General :: Battery Dying After 4.0.4 Upgrade

Oct 28, 2012

I updated last week to 4.0.4 last week on an unrooted galaxy S2 and since the phone will just die at random moments even with 100% battery power and when I switch it back on it will be critically low and will need charging....I have done a factory reset but it hasn't worked..

General :: Battery dying after 4.0.4 upgrade

General :: Samsung Battery Dying Within Hours?

Jan 6, 2013

my battery to my samsung galaxy s2 is dying within 3 hours and all im doing is talking i just bought it so what could be wrong? what are my options

my SPH-D710VMUB using Tapatalk 2

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General :: Battery Dying Very Fast Even In Charging?

Jan 6, 2014

I am using crystal clear ROM by Fuser-invent battery is dying very fast and not charging more than 48%.And also is not charging when its ShutDown(shows charging). Nexus 7

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General :: Droid RAZR Battery Dying Quickly - Android OS

Mar 5, 2012

"Android OS" is using my battery way too fast at 33%.

I'm wondering what is is exactly and tips on saving battery life.


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HTC Eris :: Battery Dying Ridiculously Quick

Jul 26, 2010

I am having problems with my battery dying ridiculous quick. So A) If I do a battery reset in recovery am I going to lose any information or does it just erase the battery memory like it says. B) Does that really do anything or is it just a myth?

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Samsung Moment :: Battery Dying Fast / How To Fix?

Apr 2, 2010

Why is my battery dying so fast it drops from 50 to 40 to 30 in a second! How do I fix this?! I love my moment btw!

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Motorola Droid :: Screen Stays On When Battery Is Dying

Nov 28, 2009

I hadn't charged my Droid in two days (yep, still working with GPS and WiFi on), so I thought I'd see how the phone alerted me that the battery was almost dead. When the LED began to flash red, the screen lighted up showing the lock screen with a notification that the battery has less than 10% charge remaining.

However, the screen would not turn off. It stayed illuminated, even after I (briefly) pushed the power button.

If I had wanted to preserve battery power, my only choice was to completely power off the phone.

This is the only situation I've encountered when the screen doesn't shut off after a period of inactivity. Also the only instance when it doesn't shut off when the power button is pressed. And it's probably the only situation where one would want these actions to occur to prevent faster battery drainage.

What have others noticed when their battery is dying?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Battery Dying Just Hours After Charging All Night

Jun 8, 2010

I have an HTC Droid Eris which I LOVE, but yesterday and today my battery has been getting very low/dying just hours after charging it all through the night, which I do every night. I have not downloaded any new apps, and have hardly any apps that would take up battery life honestly. Any ideas on what to do? Or is it just time to go into Verizon and see what they say?

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Motorola Droid X :: Data Synchronization Doesn't Appear To Stop - Battery Dying

Sep 20, 2010

I don't know what I did, but it seems that my data synch is on non-stop. Maybe I never noticed before but in the notification bar, I see the recycle arrow icon just to the left of 3G and I can't seem to turn it off and my battery is running out faster than normal and the phone is very hot. I have used the Power Widget to power cycle (turn on/off) the data sync to no avail...

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Motorola Droid :: Droid Being Slow And Battery Keeps Dying

Jan 2, 2010

My Motorola Droid has been working fine until yesterday. Now it is very slow, keeps forcing close and my battery keeps dying. I noticed it starting happening after getting a couple of apps updates yesterday (for a shopping list app and anti-virus app). Don't know if that is a coincidence or if it has something to do with it.I also have the sync symbol up in the toolbar by the battery, 3G symbol, etc and I don't recall it being there before the problems either. I turned off auto sync but this did not help.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Which Battery Upgrade

Mar 11, 2010

Which of these batteries do you suggest for my Eris? I am still in the 30 day period (and plan to upgrade if a newer phone is released within the period), but after that I am pretty sure I am going to get an upgraded battery.

The current options are:

2x BATTERY+DESKTOP CHARGER FOR VERIZON HTC DROID ERIS - eBay (item 280468408194 end time Mar-22-10 19:05:38 PDT)


Innocell 1750mAh Slim Extended Life Battery

The Seido one is larger and has a reputation, whereas the ebay one is slightly larger, but comes with the charger so that I can carry two. With the Seido, I would probably just do a complete replacement and not carry the extra. The ebay on is also vastly cheaper. <--not too big a factor, as if I keep the phone I will not cheap out on arguably one of the most important parts. However, as a colege student, the cheaper price is nice.

