HTC Desire :: An Error Had Occurred While Fetching Data

Sep 2, 2010

The Facebook app on my Desire doesn't seem to be working. A couple of days ago I couldn't refresh the "Notifications" page, it gave me a brief message about an error. Now I'm getting the same message on the News Feed page

"An error had occurred while fetching data. [101/Invalid API Key]". I'm on T-Mobile, if that helps.

Anyone else having this issue or any advice?

HTC Desire :: An error had occurred while fetching data

HTC Incredible :: Facebook App Error Message - An Error Has Occurred While Fetching Data

May 7, 2010

I'm having some problems with an error message I'm getting from the Facebook application that came with the phone. The message im getting is "an error has occurred while fetching data [malformedJSon]". This is when I go to new feeds. Anyone else having this issue or know how to resolve it?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Go To "news Feed" Error Occurred While Fetching Data / What Is Going On?

Aug 20, 2010

Anytime I go to "news feed" an error comes up that says "an error occurred while fetching data [null]

Anybody know what is going on, or having this same issue?

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HTC Desire : An Error Occurred While Saving Data To SD Card

Nov 13, 2010

I have tried on 3 occasions today to update to froyo with no success. Thing is when my Desire goes to save data on my SD card I get this message; "an error occurred while saving your data to your SD card, the backup cannot be completed."

Can anyone advise me as to what to do as I can't proceed any further. By the way my Desire is sim free if this in anyway helps.

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Motorola Droid X :: FB App - An Error Has Occured While Fetching Data

Aug 24, 2010

The last couple of days i have been having a huge problem with my FB app. It keeps telling me "an error has occured while fetching data" or what ever it says i never up graded to the new app. Every thing else on my phone works normal. Does anyone have and tips or idea on what is going on? i'm rooted as well and have been for the last month.

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Motorola Droid :: Facebook - Getting A Message - An Error Has Occured While Fetching Data

Mar 18, 2010

When I open facebook app and click on "news feed" I am getting a message "an error has occured while fetching data"

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HTC Desire :: A Network Error Has Occurred - Market

Oct 11, 2010

Is anyone else experiencing this annoying error regularly when trying to use the Market ?

"A network error has occurred. Retry, or cancel and return to the previous screen."

I've been getting this for the last few weeks both on wifi & 3g, always when I have good connectivity on both voice and data.

I can see a few posts about it on the net going back to last year (none with any solutions) but I just wondered if it's affecting people on-mass (if so then it's obviously a network issue as it says).

I can usually hit Retry a few times and it eventually works but it can take several attempts.

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Android :: Fetching Data - Responsebody - HttpClient In An AsyncTask And Returning Data

Mar 16, 2010

How I'm able to do what I've written in the topic. I've looked through many tutorials on AsyncTask but I can't get it to work. I have a little form (EditText) that will take what the user inputs there and make it to a url query for the application to lookup and then display the results.

What I think would seem to work is something like this: In my main activity i have a string called responseBody. Then the user clicks on the search button it will go to my search function and from there call the GrabUrl method with the url which will start the asyncdata and when that process is finished the onPostExecute method will use the function activity.this.setResponseBody(content).

This is what my code looks like simpliefied with the most important parts (I think).


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Fetching Some Data From Database Using Json Webservices?

Jan 25, 2012

am developed one am using json webservices for fetching data from database...Here am used dis coding part:



dis is successfully worked in localhost..then am connecting my coding means its displayederror in logcat..the error is json array exception not converted to json array it is diplayed..i konw my coding part having ly it is displayed...

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Motorola Droid :: An Error Occurred

Aug 15, 2010

I'm running 2.2 and have rooted with easy root. I'm stuck here though. When I try to run 'flash clockwork mod recovery i get this message: an error occurred while attempting to run privileged commands' When I try to install a ROM from the SD card (lithium for example) nothing happens...

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Android :: Periodically Fetching Data (polling) From Server

Aug 31, 2010

I working on the app where I get the data from the server using rest call and add it to the view. I get all the initial data correctly. I use AsyncTask for doing it. Now I want to periodically (say 2 mins) fetch the new data from the server and add it to view.Periodically fetching data (polling) from the server in Android.

