HTC Droid Eris :: Google Maps Package File Was Not Signed Correctly

Jul 20, 2010

I can't apply the market updat - just rooted. Never had this problem. I was on leak 2.v3 and did the new root method. Worked okay, would like to just go back to stock If I can.

HTC Droid Eris :: Google Maps package file was not signed correctly

Motorola Droid X :: Package File Was Not Signed Correctly

Jul 18, 2010

New Moto Droid X here. When attempting to install the new 5.0 version of "My Verizon" app I get this error when installing. "Installation error, Package was not signed correctly. I have rebooted and all that good stuff still not working. And there is no way to uninstall and reinstall being that this app comes factory on the x.

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Motorola Droid :: Installation Error - Package File Was Not Signed Correctly

Mar 18, 2010

i just installed an update to google maps. then i tried to open the maps and a screen popped up that says: Installation error: package file was not signed correctly.
This same exact thing popped up in google maps when i first opened it after flashing to smoked glass v6. but it worked fine. this time though it just made me reinstall google maps and it will not install. whats going on?

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Android :: Installation Unsuccessful - Package File Was Not Signed Correctly

Apr 6, 2009

I published my app on the market, and when I first tried installing it from there, I got the 'package file was not signed correctly' error. Uninstalling the unsigned version I was testing with let me install from the market with no problems. However, from the comments, it looks like no one else can install my application.

I've put other versions up that worked, and I used the same certificate, so I'm pretty sure it is not an issue with the validity days for the certificate.

The name of my application is Bloxors. It will be going up and down as I try to figure out what the issue is here, but if someone else who is getting the error can debug it it would be greatly appreciated.

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Android :: Published Apk Gives Error - Package File Was Not Signed Correctly

Mar 25, 2010

I recently uploaded my application to the android market however it's refusing to run when downloaded due to the error

Package file was not signed correctly

I first published the packet using eclipse, right click export, creating a keystore then publishing, however it refuses to work.

I then downloaded the keytool and jarsigner and used them to sign an upgrade which I posted instead. However this gives the same error.

And since I cannot delete the application I cannot try and start again,

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Android :: Google Maps - Package Not Signed Properly

Apr 13, 2010

Anyone else have this problem? Tried to update Google Maps from market, got the above error. See under my username (to left) for specs.

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Android :: Youtube App Not Installing - Error Installing - Package File Was Not Signed Correctly

Oct 21, 2010

I have tried to update the default youtube app on my nexus one (Froyo) numerous times. I get the message "Error Installing - Package file was not signed correctly". I am trying to upgrade from 1.6.21 to 2.0.26.I have tried unmounting my SD card, clearing the cache for the android market, the download manager and the original youtube app.

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General :: Package Was Not Signed Correctly?

Feb 13, 2014

I've uploaded my first apk to Google Play, made with processing 2.03.

I used this guide to sign: http:[url].....After a few hours, when the app was visible, when trying to install, I get the "package was not signed correctly". I'v tried it on another device rather than the one used for testing and I have the same issue.

1. is there a way to test apk's faster? It could take up to 12-24 hours for the new apk to be updated on Google Play, and that's what I have to wait to see if I now signed my apk correctly.

2. can you download the app and see if you get that issue?

3. does it matter what information you input when you create the release key using jdk? I mean, does google check against information you use in your Google Play publisher's account and then gives that error?

4. is there an alternate way of signing my apk?

I am using win 7 64 bit, latest jdk7 at the time of writing, latest android sdk with just api level 10 installed, latest version of apache ant (installed manually).

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Android :: Users Getting Package Not Signed Correctly

May 2, 2010

A small percentage of our users are getting a package not signed correctly error when installing our app that was downloaded from the Market. They can't re-download from the Market, so we are having to get them to download and install it from our site, which works fine. It seems to happen to maybe 1% of our users, and only for our paid app, not for the free one (at least that we've heard of, naturally the paid users are going to contact us more than the free ones). I'm guessing it's a problem when the download is corrupted for some reason, but in that case shouldn't the Market let them re-download it and try again? Anyone else seeing this? You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to android-developers To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers+ unsubscribe For more options, visit this group at ttp://groups. /group/android-developers?hl=en

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Android :: Package Is Not Signed Correctly Error On Customer Install

Feb 11, 2009

A customer wrote me that his upgrade of my app would not install and gave the following error: package isnot signed correctly The install worked find for me but I was getting a lot of bad reviews because of this error and I removed the app. How is this possible; you can't upload an app to Google Markets without it being signed correctly?

