Android :: Startup Manager Programs Similar To Windows Msconfig
Apr 18, 2009Is there a app to manage startup programs similar to windows msconfig?
View 8 RepliesIs there a app to manage startup programs similar to windows msconfig?
View 8 RepliesEvery time I start my phone it seems that every program in the app catalog starts up. Until I activate the Advanced Task Killer and shut them all down, the thing runs like a hog. I have quite a few programs installed, but I dont use them all all of the time. Why do they all start up and is there any way beside the ATK to stop them? Is there any way to modify the startup files?
View 4 Replies View Relatedseen or read a review of the windows 7 phone keyboard? I read the review below on techradar and am most impressed with the keyboard. I hope we get something similar for android, Microsoft Windows Phone 7 review from TechRadar UK's expert reviews of Operating systems Key highlight for me is:
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnybody seen or read a review of the windows 7 phone keyboard?I read the review below on techradar and am most impressed with the keyboard. I hope we get something similar for android,Microsoft Windows Phone 7 review from TechRadar UK's expert reviews of Operating systems Key highlight for me is:
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there sync object on android similar to manually reset event on Windows?
It must have signaled and non-signaled state both set manually. A thread must be able to wait on it and wait would return immediately if the object is in signaled state and block if it is in non signaled state until another thread sets it to signaled state. There must be way to reset the object back to non-signaled state.
I am porting android to my own device now. I checkout the latest source code from I have successfully compilated filesystem images and burn those images to my devices. But i couldn't automatically mount my sdcard when android startup. The / sdcard directory is empty when i used 'ls /sdcard' command. I have copied the vold.conf file from development/data/etc direcotry to my device(/system/etc), but it's invalidated. When i read the source code(vold), i found the vold daemon relate to switch driver, device mapper driver and android gadget driver. Are there some document or information about how to configurate android kernel to support vold new volume management and wirte right vold.conf configuration file?
View 2 Replies View Relatedif there is a contact manager available for my Moment that is similar to iContact that was available on my Windows mobile 6.5 phone? The feature I'm looking for is a screen with all letters of the alphabet and I just single click on the letter to get all the contacts that start with the letter. I really don't like having to scroll through all the names to go down to "S" and "T".
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am lloking for something similair to icontact, that will allow me to jump right to certain letter
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to find a good, simple app to have on my PC that would let me manage the contact list on my HTC Hero (not the Sprint version!). I've tried sync-ing with Google contacts, Outlook Express, Outlook 2007 but for different reasons neither seem to work properly.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCan anyone confirm if android development is not yet supported on windows 7 x64? i downloaded the sdk but when i tried to launch the sdk and avd manager it fails to launch.
View 7 Replies View RelatedJust got an HTC Desire through O2 in the UK as an upgrade to my old SE P1i. Happy with it so far, still going through it trying to turn off and disable loads of stuff though. Here's some initial questions:
1) I got the Force Close Button program from the marketplace. Should I be using that to close programs to save battery life?
Or should I just leave everything running in the background? Camera, web browser, email, calendar and whatever else I've ever used since I last cycled the power.
2) Is there a particular Task Manager program I should look at? I've got ES File Manager and notice they do a Task Manager as well but didn't know if there's any others that people recommend.
3) Is there a way to disable the SMS threaded/conversation view in the stock SMS program?
4) And to supress the deletion prompt in SMS?...........
I'm at a loss trying to get Astro to communicate with my Windows XP home computer. I downloaded the SMB module for my MotoDroid, but am not really clear on how to configure my Windows Networking settings and what exactly needs to be entered in Astro's configuration settings. Is there a guide on how to do this on the web?.. if so, I haven't been able to find it.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI have a new Droid X and find the Verizon Vcast media manager isn't compatible with 64 bit Windows 7. So, how do I get pictures and video transferred from my X to the PC?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI successfully partitioned EXT3/FAT32, rooted, and flashed Defrost.
Now a strange thing is occurring. I installed an off market app, but I can only see its folder in Android's File Manager, not in Windows XP.
This is going to cause me serious problems because I need to transfer some files into that folder from my PC.
How can I access this App's folder in Win XP?
I just changed to a new desktop running Windows 7. After installing HTC Sync, it can detect my HTC Hero. The problem is, under Sync Manager, it only show "contacts" but no "calendar".
How do I make it to see the calendar. I am running Outlook 2007.
I don't have this problem previously when I used Windows XP. Both contacts and calendar synced properly before.
QtADB is window app based on adb. To work it requires working sdk (command adb devices listing your device), ROOT, qt libs version 4.6.2 (for windows added in this post) and busybox. Visit our website: QtADB
This app is under developing so be tolerant for any bug...
