HTC Desire :: Messages - Calls & Internet Fails To Fully Load

Sep 1, 2010

the internet often fails to fully load the page I request, even when the display at the top is indicating 3g/3g+. The web address bar will half load and then stop and the only way to get the internet working again appears to be by turning the phone off and on. It does this 3 or 4 times a day. Also, whilst on the topic of internet problems, Google will often look to have loaded, but the location bit under the search box will never appear, nor will my default email address at the bottom of the Google homepage. When this happens whilst I can type in the search box, clicking the search button does nothing and can only be remedied, again, by turning off and on. This also happens a couple of times per day at least.

Secondly, since weekend, my phone has been 'crashing' (for want of a better word) mid-way through text messaging (very annoying if it's a long message as it doesn't save any progress). The screen will go black, signal will drop to nothing with a cross through it and then I'll be returned to the screen I was in previously. The same happens during calls - the phone will hang up, call will end, and the screen will go black with a line through the middle of it. I've had the phone since May and, as it's Orange branded, is still on 2.1. To be honest, overall I'm becoming fed up with it - seems to have more problems than it does positives at the moment, but I'm stuck with it for a while yet it would seem.

HTC Desire :: Messages - Calls & internet fails to fully load

HTC Desire :: Internet Connection Failed To Load Data With 2.2

Sep 10, 2010

I would like advice from those with 2.2 on Orange. I've had my Desire for 2 months now and love it-apart from one thing-the damned Internet connection. Quite often, with a strong 3G+ (HSDPA) signal, my internet connection fails to load data. Then, a few minutes later, in the same location, it works perfectly. I know for a fact that this is not a network only problem. The reason I know this is because I previously used the exact same SIM in my iphone for 6 months in the very same locations and it always worked perfectly.

Therefore, my strong suspicion is that the problem is a result of the combination of the Orange branding on a Desire and the network itself. I'm sure I read of a couple of posters here who had the very same problems and when they moved to 2.2 the problem disappeared. Can anyone confirm? I've been waiting patiently for the Orange update to 2.2 but am getting fed up and I'm concerned that the Orange bloatware may still cause an issue after this. Hence, I'm considering a debrand and update myself.

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Android :: Adding Data To Intent Fails To Load Activity

Apr 11, 2010

I have a widget that supposed to call an Activity of the main app when the user clicks on widget body. My setup works for a single widget instance but for a second instance of the same widget the PendingIntent gets reused and as result the vital information that I'm sending as extra gets overwritten for the 1st instance. So I figured that I should pass widget ID as Intent data however as soon as I add Intent#setData I would see in the log that 2 separate Intents are appropriately fired but the Activity fails to pick it up so basically Activity will not come up and nothing happens (no error or warning ether)

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Android :: Video View - Fails To Load File From SD Card

May 5, 2010

I have an activity that uses VideoView and MediaController. I have a .mp4 file. When I put the file in res/raw folder, I can play the video using Uri.parse("android.resource://<package>/" + R.raw.id_video)
However, when I put the same file in the filesystem, it plays properly. I use videoView.setVideoPath("/sdcard/myfile.mp4");

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General :: Android Fails To Load WiFi Access Login Page

Aug 20, 2010

When I try to connect to my University's network , the my Galaxy S is able to connect JUST fine. However, when I open a browser it says the incoming certificate is not secure and then I have NO INTERNET on any page. It tries to redirect me to the login page for the network but fails to do so with a "communications error" and subsequent no internet access of any sort.

What the network is supposed to do is redirect me to the login page so that I can register the device to the network and login using my university account. My phone can't do that apparently and just sits connected to the network with NO INTERNET connectivity.

This is the university network and the instructions how to get on it for Android devices: [URL] .... I connect to it just fine but am UNABLE to get to that device registration/login page.

This is NOT just for my university. ANY public network which requires me to accept an "agreement" before it lets me have internet access, my phone KILLS ITSELF and CANNOT pull up the agreement page but instead tells me there is no internet. I'm SURE its a software problem or something with settings but can't figure out just what it is.

Just about the only networks I can connect to on Wi-Fi are home networks.

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General :: Internet Connection Fails After Trying To Call Via Skype?

