General :: Voice Search Over Bluetooth?
Aug 30, 2012found a way to use Google Voice Search via a Bluetooth headset?

found a way to use Google Voice Search via a Bluetooth headset?
I'm aware that by default, we cannot access the Google Voice Search used in Google Now by using a bluetooth headset and that it instead uses the old Voice Dialer. In my opinion, the Voice Dialer is horrible is recognizing names and commands.
It would be amazing if when we pressed the button on our bluetooth headsets, it would use the Voice Search/Google Now so we could dial, send a text, check weather, sports scores, and all the other great things Google Voice Search in Jelly Bean has brought us.
Are there any developers out there that can make that possible in their ROM? Is there any way that we can make this work at all?
I've seen an app that can launch voice search from the BT headset, but it still uses the phone's mic. It would be great if the voice dialer could be completely replaced with the much more functional new Voice Search. If you agree, please vote over at google for this feature: Issue 8973 - android - Add voice search over bluetooth, similar to voice dialer in 2.2 - Project Hosting on Google Code
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy Evo is not rooted, and I do not want to do so. With that out of the way, I have a simple question:
You know that cool, relatively new Voice Search that lets you text message, use navigation, etc, just through voice commands? Well, as many of you may know, if you pair a bluetooth headset with the EVO, and then press the voice dial button on the headset, it ll bring up Voice Dialer, an application that is known for not really working., at all. Just as when you press and hold the search button on the EVO Voice Search pops up, is there a way to make (map?) Voice Search to a bluetooth headset's voice dial button? In other words, so that when you press the button, instead of voice dialer, voice search will come up?
I have read and researched everything I can about this and it is pretty clear that one cannot activate or talk to Google Voice Search using a Bluetooth headset.
Voice Dialing works, but after using Voice Search, why do they even both having Voice Dialing? Voice Search is hugely more accurate and useful.
So my question: Is there an app that will make a Bluetooth headset work with Google Voice Search?
I have a Galaxy S5 with 4.4.2. I dont recall if this happened when I had my S4 but this is my issue. When I am in my car and connected to the cars bluetooth, whenever I want to speak to google to do a search or something it goes through the bluetooth of the car. This would be fine but sometimes it waits like 2-3 seconds until the bluetooth in car picks up and messes up my train of thought. I would like to make the voice search not use the bluetooth when connected.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThat's the widget below on the screen, but every time I press it just goes to the Google search page or if I hold it it just opens up Nova Launcher actions. Is there a way to do it from the homescreen using voice?
View 5 Replies View RelatedCan get copy of their VoiceSearch.apk for Galaxy Nexus ICS? I've been looking for a way to get the dark themed Voice Search onto my phone running ICS but is not a Nexus (the one on the market still looks like Gingerbread). Doing a search on google wth regards to this only shows me results about making Google Now work on ICS. Something that isn't on my plans as of yet. For more reference, I'm talking about this search: [URL] ......
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow to disable the annoying google voice search so i can long-press my headset button to rewind music?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes apples siri bring anything to the table other than what Android has enjoyed all along?
Im just trying to figure out what the iphone4s is bringing to the table aside from the, admittedly good, processor.
This has been a rather annoying issue for quite a while. Whenever I use the commands like "Listen to (Artist or Song)" or "Play (Artist or Song)" it never seems to recognize it. Instead it just does web search of what I said, I'm not sure where the problem is in it though. I have Poweramp and Play Music installed with plenty of music on file.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI know I can change the Google Now card settings to celcius and it also changes the voice search. But I don't want to use Google Now since I have no good use for it and on my leaked firmware it is a battery drainer.
When I disable Google Now after making the change to celcius it resets all card settings to default and the voice search goes back also.
It seems there is a general voice search / voice recognition issue with non-english languages. The problem is basically that punctuation is written in plain and not recognized. It seems to affect a number of devices (if not all?) running ICS / JB.
So period will write "period" and not "." .
Same for comma that will end in writing "comma" and not ",".
(this of course in each different Language)
This basically makes the voice recognition totally unusable and useless for anything but English. So far, this issue has been reported with the following languages:
I'm not allowed to post links yet but if you go to Android official project page, in the Issues and search for punctuation, you'll basically see all those.
I have a GNex. But have my phone in German. Because of this Google Search and Google Now are also in german.
