HTC Incredible : Emails Gone That Are Prior To Reboot
May 31, 2010I have noticed if I do a reboot of the Inc the mail client will remove all of the emails that were there prior to the reboot. Anyone else have this, and know a fix?

I have noticed if I do a reboot of the Inc the mail client will remove all of the emails that were there prior to the reboot. Anyone else have this, and know a fix?
prior to destroying it, I will be taking out the battery and other things I might need. One thing that will be useful until I get something of a larger size nature is the 8GB MicroSD card that came with the BlackBerry Storm One. What I need to know is if there is something I should do like reformat it prior to sticking it in the HTC Droid Incredible. I do not have an adapter to plug it into my laptop, but there might be a way to clear it out from the BlackBerry. I just don't want to "infect" my new phone with the crappiness that is my BBS1 phone.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI added a POP account to my Incredible and it brought in "x" number of messages and marked them as UNREAD. When I log into this POP account on the PC, these messages are all READ. How can I mark them all as READ without having to open each message individually? When I had a Blackberry, it had an option "Mark Prior Opened" or "Mark All Prior Opened".
View 3 Replies View RelatedI got fed up of waiting and decided to root. I decided to go with 3rd wave 2.2 and everything went smooth. Now my question is if I want to try other Roms do I need to do anything special or just download to the SD card and repeat the same drill. Or do I need to do a recovery and or uninstall wave prior to installing a new rom?
View 9 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone else have this issue when setting dates in the calendar or with contacts?
When I set a date, Sense UI brings up a date scroller wheel, where I use a virtual wheel to select Month, Day, and Year. After setting the desired date, I hit OK, and I'm brought back to the previous screen (calendar or contact I'm setting a date for). The field then shows the date I set as being 1 day prior to the date I picked. However, when I save and come back, the date is fine.
Wish I could take a screen shot to make this easier to explain. Not a massive issue, but it gets confusing sometimes since I think I selected the wrong day.
I have the fascinate and always have to power off and on to get my comcast emails to load.Called verizon 2x and was back in store with no help.I can get gmail when this is going on, but my comcast emails do not load unless i reboot the phone.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do you delete multiple emails on the droid incredible at one time?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am currently running MoDaCo 2.5, firmware version 1.5. Been busy the past few weeks with work and what not, so I haven't been keeping up to date with the ROM updates. I checked today and found that the latest version is 3.0 and I have been reading up some threads where I read that apps2sd can be done on the phone itself now after updating to the latest ROM. Can some one give me some detailed explanations on the methods of achieving apps2sd. Would I have to partition the SD card prior to updating the ROM, or would it be advisable to do so after the update?
View 12 Replies View Relatedthere are a bunch of prebundled apps that come with cyanogen I'd like to remove & replace (listed below); is it as simple as removing them from the .zip and adding the ones I want? Also the apps I want to add, can I also include their backup data from the /data folder or does that have to be done after? I think its just as simple as, extracting the zip files, removing the apks, and adding the ones I want, then repacking the zip?
- Apollo with Poweramp
- Trebeck (or w/e it is) with Nova Prime
- AOSP Keyboard with SwiftKeyboard
- a custom kernel (just copy/replace the kernel zips files with whatever comes in cyanogens zip?)
- some others, but you get the gist
- DSP Manager
- Exchange Services
- Email
- News & Weather
- some others (I know about the list(s) of safe apps to delete [1][2])
- Fonts
- Apps that I always install on a fresh install (Titanium Backup, Busybox, ROM Toolbox, etc)
I know about This Thread explaining how to build your own ROM, but I feel like that is more complicated process for (what seems simple) what I want to do.
I want to clean format my phone. Is there a way to save/backup my saved texts in Handcent prior to wiping?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy HTC Incredible shuts down and reboot different times. This happens at all different levels of battery life.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to reboot the phone instead of shutting off, waiting, then turning it back on? Seems I have to do this for my battery to last since froyo, so hoping I can make the process easier.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have had trouble retaining my 3g "mobile" access. It will work fine but then it disappears. I have tried turning it off and back on but the status sits on "turning on" forever. If I reboot, it works fine.
View 8 Replies View RelatedThis afternoon, while scanning the forums. I had my Incredible charging off the AC adapter. and in airplane mode for shits and giggles. After doing some research on the ATK killers. I decided to uninstall mine and just allow the phone to manage itself. After the phone was finished with the uninstall I gave it a quick reboot just to allow the core apps to come back up. and upon doing so, I found myself in an endless reboot cycle. I would get the HTC " quietly brilliant " screen, followed by two verizon wireless screens and then loop back to the HTC screen. I let it loop about 10 times before pulling the battey to stop it.
It's rather odd. After pulling the battery and disconnecting it from the charger, I let it sit for a few minutes, replaced the battery and attempted the restart again. Once again I found myself in the same loop. After 5-6 loops i was finally brought to the OS and everything loaded as normal. Anyone have opinions on what may have caused this?
1. Uninstall of ATK
2. Rebooting while on charge
3. Airplane mode + charge + reset=boom
4. Because I touch myself at night
I got the upgrade to Froyo yesterday AM.Twice during the day it unlocked and I had a msg "Loading" while my icons loaded. Then this morning it did the same thing, but it didn't have the name of the program under the icon, plus my buttons for "Phone" weren't there.So I pulled the battery and it was back to normal.I've never really had these issues prior to the upgrade, but if rebooting is a part of the process then I'm curious if there is a way to reboot without having to pull off the case, separate the back door and pull the battery out. Anyone know?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI rooted using unrevoked 3, installed unrevoked forever & radio update as well as cyanogenmod. now when i go to use the camcorder it freezes the phone and reboots every time. i thought the radio update was to allow the use of the camcorder? any help would be very much appreciated as i am still VERY new to all of this. just been using guides set up on these forums as walkthroughs.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am really gaining ground on understanding my new DI! I have spent hours on this forum and am grateful to each of you. I have a whole new vocabulary!
