HTC Droid Eris :: Remove Clock From Homescreen?
Jan 25, 2010Is there a way to remove the clock from the homescreen? Or can I change it to a digital clock - I'm not a fan of that old style flip change clock.

Is there a way to remove the clock from the homescreen? Or can I change it to a digital clock - I'm not a fan of that old style flip change clock.
I have the giant clock/weather widget on my homescreen (the one that comes on the phone when you first get it and the one most people probably use). I have seen animations of this clock on the HTC site that show the digits flipping over. And you would think it would do that anyway based on the design. However, I noticed my doesn't really flip. The digits just change instantaneously. No flipping animation. Is this just mine or is that how it is? I was actually hoping it would flip because I always thought it looked neat.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI have searched in this forum, the XDA-developers forum, and Google at large and cannot find an answer to my question. I would like to know if there is a way to remove the clock from the notification bar. I am rooted (EE 2.0). I have found some devs who were able to remove it from their custom Droid ROMs, and would like to know if it's possible for the Eris. If so, how would I go about doing it?
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy last thread turned into this so I'm just starting over.. How can I do the previously mentioned? Prefer to do on phone. I have the tools ninjamorph, metamorph, and rootexplorer.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a new Alarm Clock/Digital Clock widget because the default one lags. Any suggestions?
View 18 Replies View RelatedI swap the giant clock on homescreen for something much smaller? I need more real estate and cant figure out how to disable it for the life of me. I also like weather but it, too, should be much smaller if there is different weather application.
View 6 Replies View Relatedanyway to remove top right clock?? i think its kind of counter productive to have a beautiful widget clock when there is ALWAYS that clock in the top right... same with the built in widget clock. why why why have it show 2 clocks?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI downloaded Polar clock off of the market, and I can not remove it from my Droid. I cant find it in the market and it is stored in my live wallpapers only. Any one have any ideas.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can you remove the standard battery and clock icon from the status bar at the top?
I've got aftermarket apps for battery and clock so they're redundant.
Does anyone know of a good replacement for HTC Sense UI that can be run on the 2.1 v3 leak? I currently have beautiful widgets and I would like to keep them which is something that I don't think I can do with aHome lite.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a way to remove apparently names from the homescreen and just have the icons. Anyway to do this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just got the eris a couple weeks ago, and then the trackball died so verizon sent me a new one. Now on the new phone when I try to change my homescreen wallpaper, it always wants to zoom in on the image. I'm not sure how to explain it, but it will let me use the full width, but not the full length while looking at the phone with the buttons on the bottom. So I have an image that is 320x480, and it wants to crop it down to 200x200 for example. It zooms in and makes it a square, instead of a rectangle like the screen is. I just want the wallpaper to be what it looks like when the image first opens from the photo album app. But as soon as I try to make it a wallpaper it wants to zoom in and make the photo look dumb.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am looking for a way to remove apparently names from the homescreen and just have the icons.
View 13 Replies View RelatedSomehow I got my phone to go into a landscape mode home screen, I'm running 2.1 v2 and I've had the phone for almost 5 months and I've never seen this happen, and now I can't make it happen again. Turning it on its side does nothing to the home screen. Has anybody else seen this? The phone was just an icon and everything seemed to look fine, like it was meant to be landscaped.
View 10 Replies View RelatedAs it stands, there are 7 different sections of the homescreen on my Eris that you can scroll through. Is there a way to adjust this number or not?
View 14 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to update your photo for your contact when its placed on the home screen? Like I have peoples photos synced from facebook and it updates when I call the user but the photo on the home screen doesn't update. Am I missing something?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIssue with a custom ROM I've been playing around with in an attempt at customizing it to meet my personal needs.
