General :: How To Connect Android Device Via File Manager
Jan 27, 2014How to connect my Android device via file manager (personally I use FileMaster) to my Windows laptop? It requires a login and password that I haven't.

How to connect my Android device via file manager (personally I use FileMaster) to my Windows laptop? It requires a login and password that I haven't.
I can't find market or another file manager on the device.
View 10 Replies View RelatedLet's say you don't have internet access at the moment. Let's say all you have is fresh install of CyanogenMod 9, which for some reason, does not come with a File Manager :
Let's say you have an apk file on your SD card. How would you install the apk file? Terminal emulator, using which commands or another way?
By the way, ASTRO File Manager vs. ES File Explorer, which one and why?
I am trying to find my lost Nexus 7 but when I go to the Android Device Manager page on my phone or PC I get an Internal Server Error, Error 500. URL....
View 5 Replies View RelatedAs you may have heard Android Device Manager has rolled out to 2.2 and above. To activate it, go to settings and then tap Device Administrators. There should be an option to activate Android Device Manager.
To track it and wipe the data follow the directions: Go to [URL]... log in and then click the settings gear under your account info. There should be an option for Android Device Manager.
Be sure to read this too. Android Device Manager rolling out
Google Music Manager on my Mac decided to sign me out at random and now will not connect. I have reinstalled multiple times and rebooted my computer. Google Play support doesn't know what to do. It just refuses to connect to its servers.
Error code 15
Play support did, however, take my logs and send them to a specialist
Which is the best file manager for Android.
getting Device Manager working on my new Galaxy S5. If I recall, Device Manager looks at GPS position first. If that is turned off, it rolls to WiFi. If that is off, it rolls to Cell communications. It worked well on my old Galaxy S2, even when GPS was off, it still found the phone within a certain range.
With my Galaxy S5, it doesn't seem to work when GPS is turned of. WiFi or Cell signal will not allow device manager to find the phone.
Why nexus is showing up twice in device manager ,as an android atb and as nexus digital camera, my computer only shows the digital camera?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have never been able to install Motorola Device Manager on 3 different computers. My problem is just like this Motorola Device Manager won't install!!! except when I click on the link in post #12 (#1 on the list in that post) it says the troubleshooter is not available.
View 2 Replies View RelatedGoogle services on my PC works perfectly fine, but there is something wrong with my network, google apps wont connect on any device connected to my home modem. I have tried it on my Phone, tablets, on my brothers phone, it just wont connect. However, when I connected my phone with the network of my University, I worked the first time but the second time, same no connection problem.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI looked through the market and couldnt find anything. Dont know if it even exists but is there a file manager out there that give the option to display audio files my their title instead of by their filename?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow come this is the only file manager on the market (that I've found... I went through quite a few) that can open an HTML file from your SD card? I was a loyal user of Estrogen until I found that it couldn't.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI downloaded app from Google Play Stores , and i want to back up to file .apk with ES File Explore Manager, but it's failed. backup it ,because i want to reset factory my phone ?
View 4 Replies View RelatedFile Manager with Tree and Contents.. What File Manager has Folder Tree on the Left Side and the Contents on the Right Side? Sort of like Windows Explorer.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just noticed the hide feature on Adao file manager and thought I'd give it a test but for the life of me I can't find the unhide option.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAny file manager app that also has widget functionality? There are a few folders on my SD Card that I occasionally need to access (I currently use Root Explorer for this), which have various types of files in them. I would like to place a widget on one of my home screens so that I can directly have the file manager open up to a desired folder location.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a standalone GPS enabled data recorder in my car that can function as either a USB host or device. (Its a class 0x00h USB device). I currently connect to it via a WM 6.5 app running on my Palm Treo 750. I would like to port my WM 6.5 app to an Android phone. (I don't have a specific Android phone in mind, I would like it to be as generic as possible).Replicating the GUI is not that difficult, but I am having trouble getting started on the USB communication. I'd appreciate it if someone could point me towards an example, or the appropriate tutorial.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am looking for an app/widget to add a tiny bit of convenience to my life. I want the ability to tap on an icon on my homescreen that will trigger a (Bluetooth) connect to a device that I have paired with in the past. A one-tap-and-you're-done widget would be perfect. I have a Bluetooth dongle in my car that I connect to quite often that plays music over a stereo system (HTC Stereoclip A100). The device is paired with my phone, but I must go to Bluetooth Settings and click on the device to connect every time I get into my car.
