting or app culprits for this?

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General :: Mounting SD On HTC Amaze?

Jun 8, 2013

When I connected my phone through cable it asks for formatting internal storage... After that I'm unable to mount sd and external sd also.. When I'm mounting sd card it shows "preparing sd card" and within a second it shows "sd card safe to remove".

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HTC EVO 4G :: Mounting It To Computer - Should It Show 2 Volumes?

Nov 13, 2010

Wasn't sure if this should be in the troubleshooting section, since there might not be anything wrong. When I mount my EVO, all I see is my 8 gig micro SD card and no other volume. I was assuming that if I wanted to root, I'd need to actually see the EVO its self and not just the SD card.

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Motorola Droid X :: Not Mounting On Macbook

Jul 15, 2010

i tried mounting my Droid as a USB storage and it's not even registering on my macbook. And also this mediashare program pops up and says that my memory card is missing. What is going on? I'm trying to put some music on my phone.

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Motorola Droid :: Not Mounting With Pc Through Usb Cable

Aug 13, 2010

As of this afternoon my phone is no longer recognizing when i plug it in to my pc via the usb cable. The pc itself will recognize that a device has been connected and begins the add new device wizard. The phone however will fail to prompt the mounting options in the notification bar. Im not really sure what could have caused this since i havent made any changes to my phone since manually installing 2.2 last week and grabbing a few new apps. BUT, I did drop my phone earlier today onto my garage floor. Any chance these mounting troubles may be a result of the fall?

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HTC Droid Eris :: SD Card Not Mounting

May 19, 2010

I have the Droid Eris 2.1 and today all of the sudden I cant save to my sd card. I can open it fine on the PC and drop files in it. The error says to make sure it is mounted correctly, i have done that and rebooted.

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Motorola Droid 2 :: SD Card Not Mounting

Aug 31, 2010

Has anyone else had any issues with their Droid 2 refusing to realize that there's an SD card inserted? I went through basic troubleshooting steps for this:

1) try a different SD card - no dice
2) format the SD card - again, nothing
3) factory phone reset - nothing

I have 3 cards: a 2gb, an 8gb and a 16gb. the 16 is what I had in my Droid 1 and it had no issues whatsoever!

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Motorola Droid :: Mounting Phone On PC With XP SP2 Possible?

Jan 1, 2010

Has anyone had luck mounting their Droid to their computer running XP SP2? Verizon tech support says it is not possible and that mounting should be automatic if it's possible. He said my computer is too old to complete this task. That I need to update to SP3 or higher. I'm looking for a SIMPLE, non-complicated way to get photos off my camera. He suggested emailing them to myself. I have been able to get them to Picassa. Is downloading to my computer from Picassa going to be the only thing that works? All I want is simple drag and drop. When I plugged the USB cable into my computer, I was expecting the "mount" icon to appear on the top left side of the status bar re: page 38 of the user guide. But that does not show up.

The computer did recognize "new hardware" and wanted to find the driver, but could not when I let it look. Now when I check under device manager on control panel, I see a yellow explanation point on the Motorola 885 which I assume means it cannot find the driver. Is there a SIMPLE way to get the driver off the internet? Or am I looking for more trouble than it's worth? I don't want to mess with my computer settings too much.. it's a VERY flakey computer and seriously would not be worth the hassle. Non-techie here so I don't want to be messing with too many settings.

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Android :: New Method For Mounting SD Card

Nov 10, 2008

Not sure if it happened with the RC29 or RC30 update but they removed the setting option to "Allow File Browsing on Computer"(or something like that) from the SD Card Settings menu. I just got both updates pretty close together and I couldn't figure out why the phone wasn't showing as a Removable Disk in My Computer.Well, now when you connect the phone you will see a USB icon show up in your notifications bar. You have to select that and choose to "Mount" the phone/card. Done.Still not sure if I like the new way. Seems like unnecessary extra clicks to have to choose this option each time you connect the phone. What do you guys think?

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HTC Magic :: SD Card Mounting Upon Boot Up

Oct 26, 2009

Lately, my HTC Magic with Android 1.5 suffering problem of unmounting SD card whenever boot up, or leave running for a while.I'd installed a couple of apps lately, but now, I'm not sure what's wrong with my phone.I don't want to Reset to Factory Settings. Is there anyway I could pinpoint what's wrong with my phone?

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Android :: How Can I Listen For SD Card Mounting?

Jan 17, 2010

I have a program that uses the SD card, so I want to be informed if the state of the card changes by registering a listener if possible. I'm aware of the Environment class and its methods, but I don't really want to be constantly polling the state. I'd rather not have my program force close when running cause someone mounted the sd card to their computer.

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Motorola Droid :: Errors With Mounting

Apr 4, 2010

I just flashed the new Cyanogen but I'm having trouble mounting now. Whenever I try to move a file over it gets stuck, and when my display goes to sleep it won't wake up unless I pull the battery. Is this a ROM problem or something else? It was working fine a few days ago.

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HTC Hero :: Mounting To Car USB Charge & Play ?

Jul 9, 2010

I am having a real pain in the butt trying to mount my Hero via my incar USB port, it reads the same SD card when it's inserted into the car with an adapter onit's own, so I know it's not the card, it seems to be a problem with the delay in the Hero switching the SD card to "Disk drive", I find that if I pull the USB lead out of the car then quickly reinsert it, the SD card then gets seen and I can play music.

This is the same on both mt wifes Nissan and my Honda, so it's not the car readers, I downloaded "Automount" as others reported that that shows up instantly as a simple external drive, but that still did not work, and as the 2.1 now has a choice of default mounting options on inserting a USB cable, I thought thet would have done the same anyway.

