HTC EVO 4G : Need ROM For Best Battery Life
Sep 24, 2010
Does anyone know which Sense ROM out there to use that has the best battery life? Or is there a Kernel? I currently am rooted with stock. I only rooted for wireless tethering and now I just want a ROM to have great battery life. Managing this battery has just become tiresome even with all the chargers I have. Not looking for tweaks and settings changes, just need a good ROM.
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Apr 12, 2010
The internal meter says it is due for charge long before its out of juice. Battery Left widget will give accurate voltage levels, but it too is fooled, even after proper calibration.
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Aug 12, 2010
does battery status pro drain your battery life?
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Nov 18, 2009
Does anyone else find that their battery does best at like 60%-70% charged and when it gets below 40 it moves a lot quicker? Also I've done 3 full drain and full recharges so far and my battery has improved sloightly each time, do you reccomend I do it again or is that just bad for the battery?
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Mar 16, 2010
Background info:
- I'm running the "Battery Left" widget and I have it displaying "estimated percentage left", "system percentage", and "estimated time left until dead".
- I listen to A LOT of Slacker Radio.
My issues:
- I was previously getting about 19+ hours out of a fully charged battery. 2-3 days ago I started having issues with the widget (I think it may have started when I installed an update to the widget) so I recalibrated it to no avail. Then I uninstalled it and reinstalled it. Within a few hours it claimed that it was getting accurate readings (when I first installed the widget weeks ago, it took days to get accurate) and now says that I should be getting 9 hours out of a fully charged battery. I know that can't be right so I'll see how the widget adjusts itself over the next few days, but, any thoughts? (I know a lot of you guys use the same widget and know how it works...)
- Also, In the first two hours of my phone being unplugged this morning, it went from 100% to 70%. I did run Slacker for about an hour and a half of that time, but could it really drain the battery that much that quickly? And I noticed that when I close Slacker, if I go into phone settings, applications, running services - there's still a Slacker update thing running in there. Could that be draining the battery too, even if it's only checking for updates?
- I really don't run a lot of stuff on this phone. I keep wifi and gps turned off. I use bluetooth only a few hours each night. Minimal web browsing. Although, my POP email gets checked every 5 mins (but I just changed it to every 10) and I do use gchat and text a decent amount, but I'd say overall, it's "light" use (except for Slacker which could be a huge drain, right?)
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Jun 23, 2010
My battery life was bad, but it was OK, but in the past few days my battery life is 10% per 30minutes(Just over 5 hours on a charge).I used to get 8-10 hours on a charge.I noticed last week that while it was charging the status of the battery was "Overheat".I think I somehow cooked the battery?I use TaskKiller and kill 95% of apps automatically, I have bluetooth,wireless,GPS disabled and the screen dimmed.I have not changed or installed any new apps.I have not changed the way I use the phone at all.My battery was dead, 0%, and it charged to 95% in about 45 minutes.Is this even possible?In fact in the past two days I have not gotten the charge above 95% at all.
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Jul 20, 2010
Thinking about getting the extended battery for my new htc incredible. Just wondering how long the battery lasts when you use the phone. Not just standby?
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Nov 5, 2010
so iv been using kik on my evo recently.i noticed it KILLS my battery BIG TIME. the mobile network has to be on to use kik and it just drians my battery like no tomorrow.
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Jul 25, 2010
I rooted and put "Official Froyo HTC Sense ROM". Seems to work fine, however, I have a feeling that battery life is worse, especially when using the net. However, maybe it's just in my head. What are your experiences with battery life after upgrading to 2.2? And please, don't make silly "I surfed the web for 12 hours and still have 25% left" claims Also, I'm not interested in other ROMs, as I want a clean sense experience with no modifications (as close as possible to the way HTC made it)So - 2.2 and battery life: same, worse or better than on 2.1 that came with your Desire?
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Jun 28, 2010
I can last a good 15 hours and still have like 50 percent. But when I don't use it the battery drains and barely lasts a day. I've been hearing that app killer is bad but if I don't use it I have no battery.
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Jul 1, 2010
For those few whose battery life is actually not as good post-update have you figured out why yet? This is my first full day after doing the update last night and the battery is draining faster than it did before (even in standby). All settings are the same as before and I started with a 100 percent charge this morning. I am now down to 64% after 7 1/2 hours of light use. While that may sound like an improvement for some it actually isn't for me. Not a deal breaker but I would love to get my excellent battery life back (24-36 hours -- yes I am a light user especially when I am home a lot, which I am in the summer). The only thing different that I can see is that google talk doesn't stay disabled like it did before. Wifi is way down on the list of things using the battery and nothing seems out of place or not sleeping properly.
