General :: Jelly Bean Animations On ICS?
Aug 13, 2012I came across a thread to get Jellybean animations on ICS, I did a search but I cannot find it. HTC Vision

I came across a thread to get Jellybean animations on ICS, I did a search but I cannot find it. HTC Vision
I'm looking for a tutorial to Root and then revert back to JellyBean from KitKat on a Nexus 7 2013 2nd Gen, non carrier, WiFi only, or Whatever is required to switch back to JB from KK..
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Coolpad 8720L with its own interface built upon 4.3 Jelly Bean. It's not very good, and I'd like to install stock Android instead. How do I do this?
I heard that I have to root the device, and then find a ROM for stock Jelly Bean to load onto the device?
I just purchased my first ever cell phone ( Google LG Nexus 4 16gb ) . I have never used one before , just never had the need for one . How to use Android Jelly Bean 4.3 and also how to use this phone .
View 5 Replies View RelatedBest way I could describe it. On ICS the dialer would allow me to type a number and come back to it later, now when I multi-task the number disappears. I am running 4.1.2 on a HTC Desire 300, and the dialer is stock to the best of my knowledge.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe jellybean box itself turns on and the home screen loads up. I select the page where all the apps xbmc app...sometimes it flicks back to main apps page other times the screen turns black/blank. I can't get further than this box has worked perfectly for the past 3 months since purchasing. I can't get into the settings page as I can't get past the blank .
View 1 Replies View RelatedAwaiting delivery of my Nexus 4 - 16GB, is there software to back up the phone data to my PC?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy bro has a note running jb. He has a secgallery app which I cant install on my xperia u wid ics
I always get an error "App not installed".
I have decompiled the app... But m nt a modder so I dun knw what changes to make in androidmanifest or some other folder to run it..
After I flashed a couple roms I couldn't boot jelly bean anymore and I noticed the error in recovery: E: Cant Mount /efs, when installing. But I could still boot ICS but not jellybean. I still had my IMEI and could make calls but could not boot jelly bean because it couldn't mount.
Sometimes when installing a rom something goes wrong and it changes the partition type of /efs making it unable to be mounted. The partition is usually from ext4 to swap.Most likely this will work on your phone but if it doesn't and your phone stops working I am not responsible.
If your like me and you couldn't get jelly bean to work then flash your device back to ics and it should boot. Once your booted inside of ics we can start the process.
1. Be rooted and have a custom recovery installed.
2. Be on Ics and it boots.
3. Your need to have a Jelly Bean rom like Cyanogenmod on your sdcard.
4. Have adb installed on your pc and usb debugging on in your phone/tab.
Now that that's done its time to start.
Part One:
1. Boot into recovery.
2. We need to find the efs block location.
3. Go to mounts and select efs
4. It should say unable to mount
5. Go to advance and make a recovery.log
6. Put that file on your computer and open it.
7. Look through the file and you should fine something like this around the beginning of the file:
E:Unable to mount '/efs'..Actual block device: '/dev/block/mmcblk0p3', current file system: 'swap'..My location is /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 But yours could be different! Most likely the difference will be instead of it ending with a 3 it will be a different number. I will be saying /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 if yours is different just change it to your location.
*WARNING* Sometimes when you copy paste into adb it will auto run the command without you pressing enter. If your location is different then mine and you copy past and it auto runs it could be BAD so to be careful if you want to copy past. Copy the command paste it into Google make the change and copy that and paste into adb
Part Two:
1. When your inside recovery connect your phone to your computer and get into a adb shell. (Sometimes it will take awhile for adb to recognize your device so be patient.)
2. Once you have adb access its time to start entering the commands.(Again my location may be different the yours! Most likely the difference will be instead of it ending with a 3 it will be a different number.
Part Three Inside ADB:
1. su
2. dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 of=/sdcard/efs.img
3. mke2fs /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
4. mkdir /efs
5. mount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 /efs
Part Four On Your Phone:
1. Now /efs is mounted don't unmount it
2. Do a factory reset
3. Install your Jelly Bean rom
4. It should install without any errors
5. Boot your phone
6. If everything went well it should boot.
7. After it boots your signal notification most likely will be gray and internet or calls may not work
8. To fix just install gapps and it will be fixed
There you have it if everything went correctly your efs should be working good and you should be able to go back and do your normal rom flashing.
If jelly bean boots but you don't have phone do this:
1. Go back into recovery and get adb access.
2. su
3. mke2fs /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
4. mkdir /efs
5. mount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 /efs
6. dd if=/sdcard/efs.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 bs=4096
I just recently bought the Samsung Galaxy S II on the Straight Talk network. The phone comes stock with the Android Gingerbread 2.3.6 OS and I'd like to upgrade to the latest Android Jelly Bean 4.2 OS.
Here are the phone facts:
Network: Straight-Talk
Model Number: SGH-S959G
Android Version: 2.3.6
Kernal Version:
I've got an replacement of my karbonn A2+ via company.
I want its backup and flash file..
Is it possible to upgrade HTC One V to Jellybean 4.2?I have tried running software update located in settings-->about phone but it says that there are no updates available.So is it possible to get jellybean 4.2 on my phone?Are there any risks involved?Can updating to jellybean harm my phone?btw my phone is rooted. What cyanogen mod is?Can i first install jellybean 4.2 and then install cyanogen mod?
View 1 Replies View Relatedim trying to port crt off and on ..on deodex'd stock rom..i had try'd these methods but it didnt work'd out on jelly for porting crt off on stock jelly bean rom for GT-i9082
i had try'd these methods but no use..
I've attempted to build two different sources, one modified ICS AOSP and another from straight up JB AOSP. Both err on me.
