HTC Desire :: Battery Not Charging Fully Only Charge To Between 90-95%
Apr 19, 2010Has anyone had a problem with there battery not fully charging? mine will only charge to between 90-95%

Has anyone had a problem with there battery not fully charging? mine will only charge to between 90-95%
I've had my HTC Desire for about 2 weeks. I have searched through the forums for info...but between threads getting off track or just not understanding anything, I thought it would be easier to ask basic questions about my particular issues.
1) What is root? I have the 2.2 update, I am happy enough with HTC and my carrier (Telus) and I don't need tonnes of room right now.
2) Speaking of room, I try to put my apps on my SD card with the 2.2 update but only Google Earth and Night Sky are able to do it. All of my icon packs etc. wont go to SD. I'm pretty sure I have lots of room left so I dont think this is a huge issue.
3) Battery issues. I didn't do the first full charge as I had to use the phone asap when I bought it. I don't have much going on with my phone, no active wallpapers, just weather toggle and clock, text and a few phone calls, check a couple websites, maybe a video here and there, and sometime use GPS for maps. I keep my screen on zero percent and I soft touch the power button to go black screen when i'm idle. I turn off gps and wifi when not using them. With that said, I cant keep the phone idle and off charge overnight without it going to zero. After a charge I lose 10-20% in the first hour. I have never lasted a day on a full charge.
4) After playing around with customizing my phone with icons and widgets I am done. All I need this phone to do is make phones calls, text and check my favorite websites. I use my tracks when I go running and listen to music when I run. Thats all I want it to do. Its a phone so I would love if it could keep a charge in case of an emergency. I was late for dinner the other night because my battery died and I couldn't even call to say I was late! so....
5) What do you recommend I do with my phone to keep it as basic as possible and powered up?
6) What are the key apps to make this the best user experience?
7) When in my pocket I lock screen but once I found that I had 23 unsuccessful attempts to open screen from jiggling around in my pocket lol. Is there anything to help me with that?
i noticed since going to 2.1 my battery wont fully charge. it stays plugged in on average 7 hours while i sleep and each morning its been around 90% full but no more. i know the battery will charge and discharge a little while charging but this one doesnt wanna go any higher.
View 9 Replies View Related1. My battery will never fully charge. Stays at 90%
2.pandora sounds messed up. All other music apps soumd fine but the bass is messed up coming through headphones or a stereo.
3. The button on the headphones tha came wih the phone does nothing. Why is it there?
4. No 3d games. I had an iphone with a 400mhz processor that ran games, why did I upgrade to something that can onlybplay games like tetris and bejewled.
5. Sometimes my phone just randomly shuts down for no reason and will reboot to the screen where it shows the android screen.
6. Terrible battery life
7. The camra is bad, and the camcorder sucks. I miss the palm pre camera: (
8. Why doesn't the light come on every time I open the keyboard? Sometimes I have to open it 2 or 3 times what the fish?
Overall I still like this phone but idk I feel like they soulda fixed some of these problems by now.
9. I have to edit posts cuz I can't type >.< lol
So i got this issue I plug my phone into the wall charger, i got to bed, wake up in the morning, and the phone is charged @ 96% and has stopped charging. then on my way to work, i plug it into the car charger, and it charges it to 100%. anybody know whats up with that?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've rooted my phone and patiently waiting for some custom roms and such. Does anybody know if the roms or froyo update will address the charging issue with the incredible. I hate having to shut off my phone to get a full charge, and that extra 10% makes a big difference.
View 39 Replies View RelatedMy specific device is a GSM Galaxy Nexus.
So, I have 3 batteries for my phone. 1 stock (1750mAh) and 2 extended (2000mAh). No I don't need all that juice... its a story for another time. Anyway....
Lately when I charge a battery in the external charger (using a USB cable and the wall plug supplied with the phone) the battery will not fully charge. The LED on the charger will change from red to green (Usually I charge the battery overnight, or while I'm away at work during the day). However when I put the battery in the phone, it will show somewhere between 80%-90% charged.
1) Would a 100% drain and charge reset the battery's "fuel gauge"?
2) My phone automatically powers off at 6% (which is fine, needs enough juice to save current settings and power down properly). Is there a way to truely drain the battery down to 0%? (I'm thinking of some kind of low-voltage lightbulb or LED connected to the positive and negative terminals should drain that down to 0%. Is this recommeneded or is it fine just running it down till the phone powers off?
Normally I try to plug my phone in and charge (or power off and swap batteries) once they hit about 40%-60%. I'm only interested in doing a full drain to see if that will get these batteries to fully charge in the desktop charger. Besides I've read from a few sources that it is GOOD for the battery to do this once in a while (Fully drain, charge to100%) to properly maintain them.
And as a side note, charging the battery in the phone (either with the wall plug or from USB cable on my computer) will always result in a 100% charge, which makes me thing the issue is with the desktop unit itself (perhaps faulty circuit that cuts off charge current when it thinks its full ?)
