Android :: Showing Graph In Application
Apr 10, 2009I want to display graph(time ver distance) in Activity , how should be this achieved in Android. is there any tut available?

I want to display graph(time ver distance) in Activity , how should be this achieved in Android. is there any tut available?
I am developing one statics application and i want to draw a vertical Bar Graph depending upon the value received from the server,so can anyone help me out.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if there is any 3D scene graph toolkit available or at least in development for Android? I could not find anything, assuming that all existing solutions for Java won't run on the Android platform.
View 3 Replies View Relatedi have to create a dynamic graph in android.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhy the time above the adroid bat graph and the one below are different. At this moment is says on my device 1h 28 minutes on battery. Below the graph 50m 22s is shown. What is the difference between those timers ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm beginner of Android.I want to run my first application on emulator. I use eclipse.I don't know what's happen. I installed my apk. I "register" my acitivity in manifest file, but I can't see it in list of application. When I open manage application setting it's written that my apk is installed. I searched about it everywhere. Even in faq of Android Development there is post about but I did all this things.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm very new to the Android platform, but i was hoping to write a quick and neat little android app which will receive data from blue tooth and to graph the data. I'm trying to use a LM Technologies LM049 blue tooth adapter to send serial data to my HTC Dersire 2.1 android handset. At the moment i'm trying to just prove i can send ascii characters to the phone. Not quite sure where to begin.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi want to draw a graph in a area and i used a linear layout as area.i want to set the size of the graph area,which should be compatible to small,medium ,default emulators etc.i need to set the size for graph area,how can i do it in xml file for eg in blackberry we use Display.getWidth();Similar is there way to get the width of the display either programmatically or in xml.To expand my area, i did like this, in below image (just added label,which gets an height)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to show the current version of my application. Is it possible to extract the values "android:versionCode" and "android:versionName" from the Manifest with any Java method?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI would like to do two things within my Android app: Check if the Google Finance app is installed on the device. Should be pretty straight forward, isn't it ? If yes, launch an intent to Open up Google Finance, displaying a graph on a particular Stock. So I also need to pass the stock ticker to Google Finance in some way... but is this even possible? Any other alternative I could use to display Stock Charts (let's say a 5 days intraday chart) on any stock?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy application has an emergency button which dials 911 when clicked on. Every thing on the app is working fine. But I just discovered that whenever I try to add another call when I am in a call, it promps me to complete the action using. 1. my app 2. The normal phone And when I click on my app, it just opens my app. I do not understand what is causing this and do not want my app to be shown in that list.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI had a bunch of code in an activity that displays a running graph of some external data. As the activity code was getting kind of cluttered, I decided to extract this code and create a GraphView class:
public class GraphView extends LinearLayout {
public GraphView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater)
inflater.inflate(R.layout.graph_view, this, true);
public void start() {
// Perform initialization (bindings, timers, etc) here
public void stop() {
// Unbind, destroy timers, } }
Moving stuff into this new LinearLayout-derived class was simple. But there was some lifecycle management code associated with creating and destroying timers and event listeners used by this graph (I didn't want this thing polling in the background if the activity was paused, for example). Coming from a MS Windows background, I kind of expected to find overridable onCreate() and onDestroy() methods or something similar, but I haven't found anything of the sort in LinearLayout (or any of its inherited members). Having to leave all of this initialization code in the Activity, and then having to pass it into the view seemed like it defeated the original purpose of encapsulating all of this code into a reusable view. I ended up adding two additional public methods to my view: start() and stop(). I make these calls from the activity's onResume() and onPause() methods respectively. This seems to work, but it feels like I'm using duct tape here. Does anyone know how this is typically done?
I've got an app that I would like to install without having an icon show up in the application tray.If I don't specify an icon in my manifest, Android still plops a default icon in the tray.How do I prevent this?
View 13 Replies View Relatedold question: "Why does creating a Toast crash my application?" My application runs fine if I don't use toasts but if I want to create and show a simple Toast I get these lines in the log and then the app crashes.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI need help finding the right email app.The default one is horrible. The problem I am having is that it doesn't differentiate new emails from old. Every time I open the inbox in any of my email accounts, it always shows all emails as new. I don't know which one's I read or not. It's not bad if it takes me directly to the email, but when I have emails for multiple inboxes, I don't know which ones have the new email. I called tmobile tech support and was told that unless I delete the read emails from the server, the phone will keep reloading them as new. On my old phone, the messages I read where marked as read and stayed that way. When I got a new email, it was clear which one it was because it was highlighted.
Also, I've just switched to the g1 from a business phone, so I'm really new to this still. The couple things that I would like to figure out how to do is, first, I would like to know how I can search my contacts both by name or business. I've transfered the contact info from outlook to the g1 and so I have both name and business information. However, when I search using the keyboard, I can only search by name. If I put in the name of the company, it doesn't show up. Also, is it possible to have both shown. On my old phone when searched for either the person name or business name, the result showed both. For example, if I searched for lauren or Unico, it would show up as Lauren with Unico below it. Also, this way if I have more than one lauren, I can distinguish between them without having to click through each one.