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Nov 10, 2010
What started as a discussion over at XDA-Developers to try and resolve serious lag problems that some users experienced with their DHD is now proving to be a resolution to most of the problems reported with this device. Apparently turning 'usb debugging mode' ON is the resolution. The thread was first started by a user who noticed that whenever he was experiencing lag issues an Android process called /INIT was taking anywhere from 70% to 100% of his CPU usage. /INIT is a core process to the Android bootup sequence which should go 'dormant' after the bootup itself. What many users noticed after this was found is that whenever the lag problems started /INIT would take some 90% of the phone's CPU usage and not go back to its 'dormant' state. Even when the phone was idle and not being used. After applying the fix many people are reporting the phone running as smooth as they have even seen it running. Also users are reporting that recording video is no longer jerky and they can browse through the gallery smoothly and with no delays. The more relevant yet, and what may prove to be the best contribution from all this, is that some users are now reporting really amazing battery life performance. Its important to say that the so-called 'bug' doesnt seem to be HTC related but rather an Android 2.2 issue, as the performance issues are also being reported on other handsets running the latest Google OS - with some sources reporting that Google is soon to release an update to Froyo 2.2, possibly to resolve this bug. In order to turn 'usb debugging mode' ON go to: menu >> settings >> applications >> development.
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Jun 11, 2010
First off, I didn't "find" this method on my own someone else did, I found it burred in other posts but it does seem to work for me. There are two ways to do this. One required you to dial a code into your dialer which I'll skip because the easy way is to just go to the Apps Market and get "Network" which is free. Then once you have it installed fire it up and scroll to the very bottom where you will see:
Set preferred network type. This is the VERY top option. If this is your first time running "Network" it's probably set to "GSM auto (PRL)".The problem here I've read is that Sprint does not have GSM networks so the phone keeps "searching" for GSM signals and it never truly sleeps. It might apprear to be sleeping but it's not, it looking for GSM signals.That said, change the setting to "CDMA auto (PRL)" which will set the phone to CDMA only and it will STOP looking for GSM networks and to go sleep like it's suppose to. That's if you have nothing else installed keeping it from sleeping.The only catch is, the setting does not appear to stick. If you reboot the phone, you have to restart "Network" and redo the setting. One thing to note is when you redo the setting, it will SAY it's still set to CDMA auto (PRL) but in fact it is not so just re-select the setting and close out of Network.I took my phone off the charger at 10am this morning and I've been using it on and off all day to send texts, Youtubed a couple video's made a 30+ minute call and a few other odds and ends. Normally I would have had to charge my phone again at least once threw out the day but I've NOT put it back on the charge since 10am and I was still at 83% power when I left work at 5pm.
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Aug 6, 2010
First off, let me say that I love my EVO BUT as an ex-Hero owner, I am pretty much done with Sense. I am simply tired of the colors and layout. Although, HTC has figured out how to make a mighty fine bookmarks and calendar widget.I have tried LauncherPro and ADW but as most EVO users, battery life is a constant worry.Can anyone spell out how launchers and Android work battery wise? I have read that Sense is never really replaced so there would be an additional drain using launchers right? No offense but please abstain from any root related suggestions like 'just root it bro'
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Jun 5, 2010
I don't think Ive ever owned a phone where the battery charged back to 100% so fast...what do you guys think?
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Oct 7, 2010
i just recently ditched my droid x for a droid incredible and like it a good bit. The only problem im having is that my inc has been off the charger for 4.5hrs and has 53% battery life. Why is my battery life so bad? I'm rooted running redemption rom, stock kernel, and the 2.15 radio update. Is it my setup or should i get a new battery?
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Jun 13, 2010
First of all, for the most part,I like my Evo.It's fairly fast, good ui, and the screen is incredible.However, my battery life is worse than I would've imagined.I take it off the charger around 9am, go to work, use it for about 20 minutes total, kill the apps again before i get off break/lunch. By 5pm, it's dead. 20 minutes of use, and 8 hours standby should not kill ANY phone.Regardless of screen size, if it's 'sleeping' the whole time, it should make it through enough of the day to at least charge when I get home. This has made it so that I can't even use my phone, because I know if I do I have no hope of even getting home to charge it in the evening.I've thought of getting a second battery, but I feel like it's ridiculous to have to buy a second battery just to make it to 10pm if I actually use the phone a decent amount.How's everyone else handling this?