I called HTC and told them my battery will not fully charge unless I plug & unplug my phone several times. They said there wasn't a hot ticket about this issue and offered me a replacement battery. I suggest everyone call them and let them know this is problem. 8664498358 I refused the battery as I do not believe it is the issue. I told the rep that I just wanted to make the issue known. I suggested everyone call to let them know there are several people with this problem, not so you can try to get a free battery. I also called Verizon to order a spare battery, then I ordered a separate battery charger from to deal with this issue until it is fixed. Shame on you to those who thought they could "steal" a battery from HTC.
View 49 Replies View RelatedI seem to have a charging problem with my new HTC desire - I only got it today. Basically when i opened the box and set up the phone the battery charge level was at around 25% full. Im in the UK but i got the phone from the US over ebay, so it didnt come with a UK mains adapter however i have an ipod mains-USB charger (that the USB cable plugs into) which i thought would charge it up by using the USB cable that came with the phone and plugging it into the ipod charger.So i plugged it in and the LED light lit up orange on the phone and the animation came on showing that it was charging so i turned the phone off, but when i checked and turned it back on after a few hours of the phone being plugged in it was still at 25% battery when i unplugged it.I assumed it didnt work because i used the ipod charger so I tried charging with just the USB cable plugged into my computer with the phone turned off, a few hours later its still at 25% charge. It hasnt gained any battery charge past 25% (it did loose battery when i had it unplugged but only charged back up to 25%)Does anybody have any ideas on what the problem is, is it because of the charger im using with it being US? I just bought a UK HTC official charger from the internet so I hope that will work.
View 10 Replies View RelatedOver the last few days the battery indicator LED stays orange instead of turning green when the phone is on charge but has fully charged.
The phone is switched off and left on charge over night, for the last 4 months since Ive had the phone when I get up in the morning the battery indicator LED has turned green to show that the battery is fully charged, as it should do. Its just since the weekend it now stays orange. The battery is charging as well as before, and when I switch it on in the morning its at 100%, so why is it staying orange when its fully charged?I was wondering if anyone has come accross this problem before and has any idea where the fault would lie. I dont personally know what exactly would be causing the handset to not detect the battery is fully charged? Also if the phone isnt detecting that the battery is fully charged could it cause any problems if it carrys on charging instead of cutting off the charger after its fully charged?Apart from this the phone is working perfectly and my battery life is pretty good for a Desire from what ive read online.
HTC desire users. I often charge my phone rather frequently like once it twice a day. Sometimes I charge even when the battery is only half full as I am going out. Will this spoil the battery or phone? (If I charge when the battery have not been all used up).I heard from people that it might spoil the phone if I charge in this manner frequently.
View 13 Replies View RelatedI need to know how long does it take to fully charge your Evo out of the box for the first time? Reason being I have a 09:00 appt to pick up my Evo and cannot start charging it until around 10:00. I have to be at work at 1400 (2:00pm) so I do not want to interrupt my first initial charge if that is not enough time.
View 24 Replies View RelatedWhich one the best way to charge battery?Wait Until Battery below 10% or less Charge battery ever time we want (example battery still on 50%, because we need to carry on travel we charge it until it 100%)Charge Battery each morning/day whatever battery status is (below 10% or not).
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy question is now my phones rooted is there any way to change the charging thresholds i.e.Rather than getting to 100% and stopping charging till it drops below 90% can it be changed to say 95%.Just curious really, or do any of the custom roms change how the phone charges.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI know there's been quite alot of talk on battery life etc and this is not really about tips for extending battery life or such, but what I wish to know is when is best to charge the battery on the Desire?Sometimes I hear that discharging the battery completely before you charge it is bad for it, and other times I hear its the best thing to do.I've had my phone a couple of weeks now, and after doing this a few times already (I now charge it every two days) I wanna know whether its better to just charge when it gets low on charge rather than keeping on discharging it before I begin to recharge.I know the iPhones and iPods benefit from doing half-charges rather than full charges all the time, but what would you say is best in the case of a HTC?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've been charging my battery for about 4 hours now and it seems to be stuck at around 80-85%ish. I have no idea why, any suggestions?
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy X10 has been charging over night, then it stops at 93% in the mornings... I have to unplug the charger, and the put it back in to get to 100% charge...It's been happening everyday for 3 days now... Starting to worry me...9 hours of charge not enough?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI usually charge my phone overnight, so plug it in and let it charge until i get up on a morning.However I'm noticing when I unplug it, the battery drops almost instantly to between 96 and 91%. I'm thinking this is a case of overcharging? Its just happened to me now, so I've turned the phone off, let it charge and as soon as the orange light turns green I'll unplug it and turn it on and see what happens.Anyone else any experience of this? I want to charge overnight, but if its going to give me a worse battery life by doing so.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am not 100% sure if it will improve battery life either but it wont hurt to try.