I have tried a few apps in the Marketplace with no luck. I am using ICS (HTC EVO 4G LTE). One specific app that worked, but no longer works in ICS: Bluetooth Profile Widget [URL]
I am looking for a android file manager, that can delete a apk without unzipping it, right on your phone.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhy Adao File Managers Adds Aren't getting Blocked through the Adfree App? It's Strange because All my other Apps that have Adds Are being Blocked?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just flashed and rooted for the first time and discovered I can't use ADB anymore(adb server is out of date.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an android device: it's a stick connected to my TV, running android 4.1 rooted. The stick is an MK808B. The stick is connected to my TV's USB so that when I turn the TV on, the stick boots and when I turn the TV off, it shuts down completely.
I am looking for something that automatically connect the stick to VPN when I boot it. I would preferably use VPN over L2DP, although I'll take PPTP if there's no other option. I can't use openVPN because my ROM's kernel doesn't have TUN. There are two ways to approach this: one way is to connect it on boot, another way is to connect to VPN when the stick connects to a wireless network because my stick is stationary and always connects to the same wi-fi network.
I had an old HTC Desire in a drawer at home and thought I'd try let it serve as a Spotify Connect device attached to my Hifi. With the new Spotify Connect feature you can remotely connect to and control another device on your network to play music - perfect for me - without needing to buy a pricey new receiver with the feature built in!
It works remarkably well, much better than DLNA from my HTC One, with one caveat: after a period of inactivity it no longer shows up in the list of Connect devices in Spotify and I need to physically switch the screen on and select the Spotify app from the task list.
It's running CM 7.1 and turned Wifi power saving off in Wifi advanced settings. What else I could do to force it out of any power saving mode, seeing as it's connected to mains at all times?
I am getting this error during installation time
unknown error code during application install -24
I cleared cache abd defaults if play store but still the issue persist.
I am using a Nexus One with 2.1 SDK. I am having problems with a module in my application connecting programmatically to a network/AP.Monitoring the network,I see probe requests transmitting from the device, but I do not see an Authentication/Association request to the access point that I specify in the BSSID. Ultimately, I will perform a scan to determine valid AP BSSIDs, but for testing, I simply want to connect to a test AP which is in close proximity to my Nexus One.I have set the appropriate permissions in my manifest xml and am not seeing any negative log statements from adb.Any pointers or suggestions with using WifiManager to perform this action.
View 4 Replies View RelatedFew months back Bluetooth worked fine in my HTC Velocity 4G and the OS was 2.x.x. Suddenly it started to malfunction. Bluetooth is working. Can search and find for Bluetooth devices. Can pair (but doesn't ask for the passcode confirmation). But,
1. Cannot connect to the paired device.
2. Cannot send or receive files. When share through Bluetooth it just nothing happens. Same for the file receiving.
I did reset but didn't solve the problem. Therefore I updated the OS to 4.0.3, then reset the phone. But no result.
There is 3G into Android tablet.If device (Android tablet) looses network connection, it's just impossible to connect network until resetting of the device (Android tablet). What can be changed or adjusted in /system to fix it?
Specifications Android tablet:
Allwinner A10
Built-in 3G
I have a brand new windows 7 computer, I have installed the latest android SDK, I want to connect to my Nexus 10 using adb.
(device has windows drivers from SDK; "Android Composite ADB Interface". adb version 1.0.31)
when I do adb devices, it does see my device but it says my device is unauthorised.
It has never displayed the security popup.
I am convinced that the security pop up would make this work, but i cannot get it to show, so that it does whatever magic it does.
I have tried plugging and unplugging the usb cable,
I have tried turning USB debugging on and off.
I have changed the USB connection from Camera, to Media, back to Camera.