Apr 7, 2013

I have HTC Desire Bravo Gingerbread, Win7. I'm sharing my connection via Virtual Router Manager v1.0. I can successfully connect to internet and surf. I can even sign in to skype. But When I try to call someone via Skype (call someone to their phone) it just kindda blocks internet connection. neither call works neither surfing the net works. But connection works on my laptop.

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HTC Incredible :: Are There Any Fully Stable Fully Featured ROMs Out There?

Sep 30, 2010

I rooted my phone back before 2.2 came out. I've played with CWM, made Nandroid and Titanium backups, removed bloat and installed most of the root only apps. What I haven't done yet is flash a ROM. This is mainly because it seems that while there are a crap ton of ROMs being developed out there all of them seem to either not be fully stable or are missing some sort of key feature (camera, videocam, bluetooth, LED, internal storage, etc).
Are there any ROMs that you folks are currently using that's stable and has all the features of the phone working? If not, what's the closest one that you've found?

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HTC Desire :: Fully Charged - Or Not?

Nov 1, 2010

I wondered if anyone else had observed this and come to the same conclusion.Obviously, when the Desire is fully charged, the LED goes from orange to green and I assume it starts trickle charging to protect the battery.HOWEVER, if a "high current" application runs when the phone is trickle charging (even just having the screen on - like after the alarm has gone off) and the phone is drawing more than the trickle charging supplies, the battery supplies the rest. Thus, when you unplug it, the battery monitor re-evaluates the state of charge and it is (sometimes) way below 100%.So, I've got into the habit of a) blanking the screen again after the alarm has gone off b) unplugging the phone for a couple of minutes and then plugging it back in to check what charge it really has (and giving it a chance to charge up to 100% again.I suspect there is a bug lurking in there in not switching back to full charge rate if the battery has lost charge.

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Android : Load Class From Internet Filesystem In Phone?

Aug 30, 2010

Is it posible to load a class from the internet in Android? My app would download a class with some data, save it on sdcard, and then load the class. I want this because loading data via classloader is much faster then from a file.

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HTC Incredible :: Messages Slow To Load

Jun 7, 2010

I currently use the SenseUI Messaging App for SMS. I had tried HandscentSMS but ultimately decided to go back to the SenseUI implementation, due to the way the app displayed the notification when I unlocked the phone (under the unlock slide bar). I've been texting the a certain special someone quite often, somewhere in the neighborhood of 1000+ messages at this point. I notice, that when I want to bring up her thread, the phone slows down and it takes a 10-20 seconds to come up. Other threads, take only a second or two to load. I assume this is because the HTC app is effectively trying to load all 1000+ messages. Is there a way to limit the amount of messages viewable or a way to archive the messages to my sd card?

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HTC Desire :: Battery Not Charging Fully Only Charge To Between 90-95%

Apr 19, 2010

Has anyone had a problem with there battery not fully charging? mine will only charge to between 90-95%

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Motorola Milestone : Internet Cutting Out - Have A 3G Or H Connection But Doesn't Load Anything

Sep 8, 2010

I'm using my Milestone fine and everything, but there's a small problem. Sometimes when I'm using the Internet, it'll say say I have a 3G or H Connection but doesn't load anything? The same happens on the Android market, it'll stay loading a list of Apps for ages and will tell there's a trouble with the connection, but then 2 minutes later it'll be fine. Using a T Mobile sim in Motorola Milestone.

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Motorola Droid X :: Load Any Gmail Messages From Other Folders

Sep 10, 2010

I have new messages but it just keeps saying loading conversations but they never show up in my inbox. I have it all synced up but the messages just don't make it to the inbox. It also won't let me load any messages from other folders.I did a battery pull but that didn't fix it. Any other ideas?

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Android :: Email On Phone Load All Messages Like Outlook?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a hotmail account with a lot of saved messages...not sure why, but I keep them. Anyway, I want to synch with my droid, but don't want to waste space on the droid with the old messages. My question is...does the email app work like Outlook and download all the messages to the phone?

Also, if I forward my emails from hotmail to gmail will that accomplish my goal to get new messages without wasting space.

Sorry for a dumb question, but I am not sure exactly how this stuff works.

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Jelly Bean :: Hangout Load Messages And SMS Very Slow

Apr 3, 2014

I do not know why Hangouts load and show messages and SMS very slowly and it take long time to load it.for example I must wait for load one message or SMS.

