HTC Magic :: SD Card Mounting Upon Boot Up

Oct 26, 2009

Lately, my HTC Magic with Android 1.5 suffering problem of unmounting SD card whenever boot up, or leave running for a while.I'd installed a couple of apps lately, but now, I'm not sure what's wrong with my phone.I don't want to Reset to Factory Settings. Is there anyway I could pinpoint what's wrong with my phone?

HTC Magic :: SD Card Mounting Upon Boot Up

Android :: Froyo Media Not Mounting In Time On Boot-up - Works In Eclair

Nov 6, 2010

I have a Live Wallpaper app that is working very well on Eclair but there is a strange issue with Froyo that I can't find any information about. The user is able to select a custom picture as a background from their gallery and it will be saved to internal storage (/ Snowflakes/CustomBG.jpg) and applied as a background to the live wallpaper. That all works fine until the user reboots their phone... The problem is that the internal storage doesn't seem to be mounted in time for when the live wallpaper starts and so it reverts to the default setting when null is returned (see code below). As I say, this problem has only been introduced with Froyo as Eclair works fine (the image is found and used so the internal storage must be mounted before the Live Wallpaper starts).

Here's the code that searches for the CustomBG.jpg image on startup...


Apologies for the code formatting - is there any way I can improve this? Anyway, I'd be very grateful for any help you may have... I can't find any information about this on-line so perhaps there's something wrong with my code?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Mounting SD Card Via USB NOW Slow?

Sep 19, 2010

Didn't have a problem with this before on my EVO and can't recall any settings I might have changed to cause this problem but when I choose the "Disk Drive" connection for "Connect to PC" it takes a long while (minute or so) for the drive to mount. I have the default connection to "Charge Only" but when connected to my computer and I choose the "Disk Drive" option the mount is SLOW. It SEEMS to get a bit quicker if I RE-choose "Charge Only" and then go back to "Disk Drive" to mount the SD card, however, like I said above, it is MUCH SLOWER than before. I used to choose the Disk Drive option and the mount would occur RIGHT AWAY. But not it is slow.

I have installed various apps over the weeks but only recently experienced this slowness. I recall some information about USB debugging conflicting with the SD mount but that option is turned OFF on my phone. Anyone know of any apps that might be known to conflict with the SD mount?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Sd Card Not Mounting And Bootloop

Sep 16, 2010

I have a rooted evo, fresh 3.2, and noticed this morning that my sdcard wasnt mounting, so i did a hard reset and now am stuck in a bootloop, i can enter recovery and bootloader, but since sdcard is not mounting can not preform a nand restore any ideas?

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HTC Droid Eris :: SD Card Not Mounting

May 19, 2010

I have the Droid Eris 2.1 and today all of the sudden I cant save to my sd card. I can open it fine on the PC and drop files in it. The error says to make sure it is mounted correctly, i have done that and rebooted.

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Motorola Droid 2 :: SD Card Not Mounting

Aug 31, 2010

Has anyone else had any issues with their Droid 2 refusing to realize that there's an SD card inserted? I went through basic troubleshooting steps for this:

1) try a different SD card - no dice
2) format the SD card - again, nothing
3) factory phone reset - nothing

I have 3 cards: a 2gb, an 8gb and a 16gb. the 16 is what I had in my Droid 1 and it had no issues whatsoever!

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Android :: New Method For Mounting SD Card

Nov 10, 2008

Not sure if it happened with the RC29 or RC30 update but they removed the setting option to "Allow File Browsing on Computer"(or something like that) from the SD Card Settings menu. I just got both updates pretty close together and I couldn't figure out why the phone wasn't showing as a Removable Disk in My Computer.Well, now when you connect the phone you will see a USB icon show up in your notifications bar. You have to select that and choose to "Mount" the phone/card. Done.Still not sure if I like the new way. Seems like unnecessary extra clicks to have to choose this option each time you connect the phone. What do you guys think?

