General :: Adding Email Account To Samsung Epic 4G

Feb 26, 2012

I just bought an Epic 4G, and I'm trying to configure it with my email account. I clicked on the email icon on the home screen, and it instantly brought me to a screen that asks me to enter my email address and account password. "You can configure email for most accounts in a few steps," it says. Lies! I've entered my info at least ten times now, double-checked every time, and every time it tells me that either my username or password are incorrect. I promise you this is not the case. I'm trying to configure a Yahoo account.

I tried to add the account manually and the phone says it can't connect to the server.

General :: Adding email account to Samsung Epic 4G

HTC EVO 4G :: Adding Temple University Email Account

Aug 7, 2010

I cannot for the life of me get this Temple University email on this phone. I hate to compare to the iPhone but it was a straight forward process. How do I get this email account on here?

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Adding Email Account To X10

Aug 23, 2010

I have been trying to add an email account to my phone through the email button.I have also tried using K-9, but still no luck.I have added my gmail account with no problem, but would also like to add my yahoo email address.There seems to be a facility to do so.I have put my yahoo address and password in to the appropriate section, but the next page asks for my 'Username'.Any idea what the 'Username' means?I have tried putting in my yahoo email address, both with and without the '' bit, but I get an error message saying 'Setup could not finish.Username or password incorrect'.

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HTC Desire :: Hotmail Account As Email Account - If Delete Account - Effect On The Actual Email Account

Jun 5, 2010

just got my desire this morning and i don't really know what i'm doing with it, i've never had a smart phone before. i've set up my hotmail account as the email account on the phone but, call me paranoid, i'd rather not have it on there at all. if i delete the account on the phone will it have any detremental effect on the actual email account?

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Samsung Epic 4G :: General Gmail Account Syncing

Sep 30, 2010

I'm new to android so it may just be user error, but I'd like to think I'm fairly tech savvy and its not me.I've had my Epic for more than a month (got it on release day)

1.)I have a gmail account already on the phone and linked up.. but the email to it is somewhat complicated so i created another account via (on the computer) and im having trouble having the phone connecting to the server and hosting the account.i think this might be a temporary google issue.

2.)I just got into a group at school that requires me to have a i tried to creating all of my dates and times on my phone and then syncing it but apparently i had "My Calendar" checked so it won't go do i have to start over? and will it work this time?

3.)I just now decided that i also want to sync my contacts to my gmail account, but i already have 150+ contacts in my phone.I understand that you have to select save to "google" as opposed to "phone" when saving a new contact my question is... do i have to manually go through all 150+ contacts and change this? or is there another way to sync them?

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Samsung EPIC 4G :: Adding Video

Sep 16, 2010

Anyone know how to add video from the computer onto the phone?

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Samsung EPIC 4G :: Will Epic Sync Calendar And Email With Outlook?

Aug 20, 2010

I am trying to determine whether the Epic will sync with Outlook for email and calendar, but it does not seem so.Is anyone aware of a solution for this?

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Samsung EPIC 4G :: Sprint Premiere Customers Get Epic Email

Aug 12, 2010

I just got an email asking me if I wanted to reserve the Samsung Epic 4G.

According to the email the phone comes out on 8/31 and sell for $250 after a $150 instant discount and a $100 MIR.

Here is the link for those Premiere customers HERE!
According to my friend Radio Shack will also be taking orders on Friday.

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Samsung Epic 4G :: Adding Notifications / Ringtones

Nov 17, 2010

I fought for quite a while trying to add custom ringtones to the epic, don't know why they make it so difficult. Anyway, create a two folders on you phone called "notifications" and "ringtones" these can either be in the root dir of your sd card or nested in another folder. Apperantly it for these it searches for folder names instead of file type. I have my nested in another folder called media. I use this for all external media I add to phone.

Also remember that the phone will find pictures by file type. So any pictures you put anywhere on your sdcard will show up in gallery. This makes it real easy to create folders for sorting pics. If you don't want a certain folder to show up in the gallery just put a "." in the beginning of the name. Then when you want it to show up in the gallery go to the folder, delete the period at the beginning of the name and there it is in gallery. So folder name "confidential pics" will show in gallery but folder name ".confidential pics" wont show up in gallery. I use Astro for changing the folder names on the phone and it works pretty good.