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HTC Desire :: T Mobile Faster Internet Speed Settings / What Is Your Internet Speeds?

Jul 7, 2010

Right basically you can find the UK T mobile internet settings on the T mobile website. On the Speed Test app, the highest speeds I get are 1.8m/bs downloads and around 500kpbs upload. However, those were at off peak times at night etc (probably when nobody is using the net).Generally I get anything from 0.3 m/bs to 0.9 m/bs though. Lately I've been experiencing some inconsistent internet speeds and reconnection attempts so for I've gone back to the default settings. Tbh though I'm not sure if it makes much difference.

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HTC Desire :: Battery Indicator LED Not Turning Green When Fully Charged

Sep 28, 2010

Over the last few days the battery indicator LED stays orange instead of turning green when the phone is on charge but has fully charged.
The phone is switched off and left on charge over night, for the last 4 months since Ive had the phone when I get up in the morning the battery indicator LED has turned green to show that the battery is fully charged, as it should do. Its just since the weekend it now stays orange. The battery is charging as well as before, and when I switch it on in the morning its at 100%, so why is it staying orange when its fully charged?I was wondering if anyone has come accross this problem before and has any idea where the fault would lie. I dont personally know what exactly would be causing the handset to not detect the battery is fully charged? Also if the phone isnt detecting that the battery is fully charged could it cause any problems if it carrys on charging instead of cutting off the charger after its fully charged?Apart from this the phone is working perfectly and my battery life is pretty good for a Desire from what ive read online.

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HTC Desire : Put Apps On SD Card With 2.2 Update / Battery Not Fully Charging

Nov 9, 2010

I've had my HTC Desire for about 2 weeks. I have searched through the forums for info...but between threads getting off track or just not understanding anything, I thought it would be easier to ask basic questions about my particular issues.

1) What is root? I have the 2.2 update, I am happy enough with HTC and my carrier (Telus) and I don't need tonnes of room right now.

2) Speaking of room, I try to put my apps on my SD card with the 2.2 update but only Google Earth and Night Sky are able to do it. All of my icon packs etc. wont go to SD. I'm pretty sure I have lots of room left so I dont think this is a huge issue.

3) Battery issues. I didn't do the first full charge as I had to use the phone asap when I bought it. I don't have much going on with my phone, no active wallpapers, just weather toggle and clock, text and a few phone calls, check a couple websites, maybe a video here and there, and sometime use GPS for maps. I keep my screen on zero percent and I soft touch the power button to go black screen when i'm idle. I turn off gps and wifi when not using them. With that said, I cant keep the phone idle and off charge overnight without it going to zero. After a charge I lose 10-20% in the first hour. I have never lasted a day on a full charge.

4) After playing around with customizing my phone with icons and widgets I am done. All I need this phone to do is make phones calls, text and check my favorite websites. I use my tracks when I go running and listen to music when I run. Thats all I want it to do. Its a phone so I would love if it could keep a charge in case of an emergency. I was late for dinner the other night because my battery died and I couldn't even call to say I was late! so....

5) What do you recommend I do with my phone to keep it as basic as possible and powered up?

6) What are the key apps to make this the best user experience?

7) When in my pocket I lock screen but once I found that I had 23 unsuccessful attempts to open screen from jiggling around in my pocket lol. Is there anything to help me with that?

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Internet And Other Media Features Refuse To Load Up Home Screen

Dec 28, 2009

This is really pissing me off. I turned my phone off and now when I turned it back on it stays in the bootload android screen. If I press the cube button it goes to cube and then I'm able to navigate around to internet and other media features but it refuses to load up the home screen. Is there anything I can do without having to do a hard reset. I don't want to reload all my apps over again.

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Samsung Captivate :: Internet - Wont Load Web Pages Or Facebook App On Home Wifi

Nov 21, 2010

For some reason today my phone wont load web pages or facebook app while im on my home wifi. I have never had any wifi problems before this. Actually the only problem I have had is sending and receiving picture messages. Anyone know what may cause this? The phone says its connected and full strength signal also.

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HTC Incredible :: Phone Messages Loading Slowly / Anything To Load Them Faster?

Aug 11, 2010

I have had the Droid Incredible for a month and a half now and my text messages are filling up. One girl I have 2500 messages from and the loading is pretty slow. Its pretty annoying waiting to reply and everything else on the phone is lightning fast so I was wondering if you guys have any suggestions on how to have them speed up or settings that would help. Please tell me anything that would make these messages load faster.