I can see the adbkey file under $HOME/.android in windows
The android directory /data/misc/adb/ is empty
I have root.
How can I force the security popup to display? Or how can I frig this so I can get it working?
What does the secuirty popup do anyway? probably just copy the adbkey file from windows into the android /misc/adb/ directory right? Can I do it by hand?
Slightly unrelated question, is it true that everything works first time, everytime on IOS?
This appears related to: Even with the Android 2.2 platform is this still the accepted way to operate the emulator? i.e. 1, 2, 3 start/kill processes as described in the above post? I am having a similar problem on WinXP with Eclipse w/ ADT plugin. Why would the activity not be able to start on the emulator? The computer has 756MB RAM if that could be the problem. The deployment is going along until Eclipse tries to deploy the activity. The emulator starts with the text "ANDROID_" and then eventually just displays the ANDROID logo, though appears to still be running just fine. Any ideas? Thanks. The code was copied from the HelloWorld tutorial. Here is the Eclipse console log including the error messages towards the end:
[2010-06-23 15:43:26 - myHelloWorldProject]
[2010-06-23 15:43:26 - myHelloWorldProject] Android Launch!
[2010-06-23 15:43:26 - myHelloWorldProject] adb is running normally.
[2010-06-23 15:43:27 - myHelloWorldProject] Performing net.concentricllc.HelloWorld.HelloAndroid activity launch
[2010-06-23 15:43:27 - myHelloWorldProject] Automatic Target Mode: using existing emulator 'emulator-5554' running compatible AVD 'myHelloWorldAVD'
[2010-06-23 15:43:27 - myHelloWorldProject] WARNING: Application does not specify an API level requirement!
[2010-06-23 15:43:27 - myHelloWorldProject] Device API version is 8 (Android 2.2)
[2010-06-23 15:43:27 - myHelloWorldProject] Uploading myHelloWorldProject.apk onto device 'emulator-5554'
[2010-06-23 15:43:32 - myHelloWorldProject] Installing myHelloWorldProject.apk...
[2010-06-23 15:48:29 - myHelloWorldProject] Success!
[2010-06-23 15:48:37 - myHelloWorldProject] Starting activity net.concentricllc.HelloWorld.HelloAndroid on device
[2010-06-23 15:51:35 - myHelloWorldProject] Device not ready. Waiting 3 seconds before next attempt.
[2010-06-23 15:51:36 - myHelloWorldProject] ActivityManager: android.util.AndroidException: Can't connect to activity manager; is the system running?
[2010-06-23 15:51:38 - myHelloWorldProject] Starting activity net.concentricllc.HelloWorld.HelloAndroid on device
[2010-06-23 15:53:36 - myHelloWorldProject] Device not ready. Waiting 3 seconds before next attempt.
[2010-06-23 15:53:36 - myHelloWorldProject] ActivityManager: android.util.AndroidException: Can't connect to activity manager; is the system running?
[2010-06-23 15:53:39 - myHelloWorldProject] Starting activity net.concentricllc.HelloWorld.HelloAndroid on device
[2010-06-23 15:55:41 - myHelloWorldProject] Device not ready. Waiting 3 seconds before next attempt.
[2010-06-23 15:55:41 - myHelloWorldProject] ActivityManager: android.util.AndroidException: Can't connect to activity manager; is the system running?
[2010-06-23 15:55:44 - myHelloWorldProject] Starting activity net.concentricllc.HelloWorld.HelloAndroid on device
[2010-06-23 15:57:15 - myHelloWorldProject] Device not ready. Waiting 3 seconds before next attempt.
[2010-06-23 15:57:15 - myHelloWorldProject] ActivityManager: android.util.AndroidException: Can't connect to activity manager; is the system running?
[2010-06-23 15:57:18 - myHelloWorldProject] Starting activity net.concentricllc.HelloWorld.HelloAndroid on device
[2010-06-23 15:58:51 - myHelloWorldProject] ActivityManager: Error type 2
[2010-06-23 15:58:52 - myHelloWorldProject] ActivityManager: android.util.AndroidException: Can't connect to activity manager; is the system running?