Android :: Get Device Manufacturer Or USB Device Id
Nov 10, 2009 Is there a way to get the device manufacturer or the USB device ID? I could not find anything documented. Is there a way to get the device manufacturer or the USB device ID? I could not find anything documented.
Can someone explain a couple of very simple concepts to me - I'm interested in mobile devices running android and how they are identified over networks. Some scenarios: Device is connected over WiFi - presumably the device has a standard IP address as with any host and can communicate with any other android host over TCP/IP (assuming it knows the participating device's IP? device is connected over bluetooth - how are devices identified in this case? device is connected over mobile operator's network - this is the one I'm interested in and confused by - is there anyway for two or more devices to discover each other and communicate via the mobile operator's network? How does a device communicate with a backend server in this scenario? In other words, how do apps and devices communicate when not connected to a WiFi network?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have developed and tested my app on the emulator, and now want to install it on my HTC device. the apk installs successfully, however my database is not going with it. I have created my database using sqliteman browser b/c I have to insert a bulk data before the app starts. I have four tables in my db and call each in different activities and created all on the sqliteman. after the data is inserted I pull back the db onto the data folder of the emulator. it works perfect on the emulator but failed on the device. when I try to pull my db on the real device, it shows access denied problem
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have developed a sports game which is single player. Now I want to have one more game mode which is multiplayer.
My question is how can i do device to device connection in android using sets of api which can be :
1.Bluetooth - whose APIs are not currently available.
2.gtalkservice - removed from sdk1.0 3.wifi - I dont knw how to connect 2 devices using wifi apis . I have asked about wifi because we have developed a game on iphone which used wifi connection for multiplayer stuff.
Or is there any other apis which can be used for implementation of multiplayer in game ?
How do I map the device Y axis to the screen Y axis?I can't figure this out.I'm the developer of Tricorder, and I'm trying to make it so that the accelerometer and magnetometer indicators I draw always point in the right direction.On the G1 phone with the slider closed, all is well.But when I open the slider, I end up showing that gravity is pulling me to the left (if the phone is held with the display vertical).So, I know that the device, and hence sensor, Y axis is always in the direction of the earpiece; and the screen Y axis changes when I open the slider.And I know that I can use remapCoordinateSystem() to change the device axes to match the screen axes.But where do I find out what the device's orientation is?In other words, how do I compute the correct values for the X and Y parameters to remapCoordinateSystem()?
Configuration.orientation seems quite useless.Suppose it is set to LANDSCAPE.What does this mean?Does it mean a device which is "naturally" portrait (i.e. the sensor Y axis points to the narrow end), and which has been turned into landscape mode?If so, which way was it turned?Or does it mean a device which is naturally landscape?In other words, LANDSCAPE could mean that the screen axis is off from the sensor axis by +90, 0, OR -90 degrees.Not much help.So how do I do this?Obviously I want my app to work on all devices, not just the G1 phone.
I have a standalone GPS enabled data recorder in my car that can function as either a USB host or device. (Its a class 0x00h USB device). I currently connect to it via a WM 6.5 app running on my Palm Treo 750. I would like to port my WM 6.5 app to an Android phone. (I don't have a specific Android phone in mind, I would like it to be as generic as possible).Replicating the GUI is not that difficult, but I am having trouble getting started on the USB communication. I'd appreciate it if someone could point me towards an example, or the appropriate tutorial.
View 1 Replies View RelatedBasically I have an old iPod touch 2g on iOS 4.x and a Nexus 5.
I want to use my iPod as my media player but I'd like to be able to control music from my Nexus (only basic controls).
Is there an app on either device that allows this? I know tsk skipping can be done by some Bluetooth headphones so I'm hoping there's a way to make iOS accept command from my Nexus
I'm using the android plugin for eclipse, and when I try to run my program using a real device through the android device chooser, my phone is not listed as a device. I have updated eclipse and all of the android packages, but it still isn't showing up. My phone is running 1.6, which is also the target version listed in the eclipse project.Also, the reason I decided to try testing on a real device is because the emulator doesn't seem to be working right anymore when I run my project. The emulator launches, but the program never does. Any ideas?(using windows 7/t-mobile mytouch 3g)
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anybody have an idea what I may be doing wrong. I have installed the usb drivers and have my device running in debugging mode but when I run my basic hello world application through eclipse my device wont show up in the device chooser. I have also tried re installing the sdk and all the drivers and still no luck.
