HTC EVO 4G :: Difference Between Incredible / EVO4g?
May 26, 2010Can't decide on which phone to get, can you guys give me some advice on which to choose?

Can't decide on which phone to get, can you guys give me some advice on which to choose?
Still debating on which phone to choose, can you guys help me choose?
View 41 Replies View RelatedI have ordered my Evo4G and until recently I haven't heard anything negative about the phone. I wanted to know if real users were actually happy with their Evo4Gs. With problems plaguing them i wasn't sure if i made the right choice on phones.
View 14 Replies View RelatedLatest working version of swype for evo found here. GET SWYPE BETA WITH NO USER NAME OR PASSWORD REQ.
View 9 Replies View Relatedhi does anyone have sound files from htc evo 4g i need them for my droid x.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was thinking of trading in my xbox 360 and getting the new one with built in plan is to cancel my cable and internet and using the EVOs hotspot feature to run my computer and to play games online on my this posible? has anyone done this? do you guys think that the online games will be laggy? will netflix still look good or will it start buffering?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm curious with all the added fee's that are related with utilizing the EVO to it's maximum potential would it be a "worthy" replacement to my existing internet provided by ATT Uverse? What I'm most concerned about is playing online with my PS3...I currently have a 1.5 mb connection and I see what the EVO Hot Spot advertises but do you guys think I can do without my ATT Uverse wireless connection and let this phone do that job for me? Eliminating a monthly bill and adding these new fee's.
View 11 Replies View Relatedi like the sound ringtones and notification sounds on htc evo4g and would like them on my droid x does anyone have the sound file?
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhat is the difference between WiFi and 3G? What is the advantage, if there is one to connecting to WiFi instead of the verizon 3G?
View 13 Replies View RelatedSorry for the stupid question, but I am a n00b when it comes linux. What is the difference between a whole ROM and just a Kernal? I see on the Incredible ROM site you can get a ROM or a Kernal.
View 1 Replies View Relateddifference between a widget and an App?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm sitting here waiting for UPS to deliver my Incredible replacement from Asurion.
I was wondering if there's a way to know if it's a referb or brand new. They told me that they would note my account stating that I requested a new phone and not a referb, but they couldn't promise anything as they just take the next availible Inc (new or refurb) and process the order.
The rep also said that there aren't alot of parts floating around to mass produce refurbs..
So, I downgraded to stock recovery to get the OTA2.2, I had problems doing so, but finally was able to get it to be stock recovery with s-off and running HBOOT .79, would I need .77 to get the OTA or no?
View 25 Replies View RelatedI was using Pandora tonight and it kept switching off between 1x and 3G...Is 1x roaming? I have my phone set to not transfer data when I am roaming (Very Expensive - Past Experience). Do I not have to worry about anything now? Is 1x just a lesser quality connection; the music was still coming through perfect.
View 20 Replies View RelatedI forgot to bring my Droid Incredible charger with me to work. Since the battery was getting low I decided to use my BlackBerry Storm charger on it. The ports are the same, and it goes in without any problems. However, after doing this, it became difficult to unlock. Swiping down usually didn't work. If I was able to swipe down I couldn't get past the "password puzzle." I thought the phone was locked up so I pulled the battery, but it still wouldn't swipe after coming back up. I took the charger out and realized I could swipe again. I repeated this, again plugging the charger in and again I was unable to swipe to unlock. Is there a voltage difference between the BB charger and the Incredible charger? It seems like it was charging it fine. JuicePlotter shows a charge while it was plugged in.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo after reading some other questions on here, I'm still kind of confused about the point of buying the $45 vs. the $30 data plan. What's the benefit of the more expensive one? From what I had understood in the past is that the $45 is if you want your exchange account pushed and synced, which I thought implied that you did not get those exchange features on the $30 plan. One of the big needs I have is that I can get my college e-mails, on an exchange server, pushed/synced to/on my phone.
View 35 Replies View RelatedIs there any difference at all rooting 2.1 or 2.2? I have never rooted before but I want to. I want to root my new 2.2 HTC DInc but I do not want to screw it up if there is a difference.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a class 2 16gb sandisk card, would I notice a difference with a class 6? And would a class 6 card snap photos faster. And with that I mean no lag after the photo is taken.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have seen quite a few posts about FB notifications. However I don't get any of these. But I installed the Android version since the HTC version didn't have an Inbox. Is that why I don't get Facebook notifications, ie is that a difference between the 2 apps? The only notifications I get are emails that someone commented etc.
With the Blackberry version, those emails come in, but the FB app knows to take them over and remove the email so you aren't inundated with FB updates in your email Inbox.
What is the difference between Unrevoked3 and Unprovoked Forever?
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhat is the difference between a nandroid back up and a ROM backup with rom manager? I don't want to make multiple backups if they are the exact same. I'm fairly new to all this but I did manage to root my phone and flash Virtuous ROM with the included custom kernel so I've been learning something.
View 3 Replies View RelatedTrying to set a mp3, what's the difference?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat is the difference between these two:Settings > Wireless & Networks > Mobile Networks > Enable always-on mobile data
- Description: "Uses more power on some mobile networks"
- Message after disabling: "Attention: Disabling always on mobile data may cause connectivity problems in some applications. Please use the manual refresh feature in applications to update online data" Settings > Accounts & sync > Background data
- Seems to be the same as the 4th toggle in the Power Control widget
- Description: "Applications can sync, send, and receive data at any time"
- Message after disabling: "Attention: Disabling background data extends battery life and lowers data use. Some applications may still use the background data connection.".Disabling either one seems to extend battery life. I haven't figured our yet how they differentially affect push email, etc. Would someone kindly explain to me how these settings are different?
A friend called me the other day wondering which was better, the Evo or the DX. I told her that they were pretty much the same phone, but go with Evo for 4G and cheaper plan.But aside from those two things, how are the two phones different? I mean, they really aren't that much, are they? It must be just really little things.
View 2 Replies View RelatedFrom 3.26.651.3 to 3.26.651.6:
Radio is the same (
WiMAX is the same (26023_R01)
Kernel is the same
HBOOT is the same (0.93)
Recovery is updated, though
Quote: Can you see difference from the FPS fix
View 49 Replies View RelatedWhat is the difference between the BFS and CFS kernels
View 27 Replies View Relatedwhat are the differences between bfs and cfs kernels?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat is the difference between:
RUU_Supersonic_1.47.651.1_Radio_2. ase_CL195459.exe ??
These are supposedly stock files for the Evo?
Difference between CFS and BFS kernels? Just wondering if anyone could help me out with this.
View 2 Replies View Related