HTC Hero :: Divert Specific Numbers To Voicemail?
Oct 5, 2010I've got the HTC Hero, I want to divert specific numbers to voicemail at all times - is there a way to do this? I'm a total technophobe, so feel free to talk to me like I'm a 5 year old.

I've got the HTC Hero, I want to divert specific numbers to voicemail at all times - is there a way to do this? I'm a total technophobe, so feel free to talk to me like I'm a 5 year old.
Is there such a thing?
I would like an app that would set the divert to different numbers depending on location.
i work/live in a rural area, so i have a hero on one network which at the moment, when i am out somewhere, diverts to another phone on a different network when there is no signal because the network coverage varies so much!
but, the signal in my house is terrible on both networks so i have to divert the hero (main) phone number to my landline as this is my main contact number for business and the answer machine is attached.
it would make it easier for me if there was something that recognized when i was in or out of the house and set the divert accordingly, most of my appointments are noted in the calendar, so even if it was triggered by an appointment or such, that would be enough, any app suggestions?
My understanding is that you can use GV's voicemail service in lieu of the carrier's voicemail, even with a non-GV phone number. I have selected the option in GV to use GV as the main voicemail for both my VZW and GV phone numbers. However, when someone calls my VZW number, they receive a "your call cannot be completed" recording and the call ends. Does anyone know how I can correct this? Is visual voicemail behind the issue?
View 9 Replies View Relatedin my app i want to delete the sms's/calls of specific numbers i am new to android can any body help me
View 1 Replies View RelatedCertain callers will always leave a message saying "it's me, call me back" or something similar that is a PITA to have as a message.
Is there a way to disable calls from certain numbers from going to voicemail?
I am thinking of getting the Epic. But does sprint let you block calls from specific numbers? This is very important to have. If Sprint doesn't, which of the other galaxy S providers allow blocking?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to block text messages from specific numbers? I don't want to receive the message at all.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAny way to block my son's phone from calling or texting specific phone numbers? I want him to be able to add phone numbers and contacts, but be unable to call or text a couple of specific phone #s. Is there a way to do this? I have Verizon but their number blocking service only works for incoming calls, not for outgoing.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI come from the Samsung Moment where there was an option to send specific callers/contacts directly to voicemail without the phone ringing. I've been messing with my new Epic, but can not find this feature for the life of me. Surely it's there somewhere. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
View 3 Replies View RelatedPlease point me at the best call manager, whitelist, firewall app that will let me add a specific number and then send them to voicemail.
View 21 Replies View RelatedCan any one tell me how to programmaticaly divert a call on particular number by
sending the USSD, to divert a call on the number-123456789 we dial
*122*123456789#. it divert the call on to the 123456789.
So, I recently switched from a G1 to a G2 Touch (Hero), and there is one setting that is driving me absolutely crackers. On my G1, in my contacts list, I could press menu and there was an option to "show only contacts with phone numbers," which meant that random e-mail contacts did not show up in the list. I cannot find a way to do this on my Hero, and I can't find an answer anywhere. I know there is a setting to tell it to not sync from Google, but I keep my numbers backed up there, so I DO want it to sync, but SURELY there is a way to set it up so that all of my e-mails aren't visible in my "people" list, short of copying every number to the phone and telling it to only look there?
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhat are the best numbers to put the max and min on?
View 6 Replies View RelatedJust picked up my incredible, and I have two questions....
1. how do i change the email notification to a specific sound? As of rite now, when i receive an email nothing happens (no sound or vibrate).
2. How do I select a specific ring for mms. I know how to select sms, but I cant figure out how to change the mms.
I want to be able to press a phone number stored in the calendar to dial it. This seems like a reasonable request, but I can't seem to do it! Any ideas, or at least a work around?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow we all doing? I just had a quick look on the market but i cant find any apps for a diary! I just need a diary to log where i been at work that day with job numbers etc, anyone know of any?
View 1 Replies View RelatedGot my phone today and am a bit disappointed if i'm honest.First thing, there seems to be a huge lag in the email, is this normal? Am using gmail and i get the email through straight away on the PC but about 15-30 mins later on my phone. Am used to instant email on the blackberry.
Also, i wonder if i'm doing something wrong in contacts. Have set up all my numbers and set the names to be displayed but when they come through some show the email address instead of the name? Can i get round this?
I have had androids for over two years now and am getting more and more concerned every time I download an app and seeing that it wants to READ my SMS message and Contacts.
