Android :: Voice Recognition Like In Search STT?
Feb 9, 2009Voice Search is new with RC33. I am wondering if the voice recognition will be part of the API 1.1. Or at least an Intent? Btw, is the SDK 1.1 JavaDoc available somewhere yet?

Voice Search is new with RC33. I am wondering if the voice recognition will be part of the API 1.1. Or at least an Intent? Btw, is the SDK 1.1 JavaDoc available somewhere yet?
I'm sure its been discussed and all but I think that the voice recognition software is capable of being much more advanced.There should be a way to just give your phone a voice command without having to manually open an app. It probably would have to be running in the background the whole time, analyzing everything it hears, so it may use a lot of battery and cpu.therefore it may be easier to have a starter phrase to tell it to listen more carefully. for example: say the said app is running in the background,listening to every noise, but it wouldn't begin to really analyize until you say something like; "hey, phone!" or "yo, droid!" (or whatever tag phrase). I don't know what would have to go into an app like that for it to work but hey, if an app like that was designed, then I think the android would be a really smart smartphone. In the end thanks for all the awesome apps you guys are already developing. be sure to tell me when someone develops something like that though.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow is it possible to implement voice recognition on android phones? Also to decode the voice and convert the male voice to female voice and vice versa?The voice data input from the user will be sent to the Google site for recognition through Internet, or will be processed and recognized locally on my android phone? if anyone has any idea regarding it.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to use the voice recognition api in order to handle a known set of commands yet? VR matches this against a specific valid vocabulary containing only "yes & no", and then returns "no". Can you do this yet? Last time I looked you could not. The VR would match against a full vocabulary and user saying "no" would come back with things like "snow" and so on.The other BIG problem was that if the VR got no match a "Retry" dialog was displayed, this needed to be dismissed by using the screen, which meant the the voice control process failed at this point, terminally.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhas somebody managed to bring the voice recognition to run on the HTC Hero phone? I have experienced the "recognizer not found" problem (but it is not a vodafone from UK).
View 2 Replies View Relatedi'd like to be able to tell my alarm clock to shut up rather than fumble around with it and potentially drop it on the floor while trying to unplug it, look at the screen before my eyes have adjusted, etc.Anyone seen or heard of an alarm that you can say "snooze" to?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've had a search of the docs and forums and unless i misunderstand can find nothing on the below. Is there a way to send Google a set of words that the recognizerintent should be expecting? i.e. if i'm trying to listen to recipes i want it to hear the word 'sausages' and not the words 'saw hedges'.Maybe being able to register an Android app with a word list would be a good way round the bad recognition?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone have experience with java voice recognition and localization?I'm thinking to build an android application, with some basic voice recognition options, but I want to implement localization for that based on some translate tool, maybe Google translate, and users can update his "dictionary" with new languages from remote dictionary...this project is in first phase, and I'm still brainstorming, so does anyone have some experience or is something like that even possible?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to know that how voice recognition in android works? Which library it uses for voice recognition? Does it perform voice recognition process on device/mobile it self or it sends all voice to google servers and receives text in responce.
View 2 Replies View RelatedNot sure what I am missing (using emulator not phone). I was trying to get the speech api working, however it gives me the error: No Activity found to handle Intent { action=android.speech.action.RECOGNIZE_SPEECH (has extras).
So then I tried running the 1.5 r1 sample code (api) and tried the speech sample there, but it also isn't running. Indicating I was missing an app or component. So what is the missing link? It seems as if the actual emulator doesn't come with some default apps which make the voice recognition possible.
Does any one know How to turn on Voice Recognition on Emulator. or is it required to have phone or dev phone to test voice recognition application?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI am coming from Windows Phone and everything went smoothly during the transition. However, I miss some useful functionalities I had with WP that I really miss on Android, like offline voice recognition and SMS reading.
I was using voice recognition in my car (where data connection is bad and unstable from which it is necessary to have this functionnality offline), I was saying "call [NAME]" and it triggered the phone call with confirmation of the command.
I would like to do the same thing with my Nexus 5 but I didn't find a way to do it. I downloaded the language pack for my language (French) in the parameters. Is it possible?
Anorther point is the reading of the SMS (texts). When a headset (wire or bluetooth) was connected to my WP, my phone was able to read aloud the content. Is it possible with Android?