Secondly, is it possible to set up "speed dial" function. Basically, if I pull up the dialer and press 2 for like 2 seconds it will. Third, I used to have my phone setup that I would have what ever my next appointment was, it would show on the home screen. Is that possible with this phone. Is it possible to allocate certain space on the home screen to preview upcoming appointments.
I have uploaded an application in Android market. But when I search for the app the app do not appear in the autocomplete box which appears below the search box. For example, if I type "h" in the search box the autocomplete box will have the applications with "h". But in my case I need to type the complete name of the application.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi developed application with map service and webservices when i run application its became very slow and continuosly it is showing activity not responding force close or wait.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI propose that we all post our battery life graph like the one I am about to post below. This way we can look at these claims in scrutiny, and perhaps figure out why it is that some people's Evos seem to last longer than others. Here is a graph of my Evo's Battery Charge over 1 day:
Wake up at 7:30am to disconnect the charger, listen to Pandora on the car to work until I arrive at 8am. Idles until lunch time at 12pm. Use the Evo to read up on some news at lunch until 1:30pm. Listen to Pandora while working until 5pm. Drive home while listening to Pandora in the car. Battery starts giving warning indications while driving, and phone dies when I get home at 6pm. Very usual day, and matches what the battery charge graph shows. The top apps of the day are:
System Processes contains mediaserver (2.4% due to Pandora), akmd (0.3% accelerometer polling), and everything else is <0.1%. As you can see I barely used my phone during the day for anything but Pandora. So based on my data, I'd say that the normal battery life for the Evo is under 10 hours. My settings are: no 4g, no wifi, no bluetooth, yes gps, yes bckgrnd data, auto brightness, no live wallpaper, yes taskmanager (ATK, set to "safe" setting. Will probably get rid of this..), no friend stream, no flickr.
I'd love to see other people post up their Battery Usage graphs as well. The App used is "SystemPanel App / Task Manager", available for free in the market. Go into Settings and allow it to Monitor. The screenshots were made by ShootMe, also available in the market.
Recently bought a Polaroid PMID701C tablet. I was looking for that battery consumption graph that is on most android phones/tablets. The one where it shows which apps and hardware are consuming the most power. i couldn't find it and gave up. until one day when a low battery warning appeared on the screen. usually i cancel it, but this one time i clicked OK and it brought me to the battery consumption graph i was looking for.
seems to be the only way i can access it. i understand that this tablet is entry level, but shouldn't i be able to get to this without having to wait for a low battery warning?
I'm on a rooted v2.3.4 phone.
The stock battery usage graph screen doesn't show any apps, only core Android elements like Phone Idle, WiFi, Display, etc.
It's not because apps didn't use enough CPU time.
No root..Firmware v. B104...New phone, got it in late December 2012. Handled with great care. Battery icon and battery graph stuck on 50%. Never know how much battery juice I've got left. No warnings, just powers off when it's empty.
- Factory reset
- Attempted hard reset, but I'm not sure it worked, 'cause nothing special happened on my screen.
- Completely draining the battery (as an equivalent to removing the battery. Non-removable battery on this one)
I have been looking for firmware updates, but I can't find any for my B104, and if I have understood it correctly, applying an update for the B226 will most probably render my device useless.I am quite satisfied with this phone, it is magnificent, so I do not want to root it unless I absolutely have to. URL..
I developed an widget application. This application is running in all devices.But not showing in Table home screen widget list.I tried in different ways like
Added attributes like
in Appwidgetprovider xml.
even then it showing in widget list only if we push the apk twice.
finally i made a dummy activity in may widget application and push the apk now my application is shown in perfectly in widget list.But problem with this dummy activity is it creates a icon in apps.provide solution for making my widget application work perfectly in ICS and tablets.
Means how to make my widget available in home screen widget list when installed
The Android weather genie widget has an awesome graph. I want to add it to my app.
But I can't figure out how they did it! (they aren't releasing the source code).
Where to find a nice polished graph like that I can drop into my app?
I would like to see an app or widget that would scroll ESPN news and sports scores across your home screen. Any thoughts, or does this already exist in some capacity somewhere?
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhile testing application on eclipse using emulator google map is being displayed properly. but when i exported application to publish it. Google map is gone. can any one guide me what mistake am i doing?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis is Rock, I unable to find my application in android market.I am using HTC wild fire hand set to download application from market.My Hand Set supports android 2.1.I searched for my application by name "Vedic Maths" in market it's saying that no such file found. My application has been shown in some non official sites like androidpit.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI created a new project from an example provided in the SDK,The application builds and runs successfully but doesn't show what it should be showing. This is what it is showing:screenshot of improperly shown UI
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a georeferenced image that's really an image of a map. I know the latitude and longitude of several points on the image and I'm trying to figure out how to display my location on the image. Similar to how Google Maps works, but instead of using Google Maps I'd like to use the map I have a JPG of.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIm trying to download the Firehouse scheduler app but its not showing up in my market place.I have a HTC Desire and am in the UK.Anyone know why this may be? Could someone else search it on their phone and see if it comes up?I have tried the barcode reader from their website and that doesnt come up either. A link to their site is Application ScreenShots.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWe just got an email from someone on an HTC Magic searching for our app and saying that it's not showing up on Android Market. Every now and then, we'll see that our app just disappears for a little while. What gives? Anyone else see that?
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