1. Power on your Desire then connect to your Charger and Fully charge until the LED changes Green.
2. Disconnect your phone from the charger and then power off.
3. Reconnect your phone to your charger with the power off and wait for the green LED.
4. Disconnect the phone from the charger and power it on.
5. Once the phone has fully booted / ready to use power off again.
6. With the power off connect the phone to the charger and wait for the green LED.
7. Disconnect from the Charger then power on and use normally.
I'm sure there are over a thousand topics on this....but when I first got my Desire (3-4 weeks ago), despite poor battery life, it would alway at least receive full charge by indication of the green LED, via the wall charger.
I've noticed in the last week or so, that even after 8-10 hours on the wall charger, the LED stays amber never goes green, and never receives a full charge (settings, about phone, battery).
Also, while on the wall charger, it would suddenly stop charging and "USB Debugging" would start flashing at the top. I disabled that in the mean time.Anyone have any suggestions?
I'm getting a lot of conflicting opinions. Matchup:
1. This site strongly recommends that you charge your battery before activating it.
2. Other sources have noted that you should start it up and use it until it is mostly drained before charging it.
Does anybody have any scientific evidence to support one theory over the other? What are the consequences of letting it drain before charging if you side with #1?
I cant find any app that automatically turns off your phone after your phone is done charging, or after a set amount of time its fully charged..does anyone know of such an app? does it even exist?
View 7 Replies View RelatedSoftware number 1.21.405.2, For some reason I don't get the green fully charged led since updating the phone's software, is this just coincidence? This is while charging from my PC's USB.
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy Droid wall charger stopped fully working this morning, and Im not sure why. It may be either that the charger is broken or the port is. When I charged the phone this afternoon on my car charger, it worked fine, but I did notice once that the input piece for the car charger is slightly wider than the wall charger, and the wall charger has seemed to fit loosely in. I cant tell if anything is actually wrong with the silver input piece on the wall charger. Should I buy a new wall charger or take the phone to Verizon to get the the port possibly fixed if that is the issue? Can they even fix the port?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI had the phone set that when I was charging the phone the screen stayed on. Now I have done a reboot I can't remember how to set it like that.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI got my SLCD Desire 2 days ago, and so far the battery sucks, I have not even managet to get a day out of it, standby is not so bad but if I decide to play a 2d game like robo tower defence then the battery will plumet, today I charged the phone to 100% overnight, unplugged at 8AM, did not even touch it till 1PM, its now 5:45 and I have played some 2d games, browsed the internet with wifi and made about 15mins of phone calls and its on 22% how can I make that last till like 11PM?
View 33 Replies View RelatedI've got a number of particular questions, and having read all the threads I can find, there's still a couple of things i am not 100% on. 1. Would any micro USB 1A charger be safe to use with the phone? It's just I'd like to have a spare charger to take with me when at work/away on business, and having found that just USB from the PC is far to slow, I wanted to make sure it was ok? 2. Is regularly (daily) overnight charging ok? It's just that i have read it's not great to leave it on charge once it's full. That seems problematic to me if a overnight charge = 7 hours charging, but the phone only needs 3 hours to charge at least 90%. 3. I seem to get about 20-22 minutes of heavy usage (Wi-Fi on, browsing / using apps) to 10% of the battery at the moment. The phone is only 1 week old though, am I likely to see an improvement, and if so what sort of one?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe back of my phone feels hot when I've been charging it using the USB port on my computer , but with the normal mains charger it's fine (the *#*#4636#*#* battery status thing shows the battery temperature at 30 degrees after 30 mins of charging and the back feels hot also). I checked it was cool before I plugged it in, and it feels hot across the area where it says "with HTC Sense" in capital letters. Also, I'm using the "charge only" option on the phone.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have had my Desire for about 3 week snow. I absolutely loved it at first but am becoming increasingly frustrated. Main problem is the battery needs charging so often. I have done all the things suggested, dimmed lights, changed wall paper,turned off internet etc., but after playing a few games and making a couple of calls back to the charger it goes.
Now, today I went to send an sms and it says phone is full and won't let me send a text.! What's with that? 3 weeks old and it's full? I'm in shock. I have deleted as many msgs as I can and deleted some apps I don't use but still I can't send a text or open one. I really don't know what I can delete and now think this is going to be an eternal problem. This phone has turned from a huge delight to a huge disappointment for me and I haven't even paid my first bill.
Had the phone for around 10 days now and thankfully I am starting to get more and more use out of it, especially after tweaking some settings and what not, and over the past 2 days I am closing in on getting 24 hours from one charge with what I consider fairly heavy use (well heavier than what I used my old Pixon and that needed charged daily). The one thing that is bugging me though is this, I put the phone on charge before I go to bed, I wake up and it is around 90% (give or take a few %). Now I realize that the phones doesn't trickle charge but when I check the drain on juiceplotter, at the same time every morning, it drains.
5am-5:30am it goes down 10% or so, with out fail. It loses the charge in around about half an hour, meaning when I get up in the morning I need to pop it back on charge for a bit to get it back up to 100%. Not a huge hassle but it is irking me somewhat now. When I check programs running etc, there is nothing untoward on the go that isn't on during the day. I half though the phone was not sleeping during this time but after 5:30 the drain stops and it goes back to normal.