Android :: RegisterListener And Battery Life
Apr 30, 2010
In reviewing this post, the highest rated answer says you should unregister and reregister the listener for the accelerometer onStop and onResume to conserve battery life.
My question is how do we know which listeners we need to stop/resume to minimize our applications footprint on battery life? Things like do OnClickListener, TextWatcher() etc - do they need to be changed?
and if anyone knows, what about adMob's SimpleAdListener?
I sort of assumed that the UI listeners don't consume battery if the Activity doesn't have focus. As for the SimpleAdListener I have no idea....
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Jan 21, 2010
So the SensorManager.registerListener is where I'm having the issue. Eclipse insists on a SensorListener, and then proceeds to whine when I pass it one because SensorListener is depreciated.
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Nov 30, 2009
I'm registering a sensor listener with this line of code.
mSensorManager.registerListener(this,mSensorManager.getDefaultSensor (Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER), SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST);
The rate is set to SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST with the expectation that I would receive events roughly every 20-30ms. It turns out that I receive events only every 200-220ms (just now, my event code simply logcats the system time).
No matter which rate I use, SENSOR_DELAY_NORMAL, SENSOR_DELAY_UI, SENSOR_DELAY_GAME, or SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST, I get the same result?
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Apr 12, 2010
The internal meter says it is due for charge long before its out of juice. Battery Left widget will give accurate voltage levels, but it too is fooled, even after proper calibration.
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Aug 12, 2010
does battery status pro drain your battery life?
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Oct 4, 2010
(sensor Manager is a SensorManager) I'm trying to implement an orientation listener for my program. I declare the listener as a SensorEventListener. The API says I need to pass registerListener a SensorEventListener, Sensor, rate, and handler. What is the handler for?
Also, when I mouse over the error, it insists I use the deprecated version of the method for a SensorListener instead of a SensorEventListener. And this deprecated version doesn't require a handler. Anyone know why?
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Nov 18, 2009
Does anyone else find that their battery does best at like 60%-70% charged and when it gets below 40 it moves a lot quicker? Also I've done 3 full drain and full recharges so far and my battery has improved sloightly each time, do you reccomend I do it again or is that just bad for the battery?
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Mar 16, 2010
Background info:
- I'm running the "Battery Left" widget and I have it displaying "estimated percentage left", "system percentage", and "estimated time left until dead".
- I listen to A LOT of Slacker Radio.
My issues:
- I was previously getting about 19+ hours out of a fully charged battery. 2-3 days ago I started having issues with the widget (I think it may have started when I installed an update to the widget) so I recalibrated it to no avail. Then I uninstalled it and reinstalled it. Within a few hours it claimed that it was getting accurate readings (when I first installed the widget weeks ago, it took days to get accurate) and now says that I should be getting 9 hours out of a fully charged battery. I know that can't be right so I'll see how the widget adjusts itself over the next few days, but, any thoughts? (I know a lot of you guys use the same widget and know how it works...)
- Also, In the first two hours of my phone being unplugged this morning, it went from 100% to 70%. I did run Slacker for about an hour and a half of that time, but could it really drain the battery that much that quickly? And I noticed that when I close Slacker, if I go into phone settings, applications, running services - there's still a Slacker update thing running in there. Could that be draining the battery too, even if it's only checking for updates?
- I really don't run a lot of stuff on this phone. I keep wifi and gps turned off. I use bluetooth only a few hours each night. Minimal web browsing. Although, my POP email gets checked every 5 mins (but I just changed it to every 10) and I do use gchat and text a decent amount, but I'd say overall, it's "light" use (except for Slacker which could be a huge drain, right?)
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Jun 23, 2010
My battery life was bad, but it was OK, but in the past few days my battery life is 10% per 30minutes(Just over 5 hours on a charge).I used to get 8-10 hours on a charge.I noticed last week that while it was charging the status of the battery was "Overheat".I think I somehow cooked the battery?I use TaskKiller and kill 95% of apps automatically, I have bluetooth,wireless,GPS disabled and the screen dimmed.I have not changed or installed any new apps.I have not changed the way I use the phone at all.My battery was dead, 0%, and it charged to 95% in about 45 minutes.Is this even possible?In fact in the past two days I have not gotten the charge above 95% at all.