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Android :: How Can I Listen For SD Card Mounting?

Jan 17, 2010

I have a program that uses the SD card, so I want to be informed if the state of the card changes by registering a listener if possible. I'm aware of the Environment class and its methods, but I don't really want to be constantly polling the state. I'd rather not have my program force close when running cause someone mounted the sd card to their computer.

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Samsung Epic 4G :: Mounting Phone With Pc And SD Card

Nov 15, 2010

I have been mounting my phone with my pc for quite awhile, then one day, it decided to be difficult. At first it took a couple, replugs to get it to recognize the SD card. Then, It stopped recognizing it at all. Depending on what USB port I use, I get different results from I/O error, to device not recognized.

Things I have tried:
-Every driver known to mankind.
-Plugging in every single usb port on the computer (including mobo)
-Disconnecting every usb device except for the phone
-Formatting the SD card (lost my photos forgot they were on there)
-Only used STOCK cable.

I'm out of ideas, and sprint claims this is not a problem with the phone on all the forum posts I've seen with similar problems. Has anyone actually found a solution for this other than thinking plugging it in the back of the computer actually fixes anything?

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Motorola Droid :: Inconsistent Sd Card Mounting Via Usb

Jun 9, 2010

I have the latest Motorola drivers on two different laptops, but sometimes my SD fails to mount on the PC when I plug it into the USB. I am able to mount most of the time and do normal file operations, no problem. But sometimes I go into failure mode where no matter what I try the SD won't mount. I try rebooting the phone and laptop, trying my other laptop, uninstalling an app I suspect is causing a problem, but probably isn't, etc. Then, sometime later, for no apparent reason, I'll plug the phone into the laptop and suddenly it's working again. I see threads about SD mounting difficulties, but none that address an intermittent problem like I'm having. Any ideas about diagnostics, fixes, or preventive measures?

When it fails to mount, the symptom is that with many attempts, the phone will make the mounting sound repeatedly, but never mounts. Other times, it makes the sound once, as if it succeeded, but it doesn't mount. I've checked the log with aLogcat, but I see nothing that I can tell might be informative, but then I'm not an expert with that stuff.

I must say, the error is really vexing. Mounting works well enough to use the SD card for transferring files, but then just when you need it (to transfer something back) it fails.

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Motorola Droid X :: SD Card Mounting To Vista PC

Nov 12, 2010

I just picked up a Moto Droid X coming from the Droid Eris what a difference.For some reason it takes a very long time for my Win Vista laptop to be able to connect to the SD card. When I pull down the notifications bar and select USB storage, it takes about 5 minutes for the process to complete?I have checked to see if the Droid X has issues on a WinXP machine and it mounts right away. I have downloaded the Moto drivers, but wondering if anyone else has had issues with Win Vista.

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Android :: Programmatic SD Card Mounting / Unmounting

Mar 1, 2010

I'm wondering how programmatic sd card mounting/unmounting can be achieved while the handset is connected to a pc via USB. I cannot find any managed API for that and also my jni attempts failed with errno: 1, [Operation not permitted] error.

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Samsung Moment : Usb Drive - Mounting The Sd Card

Nov 1, 2009

Am I missing something? How do I make it where the laptop will see the moment? I don't see a place for mounting the sd card, only unmounting?

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HTC Hero :: Having Trouble 'mounting' Sd Card To My Computer

Feb 20, 2010

I have a HTC hero and Im having trouble "mounting" my sd card to my computer.Im running a windows 7 64 OS and have downloaded the HTC software update for my computer. I can now sync my phone but i cant get my pictures from my phone to my laptop. it shows the removable device for a second or two then disappears!