JB spits out the following:
make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/devicetest/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/lib_driver_cmd_wext_intermediates/export_includes', needed by `out/target/product/devicetest/obj/EXECUTABLES/wpa_supplicant_intermediates/import_includes'. Stop.
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
target thumb C: wpa_cli <= external/wpa_supplicant_8/wpa_supplicant/src/utils/edit.c
I'd prefer to get JB working, but would be satisfied with ICS for now.
Running RemICS-JB on my infuse, hotmail won't connect. Tried using and and neither worked.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking to find jelly bean 4.1.1.
link to where I might be able to download this version?
i recently updated from ics to jelly bean 4.1.2 on my Samsung galaxy s2 on 02 uk network, i have noticed a few different issues since the update though regarding blocking calls and i notice the feature isnt as good since the update
previously on ics when blocking a number, once a number called they would be present with "dud a duh sound" which made the phone sound like the number was disconnected it would also not divert the blocked number to the voice mail
since doing a test on jelly bean when blocking a number, it now diverts them to the voice mail, and what's more annoying is once a blocked number calls it seems to one ring on my phone and then divert them to the voice mail, similar to as if i was cancelling there call every time, which is no were near as effective
ive just tried an app called mr number and this is the same, although this does have the option of a "hangup feature" and a send to "voicemail feature" again when the blocked number calls it seems to one ring and then either be disconnected or diverted to the voicemail, which again is like your cancelling there call every time after one ring
on ics when blocking the number they were never presented with the ring tone on there end, they were only presented with the sound of a disconnected line etc. How i can get that feature back???, without using mr number which doesn't do it as well
id like it to be like it was with ics, so basically the blocked number doesn't even get the chance to to be diverted to voice mail or to be not connected at all??? and certainly so it doesnt one ring on my end before the divert/block kicks in, on ics the blocked number never got that far, it was blocked instantly and presented with the disconnected sound, and then i was shown on my phone a log they had attempted to call., i also dont want to give the impression im cancelling the call on my end, as like ics, this was a good feature as certain people would just think your unreachable, know when a blocked contact calls with the new system under jelly bean it looks like your cancelling there call everytime after a one ring.
also is it still not possible to block text messages from certain spam numbers?
Has successfully established a bridge mode VPN connection (using TAP) in any version of Jellybean, stock or custom?
It seems that every vpn app in the play store suggests that this can't be done in JB. I'd really like to upgrade to JB, but I really don't feel like reconfiguring my whole VPN setup, just to log on to my home server every once in awhile.
I would like to root my RAZR M (U.S.) > Verizon network > Jelly Bean 4.1.1 (updated by store).
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have application that I have been developing for over a year and half now. I used the app to teach myself Android programming. When I started the development Gingerbread was the main sdk and that is what I targeted. Well now ICS and Jellybean are out and I was looking at migrating my app from Gingerbread to the newer sdks.
How to most efficiently go about this process. I would like to keep everything in the same files if possible and not have to start from scratch.
I'm currently porting Jelly Bean to my device and I have hit a logcat error which I can't figure out. It currently gets stuck at the boot animation: [URL] ......
View 1 Replies View RelatedIve spent the last 4 hours trying to install Jellybean to my adnroid Infuse 4g
Why is this so difficult.
With BlackBerry:
Download OS Build
Connect Device to PC
Double Click OS Build
Android is so much more.. all I have been getting were errors.
is it that my device just inst capable of this, or is it not popular enough. Am I missing something.
I want easy to follow instructions for each thing, i donw want to be directed to thousands of links. I just did that for the last 4 horus and am tired of it, i am so stressed and my chest hurts.
Since jelly bean is out for ics flash player not work for apps like video stream else.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I rooted my HTC One X and installed TripNDroid's Jelly Bean ROM on it. I have played around with it for a while now and something is bugging me. Whenever I'm listening to music, the lockscreen changes to the album cover art. Finding nothing about this in my search through the Internet. Is there a way to disable this function without having to install a launcher or something similar?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need a solution to add an checkbox to enable oder disable navigation bar....
No I don`t want to edit the framework-res.apk
( values-> showNavigationba...... )
What are the minimum RAM and processor requirements to run ICS and JB?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just have a small question. Currently i'm using JB on mij HTC One X. I have Google Now activated and also my auto sync enabled.
But do i NEED to keep my auto sync enabled for Google Now or should it also work if I turn it off?
It do saves me alot of battery in the case I don't have to.
i have rooted my galaxy note 8 with framaroot jus to use a mouse and keyboard emulator no to do anyhing technical or some ROM things and then i " regretfully" have updated the device to jelly bean 4.2.2 and now i am lost im not rooted and though i have the supersu app installed and stuck , it cannot be uninstalled.i have ried to use root manager to remove the file from inside , it tells me it has been removed however it is not also it cannot be opened it tels me " there is not SU binary installed , and superSU canot install it , this is a problem" tried to re-root the devise again , downloaded the latest framaroot . i doesnt work and tells me " failed ry anoher exploit if available" all of the other options are giving me the same thing.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've got a HTC One S since few weeks ('got a MotoDefy before) and i'm really disappointed about the jellybean lockscreen :-/
It's really annoying to have to slide the notifications , on iPhone you just have to wake the screen to have a look on all your notifications (and i'm not even talking about the fact that the screen didn't switch on when you receive an email or sms on JB)
I'm using for now Widget Locker with Executive Assistant but there is a lot of things that's going wrong....
SO, is there a way to have the notification screen instead of the lockscreen...? I think it would be a great feature for customs roms!
I successfully put the android 2.3.7 on my hd2 following your directions. In order to upgrade the device to Android Jelly Bean or ice cream sandwich do I have to download another installer and the other programs or do I just add the ROM to the memory card and install it from the phone. I'm confused because the prerequisites for the higher versions are different from the ones I used to install the gingerbread.
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