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HTC EVO 4G :: ROM Manager - An Error Occurred While Flashing Recovery

Sep 3, 2010

I rooted my stock 2.2 Evo a few days ago and have been loving CM6 on it. I had Clockwork Recovery installed and finally got used to using it. I read that ROM manager was a nice graphical interface to CWR so I went to check it out. Unfortunately I couldn't do anything at all in it. Every time I tried to do anything it said I needed Clockwork Recovery installed. This confused me because it already was installed.

I would try to install it anyways, I would select "Evo CDMA" and then it would fail every time. I decided I would try to install Amon-Ra instead, and then just flash back. ROM Manager was able to flash Amon-Ra easily, but now still gives me an error every time I try to install Clockwork. I'm still new to the whole rooting scene and this is the first problem I've run into. Also, I already tried Fixing User Permissions.

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Android :: Fetching Data From Internet In Background And Showing ProgressDialog Or ProgressBar

Jan 21, 2010

I am developing an application which require accessing a website for data, and will show that data on device. I wants to fetch data from Internet in background and show ProgressDialog or ProgressBar on
device and when application receive response from server app will dismiss the dialog or bar and will show data .

For this i am using AsyncTask -

code for AsyncTask is as follows--


And calling this code as follows--


But ProgressDialog is not shown.(I guess the reason for it is the thread is not complete and android invalidate only when thread has completed).

My Questions-
1- If my guess is right ? If yes then how I should implement it?

2- If there is any other better way to do this?

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Fetching Data From Mysql Database And Display On Android Edittext And Spinner Box?

Jan 30, 2013

I have to develop one android native application.Here i have to fetch the value from mysql database and display on android edittext and spinner box.

I have to run the app means the value is fetching from database and displayed on android edittext.but not display on spinner box.How can i display the value on android spinner box fetching from mysql database.I have used the below webservice code:


public class DisplayProfile {
public String customerData(String Username,String Bcountry){

String customerInfo = "";[code].....

Why am getting the above error?how can i resolve the above error ???? how can i display the fetching data on spinner box list on first item...

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LG Ally :: ROM Manager / Error Occurred While Downloading In Development List

Nov 21, 2010

When I go into ROM manager and click download ROM it says "error occurred while downloading in development list".

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Motorola Droid X :: Clockwork Recovery - Error Occurred While Downloading

Sep 11, 2010

So I flashed back to sbf then rooted. Now I downloaded ROM manager and tried to boot into clockwork recovery through it to update back to 2.2. Well, every time I click "reboot into recovery", it just restarts my phone. I've tried clearing cache, uninstalling and reinstalling rom manager but nothing will boot into recovery. I've tried downgrading to a different clockwork mod recovery, but it gives me the error message "an error occured while downloading your recovery".

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HTC Incredible :: Downloading Applications Via WiFi - Server Error Occurred?

Jun 25, 2010

I just got HTC Incredible, but am still using my blackberry storm and need to for another week or so - do not want to convert prior to the company moving to google mail. Anyhow, I managed to skip the activation and am playing with the phone on WiFi only - problem - I would love to play with some apps, but cannot figure how to get them to my phone! Googling it did not help me, and all I can see is what the apps are, not how to download them. Going into the "Market" app gives me "A server error occurred".

How the heck can I get some apps and play more with the phone prior to activating with Verizon. So far I am rather impressed with this device! Seems like the hardware/OS works very nice! Browsing, doing email some other things over WiFi is blazing fast, and in general the phone interface seems very nice and intuitive! Way better than by BB Storm! Sorry if the answers are out there - I just did not manage to find the right ones.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Clockworkmod - An Error Occurred While Flashing Your Recovery

Nov 12, 2010

I installed ROM Mananger to make Nandroid Backups. Attempted the first step "Flash ClockworkMod Recovery" and keep getting "An Error occurred while flashing your Recovery".

I then installed Titanium Backup and updated to the latest BusyBox, the tried again. error.

Tried to reboot and uninstall ROM Manager and reboot again... still error.