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Jul 20, 2010
Thinking about getting the extended battery for my new htc incredible. Just wondering how long the battery lasts when you use the phone. Not just standby?
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Nov 5, 2010
so iv been using kik on my evo recently.i noticed it KILLS my battery BIG TIME. the mobile network has to be on to use kik and it just drians my battery like no tomorrow.
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Nov 7, 2010
Best free ones and best payed one. I'm willing to buy the best one.
I have a x10 mini and bettery!
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Feb 21, 2010
i have a G1 and i dont know if its just my phone or battery or what. But the life is terrible, i have everything off, no brightness, timeout to 30s, all the wifi/bluetooth/etc is off. Yet after about an hour of takign it off a full charge it drops to 70%, i can barely make it 4-5 hours in a day when its not even being used! Seeing that i want to upgrade anyway, so i can get the newer operating systems and better phone hardware, what phones right now have the best battery operating life? I hardly use the phone for its data features. I basically use the phone as a phone,a decent amount of txt messaging, ill use wifi here and there, and ill manually sync some calendar items. Im on T-mobile, whatre youre phone suggestions? Im trying to keep them at $300 or lower.
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Nov 17, 2010
Which Android phone has the longest battery life?
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Aug 4, 2010
Does such a thing exist? I've only come across ones that show the remaining battery life as 10% increments and was looking for something more accurate/exact. My Evo had this ability, but my Droid X doesnt.
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Nov 16, 2010
I tried googling this quite a bit, but all the articles are from early 09 where things were much different. Seeing currently hardware and stuff, whats the battery life like when using XMPP on Android as a service?
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Nov 27, 2009
I currently have the HTC Tattoo and was wondering if anybody can suggest any good app to monitor my device's battery life and would tell me if i need to charge or not, etc.
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Aug 3, 2010
Is it just me or does the Hero with 2.1 seem to use a lot more battery that when it ran android 1.5?
And are there any tips/apps to help conserve battery power?
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Jun 9, 2010
What apps actually drain battery life?Im curious about the gmail and regular mail, and ECOBUZZ app?What's the best app I can download that will tell how much power an app is using?
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Nov 5, 2010
Anyone notice their battery life severely lessened after this update? Any tips to rectify that? And how can I revert back to version 1.32? I have the HTC extended battery as well(2150).
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Mar 4, 2009
I wrote a simple app that uses proximity alerts and after installing it on my G1 found that battery life have been halved at least. It's so bad that phone needs to be recharged mid-day or it completely dies by 9pm. There is no polling of any kind - just proximity alerts (3 of them). I tried with GPS turned off (using network triangulation for coarse GPS location) but battery life is still abysmal. Is there a general solution to improve battery life with proximity alerts or the whole GPS thing is a non-starter on G1s?
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Nov 23, 2009
Can anyone give me a basic time frame on how long I could stream Pandora on my phone before the battery gets too low?
I want to stream it with the screen turned off while I'm at work, and was wondering if anyone knows how long I could get out of it. This is on a G1.
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Jun 11, 2010
Ok,this is my first android phone,coming from a bb I've notice that the battery life on my EVO sucks,I bought the phone yesterday and put it to charge while playing around with it.I unplugged the phone this morning at 7am,I make a 5min call,watched a 5min video on YouTube,I had Friend Stream running until noon along with Background Data,surged the web for around 2min,listened to 2 songs and a couple of txt messages and the battery on my phone is @ 40% as I'm writting this,notice that background data was turned off around 1pm at that point battery life was @ there any way to improve this?I am not running ATk,by the way I love the phone,a lil bit of help will be apreciated.