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know what this program is? What does it do? i launch it, it goes into preparing device and then I am back at home screen.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have 3 Galaxy Player 5 ( YP-G70 with 3 capacitive buttons ), only one of the actually have a working rom that i flashed a while ago.
The other two have a different rom that only have the back and menu button working ( the home button doesn't respond )
Is there a way for me to take the Rom and kernel off the working galaxy player so i can install it into the other two ?
I'm finding my screen is too bright for me to read with in bed at night, even when set to the dimmest setting and with the background black and the text brown. I had this same issue with my old Palm Tungsten E2, but there was a program that allowed the screen to be adjusted to even lower than the manufacturer's level. Is there a similar app for Android? (Actually, I find my screen too bright at the best of times, too.)
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm an adroid newb. just wanted to get it out there.First thing i've noticed now is this worrying trend of us consumers being dependent on the good graces of the manufacturers depending on them for OS upgrades and we all know they never really care or are motivated with providing something for free.It seems like the same problem as the Laptop PC market has with them being slow releasing new drivers making our choices of which Linux or windows one wants to install limited and the negative performance impact that follows. My having to install drivers in compatibility mode on my HTC SHIFT to be able to run win7 on it which is waaay better on such a slow machine rather than the originally bundled vista.SO, to the point. What android smartphone builder are generally considered the best and fastest, most reliable at releasing these new updates Froyo and future versions.If i wanted to buy a real top-of-the-line model which would make the best investment, like will any of them get android 3 updates when it becomes available?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI'm about to dump ATT/IPhone for Sprint/Android (EVO), but one thing has been nagging me and I want to make sure I know my options before jumping (e.g. given these 2 yr contracts).My concern is with ongoing support for my phone after purchase, support in terms of receiving the latest/greatest updates to the Android platform (e.g. within hardware constraints). Who ultimately controls whether a phone gets a release (e.g. Carrier or Manufacturer)?It seems to me the best bet is to go with the Nexus One platform given that is under the control of Google and should be well supported in that respect. However, it seems like it is going to be a hassle and/or costly to go with Nexus One using Sprint. Is there anyway around paying full price for Nexus One and using Sprint as a carrier? Any chance Google has a deal with the carriers to subsidize phones?Plus, I would prefer not to have the blot (e.g. UI modifications, app replacements, etc) added to the phone by Carriers and/or Manufactures (e.g. prefer Android as perceived by Google). Wondering who has the control of UI modifications. Does the Carrier contract with the Manufacturer and have control over what is added and how it is supported (e.g. whether a phone gets a new Android release, etc)? Or does the Manufacturer have the control?And lastly, say I get the EVO and on down the line someone (Manufacturer or Carrier) decides no more updates for the EVO. It sounds like I should be able to root the phone and continue with updates. Without support from Carrier/Manufacturer of course, but is it against the Carriers rules to root a phone?
Also, when rooting a phone, I'm assuming you can not take a release straight from Google and install it. Rather, someone has to implement the release for the target hardware (e.g. build, add any necessary drivers, etc). Are there any gotchas in doing this? Who is the most reliable supplier of these builds? I know that is a pretty broad question and I'll plan on doing additional research in that areas, but if anybody can give me a nudge or share their experience, that would be great.
Does anyone know the name and/or manufacturer of the camera sensor in the EVO?
View 6 Replies View Relatedfirst off, let me say "Hi". got my Eris about 3 months ago and been lurking ever since . i've enjoyed reading just about every single page of all the stickied threads -fascinating stuff. you all seem pretty Knowledgeable (OTD, Caddyman, etc) and look forward to reading you thoughts on this. Here's the scenario:i have an Eris and my girlfriend has an EnV2 she will soon be upgrading to the Incredible. she suggested we swap phones once she gets the Inc, since she doesn't really need all that extra fancy stuff -i reluctantly agreed so yesterday, just for kicks, i brought this up to a store tech and she said that wouldn't be a problem, but once the phone comes off the original account it was activated on, the manufacturer voids the 1-year warranty ergo i wouldn't have a warranty on the Inc, nor would she have one on the Eris post swap. does this sound crazy, or is it just me? secondly, would it really be as simple as i imagine? just swapping phones & switching ESN's on our respective accounts once her Inc is activated?