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Aug 22, 2010
Can anybody advise me on which ROM's they run and the battery life that may get? Or, how to set SetCPU to get optimized battery life? Yes, I have read the SetCPU guide, but it doesn't really make any recommendations to actual profiles.I am currently running Ivans Official, and for me, with heavy usage, I may get a a day. I tried Plain Jane, but would only get about 8 hours. Should I consider a Froyo based ROM? From what I have read, they don't seem to be much better in terms of battery life.
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Aug 20, 2010
Any idea on what is causing this. I've uninstalled most of my apps, disabled gtalk auto-sign in, disabled all syncing, updated the facebook app (which I dont use), and have been keeping the radios off and I still have much less life than with 2.1. I ran un revoked when I had 2.1. Did this break something? Is there another culprit? I went from being able to charge once a day to being forced to charge twice a day now.
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Oct 18, 2010
I don't have any battery issues with my EVO when in idle (<1% drain per hour), and there have been many times when I've charged my phone every other day. However, are there any tricks to increasing battery life when you are actually using the phone such as when web browsing? When I use my phone, it seems to use up battery really quickly...i.e. up to 30%/hour when browsing (tried both dolphin and stock). Similar drains on 3G or wifi. Running Fresh, Netarchy 4.1.9. Used to run Netarchy 4.1.8 with SetCPU profiles and got slightly better battery life. I was told not to use SetCPU with 4.1.9 because of HAVS. Is there something else I can do that is compatible?
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Sep 11, 2010
I've had my Evo for about 2 months now and the battery life wasn't so great. Being that I'm coming from a Hero, it wasn't surprising. But the past week its got incredibly worse. I've done the battery conditioning thing and have a auto task killer. But for example, i got 4 hrs and 17m on one battery today with VERY MINIMAL use. I had bought a back up battery and that has about the same life. I've never rooted and really considering it now. Is 2.2 rootable yet?
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Jun 25, 2010
Just occurred to me that all these ads take power to run. What do you think? Can we get better battery life if we got rid of the ads?
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Sep 7, 2010
I am running BakedSnack 1.7 pretty much "stock" with the exception of running Launcher Pro instead of sense.I have no overclocking at all.My phone has been unplugged for about an hour and a half and my battery is down to 80%.Just wanted to see what everyone else was running and how that was effecting your battery life.
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Aug 27, 2010
I'm thinking about rooting the fiance's evo, she could careless about all the ins and outs of it. My main reason for wanting to do it is for battery life increase. When rooted and flashed to a custom rom is battery life increased? When I rooted and flashed a custom rom my battery life doubled on my hero. Is it possible for the evo?
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Aug 6, 2010
Is anybody else noticing a huge decline in battery life after going from 1.0.1 to 3.1.01??? Saw another post that blamed it on the new FB app (which did seem to drain dramatically), so I uninstalled it and still doesn't improve battery life all that much. I don't have active sync on or anything, so I assume it's either the ROM or Froyo?
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Aug 4, 2010
I've had it for about a week now, and hoped it would get better, but it's just been atrocious. Much much worse than my stock rom ever was. I'm out of ideas. Does anybody know the latest radio version that CM will work with? They say "install the latest radios" but I have no clue where/what radios those are. Hopefully that will be something to help me.
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Aug 26, 2010
Anyone else seeing worse battery life after going to froyo? I now get about 12 hours on limited use (a few texts and maybe a couple phone calls). Prior to the froyo rom (fresh 3.1.x), I was getting about 20+ hours on moderate use (also a fresh rom). I've made sure that google talk isn't running and the awake time isn't an issue. I currently have setcpu running without any profiles active and set it to conservative--no overclocking. My current setup is fresh 3.1.2 rom with Kingxkernel #3.
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Sep 23, 2010
I am getting some serious battery drain with Fresh 3.2 and netarchy-toastmod cfs ( i have also used the stable 4.1.8) and I am getting serious drain. Here is a screen shot from today. Unplugged phone around 7:30 and by the time I took the screen cap at 8:30 i was down 25%!! I used the phone to RDP to my house for maybe 3 mins (using pocket cloud app).I also played 1 youtube clip ( katy perry on sesame street XD~~ 1.:30 mins long) Thats all I have done so far. Do you guys think I should try a different combination? I pretty much have everything turned off on the phone. No GPS, sync i think every 4 hours. Using launcher pro, and beautiful widgets.
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Oct 10, 2010
I installed this a few days ago. Runs fast, the battery was initially normal (meaning terrible), but after a few days of normal use the battery life is amazing. Still drops to 80% within an hour or so of coming off charger, then it just hangs on in the 60-80% range for hours and hours under semi-heavy use.
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May 16, 2010
Alright I have one simple question. does LV SV or IV have a better battery life? I would think low voltage (LV) would cause your using a lower voltage? Correct me if im wrong
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