Is there a way I can disable reading of SMS messages or any one of the other permissions by specific apps, or all apps?
Are we living in a world where any "joe schmo" can upload an app the to the app store and wait for those inadvertent downloads and collect all your personal information, and that's after all the time we spend protecting our identity and personal details?
Received a voicemail on my orange hero yesterday, so dragged the icon down from the top left of screen to activate the voicemail which it did as advertised. Once the phone connected to orange voicemail, the little green android appeared on the screen as normal due to the fact that a call was in progress. I was then given the normal options by the voicemail recorded message, PRESS 1 FOR ect. So here's my question! how the hell do you access the keypad to make the options? Iv'e tried every option I can think of! It appears that you can't do anything if the phone is in a call.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow come some of my contacts phone numbers are appearing all screwed up.In one part of the system they show up as 01######### etc, in another area they show up as 44######### but on Google they show up as 01 or +44 depending on the number but never without the + on the 44.Mainly on the mobiles they will not dial even though I have just texted the same number as the contact shows up correctly. If I try to phone the contact from Contacts I get a number incorrect message but if I phone from the sms I can call them?This has only happened since upgrading to 2.1 Orange carrier.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anybody know if there are settings on the Hero which allow you to block all withheld numbers from calling? I used to have this on my old LG where it would let you reject calls from everyone, withheld, international etc.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just installed fatal1ty's hero rom version 1.4 last night on my rogers magic(a version modified for 32a) and I have a couple questions about the different apps. First of all, is there any way to make it show only contacts with phone numbers? Every time I send a message with gmail, that email is automatically added to my contacts but I don't really want to see it there when I'm looking for phone contacts. It makes my list very long. I know I can do this with apps like aContacts but I want to use the HTC contacts app if possible. Second, I was playing some music and then my lock screen wallpaper suddenly decided to change to the album art. I assumed that it was supposed to do this but then after I stopped playing the music it stayed. I then changed the lock screen wallpaper but it did no good. Finally, how do I add words to my dictionary. The keyboard seems identical to the one that I had as a stock rogers magic except the "add word" button has disappeared.
View 8 Replies View RelatedVoicemail - Google Voice/VZW Visual Voicemail (poll) Which do you use?
View 18 Replies View RelatedI got the Droid yesterday, and I'm trying to use Google Voice *just* for voicemail. However, it seems like I never get notifications about new voicemail, unless the app is open. Also, recorded voicemail is very soft when it's played back, almost too soft to hear.
View 12 Replies View RelatedIt would be interesting to know if the number of people buying apps is growing as fast as the number developing them. Has anyone seen data about either?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a way we can we use the old, automated sprint voicemail recording of "you've reached the sprint voice mailbox of ###-###-####" on the Hero? I don't particularly like that I had to record my own voicemail mailbox greeting when I setup the phone and rather have the basic sprint recording that I've had on every other sprint phone I've ever owned.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to assign a pre recorded voicemail message to my incoming voicemail number on HTC Hero.
1) Can this be done
2) How?
This isn't on par with the sidekick loss of data, but unknowingly missing text messages (across the board it seems) and unknowingly missing voicemails (less common, but still prevalent it seems) is a BIG DEAL. Even after I presumably fixed both text and voicemail issues, tested to confirm on both, I was surprised to find a few hours later that neither were working again! And I've not come close to toughing the 40MB limit Sprint is mentioning. I've had 100MB free on my phone the whole time. That's just unacceptable and means to me that some element of this product was released irresponsibly into the free market before it was ready. If there are fatal flaws associated with the use of task killers, or other 3rd party apps, this needs to be understood and communicated to the consumer.
As much as I LOVE Sense UI and the Hero in general, I'm porting back to my month-to-month Verizon plan to wait out the storm. Losing basic, critical phone functionality is NOT an option for me.
That's a real bummer for me because the Hero is *easily* my favorite phone on the market. Sense UI is forward looking, and I believe a bar-raiser for other companies, Apple included. But as much as I hate to give it up, it does sort of feel good to be back on the sidelines again, free to jump on the Passion (Dragon) or the like in the near future.
How do you do it so that you don't have to enter in the password every time you check your vm?
View 5 Replies View Relatedi've got the european gsm htc hero running on tmobile usa pre-paid minutes. Is there a way I can know when I have new voicemail? on my iphone I had a dedicated voicemail button and it would have a red dot on it if I had new voicemail, I'm wondering if I could get something like this on the hero? The way it is now is I have to call the voicemail contact, and check for voicemail that way.
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