View 20 Replies View RelatedI'm increasingly feeling like our beloved Droid1, which has been by far the best supported by developers of root, will eventually be abandoned by our developers as more and more smartphones emerge with better specs - from manufacturers who will play ball with us - unlike the Motorola, who is apparently giving the root community the cold shoulder with new encrypted bootloaders and closed exploits.As November approaches, the mass exodus will begin as those who can upgrade early will begin to do so (as some already have who have lines on their accounts that are upgradable now), and the number of Droid1 owners will dwindle more rapidly.My question is - after the dust settles - to which manufacturers will our developers migrate to the most? Which one will be the most root-friendly? I have been spoiled by flashing ROM after ROM after ROM and making all sorts of modifications, and the thought of having to use anything stock turns my stomach.Pete, Fab, Chevy, JRummy, Koush, CyanogenMod team, CVPS - and others (you know who you are) - feel free to guide us in the right direction!
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs possible get the device name
View 5 Replies View RelatedAnyone knows how to get the available Device RAM through an API ? I am not looking for - Runtime.get Instance ().freeMemory()
View 8 Replies View RelatedI hope I'm using the right forum, I want to get a cheap phone that I can use Android 2.2 on but I will not be using the phone service at all!I do not want to activate the phone service, The phone will only be used as a PDA. I use a TracFone and very happy with it!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have gone through android.os.Build api and seen some of the device details like manufaterer and deviceId etc But i need some other details like software vertion,type of the device like is it phone or PDA,maximum length of the management tree ,Bearer details, hardware vertion etc Is there any API to know these details.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow to know if the application is running on emulator or on a real device? I want to implement a function to detect wifi connection. If the application is running on emulator, just skip the wifi detection, while on real device, the wifi connection check should be done. how to do that?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI must be blind because i went through all the profile options 3 times.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have ported the Android to a x86 platform. And i want to detect the USB plug-in.But follow the information about the android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED in the SDK's DOC, i can't receive the event of the USB's plug-in. i have checked my code and it can receive the other event ( ps:intent action) .
Besides, in the CLI, i could mount the USB device to /sdcard but it couldn't mount automatically. have seen some source code about the mount and mountlistener and it should be effective. my SDK's version is 1.5.
I am trying to add my motorola milestone device into PC and debug in the device. When i put the usb cable, the device opens in data storage mode and opens the folder. But when i do a "adb devices" i dont see any device. i did the usb_driver fresh installation guide, but it returned "windows could not find a better driver than currently installed" I havd pointed to sdpath/usb_driver. what's wrong and how to resolve this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI just got a captivate from att for $1 dollar i was wondering if is good to keep this phone or get another one i want a good android device i still have time to cancel the contract without a etf fee
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View 2 Replies View RelatedIn my development environment, more than one USB device can be plugined in the Android device. If I want to get the USB device list of an Android device. What should I do? Of course, if there is only one USB device, it seems that we can access it as sdcard.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to get/set a generic device name ? My app will offer the user an option to use the same app on several devices and they will be aware of each other through server. 1) Is there anything in the APIs to allow me to fetch some kind of friendly device name (cannot be OS/model since user might have the same on both devices) ? 2) AFAICT the only option is to use Bluetooth name but how can I fetch my device name in code?(and it's a nag do explain the user to use bluetooth just to set the name of the device)
View 4 Replies View RelatedIt is my understanding that the EVO has a built-in GPS. I will be going soon to Europe. Can I use it their as a Navigation device (not as a phone, I Know that the phone will not work). If it can be used as a navigation device, can I use the existing app. (Navigator) Where can I get European maps for it. Will 3G work in Europe?
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