I've used the voice recognition feature on Android and I love it. It's one of my customers' most praised features. However, the format is somewhat restrictive. You have to call the recognizer intent, have it send the recording for transcription to google, and wait for the text back. Some of my ideas would require recording the audio within my app and then sending the clip to google for transcription. Is there any way I can send an audio clip to be processed with speech to text?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhile I'll admit I have a slow 'southern drawl', I was amazed at the voice to text feature of the Evo when I first got it. I use it for 90% of my texting. Since the 2.2 update I am having a terrible time getting it to accurately recognize 50% of my speech. Is anyone else having this problem or did they just remove 'hillbilly' dialect? I am running the unofficial .3 version.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'd like to create a custom component which supports voice recognition. (Custom Component which displays voice recognition button if available). It will primarily be an extended EditText which should show the microphone button for voice recognition if it is available. I wanted to to look at the search app-widget on the homescreen but I don't find it in the source. This is intended to use the voice recognition as some sort of dictation device, i.e. the user does not have to type but use his voice instead. So could anyone please point me in some direction?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am pulling my hair on this problem from a long time and haven't found a solution yet. I am running Android demo program - APIDemo which is available in android source. For my dev I am using ubuntu, earlier when I used to run SoundRecording example it created a file on sdcard but there was no recording as such which was done in the file but now it started working suddenly. I am still not sure why it happened. But anyways good news is that Microphone is working with android emulator - as opposed to what I read at many forums that it does not.
On other hand whenever I am trying to run the voice recognition application available in same APIDemo its giving me an error - "Recording Parameter not supported: sampelrate 1600, channelcount 1, samplerate 1". Is it that speech recognition cannot take higher sample rate and if it cannot what is the sample rate it requires? My microphone supports only 16000 and higher sample rate.
After hearing some good feedback on the Handcent SMS app, I decided to try it out!It is indeed a great alternative to the "stock" sms app on the Hero, but i have one, yet important, question:When I press the onscreen button "speak" I get the following message: Recognizer not present"
View 29 Replies View RelatedIs there a setting in Android (available in version 2.3) or an app that allows for bilingual language input? I'd prefer if it would allow words from two languages to be spoken at the same time, but I suppose having it automatically switch languages per "phrase" would work too. I know the TouchPal keyboard can do bilingual text input, but it would appear it doesn't work with bilingual voice input.
View 2 Replies View Relatedis there a way to have voice recognition so that we can use it for writing sms in languages other than the custom ones like Greek? I bought Cyberon voice commander but it wont write sms and I am asking if there is a way to use the Cyberor's language engine with Google's Voice Search or Vlingo? I tried to set it on the voice recognizer under voice input and output settings but nothing!
View 4 Replies View Relatedcan you tell me if the Voice Recognition app works on HTC Magic?I'm going to by one and I need this information before.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am planning an app using the android speech input api (Speech Input | Android Developers). How the learning occurs? So for example initially my phone could not recognize proper nouns, local locations, uncommon names of my friends, etc, but now it recognizes all of these things so clearly it has learned. But are all of these words now available to other users?
I am envisioning an app when each of my users would be contributing to a database constructed by other users, so that a proper noun that someone else entered is now available to be recognized by someone who has never used my app, is this something I can count on happening automatically?
For 2 years I've said a few words, waited for the droid to process them, said a few more words, waited, etc. About a month ago something happened such that if I pause in my speech, what I say next deletes everything I've said before and starts over.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. To say this is braindead is an understatement.
I can adjust to just say what I want to text, but heaven forbid I pause a second or so to gather my thoughts.
In my android app I call the voice recognition in my onCreate method of my startup activity. I have made it a preference to start up with the voice control or not. However, the app takes about 5-7 seconds to load when voice recognition is on. When it is off, the app starts almost instantly. Below is sample code, I have added Free_Form, max_results 1, and a custom prompt to mine.Why would calling the normal android speech recognition take sooo long to load in my OnCreate method?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to use voice recognition on google maps on the droid phone? According to the tv adds, you can say a street address in lieu of typing it in.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow to install Voice recognition! - xda-developers It works great with Google but can we use it in Handcent with HTC_IME keyboard somehow?
View 6 Replies View RelatedThe Nuance program on my Samsung Moment recognizes everything I say except for the word "yes". For example when I say, "Call Candace" it asks, "Did you say 'Call Candace?'" and when I say "Yes", it waits for a moment then goes back to my home screen. If I say, "No", it proceeds to the next name that sounds like what I said. If I say "Yes" to the next name, it closes Nuance and goes back to my home screen. I have gone through the Adapt process. Sprint has tried to fix it and ended up giving me a new phone. Samsung has been stumped by this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen trying to use the voice recognition microphone to dictate a text message, I get a "connection problem" error message. Is there a fix for this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have two constant issues on my Epic-I've been ignoring them for a month but there must be a fix & I could really use your help! Also it would be good to hear from others who are seeing the same things so I know I am not completely insane...
1 - My screen brightness seems to adjust up on its own... To increase battery life I have it set all the way down...but, for example, as I was typing this post the brightness increased on its own... Any ideas?
2 - My voice recognition stops working all the time...not with one app either... Resetting my profile seems to fix it for about 5 minutes but it doesn't take long for it to go TU again
I want to add a voice search button to one of my apps but I can't seem to find documentation on it anywhere. Can someone give me an example or point me to one?
View 9 Replies View RelatedGoogle's One-Button Voice Actions For Android 2.2 You have to search for it in the market but it upgrades your voice search to one that recognizes actions within the statement. You can use now just use the maginfying glass to do everything. Send texts, initiate navigation, play music, set alarms and call.
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