View 8 Replies View RelatedA while back I rooted, then promptly unrooted when I decided that the pros of the rooting world didn't outweigh the cons...I figured all was fine since my phone was soff.
lately what the november ota update came out I haven't been able to update. I accept the prompt and it says the update will be installed after the required reboot...after the counter counts down the phone doesn't reboot. I tried to clear the storage, I did a factory reset, then I even did the how to downgrade to factory 2.2 ( I was prompted to update again the end result was the same....
I just clicked flash clockworkmod recovery again and it decided to work this time.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow come every time I reboot my phone, my ringtones that I have created and set disappear? I use rings extended to change my notification ringtone and I use the stock ringtone maker in the music app that comes with the phone.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI was running Virtuous 2.6 and I decided to run some tests with task killers/force closing apps, etc and wanted to get back to the stock 2.1. I downgraded to 2.1 just fine, installed the May OTA update, and went to install 2.2 with the file. Instead of the bootloader giving me the option to update, it simply says 'parsing' for about 2 seconds and then goes back to the HBoot menu.
Now when I reboot the phone, it will only boot into recovery and nothing else. I put the 2.1 downgrade back on to the sdcard and tried updating again and it just says 'parsing' and doesn't work.
What's the best way to back up Android phones prior to a complete wipe / re-install of new OS? (back up of sms, apps, data for apps, call log, etc etc...) Early this year it was My Backup, and Astro File manager I believe. Is there something newer or better these days?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I recover my applications from my tablet after I have rooted it. since the stock/original applications takes up 8 gigs of space of my internal memory. I just cannot seem to access/delete those 8 gigs??
I flashed cyanogen 9 to my SGT2.10.1 and it was successful, although I am stuck on trying to recover my applications from the partition internal memory. Of course I have done a variety of steps to recover them and some of the steps I took are:
1. I tried using the spk tool - I really do not know how to use it and I am having a hard time figuring it out .
2. Trying to delete and reformat the internal memory - was not successful since it only erased of what I currently had on the rooted and partitioned memory, thus my original/stock application are still within the internal memory.
3. I tried using applications such - I changed the name to PC36IMG but flashing it lead to installation fail/aborted.
4. I tried recovering them with titanium back up - but the application couldn't see my original/stock applications.
5. Also tried using Astro File manager - Same results as TBU .
6. Deleting the files from my pc via usb- it does not give me an option to reformat it.
My dinc just automatically rebooted and got stuck in the initial white droid incredible screen (before the green htc logo) droid incredible screen. happened for first time two nights ago...finally got it out of this and wiped phone to factory. just today happened again. i was able to uninstal it in between the 5 minutes of working phone i had (kept going into reboot cycle....and as soon as i uninstalled it..this nonesense stopped!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI drove to a friends house last night to see the fireworks. We had to walk about a mile to get to our sitting spot. About half way there (where there was hardly any coverage) my phone reboot. On the way back about 1 1/2 hours later (in the exact same spot) my phone rebooted again. Wonder if/when this issue will be fixed?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI never really had an issue of reboots until recently, before I actually updated to froyo (week and a half or so) I started getting some random reboots.
Now I have been having some major problems, I am not sure if it is related to froyo or not, but i suddenly am getting a lot of more reboots, and when it does it will sometimes get stuck in a cycle of reboots and just keep going and going. Tonight it literally just kept rebooting over 10 times. I battery pulled multiple times and still was doing the same thing. Is there a reason this could be happening?
Yes I have done factory reset since install of 2.2, and actually right when i installed and did factory reset it got stuck in this cycle.
I have talked to verzion and they could not make it reboot so they said they could not do anything at the moment but put a note on the account.
I have seen some others having this problem, but they talk about it being a glitch associated with tower switching? But I think my endless reboot loop is due to heat. I did not have this problem until 2.2. I can just be surfing the web or running any simple app and the phone gets really hot and bam. reboot...reboot..reboot. Have to pull the battery to stop it.
After reading a few other threads, I did the factory reset nd even completely cleaned my external card. I installed all my apps again. Then I used the web browser for about 5 minutes and ..... reboot loop.
Anyone else having this problem? I guess I am just going to have to go to verizon and get a refurb, but then I might also get an SLCD huh? Am I really going to tell the difference between those two screens? Will verizon only replace my phone with another incredible? I am just sick of this reboot thing and don't know what else to do.
I am getting ready to "try" to root my phone and the one bit of info that I would like to save is all the wireless hotspot locations/passwords I have collected. What is the best way to do this?
I am also wondering, I have read several threads on people rooting their phone back one version to the 2.05 I think it was. Why would you do that? I thought I read there is a 2.1 working root correct?
It appears the alphabetical sort setting is not retained on reboot of the Incredible. It reverts to "newest" link sort option, and I have to reselect A-Z. That being said, I've added a "*" (or "_", etc.) at the beginning of the name of each of my most-used 5 or 6 bookmarks, and it positions them, conveniently, at the top of the alphabetized list.
View 3 Replies View RelatedRecently started happening, after reboot my desktop pic is reset to default HTC wallpaper, and my recent bookmarks are gone from desktop Anyone experiencing this mess? also, old uninstalled app icons are back, but when I try to click the phone corrects itself and says "App is uninstalled". If I fix this by hand and reboot, its back to square one..HTC desktop pic, old desktop shortcuts to uninstalled apps, missing bookmarks from desktop.
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