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Samsung Epic 4G :: Active Sync Email On Epic

Nov 3, 2010

I work in IT at my company and support mobile devices and their connection to our exchange server.One of our employees got the Epic 4g and she continues to have issues with ActiveSync not downloading emails right away. For example, this morning she had about 25 emails come in and on her Epic it showed the last email being from yesterday. I tried to manually refresh the email on the phone and it did not download any new emails. I rebooted the phone and it started downloading all her emails. This is not the first time this has happened. This is a normal occurrence for her. It will not download anything for a few hours to a few days then download everything at once.I know it is not an issue on our side as we have about 20 iPhones and about 15 Android devices working fine including my Evo. So far, she is the only one in our company with an Epic however we have about 3 employees that are about to leave their Blackberries and iPhones for the Epic and I have told them to hold of until we resolve this issue.

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General :: Samsung Galaxy Nexus - How To Setup Non-gmail Email Account

Sep 3, 2012

I'm in the process of switching from an iPhone 4 to the Samsung Galaxy Nexus purchased direct from Google. I wish to setup my Yahoo account, but I've run into a problem. I can receive and send emails without problems, but I can't find a feature to automatically bcc messages back to myself. I do this so that I can synchronize Sent messages with my PC. Is this feature missing in Android V4.1 or am I just not seeing it?

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Samsung Epic 4G :: Adding An FTP Location For Picture And Video Sharing

Oct 6, 2010

On Android 2.1 (Epic), possible to add an FTP location to possible places you can share your pictures? Something that come up along with picasa or whatever.

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General :: Adding 2nd Gmail Account?

Jul 22, 2010

I'm trying to add a second gmail account (my wife's), and I keep running into a response message after a couple of minutes, saying "Can't establish a reliable data connection on the server". I've tried forcing the transaction through Wi-Fi and cellular paths, always with the same result.

I see any number of threads in a variety of forums with this problem, going back months, but I didn't find any viable solutions. The most common solution offered is to do a factory reset on the phone, which I'm not near ready to do yet.

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Motorola Droid X :: Adding GMail Account To Phone With Existing Google Application Account

Aug 19, 2010

Droid X - Configured with a Google Apps Premiere, working great. Attempting to add a personal GMail account. Go to the GMail app, select add account, fill in the metrics and then...... "Needs to communicate" message for ~ 3 minutes, then bombs out with - "Can't establish a reliable data connection to the server". 3G is fine, on a wifi connection that is fine, web browser works fine..... Google Apps account works fine.

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General :: Adding Google Account On Android 2.3.7

Nov 30, 2013

I'm trying to add an google acount in a cynamogen 7(.2?) but it requires exchange settings. I think that google dropped support for this... Is there anyway to bypass this?

It needs gapps. I've installed only play .apk and that's what was happening: [URL] .......

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General :: Adding Google Account That Has 2 Factor Authentication?

Mar 2, 2014

adding a google account that has 2 factor authentication? I've tried 3 different accounts on 4 different phones and nothing works

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Samsung EPIC 4G : POP3 Account Locked

Oct 6, 2010

I have my Epic setup to poll my corporate POP3 mail server every 10 minutes.When I arrived at work this morning I changed the polling to "Never" on my Epic, and opened Outlook on my PC.I received an error indicating the the POP3 server was locked by another session.I turned off my Epic and a minute or so later, Outlook was able to successfully connect.How can this be avoided? Am I not completely closing out of the Email session on my Epic?

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Samsung Epic 4G :: Deleting GMail Account On Application

Oct 12, 2010

Is there a way to delete my gmail account off the gmail app? I dont want to receive my emails on my phone. I was able to delete it off the email app on the home screen, but not in the gmail app under applications.

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Samsung EPIC 4G :: Alert Account To Be Employee Referral?

Aug 13, 2010

I read over on SprintUsers that if you buy a phone, let's say an Epic, from a place such as Radio Shack and sign a new contract- when you get home you can call Sprint and have them alter your account to be one of those "Employee Referral" deals (using Russ's e-mail). Is this true? I want the instant rebate to make the phone 250 but I also want the plan that I was banking on.

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Samsung Epic 4G :: YouTube App Cannot Access My Account's Videos And Favorites

Sep 8, 2010

I am on the Epic 4g using the default YouTube app that came with the Epic 4g and I get an error every time I try to access my linked YouTube account. I have attached the screenshot of the error. This happens after going into the YouTube app, selecting "My account" then selecting my account from the "YouTube accounts" pop up. It will freeze for a while then I get the error in the screenshot.

I've even tried the HQ YouTube app found here:

And taking the same steps as above it does the freezes but this time doesn't bring up that same error (I waited a couple minutes).

By the way, this is the stock ROM and I am not rooted.