And Google voice no longer talks back to me. Even though I have changed my setting(or so I think) to english. Google Now still defaults to giving me search results for
Is there a way I can keep my phone in german, but have my voice search talk and answer in english?
I've got a Galaxy S3 with sprint and I absolutely detest the SVoice application. I use the bluetooth in my car and want to get to the google now app when I push my handsfree button in the car. Everything is stock from Sprint and the phone is not rooted so I'm still on Android 4.1.2
When I pushed the handsfree button before it took me to SVoice.
I followed a tutorial I found on YouTube and I disabled the SVoice application and downloaded an app called bluetooth launch.
I followed the instructions, but when I press the button now it takes me to a screen that looks like this:
This seems very limited in functionality and it doesn't really work well for me. I can't set reminders from it or take notes and the speech recognition seems sub-par.
How can I make this take me to the google screen that I see here when I launch "Voice Search" app"
I didn't see anything in the Bluetooth Launch app that allowed me to pick an application to launch so I'm not sure where to go now.
I drive a VW Jetta with bluetooth, which has easily paired with my last two phones (Bionic and S4, respectively). While Google map's turn-by-turn map navigation works fine with my phone's bluetooth on, in so far as I can see directions on the map, the navigation voice is disabled. Only when my phone's bluetooth is off do I hear a voice. I'm not sure if this is a function of my phone or my car.
View 1 Replies View Relatedjust go the car dock and is there a setting I need to enable to allow me to do voice to text with my blue tooth or do I need to download an app?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an odd problem. When I press and hold the button on my Voyager Pro HD headset, it no longer activates voice dialing. I've tried uninstalling all voice related 3rd party apps; I've deleted the data and cleared the cache on Bluetooth Share, Voice Dialing and Voice Search.
I should add that my phone is a Vivid running 2.3.4 and HTC Sense 3.0.
On my bluetooth headset I have a button that when pressed starts android's built in voice dialer.
Is it possible to reassign this button to open another app? Like Google now? Or a Siri clone?
Got my replacement Hero today but cannot find this Google app. What happened to it?
View 17 Replies View RelatedOne of the great features of the the 4th soft button is to hold it down to bring up the voice search prompt. A this prompt there are several commands that are extremely helpful, such as: "Navigate to <place>" opens Google Navigation and gives you directions to <place> "Call <contact> work/home/etc" will call that contact. (Is there a way to set a default so that you can just say "Call <contact>" and it automatically calls that person's cell/home/work?) "Locate.../Map of.../Find..." will all open and search google maps.
"Driections to <place>" will open google maps and give you directions to <place> "Look up <place/thing/etc>" will do a google search
I know there a few people like me (in Canada) that don't have access to the voice search apk that is free in market (the one allows you to use the microphone icon in the search widget).
I found it on an app developer site and now I don't remember where I saw it but I did save the apk file
I just flashed fresh 1.0.1 and reinstalled navigator but, voice search doesn't work. also holding down the search soft button does not bring up voice search. anyone have a fix?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to add a voice search button to one of my apps but I can't seem to find documentation on it anywhere. Can someone give me an example or point me to one?
View 9 Replies View RelatedVoice Search is new with RC33. I am wondering if the voice recognition will be part of the API 1.1. Or at least an Intent? Btw, is the SDK 1.1 JavaDoc available somewhere yet?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI've tried using it to send a text, but all that happens is it does a Google web search for whatever I said. I have my language set for US English, not sure what else to do.
View 7 Replies View RelatedGoogle's One-Button Voice Actions For Android 2.2 You have to search for it in the market but it upgrades your voice search to one that recognizes actions within the statement. You can use now just use the maginfying glass to do everything. Send texts, initiate navigation, play music, set alarms and call.
View 45 Replies View RelatedI am interested in using the Google voice search capability as an API. I tried looking for it but cannot find it. Is this voice search capability not available to developers?
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo Voice Search appeared in the market and I decided to try it out. However it never gets anything right and it's embarrassing to use in public and pretty useless, and it uses about 2.6MB of the tiny internal storage of the phone. So I tried removing it, but it doesn't even seem to be possible. There's just an option to remove updates. Do I have to wipe the phone completely to get rid of it?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am running the newest cyanogen nightly and cannot install the new voice search. it downloads, but fails to install. is anyone else having this issue? I saw an error that said the certificate wasn't correctly signed.
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