HTC EVO 4G :: Stock Browser Scrolling Slower After Froyo
Aug 1, 2010It seems like the stock browser scrolling is sluggish and less responsive after installing Froyo. Anyone else experiencing this?

It seems like the stock browser scrolling is sluggish and less responsive after installing Froyo. Anyone else experiencing this?
Anybody else experiencing this? The lag is horrible.
View 15 Replies View RelatedHas anyone else been experiencing this issue?The rest of my applications have been running great.I love the new additions of 2.2 but was surprised to see a slowdown in Handcent.I understand that some people have been experiencing typing lag,I have as well but even while opening the application and choosing between contacts I have noticed a great deal of lag.Enough to make me go back to the stock messanger(which could have used some customization options with froyo IMO).
View 10 Replies View RelatedWas pondering if anyone else notice, the stock browser being a tad bit slower (about 7 seconds) with a custom kernel, compared to stock.
Yes i have tried multiple kernels with the same results, i wonder why this is the case, i love the features (unlocked fps/Over-under clocking) of some of the custom kernels , but losing 7-8 seconds is rather annoying especially on 3G. Running Froyo btw.
I couldn't wait for the OTA, so i manually updated from the droid life site. now that i am running 2.2 my phone is so slow its almost impossible to use. whenever i put the phone in standby then start up the phone to do something, it takes approx 10 seconds to repopulate the home screen and approx 20 seconds before i can swipe to a different home screen.
I am obviously not rooted, i do run live wallpaper and only have 2 widgets (beautiful home and calendar) phone ran great on 2.1
I'm finding that the standard browser is way slower when navigating than the Opera Mini beta.Same thing over wifi and mobile. We're talking about 30 seconds in standard browser compared to about 1 second in Opera.What's that about?Is everybody else finding the same thing? It's annoying that Opera isn't quite as complete as standard browser, coz otherwise I'd just use it all the time.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have a Motorola droid (orig) that when you are web browsing there is a bar that comes up on the bottom right with +/- to adjust zoom level. Does this still exist on the Droid 2 Stock Browser?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn android cupcake release note, it said there is an improvement about Browser scrolling improvement. Can you please tell me what is the technique that android uses to improve that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm sorry to double post, but this is very important to me. I am making an intranet website that exactly fits the screen of the device it will be used on (Archos 7 home tablet in this case, Android 1.5).
All browsers (default, dolphin, steel, UC) interpret tap&drag on a website as scrolling. I don't want this. Ideally, I want it to be registered as mouse actions. Is there a way to do this?
I was wondering if this has any advantages over the stock screen setup and scrolling.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI know there are several scrolling stock ticker widgets available but I haven't found one that allows you to interact with the widget to scroll it back and forth as well. Any app with this functionality?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo sprint updated my phone to 2.2 and now when i try internet I get:The Application Internet (process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. [force close]Data works because I can do gmail, facebook, imdb, yelp, etc.. and they all work fine.Any clue how to fix this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for people's opinions on which browser they think is best for 2.2 and why.I've searched and mostly came up with older threads talking about browsers that let you view flash sites, obviously before FROYO.I've experienced a problem on a couple different sites, using the stock browser, where the webpage continuously reloads,so when I zoom in to read something,5 seconds later,the page reloads and it zooms back out.I've tried stopping the page and 5 seconds later,it still reloads. Very annoying, so I was going to try another browser and see what happens.Any thoughts or comments please?
View 26 Replies View RelatedI just got froyo and noticed when I kill the browser with my task killer it no longer defaults back to the home page when I open it again. Also, the history does not clear. It shows it as cleared, but since I can reopen the browser and scroll back to where I have been browsing it is not deleted.Bug, or something with my phone?Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this because a friend of mine said he was not.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just got around to re downloading it after Froyo and doing a master reset and its all different looking now.
View 16 Replies View RelatedEver since I got the Evo, I've been using Dolphin Browser HD -- the combination of tabbed browsing and great features make it an overall improvement over the HTC/Eclair browser.
