HTC Droid Eris :: Left Off Android 2.2 Update List?

Jun 15, 2010

Android 2.2 (Froyo) is official and impressive This one doesnt come as much of a surprise, but its huge news. The newest version of Android Froyo, as in frozen yogurt was officially announced, despite the fact that we�ve known about it and its features for some time know. The big take-aways are that it is scary fast (2-5x faster than Android 2.1 for CPU-bound activity), browser Javascript performance is 2-3x faster than 2.1, there is a new data backup API, Android is more enterprise-friendly than ever, and app errors are now reported back to developers for better tracking and improving their apps in the future. The SDK was updated and devices get WiFi tethering as well. All told, its a big step forward for Android.Google I/O has revealed what looks to be the final list of handsets getting Froyo, they include:
Motorola Droid
Google Nexus One
Droid Incredible
HTC Desire
HTC Evo 4G
myTouch Slide
HTC has also suggested that all HTC phones launched in 2010 would get Android 2.2, and that launch dates for the updates would be released on a per phone basis. Most, if not all those updates will occur in the second half of this year. The upgrade to Froyo is desirable for all Android smartphones due to speed increases, updated APIs and services, the V8 Javascript engine, and new features in Android Market.I went to the HTC website and filled in a tech support request pleading that they update the Eris to 2.2 as with its slower processor it could use the speed increase more than newer phones can.

HTC Droid Eris :: Left off Android 2.2 update list?

HTC Droid Eris :: List Of Known Bugs With Leaked 2.1 Update

Mar 5, 2010

Please sticky if so, and only have problems listed, possible solutions etc.Maybe we can keep the thread from being 12 pages long with people asking the same questions. (Including me).Many of us don't have the time or, patience to look through multiple page threads to find the answer we are looking for.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Scroll Ball - When Go To Home Page Ball Always Pulls To Left And Wont Let Move Any Other Way Besides Left

Sep 8, 2010

when i go to the home page the ball always pulls to the left and wont let me move any other way besides left. its giveing me alot of problems txting and just moveing around my phone.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Way To Tell How Much RAM Left?

Mar 5, 2010

How do you tell how much RAM to see how fast my eris is running

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HTC Droid Eris :: Automatically Scrolling To The Left

Sep 30, 2010

I was up one night, with my rooted eris. Lying in bed, texting my girlfriend because she refused to let me sleep, I thought nothing of it. My phone was plugged in, and I fell asleep on top of it.Now most of the time my phone will automatically scroll to the left.I have reset my phone and tried other ROMs and it's all the same. I read in the forums that there is no fix but that was as of 5-xx-10.So i was wondering.... Is there a fix now or am I going to have to get a new phone?And if i do have to get a new phone... Would it be a refurb or would it be a NEW phone?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Battery Left Widget

Apr 9, 2010

Does anyone else use this widget? its supposed to tell you down to the minute, what time your phone is going to die. ive been using it since last night, and the conditioning is still stuck on rough. does anyone who uses this widget know how long it should take to condition the battery? it says to fully charge and let it run all the way down, and im trying to do that but im also working on some side projects which requires my phone to be plugged into my laptop and consequently has been charging sporadically since about 2, and im worried that this is ruining the conditioning process.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Notification Symbol - Right Next To Vibrate Icon To The Left

May 27, 2010

I have this symbol right next to my vibrate icon to the left. It looks like a cross with a circle around it. . . what is this?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Spontaneously Combust - Left Phone On Car Charger

May 25, 2010

left my phone on my car charger after I got home for about an hour, when I took it off it was burning hot.. looked in system app (thank you OTD) and it said my temperature was 110 degrees farenheit. I'm not familiar with the normal operation temperature so I don't know if this is off the charts or just above normal.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Screen Display Moved To Left And Stay There

May 11, 2010

I'm having a problem with my Driod Eris. It's moving on its own, if I unlock the screen it starts to move to the left and stays there. I try to scroll over it moves back I press the home button and it does the same thing. I've tried powering down taking the battery put nothing seem to work.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Track Ball Doesnt Scroll Left / How To Fix?

Jul 6, 2010

I flashed my Eris GUIDE: From stock 1.5 to the latest root 2.1 and now my track ball doesn't scroll left.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Touchscreen Acting Schizophrenic And Swiping To Left / Fix It

Jan 12, 2010

Hopefully someone has had this problem. My phone has just recently started to have this problem. When I am at the home screen, my phone will begin to swipe to the left by itself even when my finger is nowhere near the screen. When tilting the phone or aggravating the accelerometer, it begins to do it more. Also, some of the icons are selected green by itself (but not actually selecting the icon if that makes sense).