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Android :: Export Signed Application Package Not Working

May 23, 2010

I am using Windows XP and Eclipse to develop. I updated everything today, the new sdk, the new adt etc. After that, when I tried to "export signed application package", nothing happened. If I click "export unsigned application package", a dialog box showed up. Anything i missed? How can I fix this problem? - You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to android-developers@google To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers For more options, visit this group at

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HTC Droid Eris :: Eris And Google Maps My Location

Nov 22, 2009

I recently purchased a Droid Eris for my wife. When you start Google Maps on her phone it pins "My Location" as somewhere in Northern India. Additionally, the weather HTC clock/weather widget on the home screen is showing weather for that location. The only way that I can get it to detect the correct location is to turn turn off cellular/wifi location detection and use gps exclusively. I have seen one or two posts on the Verizon forums claiming that the Eris is incapable of determining location using the cellular network and will only work with gps outdoors. I have looked through the forums here but can't seem to find any similar posts. Is anyone else having this problem with the Eris or could it possibly be a problem with this particular phone? I am hoping it is just this phone in which case I can take it back and exchange it for another one. After showing her so many different apps on my Droid that use location detection to give local information, it would be a shame if these will only work outdoors with a clear view of the sky.

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HTC Droid Eris : Since New Os / Google Maps

May 13, 2010

Since Whenever I got the new google maps, I think I got the new OS OTA...

Well when I get a call, I pick up, and NOTHING. JUST REBOOTED.


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HTC Droid Eris :: GPS / Google Maps Not Working?

Jan 18, 2010

After working well for the first month or so, it looks like GPS is not working very well for me. I'm not sure what changed. I now, when using the locate feature in Google Maps, often find myself in the middle of the Pacific off the Social shore. I usually try to remain on land when possible, though. Or it my randomly 'telephonist' me a few hundred yards off in some direction, then I'm back withing seconds. But a lot of the time it's not able to really locate me well at all. I think the network locating is doing 'k', but GPS is failing pretty bad lately. The icon shows GPS working, and I try disabling and re-enabling it. But that doesn't help. Anyone else having issues with GPS accuracy? Any apps that can help 'fine-tune' the GPS?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Directions In Google Maps

Mar 9, 2010

I am looking for a way to keep my screen from blacking out and going to the lock screen when using the directions in google maps. I am sure I missed a setting somewhere. Is the only way to achieve this is to go to settings and click the never time out option?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Google Maps Location

Feb 12, 2010

My Location on Google Maps is about 3 miles off my actual location. Is this normal? I don't know how some of you use it for directions when your actual location is this far off.

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HTC Droid Eris :: No GPS/BSOD In Google Maps

Jun 17, 2010

I.e.: 50% bug, dialer issues, no sound bug, 2.1 OTA update probs, etc. Despite this, I'm really liking my phone. One positive aspect out of all this has been that I've gone from knowing absolutely nothing about the ins and outs of the Android OS, to feeling really comfortable and relatively knowledgeable (I pick this stuff up quick). And I think I really like Android, arguably more than the iPhone OS.

One of the things that has worked very consistently is the GPS and maps functions. I've been using them together quite a bit and continue to marvel at how well the Maps and Navigator apps have worked with the GPS antenna. Anyone who's had a Verizon smartphone over the last few years (BlackBerry, Palm Pre) can probably feel me with the GPS _never_ working.

A few hours ago, I turned on the GPS antenna and loaded maps, and it took a far longer time than usual to lock on to my location in an area it has found me in with no problem before today. Eventually (a couple of minutes probably), it displayed my little blue triangle avatar, but the background went completely blue. It stayed blue as I zoomed in and out, quit maps, force closed the app, reset the phone both by powering down and by pulling the battery, uninstalled and reinstalled from the store, and disabling all the "labs" buttons. I might have done a couple other things I don't recall, but I think that covers it.

Also, trying the GPS in the only other app I use with GPS--Weather Bug--didn't yield any results either. It was updating the data, but not the location. I haven't downloaded/installed any apps for a couple of days.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Google Maps And Navigation

Feb 1, 2010

Can the Eris do the Navigation like the moto Droid does?

Found a Eris for free with new account and that fits my price range!

Moto Droid is still $120 out of my range!

