General :: How To Replace Few Files In ROM
Sep 28, 2013I want to replace "System/lib/modules" and "Sysltem/lib/hw" with the other ROM's modules and hw folder. I simply copy pasted but I am getting installation aborted error in CWM.

I want to replace "System/lib/modules" and "Sysltem/lib/hw" with the other ROM's modules and hw folder. I simply copy pasted but I am getting installation aborted error in CWM.
My application will have some customisation for each company that uses it. Up until now, I have been loading images and strings from resource files. The idea is that the default resources will be distributed with the application and company specific resources will be loaded from our server after they click on a link from an email to launch the initialisation intent. Does anyone know how to replace resource files? I would really like to keep using resource files to avoid rewriting a lot of code/XML. I would distribute the application from our own server, rather than through the app store, so that we could have one version per company, but unfortunately this will give quite nasty security warnings that would concern our customers.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI know I've been posting lots of noob questions today, but I am a noob to rooting and I'm trying to get everything straightened out.
When I flash an sbf file, particularly the one that returns to 2.0.1 stock, does that replace 1) the kernel, 2) bootloader, 3)baseband, and anything else I can't think of? lol
I just like to have a backup plan incase something goes terribly wrong and I'm hoping that the .sbf file will replace every single component on my droid so I can start fresh if need be.
I think that is for a malfunction of GPS fault driver. I wanted existing driver that is from Custom Rom / system / app / YGPS.apk replaced by the factory driver.
I have a Nandroid backup of the factory ROM (file: boot.img, cache.img, data.img, system.img and nandroid.md5).
But I do not know where this factory driver is located. How removed from Nandroid backup and put in a cell phone.
i installed a custom rom and the locker is verry ugly,i tryed different apps,but are not replacing the old lockscreen...i had to unlock twice and still the old lockscreen is there. How to make a change in rom and replace in rom the old lockscreen with the froyo lockscreen?i don't want apps!(are not working,are having long delay,or is not replacing the lockscreen),and i want to use the stock password model too.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnyway to replace the charging port on HTC One?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHaving recently switched to Android from iOS, I am still learing how to customize Android to get the phone just right... One of the features that I really miss is the notifications on the lockscreen. I have a company phone - and the security settings forces a PIN or Password lockscreen. I have tried installing a 3rd Party lockscreen that supports notifications (Such as LockerPro), but all it does is provide the new lockscreen in addition to the default one (i.e. I have to unlock "twice"). I would like the default lockscreen to be replaced by the 3rd party one.
View 2 Replies View Related1. Is it possible to replace homescreen with app launcher? I mean when you press home button, homescreen shows up, is it possible to force phone to open app drawer instead of homescreen when you press home button?
2. Or/and maybe there is a launcher which shows all your apps not alphabetically but by date and also with ability to arrange the apps however you want?
I want to replace CM10 clock with one from CM10.1. I have the .apk, and it works when I install it (replaces the CM10's app), but when I reboot the phone it goes back to CM10 clock.
How to permanently install it?
Do I need an apk or need to do some dev works?
Is it possible to replace framework's default wallpaper with a live wallpaper? (Like new Sony xperia phones)
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan I replace apks in the system folder on an odexed rom, or do I need to be deodexed first?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAs you know, Twitter shut down Tweetdeck for Android, I was using a modified version by Modaco (Tweakdeck).
It was an old Twitter client, but it had the ability of putting all your searches in separated and unlimited columns.
So I had the basic colums: Timeline, Mention and DM, but after that I had like 10 searches!
My city name (So I knew what was happening anytime), one of my search was "nexus 4" so I had all the tweets in the world containing nexus 4.
You had add someone timeline as a column itself (If you didn't want to follow him or the timeline was very important).But now it doesn't work , app was pulled from the PlayStore.
I have installed a lot of apps and no one can do what Tweetdeck or Tweakdeck did..
I am using HYPERION Rom build 06 and I want to using on it lmodded touchwiz launcher from Creed v3.5. So I use root explorer and I delete default launcher and I was trying to install launcher from creed. But... It does not work. Still says that "application is not installed"... GT-S5360
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I replace builtin apps with the latest versions as they are eating up the internal storage...
As google play, Maps, voice search, Gmail, Google search...
These apps take a lot of memory space ... So i am looking for a solution so that the outdated apps of factory versions can be totally removed and replaced with updated versions...
i've been working on replacing icons in an app for 2 days now, i wanted to try everything i could before i presented my prollems to the good people at XDA
The app is Popup 7
Whenever i try to replace even just one .png with another, it will either attempt to install and fail, or just get a parsing error.
Even if i don't replace, and just slightly edit one .png instead, it fails to install.
I have tried :
manually renaming the .apk to .zip, extracting, replacing or editing one .png , zipping, and renaming again = fail
using power archiver to replacing or editing a .png without having to unzip = fail
using the app "ninjamorph" to replace a png within the apk without having to install a new apk = fail (the app force closes after an edit)But if i just rename to zip, extract, Do not touch anything, zip, and rename again it installs fine... (so its not my compressing/decompressing process?)and i am currently trying to learn how to use eclipse to do it? It is a paid app.