Argh, I really don't want to hard reset (not even sure if that'll fix it).

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HTC Droid Eris :: Home Screen / Cursor Moves Left While Charging

Jul 7, 2010

I have been reading a lot on this issue since my 3 week old Eris has started moving the home screens and cursors to the far left but only when charging. Is there a fix to this I can do myself? I know if I go to Verizon (corp store) they will offer to replace it with a FRU model (refurb) and I will not have that since this phone is brand new. Since being a Verizon customer for 4 years I have had FRU replacements all resulting in a replacement phone that has even more issue's than the one it replaced which then resulted in a multi model FRU to a new phone (Samsung Gleam (2 replacements) to a new Env2 (3 Env's) then to an new LG voyager that lasted 2 years.What worries me is that Verizon has dropped the Eris and if I cant get a new Eris replacement I know they are going to throw the cinder block sized Moto Droid at me.

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HTC Droid Eris : Translucient Box In The Lower Left Corner And Says - Safe Mode

Mar 19, 2010

I've had my Eris sense November, loaded and uninstalled way too many apps, performed hard resets, loaded the 2.1 leak the night it was "found", and even done a couple hard resets sinse then. Had a new one pop up tonight, playing aroung I installed LockBot free. playing with it and Home, the phone got laggy. So, first thing I do is reboot. the phone restarts, but now it has a translucient box in the lower left corner and says "Safe Mode" and none of my Non-Android (ie Sense, Handcent, Pandore,...) widgets are showing up on the screen, let alone working, they just have little boxes that say "Problem Loading Gadget". Rebooted again, "Safe Mode" is gone, but widgets stil not working.....

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HTC Droid Eris :: When Try Texting In Portrait Mode - Acts As If My Trackball Is Stuck To Left?

Apr 2, 2010

So when I try texting in Portrait mode, it acts as if my trackball is stuck to the left, now I used to have this problem only when it was charging, but now it's more often.

Also on my home pages, it will slide all the way to the far left one. And sometimes my messaging app will lag, then force close.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Cursor Jumps To Left Making Impossible To Type Or Access Applications

Oct 12, 2010

When my phone is plugged in my cursor jumps to the left making it impossible to type or access applications that are not on the menu screen all the way to the left. It also navigates itself away from web pages and I think the constant left motion of the cursor makes the phone run slowly. I cant look at maps either.

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Motorola Droid X :: Battery Left Says 70 Percent Left But Battery Meter In Status Bar Showed Full

Sep 30, 2010

Battery Left was the first thing I installed on my phone when I got it. My battery life has been terrible so I've been trying to track down the problem. I woke up today, unplugged my phone and didn't touch it for an hour. Battery Left says I have 70 percent left but the battery meter in the status bar showed full. I uninstalled battery left and installed Battstatt and it shows 90 percent (2 hours later). Anyone else have problems with battery left? I hope this fixes my battery problem.

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Motorola Droid :: App Update Watch List

Nov 11, 2009

There's a few apps that I have found that look very useful but are currently not compatible with the Droid (or with Android 2.0 as a whole). I thought it would be good to have a thread to track apps that are worth waiting on the update so we can be notified when the one we want is available.aSettings - No coming update mentioned on Market description. User Comments state that BT & GPS features do not work on Droid.Feel free to add any apps you've got your eye on and maybe someone else will have more info on a coming update. But please, let's keep this down to a list of high rated, useful or fun apps that are currently not supported on the Droid, and not a huge list of all apps. That thread has already been started. This thread is to track the release of the updates on 'would be' top-apps for the Droid.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Scroll-ball Doesn't Scroll Left Anymore

Feb 11, 2010

So everything is perfect about my Eris except that the scroll-ball doesn't scroll left anymore. This isn't the first time the problem came up. My last Eris had the same problem. It scrolls in every direction except which is kinda annoying as I use it alot more than I thought I would. Should I take it up with Verizon? It isn't a life or death situation but it makes editing sentences in texts a pain.

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Android :: How To Get Right / Left Arrows On Activity To Indicate More Screens To Right And Left?

May 24, 2010

I have a ViewFlipper which contains a few linear layouts.I need to allow the user to flip through them.I've seen other apps which have arrow/triangle indicators on either side of the screen, which, when pressed, flips to the next view in the set.