Basically, the custom ROM installation removes old, unwanted .apk's from the stock image it is replacing. This is done by a script/command in the META-INF->com->google->android->updater-script file. Here's an excerpt as an example:
run_program("/sbin/busybox", "mount", "/system");
show_progress(1, 100);
package_extract_dir("system", "/system");delete("/system/app/Launcher2.apk");
However, while the script works perfectly to remove the actual apk's/apps from the device, once the custom ROM is loaded, the old shortcuts (to some of the apps that were uninstalled) remain on the homescreen (these shortcuts are placed there by default by the stock ROM). If you try to tap the shortcut, it simply states something to the effect of "this application is not installed on your device". While these "dead" shortcuts can be moved to the trash bin and deleted from the homescreen, it'd be nice if I could make it so the custom ROM installation automatically does this.
I've tried modifying the Launcher2.apk to reflect the changes I am looking for; but to no avail. In the Launcher2 /res/xml/default_workspace.xml file, I am easily able to specify which apps I do want shortcuts placed on the homescreen for during the installation. But - there doesn't seem to be a way for me to issue a command to remove the old, unwanted shortcuts and these "dead" shortcuts are present nonetheless, despite whatever changes I make to the default_workspace.xml (it does add my "new" shortcuts, though).
Any way that this could be done during the actual custom ROM installation process? And where would I add it to (default_workspace.xml, Android Manifest.xml, framework-res.apk, boot.img...
I'll be getting a new Eris in a couple of weeks and am very excited!I have a question that is kind of random, but I have always liked the very cool 'flip' animation on the analog clock in the Sense UI when the time changes.I was watching this vid that compares the three 'Hero' phones and I noticed that the only phone that showed an animation was the original Hero. The other two did not actually flip when the number changed.Can the flip animation be turned on and off, or does the Eris simply not have a clock animation for some reason?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have the number 2 clock htc widget. but for some odd reason it is giving me the wrong time and date.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI don't know how I did it, but some how I have lost the weather part of the HTC digital clock (the one that comes stock with the Eris).
View 15 Replies View RelatedAfter I got the 2.1 update, I'm missing the clock/weather widget that took up half my home screen. Can't find it in HTC/Android WIdgets
View 10 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to remove the battery and clock from the status bar? I use widgets for both and would like more open space on the status bar
View 12 Replies View RelatedI am running a custom ROM currently that I love and really just want to know if there's a way to dump the clock from the notification bar without flashing a different ROM that offers the capability of doing this. Is there some custom theme apk I can install that will let me fiddle with the stuff in the notification bar? Or is anyone else here running the same ROM I am currently (DocRomV8.ADJP5 w/SetiroN kernel) who knows how to edit/mod the notification bar?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was messing around with the phone. I clicked on the alarm clock widget by accident. Now it is on the front of my phone. I don't know how to remove it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI use the lockscreen, the one who's part of my ROM [ICS] [CM9] KonstaKANG (Android 4.0.4)
In setting is not an option to disable displaying time and date ..
Is there any way to remove the clock and date?
Phone: ZTE Blade
I have Aloysius v12. Running Launcher Pro home. While in clock mode, the T is showing in Celsius. I have the Celsius UN checked, but still it shows Celsius instead of Fahrenheit. Anyone know what is up with this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy alarm clock does not ring when i set it. I do use TasKiller but I don't kill the clock app when I'm expecting it to ring. Its unreliable and its the only thing i absolutely hate about this phone. Is anyone else having this problem? seems like something petty to visit the VZ tech for, but i've been late to work too many times since getting my phone.
View 49 Replies View RelatedI've been using the HTC flip clock with the weather on it and I have noticed that it never flips. When the time changes it just automatically switches and doesn't flip like some say it supposedly does.
View 2 Replies View RelatedNeone kno if by using the standard clock weather widget on home screen drains battery? Or does the weather only update over a period of time? Just wonderin if i should remove it for just a clock and use the weather channel.
View 5 Replies View RelatedLike many others I got tired of seeing the sun at 2am on the HTC clock/weather widget. I installed weatherbug. How do I make it bigger to put on my home screen.
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