General :: App To Use Android Device As Media Controller For IOS Device
Feb 28, 2014
Basically I have an old iPod touch 2g on iOS 4.x and a Nexus 5.
I want to use my iPod as my media player but I'd like to be able to control music from my Nexus (only basic controls).
Is there an app on either device that allows this? I know tsk skipping can be done by some Bluetooth headphones so I'm hoping there's a way to make iOS accept command from my Nexus
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Jul 22, 2010
How To: Properly Sync Music To Android With MediaMonkey | from the site: Mount your phone in USB Mode to your computer, and note the drive letter that it is associated Open this drive in Windows Explorer and create the appropriate folders where you want your music stored. I have one called Music and one called Playlists, but you can do this however you want. Now launch MediaMonkey, and make sure it shows your phones memory card in the left sidebar (separately from the MyComputer option) In MediaMonkey, click on Tools up top, then choose Options and go down to Portable/Audio Devices Uncheck *all* of the plug-ins except d_USBMass1.dll Highlight d_USBMass1.dll and click on the Configure button to the right Choose the Device Configuration tab in the dialog box that popped up In the middle of this tab, youll see a box called Device Name, which is where youll type the name of your phone (mine is NexusOne)Below this, choose the appropriate drive letter from the drop-down Below this, enter a Drive Label (again, mine is NexusOne)Leave the USB Device ID box empty and dont click the Find Device button While you have this dialog box open, you can tinker with the other tabs, if you want. This is where you can specify a folder hierarchy and adjust your sync settings. I would recommend creating a small playlist (~15-20 tracks from various artists/genres/albums) to test with you dont want to do a full sync only to realize you dont like your sync settings. This guide is better because it allows for the use of smart playlists and has much fewer steps than if you use winamp.
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Feb 8, 2012
I have my PC downloading all sorts of media during the day, music, videos, etc... as far as this discussion goes, all of them are completely legal and DRM-free.
My PC is a Dell laptop (i7-2670QM) running legit Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit I have a Samsung i9000 running ICS, and a B&N Nook Color Running CM7,
I tried reading about RTSP and UPnP and other stuff, but couldn't get my head around it, I'm usually good with computers, except for this case.
What I want to do is to setup a media streaming from my PC to any of my devices. I don't even want my computer to re-encode the media, just stream it as-is, given that you can play almost any format on android these days.
Is it possible? If so, what do I need? can I use VLC, or do I have to setup something more serious?
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May 28, 2013
I have 3 Galaxy Player 5 ( YP-G70 with 3 capacitive buttons ), only one of the actually have a working rom that i flashed a while ago.
The other two have a different rom that only have the back and menu button working ( the home button doesn't respond )
Is there a way for me to take the Rom and kernel off the working galaxy player so i can install it into the other two ?
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May 28, 2010
Can someone explain a couple of very simple concepts to me - I'm interested in mobile devices running android and how they are identified over networks. Some scenarios: Device is connected over WiFi - presumably the device has a standard IP address as with any host and can communicate with any other android host over TCP/IP (assuming it knows the participating device's IP? device is connected over bluetooth - how are devices identified in this case? device is connected over mobile operator's network - this is the one I'm interested in and confused by - is there anyway for two or more devices to discover each other and communicate via the mobile operator's network? How does a device communicate with a backend server in this scenario? In other words, how do apps and devices communicate when not connected to a WiFi network?
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Jun 6, 2010
I have developed and tested my app on the emulator, and now want to install it on my HTC device. the apk installs successfully, however my database is not going with it. I have created my database using sqliteman browser b/c I have to insert a bulk data before the app starts. I have four tables in my db and call each in different activities and created all on the sqliteman. after the data is inserted I pull back the db onto the data folder of the emulator. it works perfect on the emulator but failed on the device. when I try to pull my db on the real device, it shows access denied problem
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Mar 24, 2009
I have developed a sports game which is single player. Now I want to have one more game mode which is multiplayer.
My question is how can i do device to device connection in android using sets of api which can be :
1.Bluetooth - whose APIs are not currently available.
2.gtalkservice - removed from sdk1.0 3.wifi - I dont knw how to connect 2 devices using wifi apis . I have asked about wifi because we have developed a game on iphone which used wifi connection for multiplayer stuff.
Or is there any other apis which can be used for implementation of multiplayer in game ?