Tried to flash older versions of ClockworkMod. error.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Activesync Error Occurred On Computer Running Exchange Server 2007

Jun 11, 2010

Yesterday I noticed that my corporate email (i.e., Activesync) were no longer being synced to my HTC Evo (running Android 2.1). A little troubleshooting revealed the following: I could still send emails from the Evo via the synced account. My synced calendar and contacts continued to updated without error. I believe my company is running Exchange 2007, but I am not sure (and since the help desk does not officially support syncing to non-Blackberry phones, I doubt they will help me details or troubleshoot). In any case, a little Googling revealed that: This error is not specific to the HTC Evo (it happens on other Android phones).

A few folks reported that the error occurred seven days after Activesync was initially configured on their Android phone, and would reoccur approximately every seven days. In my situation, the only unusual item to note was that my mailbox had reached capacity on the Exchange server sometime during the period when my phone stopped syncing. However, freeing up space in my mailbox did not resolve the problem. In the end, I resolved the problem by deleting the Activesync account on the Evo and re-creating it. After doing that, all emails synced successfully.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Error Occurred On Computer Running Exchange Server

Oct 15, 2009

I am having the following issue with Exchange. When I setup the phone initially, I was able to synch my email, contacts, and calendar just fine. However, I started noticing that my emails had a delayed vs my computer. My Hero was syncing only every 5 minutes or so (I do have selected the option to get emails as they arrive). Eventually, I went to settings, data synchronization, exchange activesync, and there is an error message that says 'Error occurred on the computer running the exchange server'.

It also seems that it hasn't synced the contacts and calendar in a while, apparently it stops after failing to sync email. The funny thing is that I am actually do getting new emails just not as they arrive, but as I said before, every 5 mins or so. Another thing is that If I click on Synch now. I do not get that error message and it syncs mail, contacts and calendar just fine, but again when it tries to do it on its own, the error message comes up again.

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Motorola Droid :: Market To Update Apps Get The Message A Server Error Has Occurred

May 11, 2010

I've been getting an error message all day. everytime I try to go into the market to update apps I get the message "A server error has occurred. Retry, or cancel and return to the previous screen." I can hit retry 42 million times and it will not connect.

I've rebooted, pulled the battery, cleared the cache, I even tried uninstalling the market updates; figuring that it would connect and I could re-update, but nothing has worked.

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HTC Hero :: Cannot Find Page In The Browser Or A Network Error Has Occurred In Market Or Other Apps

Dec 3, 2009

Ever since I've had my HTC Hero, the internet connection has been really flaky. That is, about half the time it works ok, but with a slow start, and the other half it doesn't work at all, and comes up with either a "cannot find page" in the browser, or "a network error has occurred" in Market or other apps.

I bought into the Hero thing because I wanted a mobile internet device and my iPhone wasn't cutting it with the lack of Flash. But at least my iPhone always worked!

The problem I'm having is this:

No matter whether I'm on wifi or not, browsing for a webpage in any of the available browsers (standard, steel, dolphin), has a delay of about 5 seconds, and then either starts loading the page, or comes up with some kind of "page not found" error. This happens with all websites, including the home page of google, which isn't exactly big or unreliable, except on my Hero.

Also, any app that uses an internet connection, such as Market, more often than not comes up with "a network error has occurred". Clicking "retry" rarely works.

Now if it was just through wifi, I would think it might be the setup of the routers that I've tried it on, allthough I've tried it on 3 completely different types of router, all with same symptoms.

I've also done much testing with wifi switched off, and still the same issues.

I could understand it if it just didn't work ever under either wifi or other, but sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.

I have done my wifi tests while sitting right next to the routers, with maximum signal reception being indicated.

Ok, so it tells me that "a network error has occurred". Is there some way of finding out exactly what the error was? Was it a timeout, or a DNS error, or what?