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KitKat 4.4 :: SDHC Card Keeps Mounting - LG GPad 8.3

May 11, 2014

I have an LG Gpad 8.3 and its running on kitkat. I purchased a 32GB SD card to store some movies on so my son can watch them on our trip. I purchased a samsung 32GB SDHC card. I was under the impression that the HC was just for high capacity and that it would work in my device. I did not format it as I dont have a micro sd to sd card adapter. (have to stop on the way home today and get one). I popped it into my tablet and it recognized it. I actually saved a few pictures and one movie to it to make sure it was going to work. I set it up to transfer about 8 movies from my mac using the android file transfer client. It was all going smooth with only about 2 movies left when the card suddenly became "unmounted" and now it no longer will see it. Is the card toast?

1) if the MSDHC card is even compatible with my device as it doesn't say that anywhere, just microsd.
2)do I need to reformat it with a windows computer to a fat 32 file system and start over
3) did I kill the card by trying to transfer too much at once..(ie large files that would have taken about 1.5 hrs to transfer

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General :: No Option For Mounting SD Card When Recovering

Feb 12, 2014

I'm using celkon a112 smart phone i had rooted my phone with framaroot app and i had installed rom manger when I was changing font of system my phone stopped working now its stuck on boot loop i have tried installed cwm recovery but there's no option for mounting sd card to apply the zip file so any solution for mounting my extsd card.

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HTC Incredible :: Errors Mounting Phone And Sd Card After 2.2 Update

Sep 7, 2010

Just updated to 2.2 and phone/sd card will mount to pc but then it randomly acts like it has been unplugged and plugged by in. For instance I was copying a 1gb file from the phone to the sd card and it was copying for all of 20 seconds then it was gone then it was back and wanted to know if I wanted to copy over the existing files that had been transfered before the disconnect (or whatever). It does this on both the sd card and the phone memory; anyone else have this problem? Have a solution? Oh, and this is done over the same usb cable I have been using for months without the slightest problem.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: I9000 - Internal SD Card Not Mounting

Aug 23, 2010

I was trying to install the latest Froyo update on my new galaxy i9000 and ran into problems. The update was JP3. First the phone kept on flashing i.e. screen off and on. and then i had to reboot the phone and same problem. I tried to flash it again with odin but this time I got an error message:

Update Media please wait
E:Can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 (or /dev/block/mmcblk0) (No such file or directory) E:copy_dbdata_media:Can't mount SDCARD:"

Your storage not prepared yet, please use UI menu for format and reboot actions
copy default media content failed.

When I boot it moves past the Galaxy I9000m screen shows me the galaxy screen with animation and sound, the screen then goes of leaving me with a black screen and the buttons lit.

Now, no matter what I do I kept on getting this message. I have a feeling that somehow it messed up the internal sd card of my device.

Is there a way I could repartition my card (if that would solve it) and then reinstall a froyo 2.2 update.

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General :: Error Mounting Emmc And Cannot Detect External SD Card?

May 2, 2013

I am using SGS2 i9100g.

I have flashed from CM10.0, JB4.1.2 to pacman 3.00, JB4.2.2


1. error mounting emmc and cannot detect external sd card

2. When i want to use camera or gallery, there is an error saying "No external storage available"

Attempted solutions:

I have tried the following but it does not solve my problem

1. re-flash the custom rom and gapps. (full wipe with wipe cache and dalvik cache)

2. reformatted my sd card to fat32.

3. went to recovery to unmount and remount my external sd card

4. tried to mount emmc in recovery but returns an error "error mounting emmc"

5. off and on and also rebooted my smartphone

6. tried these codes shown at the bottom(to manual remount)

- I have a storage folder which has sdcard0 which contains nothing, sdcard1 which contains my file in my external sd card and a usbdisk0 contains nothing also.

- Now i am not sure which is the cause of the problem where i cannot use my camera phone and gallery

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Motorola Droid :: Mounting SD Card / Drive Is Not Showing Up To Drag Files

Nov 17, 2009

i'm having trouble mounting my SD card.My computer found the device when i first plugged it up but the drive is not showing up for me to drag files to.I'm trying to drag some pictures onto my SD card

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HTC Desire :: SD Card Mounting Via Front USB Port Stopped Typing Under Ubuntu Lucid

Jul 10, 2010

SD Card mounting via a front USB port stopped me typing under Ubuntu Lucid!