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Oct 30, 2009
How do I map the device Y axis to the screen Y axis?I can't figure this out.I'm the developer of Tricorder, and I'm trying to make it so that the accelerometer and magnetometer indicators I draw always point in the right direction.On the G1 phone with the slider closed, all is well.But when I open the slider, I end up showing that gravity is pulling me to the left (if the phone is held with the display vertical).So, I know that the device, and hence sensor, Y axis is always in the direction of the earpiece; and the screen Y axis changes when I open the slider.And I know that I can use remapCoordinateSystem() to change the device axes to match the screen axes.But where do I find out what the device's orientation is?In other words, how do I compute the correct values for the X and Y parameters to remapCoordinateSystem()?
Configuration.orientation seems quite useless.Suppose it is set to LANDSCAPE.What does this mean?Does it mean a device which is "naturally" portrait (i.e. the sensor Y axis points to the narrow end), and which has been turned into landscape mode?If so, which way was it turned?Or does it mean a device which is naturally landscape?In other words, LANDSCAPE could mean that the screen axis is off from the sensor axis by +90, 0, OR -90 degrees.Not much help.So how do I do this?Obviously I want my app to work on all devices, not just the G1 phone.
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Oct 29, 2010
I have a standalone GPS enabled data recorder in my car that can function as either a USB host or device. (Its a class 0x00h USB device). I currently connect to it via a WM 6.5 app running on my Palm Treo 750. I would like to port my WM 6.5 app to an Android phone. (I don't have a specific Android phone in mind, I would like it to be as generic as possible).Replicating the GUI is not that difficult, but I am having trouble getting started on the USB communication. I'd appreciate it if someone could point me towards an example, or the appropriate tutorial.
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Oct 30, 2008
I cant seem to figure out to add music to my device. When I hook the USB cord up nothing happens. Can someone guide me on what to do please?
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Jan 5, 2014
I have terrabytes of movies on my always on server that I would like to have access to over the internet. I have TV shows, home movies, and ripped movies that I want to be able to view when not at home. Free would be nice, but easy would be best. I don't want to have to setup dynamicDNS or anything complex if possible. I am shocked that this is not something easily possible today. Or maybe it is but I am not searching for it the right way.
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Jun 25, 2010
Is it possible to store custom ringtones on the device itself (nexus one) rather than on the sd card? t5hat would eliminate the problems resulting from a mounted sd card. when I have the sd card mounted and someone with a custom ringtone calls I don't get any ring at all.
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Feb 13, 2010
I'm using the android plugin for eclipse, and when I try to run my program using a real device through the android device chooser, my phone is not listed as a device. I have updated eclipse and all of the android packages, but it still isn't showing up. My phone is running 1.6, which is also the target version listed in the eclipse project.Also, the reason I decided to try testing on a real device is because the emulator doesn't seem to be working right anymore when I run my project. The emulator launches, but the program never does. Any ideas?(using windows 7/t-mobile mytouch 3g)
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Aug 10, 2010
Does anybody have an idea what I may be doing wrong. I have installed the usb drivers and have my device running in debugging mode but when I run my basic hello world application through eclipse my device wont show up in the device chooser. I have also tried re installing the sdk and all the drivers and still no luck.
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Aug 21, 2010
Invoked device native player to play audio file, it opens android native player on top of the application but when selecting to back out or return to the application, device automatically stops playing the current media.
Sample code:
Intent intent = new Intent();
How can I implement so that Device should continue to play audio in the background when selecting to back out or return to the application
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Oct 14, 2009
Does anyone know what this program is? What does it do? i launch it, it goes into preparing device and then I am back at home screen.
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Nov 10, 2009 Is there a way to get the device manufacturer or the USB device ID? I could not find anything documented.
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Mar 13, 2010
How to show media volume controller on my screen in android?
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Oct 8, 2010
I'm trying custom the theme of Media Volume Controller (I don't know what it's called, just try to name it). It's something like a Toast with "Media Volume" title which appears when we press volume buttons (+ and -) in games. But I don't know which View it's, or it's a Toast, a Dialog. So far as I try, I could not find anything which refers it. Only Activity.setVolumeControlStream(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC)
to enable it in your Activity, and nothing more >_<
If someone know how to custom it, or just it's name.
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Feb 11, 2014
I just got a galaxy s4 today. The media controller on my galaxy gear was working fine before but now it isn't at all. Everything else is functioning except that. The devices are paired and I recently tried hard resetting the gear twice and no results.