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HTC Hero :: Battery Widget After ROM Upgrade

Oct 8, 2009

I was using Battery Widget prior to a rom upgrade and it was great as it showed the %.Since the upgrade it doesn't show the %.I've tried one or 2 others but they don't have the % being shown either.To save me downloading every damn battery application can someone who has done the ROM upgrade let me know what they are using.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Noticing Huge Battery Improvement With Upgrade?

Jun 30, 2010

Before the update I would bring my phone to work at 100% and with moderate usage, maybe some Pandora/web browsing and it would be nearly dead by the time I brought it home 8-9 hours later. Or even at night lets say it was at 100% when I went to bed, I'd wake up without it plugged in 6-8 hours later and it would be down around 50% battery. Now the difference is almost night and day. In those same time periods I'm coming home from work now with 60-70% battery when I had 10-20% before. And in stand-by the phone hardly uses any battery, at most 1-2% per hour. I am now extremely satisfied with the battery use, it's much improved from the Palm Pre I came from. Also, before the update my phone was power cycling/resetting about every 10-20 mins. I would also experience times of extreme lag when trying to either open multiple apps at once or go through the menus very fast. I even had an an appointment setup at Sprint to have them look at the phone. However, once I applied the update the phone is much faster and I haven't experienced so much as a hiccup. Anyone else experiencing these positive changes?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Which Phone Are You Dying To Own?

Jun 20, 2010

Come one guys if you love your EVO, which I know that most of you do and I know most of us already own it. But lets vote and kick the Galaxy's ass. Lets vote for the EVO. Lets show our EVO pride.

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Samsung Moment :: Battery Life Decreased Since Upgrade To 2.1

May 26, 2010

Has anyone else noticed a decrease in battery life since doing the upgrade? My battery dies in the middle of the day everyday now and i barely use it during the day when I am at work?

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Motorola Droid :: Did Recent OTA Upgrade Improve Battery Life

Jan 21, 2010

This could be a nice bonus ... Those of you who got the upgrade, have you noticed a difference?

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Android :: Application Gets Killed - Because Provider Is In Dying Process

Apr 9, 2009

After long running the Media|Player (audio mode) the app I'm developing often crashes w/ the following error: > Process (pid 14795) has died. > Killing <my app> because provider is in dying process

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Android :: App Keeps Dying After Http Request Results Put Into Layout / Fix It?

Nov 15, 2010

I honestly could not think of a good title. Sorry. Anyway, so I have an app that I am making where I pull information from my custom web api. I pull data from the api and fill in the layout with this information. Problem is it takes a while so the app stalls for a few seconds before the information is pulled since it is in the onCreate method of the activity. To resolve this I implemented a loading dialog. This is where the problems began. I put the http requests into a seperate thread and it downloads fine. No problem. However it keeps force closing every time I try to modify the layout afterward. So basically my question is how do I modify the layout after the background thread is finished? Everything I try keeps force closing the app.

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Android :: How To Prevent Android Bluetooth RFCOMM Connection From Dying

Apr 18, 2010

This problem has been solved! Thanks a lot to Brad, Denis and junkie! You're the heroes! This is the working code. It connects to Zeemote and reads data from it.I'm trying to connect to a Zeemote ( gaming controller from Moto Droid running 2.0.1 firmware. The test application below does connect to the device (LED flashes) but connection is dropped immediately after that. I'm pasting two test apps below: one that actually tries to read from input stream and second one that just sits there, waiting for the device to disconnect after 5 seconds. And yes, I do have third version :) which first waits for ACL_CONNECTED and then opens socket but there's nothing new in its behavior.Some background info:I can connect to the Zeemote from my laptop perfectly fine using bluez tools (log attached as well). I know for sure that Droid is able to talk to Zeemote as well because 'Game Pro' from the Market works fine with it (but then it's a driver/service so maybe it uses lower-level API?).I noticed that 'adb bugreport' reports neither UUID nor RFCOMM channel for Zeemote while it does so for all other devices (including Moto HS815 headset, another dumb device for which 'sdp browse' reports nothing). Also, when the device boots, Zeemote's priority is 0 (others have priority 100+).I'm quite at a loss here, I worked on it for so long that I ran out of ideas so any help would be very much appreciated (even if you don't know the answer

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General :: Battery Meter Bug During Charge Makes Phone Think Battery Is Dead

Nov 9, 2013

I have a sprint GNex. I just started having this problem recently (but before the 4.3 update). I plug my phone in overnight and at some point in the middle of the night an error occurs that make the phone think it is off the charger and has a fully depleted battery. The battery level icon shows no charge and if I pull the phone off the charger it immediately says it has to shut down due to a low battery. However, as soon as I turn it back on it is back to normal with a full charge.