I have tried editing my own .apk that i have purchased by getting it from titanium backup (it was in the asec folder) = fail and i have tried editing an .apk download from the webbernet = fail
I was looking over guides and they kept taking about a frameworks file but there is none?
replacing systemui ??
I am a mmx a68 user..
Actually I am trying to replace systemui of its (stock rom) to another systemui (custom rom)
but i failed every time.. method which was i followed.
1.replacing system UI (system/app) and changed permition.(worked with other app like file maneger).
2. flashable zip.. (worked with other app)
result - system UI not installed..
got a Samsung Galaxy S4 (for several years I had iPhones) and I am enjoying it. Now that I have gotten all my music files away from iTunes' clunky clutches I have reorganized them and they are on my S4's sim card and it works great.
The issue is that I have updated a few of the files and moved a couple more around. I want to update those music files on my S4 from my PC. I could just delete the Music folder on the S4 and recopy everything over, but that seems to be a huge overkill.
What is a good way to compare files between my S4 and folders on the PC and match/update between the two? I am using Windows 7. I have tried to map the Sim Card as a drive but couldn't get that to work. I have Kies from Samsung but that is kinda clunky. I have also tried AirDroid (which I think is great) but I can't really sync files with that. Normally I would use a Windows application like Beyond Compare or WinMerge to do something like this.
I am on a standard website that has a normal upload button, I need to upload a PDF file, But when I click on the upload button on the web site a popup window from my Android phone appears and says "Choose action" and gives me access to the gallery, camcorder, voice recorder , choose music track, gallery (again), select music track and voice recorder (again).
I need to some how get access to my SD card and my download folder to be able to pick the the pdf file that I need to upload. I have tried this both on the default internet browser and Google Chrome, but both give the same options.
I am on a rooted HTC ONE on ATT
My Sandisc 64GB SD card went kaputt last week, it froze at 33GB, luckily the existing files are all ok and I was able to copy all the files onto my PC, however nothing new can be written to it. I've tried formatting with no success. So I copied the files onto the PC and just got a new this time Samsung 64GB micro SD card. Problem I'm having now is that on several attempts it's failed to copy the files back to my SD card (from PC) I've formatted the card in the Note 3..the music files about 4 GB transferred just fine, the problem seems to be with the Pix and Videos. I'm currently trying to copy the DCIM folder back onto the micro sd and it's saying it'll take 6 hours.
I have tried: copying from PC to micro SD in the phone via USB copying from PC to micro SD in SD card adapter plugged directly into PC
copying from PC to micro SD in USB adapter plugged into PC
all results the same
any app to replace stock battery icon without root?
View 1 Replies View Relatedi'm using Ultra Slim CM10 v2+ but i can't use contacts directly from SIM.
Some phones, have an option to choose if use contact on phone OR in the SIM, can i replace this app? where i can find it?
is there a app to replace the default FM Radio in HTC Wildfire S without rooting it.
No Streaming. Only the available FM station available after attaching the headphone.
phone is lenovo K900 rooted, but no access to cwm recovery, running 4.2.1, still no custom rom do I replace lenovo UI in phone, contacts, messaging to AOSP stock UI ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWell actually I wanted to replace/ place a text file in system directory (e.g. /system/etc/) of android phone remotely which means I don't have any physical contact to that phone.
By remotely I mean via downloading or through app. or any other mean ?
- Is it possible?
- Is it necessary to have that phone rooted?
im trying to exchange some files in /system/framework of a stock jellybean 4.2.1 rom that came with my nexus 10.
I have built a workin rom from AOSP sources and made little adjustments that are present in /system/framework/services.jar and services.odex
I have built full_manta-user (not -userdebug!) so that the rom gets odexed and matches my stock rom.
The problem is i get stuck in a boot loop when i use my services.odex file on my stock rom. Is there a way to make it work or debug it?
Since I got my Razr Maxx HD over a year ago... I've just "gone with" the "Circles". Accuweather is now trying to push free apps and doesn't seem to remember I want values expressed in F rather than C. Is there a way to replace accuweather on my home screen?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've tried looking around google, xda search tool, have read all pages (3 of them) in Xposed wiki. I've been trying to cheat in a game called Galaxy On Fire 2 HD (I have purchased it), I've found some tutorials how to do that on iOS by modifying some binary files (assetsdatainships.bin and items.bin), on android those files are in game apk, and I cannot modify them without breaking signature.
I found Xposed framework and I think it could be perfect for my purposes. Is there an easy way to replace those asset files by my own? I have very little programming skills though, but I'll try. I've found a short example in wiki, but I don't understand it. I've read wiki tutorial 2 times but still have only vague idea how all this works.
I know it's possible to uninstall messaging and music, but is it possible to replace them with like ChompSMS and Rocket Player in the system or do the third party apps use the stock apps?
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhen I am on a game or somthing and someone call and I don't want to answer or hangup on him ..I just keep waiting until the ringing stop ..
how can I hide the call screen and continue what I am doing .
or is there a way to remove the full screen caller id and replace it with a bar or notifacation callbar for iPhone.