Has anybody found a workaround that lets android phones play music in thier cars ?

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Samsung Captivate :: Mounting Phone On Mac

Aug 30, 2010

It's been a while and I'm an idiot. I forgot how? can anyone help?

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General :: Internal / External SD Not Mounting?

Jan 22, 2013

Since my last upgrade of cynaogenmod nighties yesterday on my galaxy s2, my internal AND external sdcard are not mouting anymore

I tried to understand why and I found that my /storage folder was empty. I think it should have been populated by /init.smdk4210.rc script :

on early-init
export EXTERNAL_STORAGE /storage/sdcard0
export SECONDARY_STORAGE /storage/sdcard1
mkdir /storage 0775 system system[code]...

I would like to retrieve my internal sdcard content.

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General :: Force Mounting Root On USB?

Mar 22, 2014

yesterday my phone fell off my hand, so the touchscreen is unusable... so the phone. The trouble is that I'm... well... not very clever at all, so all my contacts are on the phone itself, not the SIM card or my Google account. That's why I need to get into the root files with my computer, to find out the databases files.

The USB debugging mode wasn't activated I think. But I'm pretty sure there's a way to force mounting system files, even with a command line...

My phone is a "Le Mobile Sosh", a branded Alcatel OneTouch Idol Mini with Android 4.2.

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General :: Mounting Points On ClockWorkMod

May 25, 2013

So the past few days i have been working on porting clockworkmod to my tablet Vexia Navlet 2 White (cpu telechip tcc892x, board m805_892x_evm), i have setup a build environment and managed to make a bootable CWM but have reached a bit of a wall, my recovery dont mount anything.

And so i have a few doubts:

1 - In

I have these lines


The size must be set based on the cat /proc/mtd result (or so it says on the different guides i found)

dev: size erasesize name
mtd0: 00a00000 00200000 "boot"
mtd1: 00600000 00200000 "kpanic"
mtd2: 19000000 00200000 "system"
mtd3: 00400000 00200000 "splash"
mtd4: 09600000 00200000 "cache"
mtd5: 39800000 00200000 "userdata"
mtd6: 00a00000 00200000 "recovery"
mtd7: 00200000 00200000 "misc"
mtd8: 00200000 00200000 "tcc"

After searching on the forums and googling i saw that some people use the hexadecimal value of the column size but other people convert it to decimal, what is the right way? are both okay? is the code from my up there ok?

2 -


This value, after researching it seems that this must be the decimal converted value of the erase column

mtd8: 00200000 00200000 "tcc"

In this case 00200000 (hex) -> 2097152 (dec), but if i set this value i get and boot.img too big error, i dont know if this is the reason of the mounting not working, but leaving the default value i can make it and the recovery boot.

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General :: Script For Mounting / Playing ISO?

May 8, 2012

I have a multimedia player in living room and have made ISO files from almost all my DVDs. Easier and faster for all the family.

I have a TF101G (Asus Transformer) with ICS custom ROM and I would use it to play movies. So until now, I ripped my ISO files (themselves ripped from DVD) and converted them into avi or mkv files. I'm tired of doing that and wonder if there would be no one way to read the ISO files.


mount -o loop -t iso9660 /path/to/file.iso /mnt/somewhere

But then?

1. Is there a reader for unpacking ISO files and play them? Apparently Daroon Player can do it but I do not understand how?

2. Would it be possible, once the reader identified, to create a script that mounts the ISO file and read through the player? How can I do this?

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Samsung Epic 4G :: Mounting It To Apple Computer Via USB

Oct 29, 2010

Has anyone successfully mounted the Epic to an Apple computer? If so, what were the steps? Can you pull video off the sdcard or just music and pics?

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Motorola Droid :: Mounting To Windows 7 Laptop

Jun 17, 2010

This could be a long post so here's the gist of it: my new laptop running Windows 7 doesn't want to mount my Droid when my external harddrive is connected. I tried a couple different tests using my Droid, my external harddrive, and a thumbdrive to try to isolate one of the devices as being screwy, but... When I mount the droid FIRST and then connect my external harddrive, the computer will automatically unmount the droid when the external harddrive is connected. If I connect the external harddrive first and THEN try to mount the droid, the droid just won't mount.

When I mount the droid FIRST and then connect my thumbdrive, everything works fine. If I connect the thumbdrive first and THEN try to mount the droid, everything works fine then too. When I connect the external harddrive and the thumbdrive to the laptop at the same time, I get no problems here either. (NOTE: All of this mounting is done via USB but I get this problem when I try to mount via bluetooth too... The computer will pair and connect with the droid via bluetooth, but when I try to use Windows Explorer to browse the files on the droid, it pops up on the laptop with "service not available".) It seems that my external harddrive seems to have something personal against my Droid...But I never had this problem on my old laptop (which ran Windows Vista).

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Samsung Epic 4G :: Mounting Phone With Pc And SD Card

Nov 15, 2010

I have been mounting my phone with my pc for quite awhile, then one day, it decided to be difficult. At first it took a couple, replugs to get it to recognize the SD card. Then, It stopped recognizing it at all. Depending on what USB port I use, I get different results from I/O error, to device not recognized.

Things I have tried:
-Every driver known to mankind.
-Plugging in every single usb port on the computer (including mobo)
-Disconnecting every usb device except for the phone
-Formatting the SD card (lost my photos forgot they were on there)
-Only used STOCK cable.

I'm out of ideas, and sprint claims this is not a problem with the phone on all the forum posts I've seen with similar problems. Has anyone actually found a solution for this other than thinking plugging it in the back of the computer actually fixes anything?

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