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Samsung Epic 4G :: Sync Contacts And Calendar With Extra Google Account

Sep 22, 2010

I have a Droid, and my friend just got a Samsung Epic, so I am trying to show him things.He has a google account (not a gmail account, not a google apps - a Google account with his own email address). He wants to sync his contacts and calendar.On my Droid, I go to accounts & sync > add account > Google > enter my address and password.i get offered to sync Calendar and/or Contacts, by clicking on the check box.On his Epic, he adds the account, but there are no options, no check boxes! Is this different somehow? It works fine with his gmail, but not his generic Google account. On my Droid it all works fine and everything is in sync.

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Samsung Epic 4G : Make Facebook Notifications Show Up / Add Hotmail Account?

Aug 31, 2010

I just got the Epic 4G and I'm confused about how to make my facebook notifications show up AND how can I add a hotmail account and see that I received a new email? I'm confused! I have gmail but the icon won't show how many emails--only on the top left..

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Yahoo Email Using Email App And Free Yahoo Account Works

Mar 6, 2010

I remembered from my G1 days a way to sync the E-Mail app up to Yahoo's free (not PoP3) servers so I gave it try on my new BH2 and it works just fine:Here are the steps:
1. Enter Yahoo ID and Password (hint, just use your "username", not the whole
2. Select Manual Setup
3. Setup IMAP
4. Incoming server is
5. Port is 143
6. Security Type is "TLS (if available)"
7. Leave IMAP path prefix blank
8. Hit next
9. SMTP Server is
10. Port is 25
11. Security is again TLS (if available)
12. Check Require sign-in
13. Verify username and password
14. enjoy
To Sync up, you CANNOT be on WiFi (dunno why, maybe Yahoo has a deal with T-Mobile?).One other note: if after rechecking all your settings and it still says "invalid username/password" try going onto your Yahoo Account and change your "Location" to ASIA ! Weird I know, but for some reason, some people can't get this to work with US-English as their Yahoo Locale (not talking about your phone's settings here, all on Yahoo site end!).

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Galaxy S Keeps Freezing After Adding Exchange Account

Aug 1, 2010

I have added my work exchange email account to my Samsung Galaxy S. It starts to downloads email, contacts and calender entries but then starts to freeze or pop-up screens appears saying that there is no contact with TwLauncher - it doesn't matter if I choose "wait" or "force close". Even if I delete the exchange account the phone keeps freezing and I have to do a phone reset (with all the setting up and downloading of apps to follow). I have tried to set up the account on a clean phone with NO other apps installed same problem. What do I do? Our server is Exchange 2003. It works fine with my colleagues Nokia and HTC phones.

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Samsung Epic 4G :: Not Picking Up Email Very Well

Sep 2, 2010

One thing I've noticed though is that this thing just doesn't seem to be picking up my email very well at all...personal or work. Are any of you getting this issue? I'm used to the BB getting them almost instantly which is important to me because of my work. I'm also getting this notification saying "Network Error" from time to time. What's up with that? Overall I'm happy with this phone but I really hope that I can get my email situation solved.

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Samsung Epic 4G :: How Do You Sign Out Of Email?

Sep 3, 2010

This is driving me crazy...I am trying to find an email program I like, but the problem now is I'm currently signed into K9, Gmail, and Email.for the life of me I cannot find a way to SIGN OUT of any of them!? I have different email accounts, and I know some programs allow combining emails, but I just simply want to get some of these accounts off the phone!

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Samsung Epic 4G :: Not Getting Email In Timely

Sep 2, 2010

I haven't been getting my aol account email in a timely manor. I have the settings set to check every 10 min for email but still not getting it. If I manually go into the email it searches for it and then retreives it but it won't do it automatically.

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Samsung Behold 2 :: Deleting Email Account?

Apr 5, 2010

Does anyone know how to delete an email account?

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Samsung Captivate :: How To Delete Email Account?

Sep 2, 2010

I used the stock email app on my Captivate and configured it to point to my Hotmail account. Now I want to get rid of this but I did not find an option to remove this account setup. How do I do this?

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Samsung Moment :: Not Able To Set Up My Yahoo Email Account

Nov 4, 2009

Just returned my hero for a moment but am not able to set up my yahoo email account. Anyone else have this issue? I keep getting a message that username or password is incorrect.I had no problem setting up my google email (duh!) or google voice but not yahoo email even tried to do it manually through the pop3 Any suggestions.will be at a conference the next 2 days and really need to access my email during it

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