Plugging in via the front usb's stopped me typing!
Also other weird behaviour.

I was actually plugging the mouse in via PS2 to stop the issues I was having.

Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid 64bit, HTC Desire.

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HTC Magic :: How To Partition Sd Card / Can Run Apps From Card Rather Then Phone Memory?

Sep 11, 2009

No can someone tell me how to partition my sd card so that I can run apps right from the card rather then the phone memory?

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HTC Magic :: Can't Start/boot Up?

Nov 4, 2009

I installed a couple of apps on yesterday night, and all of a sudden, my HTC Magic rebooted and couldn't start up at all now! I don't have my phone contacts, messages & notes being backed up! how should I go about with this now? my phone just didn't work at all now.

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General :: Auto Boot When Charger Connected (HTC Magic)

Feb 18, 2013

I want to let Android OS to boot automatically when the charger connected (for HTC Magic) without pressing power button

I found this guide: Complete boot when charging

If your phone only gets one of those ugly battery symbols when a charger is connected to a powered off phone this is because the init process is interrupted by /system/bin/chargemon. That file is a binary ARM program, I replaced it with a simple script containing only a single line: echo skipping chargemon

The file was created and installed with the following steps:

echo "echo skipping chargemon" > chargemon.script
adb pull /system/bin/chargemon chargemon.backup
adb push chargemon.script /sqlite_stmt_journals
adb shell


When the command su is given above, it might have to be acknowledged in a dialog on the phone screen.

The final command reboot -p shuts down the phone. As the USB cable is still connected it will power on again, and if everything has gone fine the phone will complete its boot process without halting with any battery symbol.

But I can't find "chargemon" in System/bin

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HTC Magic :: Best Memory Card Size

Jun 5, 2009

So I just got me a G1 earlier this week but my question is this. Even though their website says the max size card you can put in is 8GB I have seen somewhere you can put one in a little bigger, so there for I am wondering what is the biggest memory card that can be put in this thing? I currently use a 2GB one that I had in my former nokia 5310.

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HTC Magic :: Phone Won't Detect SD Card / Why Is So?

Nov 19, 2009

I recently bought a a second-hand Magic, nothing wrong with it but it won't detect my SD card! I plug it in, but nothing happens!
What's wrong with it?!
I can't take pictures, listen to music or watch my videos!

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HTC Magic :: Store My Pictures On Sd Card?

Oct 16, 2009

Ok folks, how do I do this? I'm lost!! I have a few photos on my sd card but I cannot for the life of me figure out how I got them there!!! I've been looking everywhere in camera settings and sd card settings but it won't give me the option to store the pictures I take on the sd card!!

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HTC Magic :: SD Card - CPU Usage And Battery Life

Dec 14, 2009

When my SD card is mounted in my Magic, the CPU usage is very high (90%+), the battery is very warm (34 degrees +) and it drains the battery very quickly (dead in 10 hrs with very min use).

When the SD card is unmounted or removed, the CPU usage drops to 10% or below, the phone is cool and the battery lasts very long.

Does anyone know the reason behind this and how it can be resolved?

I've reformatted the SD card and removed some of the media files not supported by my Magic but still have this issue.

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HTC Magic :: Maximum MicroSD Card Supported

Oct 8, 2009

May I know what's the highest MicroSD card capicity supported by HTC

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HTC Magic :: Replacing Existing MicroSD Card With New One?

Oct 19, 2009

I'm currently started using my HTC Magic phone for almost half a month with my existing 2GB MicroSD card.

I'm planning of upgrade/replace it with a 8GB card instead. May I know is there any special steps that I'll need to follow in order to switch everything (including existing data + application stored in the card) to the new ones? Is it by just copying all the data from the existing card to the new one will work?

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