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General :: Google Maps Always Taking Up Big Portion Of Battery In Battery Menu

Dec 2, 2012

I've noticed that Google maps is always taking up a big portion of the battery in the battery menu. If I freeze it with titanium would that make a significant difference? I use it seldom enough to go thru the trouble of unfreezing it when needed if it's worth it..

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General :: Droid X2 Battery Indicator Showing LESS Battery?

Jul 3, 2013

I've had a Droid X2 for almost 2 years, and as phones usually do, the battery life became pretty bad. It would get to 5% and then quickly die halfway through the day.

I purchased a new battery, and found it to be just as bad (supposedly). It would be down to 5% by noon without much usage, so I thought maybe the problem was with my phone and not an old battery. I'd just turn it off or try to find a charger...

It took me a few days to realize that it lasts hours past when it gets to 5%. HOURS. It reached 5% at about 1pm EST today, I used it my whole commute home on the train, made a two 5-10 minute phone calls this evening, and now past 9pm it still hasn't died.

So, it's not the battery. It's not the worst problem to have... but it would be really nice to know how much battery I have left.

Note: I rooted my phone about 1 week before I got the new battery.

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General :: Best Way To Upgrade SGS3 From CM 10 To CM 10.1?

Feb 9, 2013

Should I just do a backup, and install CM 10.1 OTA through my phone, then install GApps, and then install things I like (Such as Custom Kernel and JustUnBean Themed Gapps) as I normally do when updating my ROM?

Or should some extra steps/wipes/etc be taken when going from CM 10 to CM 10.1?

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General :: Umi Cross Upgrade?

Nov 4, 2013

Umi Cross running on android 4.2.1 when is going to update or upgrade to android 4.3 or 4.4?

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General :: Samsung S2 Upgrade Without USB

Apr 28, 2013

I have a samsung S2 with Android 2.3.3 - I9100DDKE4

The problem is due to some reason the USB does not work and the ota update says no update available. I want to upgrade to newer versions of Android. However without the USB Connection i cannot.

how i can upgrade may be through the SD Card. Is it possible..

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General :: How To Upgrade WT19i To ICS

Jan 29, 2013

I'm going to upgrade my wt19i phone to ICS for that i need to download DooMLoRD_v4_ROOT-zergRush-busybox-su Bt i can't download that file it says network error when download going to be over but there is no any network error?

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General :: Locked Out After Android 4.4.2 Upgrade

Jan 15, 2014

So it seems that I along with many others who have the Motorola Droid Mini, Ultra and Maxx on Verizon have been receiving our much anticipated 4.4.2 upgrade. As of about and hour ago I ran it on my Droid Maxx which is totally stock and has never been rooted and is pretty much brand new. As I typically do after and upgrade I started playing around with all the new features that came with 4.4.2, one of the being the ability to unlock you phone handsfree by speaking a pin code to it I decided to give it a try. So I hit up my settings and removed my trusty pattern lock, set my self up with a nice eight digit pin (stupid mistake #1), made it complicated as in not 12345678 (stupid mistake #2), didn't write it down (stupid mistake #4) and the proceeded to forget it in the amount of time it took me to lock my screen. Now I was under the understanding that I could bypass the lock screen with my g-mail account password, but I cant seem to find where, and to make matters worse I have failed the pin code 8 out of the allotted 10 times before the phone wipes itself.

I hardly doubt that Android 4.4.2 lost the ability to use your gmail account as a bypass in this situation did they? I know a lot of times people think that it is due to the phone not actually being signed in, but I have both received application updates from the play store and emails from my gmail account indicating the device is signed in.

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General :: Can't Upgrade Firmware - Galaxy S

Jan 21, 2012

how to stop the annoying media scan on this Galaxy S Captivate, which included tutorials on rooting and getting sdk files.

Now I would like to upgrade to the latest firmware. I found out that I needed something called Kies, so I downloaded it and followed the instructions - hooked up the phone after checking debugging, etc, but I got an error that said I don't have authorization or something. I started researching a bit, but got quickly overwhelmed with things I'd never heard of like "Odin".

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General :: Upgrade CM 10.1 To Velox ROM - LG P970?

Nov 30, 2013

I'm using CyanogenMod 10.1, if I reboot into recovery and flash the Velox ROM [URL] directly (not wipe data / factory reset), there were no errors or data loss?

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General :: Force OTU To Upgrade Alcatel OT-983

May 10, 2014

how can I force ONE TOUCH Upgrade NB 1.0 to re-upgrade my Alcatel OT-983 even if I have the latest version ?

reason is phone is bricked and I can't access the download mode nor the recovery mode , it only goes in the boot mode , where I connect the phone without a battery!

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