1. File manager
- copying files and dirs between phone and computer
- removing files and dirs
- creating new dir
- and other
2. App manager
- install apps
- uninstall apps
- backup app and data
- restore app and data
2. Shell
- opens android shell
3. Screenshot
- take screenshot of your device and save to png file
4. Fastboot
- flash bootloader, radio and recovery
- boot recovery
5. Recovery (tested on amonRa-hero-v1.6.2)
- nandroid backup/restore
- wipe data
- flash rom
- wipe battery stats
- fix uid mismatches
6. Reboot
- to bootloader
- to recovery
- normal reboot
7. Settings
- set fonts used by app
- set starting paths (or remember paths on exit)
- and other
8. Automatically detects phone (device, fastboot and recovery mode)
available for download on Download QtADB
if you have connected phone but the file list is empty run with root permisions:
1)adb kill-server
2)adb start-server
or (on Ubuntu):
create file:
and insert this line:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0bb4", MODE="0666"
I've got HTC Magic with Smoki 0.6 and im testing everything on this. QtADB should work with every phone with busybox
Some screenshots of app (Windows):
I have read and learned that Windows manager creates surfaces for the application on Android, but not able to understand how this happens. Can someone please explain this to me? Also, how does Windows manager start up in any applicatioin, for example like Camera Preview Application?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi cant wait to get my Xperia upgraded to 2.1! i have one issue though. i only have access to a work PC with XP but no admin account (big corp, so no chance of getting it temporarily) or my housemates Mac. my girlfriend has a laptop but she wont be home until next weekend are there any non-windows/non-admin methods of upgrading?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have had DC 2.08.1 installed for about 2 weeks with no issues. I decided to go ahead and partition the SD to utilized apps2SD as I was having memory issues. That process, while not smooth, went through okay and the SD card is working with the partition and apps2SD. However, ever since that was completed, my Windows 7 box no longer recognizes the phone either as a phone or as a drive. My Linux laptop recognizes the drive without issue.
Any suggestions on how I can reintroduce my phone to the Windows box, at least as a drive?
Is there any way to get an app to run at startup? There is a volume control app (ladybug icon) that I use to keep my ringer volume always at vibrate. When I accidentally hit the volume rocker, the app returns the ringer to vibrate. However, I must remember to run the app when I restart the Droid. So, is there anyway to have it run when the Droid powers on? Or is that something that would have to involve rooting?
View 9 Replies View RelatedOther than downloading a 3rd party application that auto-starts apps on boot, is there a way within the OS itself to autostart programs when the phone reboots? I have a few apps I use for work and would be nice if they autostarted on my Droid without having to launch each one independently.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I go about getting my app to play an mp3 (in my res) on startup? Or how how about if I wanted this to happen when a button is clicked?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been modifying/editing parts of the Android platform, but have run into a problem when trying to test my edits. After making my changes to the platform source, I was able to successfully compile the source - thus creating system.img, ramdisk.img, and userdata.img. When I go to test this in the emulator, the emulator just hangs on the "ANDROID_" screen, with the underscore blinking, but never seems to load. Any suggestions? The command I used to run the emulator is as follows:
./emulator -system $HOME/android/platform/out/target/product/generic/system.img -ramdisk $HOME/android/platform/out/target/product/generic/ramdisk.img -data $HOME/android/platform/out/target/product/generic/userdata.img
I have Listpreferences in my app. They don't appear to be setting to their defaults right after installation - they appear to be null. I'm trying to figure out why my default preferences are not being set right after installation.
In my main code I have:
Right after the above code executes, each variable contains "defValue" instead of the actual values I have assigned in my ListPreference below.
My preference xml file is called, "settings.xml". Here's what one of the ListPreferences there looks like:
Here's what some of my strings.xml file looks like:
When I go to menu, and then settings, I can see my defaults checked (radiobuttoned). Then when I go back from the settings menu to my main screen - all is well - for life! ...then each var above is assigned the proper default value.
This only happens when I first install my app on the phone. After I go to the settings screen once and then right out of it, the app is fine and accepts any setting changes.
By the way, as you can see, "List1" is the android:key within a file called settings.xml in my res/xml folder.
I am new to android. I need to create an auto startup application. That application will control the files( if we open a image file from Gallery (or) mail attachments, on that time our application give a alert dialog to the user). Please guide to how to create an auto startup application to control all the file format in the android emulator.
View 3 Replies View Related1) I have a Spinner with several options provided by an ArrayAdapter and have an onItemSelected listener on this Spinner. When selecting an item from the spinner, I want to display another view (list-view) but this method is unintentionally invoked upon initially displaying the view. The list-view is therefore displayed upon startup of the application. It is possible to add a spinner-on-item-select listener that won't fire upon initially displaying the view but only by the user selecting an item?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi would like to add some commands to be executed every time I run "adb shell" (for example "alias ls="ls -l""). is there a .bashrc or a .sh that i could add that to?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a need to create a background service that starts up during the system boot up, and keeps running until the device is powered down. There is no UI or Activity associated with this. I created a class extending the android Service class, and added the setttings to the AndroidManifest.xml file. When I launch this service in the emulator, I don't see this launched at all. I have overrided almost all the methods in the Service class to put log statements, but none of them shows up.
View 13 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to populate an activity menu at startup? For example, reading from say a feature database at startup and only display those features that are currently active in an activity menu?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have plenty of applications that I only use like once a month or even less. Yet, many are always on, for no reason. What are my options to make it so that they ONLY run when I need them? I saw that they are apps that constantly watch the processes and kill them every time they appear. That doesn't seem like a great approach, not very efficient. And What if I want to use the app?
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