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Android :: Can't Find/import The Library/package?

Jan 3, 2010

I'm learning via a few books w/downloadable code. One of the examples I'd like to get running won't even compile because the IDE can't find/import the library/package, which I found odd since I have everything possible installed that the SDK offers. The book info on the publisher site was not helpful either.

I'm using Eclipse (build 20090920-1017) with the ADT 0.9.5 plugin. SDK is fully updated (all available packages installed, including android 1.1 api 2 rev. 1 through android 2.0.1 api6 rev 1, and google apis 3 rev 3 through 6 rev 1.)

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HTC Droid :: Google Maps Not Working On Rooted Eris 2.1

May 24, 2010

So as the handle suggests I need step by step directions to do anything involving a computer. I took a jump by rooting my eris, and now I have a problem and don't know how to fix it! which is frustrating, but it is exactly the reason why I rooted in the first place! To have a reason to learn this stuff! So here I am reaching for help. The problem with my phone is that when I open google maps and type two or three characters on it it force closes on me. 50% of the reason to get this phone was for google maps. It could replace a gps with longer battery life than 4 hours which means I can leave the house and ride all day without having to plug it in. Any way I have tried turning off the phone, turning it back on, and clearing the settings on the application then turning it off again. still I get a force close message. It is using 2.1, but I am not sure which version it is using. would updating to a newer rom like 2.1 v3 help? if so how would I go about it?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Google Maps Using 90 Percent Of The Battery

Apr 8, 2010

When i check my battery usage its saying that Maps has been using 90 percent of the battery. Its been doing this the last couple days even with me charging it at night. I didnt use maps at all today and its not showing up in my app manager as running, or a newly downloaded task killer. Its not really affecting my battery life which is weird and doesnt make sense. So i was just wondering if anyone else was having this problem(sorta more like inconvienence)?

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HTC Droid Eris :: New Update Can Do Google Maps Navigation?

Dec 15, 2009

Am I correct in thinking that the new update can do Google Maps Navigation? If so how do I download it?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Google Maps My Location Accuracy

Dec 10, 2009

Anyone have an accuracy issue? I just opened it for the first time and it shows my location as a good 1/4 mile away. Of course it does state accurate to 1400 meters.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Way To Store A Point On Google Maps?

Dec 31, 2009

Is there a way to store a point on Google Maps on the Eris? I would like to hike off in the boonies and use it to guide me back to where we are parked.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Can't Seem To Locate Google Maps Places

Jul 27, 2010

i updated my google maps but i can't seem to locate 'places'.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Google Maps Eating Battery

Aug 12, 2010

Google Maps is taking up all of my battery life after using navigation. I've tried backing out instead of using home when on Maps. I always use 'Exit Navigation' when closing Navigation. I've tried killing the task. The only thing that has worked is restarting the phone.

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HTC Droid Eris :: App Brain And Google Maps Update

May 3, 2010

I have app brain installed on my eris and it keeps telling me that google maps has an update but when I click it to update it nothing happens. Is anyone else having this problem? or is there really an update and i just cant do it?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Voice Recognition On Google Maps

Nov 8, 2009

Does anyone know how to use voice recognition on google maps on the droid phone? According to the tv adds, you can say a street address in lieu of typing it in.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Alternate Route In Google Maps

Feb 26, 2010

Looking through the searches I can't seem to find anyone who has asked this question before and maybe this is being addressed with the 2.1 update. When I'm in the Google Maps application and I've entered my start and end point the route it give me is on a toll road or a highway I know to be very slow because of traffic. I know that when I'm using my computer for directions I can drag the line to add a via point / alternate route. Is there a way to do this in the current Google Maps on the HTC Droid Eris?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Google Maps On 2.1 (Alternate Route)

Mar 8, 2010

I was playing with Google Maps after the 2.1 update and on one occasion for a trip a screen came up that listed (3) different routes with the total miles and time for each route. One was for I295, one for I95, and one was for US202. Since then I can't seem to replicate that screen. Any answers? Suggestions? UPDATE: Found the answer. After selecting Navigate for a route, click Menu and a screen will come up with (3) symbols on the bottom. Left most one is the Symbol for Navigate, the symbol with a couple of arrows is the one to PRESS. This will give alternate route info that you can select. UPDATE AGAIN When I tried again, the option I mentioned above was grayed out and no longer works. I'm not sure what is going on.

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