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Motorola Droid :: After OTA Update / Contact List Is Empty

Dec 12, 2009

After the update I have noticed several changes, 90% have been welcomed & appreciated.Next thing I know I go to make a call from my contact list and there are zero contacts the really weird part is, if I am texting and filling out the to-whom line, it will automatically populate contacts as if my contact list never vanished it may have been coincidental that this took place the day of the update, but that's where u guys come in.let me know if u have had the same issue.

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Motorola Droid X : Can I Update To A Specific PRL List On Phone?

Nov 27, 2010

I got 2 Droid X's last Saturday. If you hold mine and my wife's side by side (in the house), she gets 3G and 3 to 4 bars, while mine is 1X or lower with no bars 90% of the time.

The folks at my local store did a *228, option 2 on my phone and asked me to the same when I got home. Distance between the store and my house is about 9 miles. I did this. Still no help.

So i looked at my wife's phone and the PRL version on her phone is 65169, the version on mine is 52105. Obviously her list sees better towers or something. Is there any way to get my phone to set at that same version of the PRL list? A way to get a specific PRL on the phone?

I get good reception most everywhere else, but the fact that the exact 2 phones have such vastly different reception in the same place is frustrating.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Android Market Featured List

Mar 28, 2010

I hate to compare it to apple, but let's face it, that's all it will ever be compared to.I have an itouch that I used religiously before I got my Eris a while back and as most of you probably know, the apple app store can keep you busy for hours. Every day there are new apps, but most importantly there are always a new list of their featured apps.My question is why for the last few months have we been starring at the same featured apps from android? These include Reality browser, personal assistant, hoccer, google goggles, wordpress, cnet scan and shop, ustream, usaa mobile, zagat, car locator, movies, handcent sms.I could be totally wrong, but it just feels like I've seen these apps all to many times. Is it my phone? Also I wish there was a way to view top-downloaded apps for the day or week.I feel like any new android apps don't have the ability to reach popularity because there is not system for most popular downloads. When you sort through, they're all the same...facebook, myspace, backgrounds, yellow pages etc. etc. etc.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Android 2.2 (froyo) Upgrade List

Jun 14, 2010

Don't start killing kittens this is just FYI -Android 2.2 Upgrade List: Is Your Phone Getting Froyo? PCWorld

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HTC Droid Eris :: Screen Cracked - Unable To Use Menu Or Home Buttons And Entire Left Part Of Screen And More - Keyboard Lag

Feb 23, 2010

So through a weird assortment of events i managed to crack the screen on my Eris. But this is the trippy part, I didnt break the glass but the touch sensors underneath. So now i am unable to use the menu or home buttons and the entire left part of my screen and more. I am unable to unlock my device in anyway that i know(menu button, the slider). Is there any other way to unlock it? I now have 11 unread texts and 4 voicemails that I desperately want to view. Oh and I know some of you won't be happy about what I'm about to say but.... I took the leap to the moto droid. I had the chance to get it on a 1 year because I didnt get insurance and I went for it. I will really miss my Eris but the keyboard lag was just killing me.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Way To Have List By Last Name First?

Dec 12, 2009

just got my eris the other day and liking it a lot. one question i have is there a benefit when you add contacts to use either google or phone as the setting. from what i see google backs up on the gmail contacts and the phone does not. is this correct. any other things. is there a way to have it list by the last name first instead of first?

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HTC Droid Eris : How To Get List Of ROM's?

Aug 27, 2010

So now that I know how to root.. I just need to know what are some very good fast/customizable ones out there? Ive heard of evil eris, froyo?

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Unlock Slider Suddenly Changed From Left-right To Right-left

May 16, 2010

I love the phone, but the other day the unlock slider suddenly changed from left-right to right-left, and I'm right handed. How do I change it back ?

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HTC Eris :: Rooting And Scroll Left

Nov 10, 2010

Does rooting your phone fix the ghost scrolling left?

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HTC Droid Eris :: No Lag - List Of Features?

Dec 25, 2009

I disabled it, and the phone performs the way it should. Fast, no lag anywhere. Stable. I am sad. To get a good phone, I have to turn it into a Droid? So is there a comprehensive list of the Sense features?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Planner/To Do List APP?

Feb 13, 2010

I have used the search button on the forums and went through numerous topics only to find topics about astrid and other apps that syncs with google and what not, i even tried googling for a good planner app for the eris but have not yet found one.

So i am looking for a student planner or any kind of planner app that i can write things i have to do. Such as "work on essay", "volunteer at 4", "golf", " go to orientation", "work out this day" etc. I dont need anything to sync with anything i just want something simple to use where i can delete and re add things i need to do.

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