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Sep 18, 2010
Got a really strange problem. I am in Vietnam using MobiFone service. About 3 months ago something changed overnight and my battery went from 20 hours to just a 6 hour battey life. After a week I did a factory reset but the same. Took it to HTC in Saigon to be tested but they said no problem YET when I was there battery lasted longer. The problem was in only in Can Tho where I live UP to this month when the problem is now in Long Xuyen. I travel, to Cambodia a lot and usally when I leave Can Tho Battery life is better. I am now in Cambodia and battery life is 40 hours on a CamShin SIM. For a test in Can Tho I went to a phone shop and used a Vinaphone SIM for an hour and got a 40 hour life. This is a joke! Is there any application that can control the Radio or at least tell me what's going on? I tried a few but they do not say anything different between Vietnam or Cambodia. MobiFone did something but refuse to tell me anything. Back of my G1 with 1.6 is cool now but in Vietnam back of phone is very warm. Tried to reflash the Radio but phone will not let me. I rooted but still it will not let me. think I must load a new recovery program.
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Mar 24, 2010
I see that a new Skype will be coming to the Droid's on Verizon's network this Thursday. Apparently it will allow outbound "Skype-Out" calls over the 3G network. I have a Skype-Out plan and a Skype number I use for my business. With the new Skype application, will calls people make to my Skype number ring the Skype app on my Droid? If so, will this be a huge battery drain if Skype is constantly waiting for incoming calls?
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May 15, 2010
As I just got my phone with installed rom 1.6 for the Behold 2, I am frustrating when the battery life drains so fast after last night. I was playing a bit with the WiFi and the battery status bar was still less then half bar. After I woke up today, the battery has shown that the battery is less than 5%. I did turn off my WiFi and using only 2g network to save battery life. I clicked on "why", it showed the Green Bar with the word Android System 95%. What does this mean and how can I save more battery life since I don't use it the whole night. So the phone suppose to be less than half bar battery life at least.
1.Putting the phone in sleep can save battery life or not on the Behold II?
2.What are some ways that can save the battery life on the Behold II?
3.Does the charging technique can at least save some part the of the battery life? If so , How do I charge my Behold II ? Leaving it all drain out, turning off the phone and then charge it ?
Here are some ways that I have read in android forums
1. use spare app
2. use task manager
I didn't try these two.
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Apr 25, 2010
Any ideas why "Android OS" is taking up so much battery life? For the past three days my battery life has been much worse and when I look in the battery usuage its always showing "Android OS" to be the highest with a percent of something like 60%.It used to be the case that "Display" and "WiFi" were the main cause of drain but now they are hovering at just 10%.When I tap on Android OS it doesnt give me any extra details. Also when I browse through the "partial wake lock" usage on the battery left up it lists "Android System" with a 1/4 bar and all the other processes have no blue bar.Any ideas what part of Android OS is taking up the battery life? How would I be able to find out whats happening inside the "Android OS" process?
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Oct 26, 2010
hey guys i just bought and installed WidgetLocker and must say that it rocks. But there is one thing i can't get to work. I'm trying to display my battery life on the lockscreen but the widget i have (BatteryLife by CurveFish) does not work. It just shows a depleted battery icon and says "loading" while it never does load. It works fine on my regular home screen but I'd like to have one that is compatible with WL too. Also... i have limited space on my current lockscreen, so my ideal battery widget would only take up 1x1 space. Is there such a thing?
Thanks all in advance.
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Aug 16, 2010
I have HTC desire and find my battery life from fully charged to dead is between 4 hours to 6 hours.
Is anybody else having this problem or do you think the battery is faulty ?
I've only had the phone 4 months and find it annoying that i have to turn phone off to save battery. What's point having it as a phone if you have to turn it off..
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Sep 24, 2010
Does anyone know which Sense ROM out there to use that has the best battery life? Or is there a Kernel? I currently am rooted with stock. I only rooted for wireless tethering and now I just want a ROM to have great battery life. Managing this battery has just become tiresome even with all the chargers I have. Not looking for tweaks and settings changes, just need a good ROM.
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