Strangely enough, I've used my gear with 4.1.2 on my s3 and the media controller is the one thing that worked almost consistently.
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Nov 11, 2011
Can we use ANY Android device to replace a WiiRemote (even partially?)
I believe the Motion Sensor requires IR but the actual connection is Bluetooth.
there was a forum post on the EVO forum specificaly talking about using the EVO for this purpose but I wanted to open it up to any and all devices (with Bluetooth)
EVO Post: [URL] .....
It would be useful on all non-MotionControl Wii Apps like classic games Emulated classic games & TV/Movie apps like Netflix -- none of which requires the Motion Sensor.
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Aug 9, 2012
Is it possible to create a virtual TMC receiver via FM radio? On the Windows Mobile built such projects as OmniaTMC, HyperGPS. What about devices based on Android?
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Apr 15, 2013
is there an app that allows you to shut down your computer via android device?
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Jan 12, 2013
how to check e-mail messages from another Gmail account, but not the main account that is logged in my device? Any app or somethig? I just want to check e-mails (and docs maybe) but I dont want to sync that acc with my phone.
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Apr 6, 2013
Similar to a game boy emulator for example.
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Aug 22, 2013
ADB see my device as offline on PC.My configuration:
PC - Win7 (32), ADB v.1.0.31
Device - Android 4.0.3, ADB v.1.0.29
I don't know what happened but one morning couldn't connect to my device.
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Apr 7, 2012
-On my laptop (Win 7), add my Android (Galaxy Nexus 4.0.3) as a playback device. My phone is connected to my bookshelf speaker setup that is in the same room but not near my desk. So when I am playing music on my laptop, let it be Pandora or Google music streams, I would like the sound to be played from the phone that is connected to the speakers.
I have looked at two possible approaches:
1) Remote control the phone and use the Google Music app on the android to play the songs. Essentially control the phone from PC. I did not find a suitable app for that one
2)Use the phone as a playback device on the Win 7.
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Feb 22, 2012
I'm looking to be able to use my Galaxy Tab as a second PC display. I've been searching for hours for a way to set this up and I've found a few solutions, but so far they've all been lacking. I'm hoping others might have some experience or thoughts on the subject. Here's what I tried or looked into so far:
iDisplay - Available on the Market. So far about the only solution that works, but it's god awful slow. If you try to use a browser with a couple tabs open, it practically stands still. It also disables Aero on Windows 7.
Screenslider - Available on the Market. Disables Aero. Doesn't like web browsing, FF and IE won't redraw when clicking anything (links, Java objects, tabs, etc).
Air Display - Available on the Market. Disables Aero and DirectX. This one was extremely responsive, but you just can't do anything on it. Not compatible with FF9 or later and can't handle dynamic web content.
Remote View - Available on the Market. Disables Aero and Background. Honestly, I don't even remember why this one didn't work. Pretty sure browsers just froze. Have to jump through hoops on their website to even get the server.Splashtop XDisplay - iOS only. Looks like it would be perfect, but it's not on Android yet. They said they were working on it 6 months go, so I'm not holding my breath.
Virtual display + a VNC connection - This is the most promising, so far. The idea is to use software to create a virtual display that's normally hidden, then use a VNC server (that can deal with individual displays) to send that extra display to a VNC viewer on the Android device. It seems like this would be the most responsive, plus you shouldn't lose Aero or specific applications since you're essentially just sending out a video stream (I think). Some apps even combine the virtual display and VNC server into one. In reality, actually setting this up has been a royal PITA (due in no small part to my complete lack of experience with this sort of thing).
Other Android RDP or VNC apps that have this sort of functionality built in?
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Aug 27, 2012
I'm looking for an Android 1.6/2.0 launcher to run on my Android 4.0 device (HTC One X)(Launcher + doesn't work for some reason.)
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Oct 1, 2012
I'm looking to run a VPN server on my Android device so that I can set up a virtual network adapter on my PC to connect to the same network as my Android's wifi. I've seen plenty of Android VPN clients, but no server software.
Is there any software out there to run a VPN server on an android device?
I've heard OpenSSH runs an L2/L3 VPN, but I everything I can find on getting OpenSSH running on Android is all about ftp, and they usually wind up running an alternative. Is there a release of OpenSSH I can use on android for the purpose stated?
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