P.S. I understand deleting the messages will make it fast but erasing them takes way too long and its annoying. Also i need a lot of my messages.

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HTC Desire : Root Phone And Get Back To 2.2 Fully Operational With Sense Interface?

Sep 6, 2010

So here is my question .
Can i root the htc desire and, after that, get back to android 2.2 fully operational with sense interface?

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Android :: Unable To Start Activity - Load Home Screen Or Show Notification During Calls

Dec 18, 2009

Has anyone been successful showing a notification, starting an activity, or loading the home screen *during* a call on the Droid? All three of these actions can be done with the emulator running 2.0, but will not run from the Droid. I don't receive any type of notification that these actions fail on the Droid. Although, every action works when a call is *not* active. Missed calls during a call *do* show up in the notification bar, so I am hoping there is a way.

I understand that the notification bar can not be accessed by users during calls, but it would be nice if a notification could at least be delivered. I also understand the security and usability concerns of displaying a window or action during phone calls. Although, there are a lot of users who would like actionable functionality based on calls.

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HTC Desire :: Htc Sync Fails

May 17, 2010

Have had no issues at all with the phone since i have owned it, but this morning it has decided it no longer wants to synchronize with my windows 7 ultimate installation. has been syncing fine daily for 2 weeks, i select the sync option on the handset, it sits for 1min "finding htc sync on your pc". then get error "unable to find htc sync on your pc. please make sure sync is installed and opend on your computer" etc, htc sync is running and open, and the device is not mounted by default. its not a usb connection error, as i can mount the disk drive and copy files etc. so suspect drivers are ok. i first made sure i was running latest version of the htc sync software, by downloading the latest and installing again. (i haven't removed and clean installed yet) 2.0.33. i also rebooted the device by removing the battery. i do also sync with an xp machine, so i will give this a try later, i suspect it will work, my money is on it being a PC issue rather than handset. although cannot think what has changed over the weekend to effect this.

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HTC Desire :: HTC Sync - Always Fails

Jun 28, 2010

I am in the process of trying to de-brand/flash my desire, but keep constantly coming up against the same problem, HTC sync. I open it on my PC then plug in my phone, set it to HTC sync and it tries to find htc sync on my PC, it always fails to do so, i have installed the latest HTC sync from, tried changing USB ports but it always says that its unable to find htc sync on my PC..... I think this is the reason i am unable to make a gold card. So has anyone got any suggestions for me? I need this phone de-branding I cant believe what Orange UK have done to my phone!! The Internet icon is changed from the stock icon to their own orange world icon I want to be in a position to root my desire if HTC refuse to update to 2.2 without a gold card i cant do that.

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HTC Eris :: Bypass Calls - Internet Only . Possible?

Oct 30, 2010

I occasionally like to use my Rhapsody application to stream music for coctail parties. The only trouble I have is I'm always afraid my music will get interrupted by a phone call and knock out the song. IS there a way to turn off calls to have uninterrupted streaming of music without worry of a call coming in?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Can Still Recieve Texts And Calls / But No Internet

Jun 6, 2010

Ive only had one problem with my evo so far. while disconnected from the 4g network, an running on the 3G, i am unable to access the internet at all. i can still recieve Txts and calls, but no internet. anyone else have this problem?

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HTC Desire :: Global Alarm Fails To Go Off?

Jul 9, 2010

Did anyone else's Desire alarm fail to go off this morning? Four of us (so far!) in the UK had the same failure and were late for work as a result. Could be a problem with JuiceDefender app maybe? I think it's the only non-standard app that my girlfriend and I both have installed.

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HTC Incredible :: Can Surf Internet / Data - But Can't Make Calls

Aug 31, 2010

so i was installing the thirdwave rom and while i was restoring my backups (MyBackup) i may have restored some sort of system files, however even after doing a nandroid restore, i still can't make calls, but i have a data connection.

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Samsung Moment :: No Internet While Making Phone Calls?

Mar 29, 2010

So I'm at work (I'm in the Army), and someone who recently got a Droid was asking about not being able to browse the web while in the middle of a phone call. Someone else who had an iPhone said they could do this. But the person with the Droid tested it, made a phone call and was not able to bring the browser up.

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