Now that people are switching up to 2.2, are people switching back to stock for the much acclaimed speed improvements? Have people noticed significant differences between the new Froyo browser and Dolphin HD?
Which Browser do you think is the best with Froyo on Droid? Me personally it would have to be between default and Opera because speed is important to me.
View 20 Replies View RelatedM first Eve before I bricked it the standard web browser would rotate to tall and landscape, now my replacent Evo will only display onway. I looked at the settings and all I see is landscape option mode but I whant both, I'm I messing something here ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've tried a few other browsers but I really like the stock one... the only thing I want to know is, is there a way to close it? With Dolphin you can hold the back button and get an exit screen... doing the same thing with the stock browser only gives you a history/bookmark page? lso I just decided to try the beta of Swype... if you haven't done it yet DO IT!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI like the stock android launcher in Froyo, so since it isnt included i found the APK for it on XDA. It installed fine and everything but when i click the phone icon it says "this application is not installed on your device" or whatever. I'm assuming its looking for the stock froyo phone app. Anyone know of an APK out there for this, or any other way to fix this? I'd like to use that launcher but its kind of pointless if the phone button doesn't work.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI had an issue doing the OTA with Unrevoked3.It can work, but you have to do it manually.First, download the update and save it to the root of your SD card.The official one is floating around somewhere. I can't upload it here - it's 84 Meg.Anyway, all you have to do is boot into the bootloader:
1 - turning off the phone
2 - while holding down the volume up key, press the power button to turn the phone on (DO NOT RELEASE THE VOLUME UP KEY)
3 - when the fastboot screen appears, release the vol. up key. Use the vol. down key to move to <bootloader>
4 - press the power button to launch bootloader. Hboot will do some diags.
5 - Vol. down key to select <recovery>. Press power button to launch
6 - Phone will boot into recovery mode.
7 - Use vol. keys to select sd Press power button to launch. Sit back and let the install do it's thing.
I am also still rooted with unrevoked3
I have not been able to get to run on the stock browser the phone came with. Yes, I have clicked on the activation link to no avail. Has anyone fotten to run on this or any other browser on EVO?
View 6 Replies View RelatedHas anyone been able to refresh their stock browsers? If so, how did you do it. On my Hero would long press the screen and it would give you the option. No clue on the EVO.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've uploaded a pre-rooted version of HTC's latest ROM. This is basically stock with root, except I've disabled the annoying boot sound.It includes radio install you must be rooted with custom recovery. A full wipe shouldn't be necessary if you're currently on an official rom, since this isn't modified from stock. Do a nandroid backup before you install.There's no changelog from 2.09.405.8, but I've noticed my GPS problems went away.
View 14 Replies View RelatedWhat is froyo? This update that people are talking about. is it something I need to do on a stock phone?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for stock froyo kernel. anyone have a link?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a unbranded HTC Desire. I'm still on 2.1 which I rooted 3 months ago. I'm wondering on updating to froyo and keep root. I'm not interested in any custom rom's, I like stock one. The only thing I rooted at first is to install my app's on SD instead of internal memory. My device specs are:
Os: 2.1-update1
Sw: 1.15.405.4
HBOOT: 0.75.0000
OTA 2.2 Stock Froyo Update (Rooted) - xda-developers
View 7 Replies View RelatedSo I upgraded to Froyo last night. Very nice update, amazing how fast this new version of android is. Along with some of the enhancements already mentioned, it seems the stock keyboard is much more accurate and I find my self not deleting so many letters.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo long story short...and a lot of work later.
I rolled back to 2.01 sbf and got the update to 2.2 and it failed. I rolled back to ESE81 (2.1) sbf and got the update...and it failed. I ended up getting FRG22 off another forum and i am updated.
Now I want to find a FROYO SBF file so I can wipe and get a clean install of Froyo.
Do you think one will make it's way into the wild?