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HTC Magic :: "A Network Error Has Occurred" / Stopped Connecting

Jul 15, 2009

Until two days ago, my magic connected to my home wifi fine. Suddenly, it stopped connecting. It does show the wifi icon as if it IS connected, but whenever I open up the browser, or the market, or meebo etc. it acts as if it's not online. The market, for example, tells me that "A network error has occurred."Curiously, I do still get gmail notifications (I don't think that happened through my provider today, cause I'm on pay-as-you-go and all out of cash). My router is an awful BThomehub 2.0 which I can't change for a number of stupid reasons. I tried changing the channel on the router but no luck. Whenever I try to connect through using WeFi Connect, it tells me that it can't verify the connection. The only two apps I have which can fiddle with the wifi settings are the wifi on/off gadget and the aforementioned WeFi Connect, both of which I had when my wifi was still functional. Once again, I did not change any settings at all either on the router or the magic when my wifi stopped working properly.

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Motorola Droid :: Clockworkmod Recovery "An Error Occurred While Flashing Your Recovery"

Jul 5, 2010

Just rooted yesterday, and everything was running great... untill I installed Simply Stunning v4.3. I went to make a back up and found that I cannot access my recovery, it was stuck at the M. Now Rom Manager says that if this happens, flash a different recovery then flash clockwork back. Here is the catch- When I try to flash a different recovery I get this, "An error occurred while flashing your recovery."

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Gmail Stopped Fetching Emails

Feb 25, 2010

after going quite some time without any gmail issues, it's back again. My gmail account has suddenly stopped fetching my emails. Of course this happens when I'm away from home with no access to my gmail account other than my hero. When I go to my gmail webpage and settings on my hero, I noticed that there wasn't the option to manually fetch mail. Then I remembered that you had to change the gmail address to http instead of https due to some security issue they had. But when I try to do this via Dolphin on the hero, I can't seem to find a way to change the web address to http.

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HTC Desire :: Error 131 - Customer Id Error

May 11, 2010

I have created my gold card, copied the to the root of my SD card. Switched the phone off, hold down the back button and switch on. i then go through the process of updating the ROM , it gets the point of updating the signature and then i get a message: Error[131]:CUSTOMER ID ERROR

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HTC Desire :: Track / Stop Data Usage - Ways To Conserve Data?

Aug 23, 2010

I just signed up for these forums because soon I will be an HTC Desire owner in Canada. Having never owned a smartphone before I do have a few questions. The plan I intend on signing up for is the Telus Student 40 and that will come with only 100mb of data. Now I don't see myself being too data using heavy so I feel like I will be able to live with it. However I do have some questions regarding my data consumption.

1. Is it possible to completely stop all data usage by somehow disabling the data connection if I find myself reaching my limit?
2. What are ways to track my data usage to make sure I don't use too much data?
3. What are good ways to conserve data usage? I'm getting the feeling that there are some applications that will constantly be sending data back and forth updating themselves, is it possible to have these applications but stop them from constantly updating and only have them update when I want to access the application?.........

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HTC Desire :: Does Auto Sync And Background Data Needs Always On Mobile Data?

Aug 18, 2010

If "always on mobile data" is disabled, will this have any affect on programs that are set to auto sync with back ground data enabled(Face book, twitter etc)? I'm trying to work it out but lots of people say different things?

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HTC Desire :: Using Telus HTC Desire On Rogers Network - No SIM Card In Phone - Error

Oct 8, 2010

I just got an HTC Desire that was locked to Telus (Canadian Carrier). I have read that numerous people are using it on Rogers network. From the day I got it when I put my rogers sim card in (the right way) it said "No SIM card in phone" so I could not enter an unlock code. Thinking the SIM was defective went to Telus and tried one of their sim cards and it worked fine, then I went to Rogers thinking it was a problematic card. We tried 4 cards and none of them worked. I then went to Bell (another canadian carrier) and tried their sim card. It worked as well but said that the phone was locked. I purchased an unlock code from the internet which worked. Now the Bell sim card works as well becuase the phone is unlocked. I put my Rogers SIM back into it and it still sais "No SIM card in phone". I also tried a SIM from a european company and it did not work as well. This HTC Desire works on the same 3G 850/1900 GSM that Rogers uses.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Data Connection Error

Jun 23, 2010

I rooted and flashed the latest Fresh ROM last night. Everything worked fantastic until about an hour ago I started getting this error: Data Call Failure Error Code 67 .Registration failure. Your PCS Vision username and/or password may be incorrect. Please try again.

I saw some other threads upon googling but they were for other devices and I'm a bit nervous that I'll screw things up.

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