Android :: Best App For Saving Battery Life
Nov 7, 2010Best free ones and best payed one. I'm willing to buy the best one.
I have a x10 mini and bettery!

Best free ones and best payed one. I'm willing to buy the best one.
I have a x10 mini and bettery!
I don't have the Hero in front of me to experiment as I've given it to the missus.
Basically she lives in a low reception area right on the edge of where 3G signal drops out and her battery is lasting hours instead of days (when I tested it in a good reception area). I figure the battery is getting eaten up having to keep reconnecting to the mobile network.
She uses the Gmail app alot (not the other Mail app where you can specify when to check for mail). She would also no doubt have Facebook, Twitter, Gtalk, Googlemaps' Latitude, MSN Talk all active. I dunno if there's anything else that needs data in the background :P
Anyway, I'm wondering if there is a way to control all of these apps so that they either don't need data as often or super easy ways to turn things off/on. I guess what I mean is that if you have to go and check each of these things manually.
I found that really saved my battery life was either during off 3G or installing Juicedefender, which helped, but it was still draining a ton.
What I did was I checked when facebook updated my contacts to once a day instead of the default. Which I believe the default setting was Every hour, because honestly I don't need it to check every hour for a profile picture change or a few things that I normally check on my own with the facebook app.
The way you do that is
Menu->Settings->Accounts and Sync->Facebook for HTC Sense->Account Settings->Change it to Once a day.
Also I recently found out that you can use your gmail account to have it check a work e-mail or another e-mail, by using pop e-mail, so I didn't have to leave my phone set to check my work e-mail every 15 minutes and drain battery life that way, and that works really well too so your just using your gmail account for e-mail, plus your gmail account pushes to your phone every time a new e-mail comes, which it can do for a work e-mail or your gmail e-mail.
The way you set that up is,
Login to your gmail->Settings->Accounts and Imports->Under Check mail using POP3->Click add POP3 account->Then start adding your work e-mail in there
You can also select Send mail as and add your work e-mail in there, so you can just use your gmail account to send e-mail, I would prefer to use IMAP, but since I am usually in front of a computer, cleaning up my e-mail isn't too much of a job to do.
But this is a great way to use less data and to save a TON on your battery, by the time I was done with work today, I was at 80% battery, when I am normally around 40% to 50%, and after a few short phone calls and showing my mom about 100+ phones from the 3D photo gallery I am still at around 60% on my battery.
I have a friend that sent me this message today, which sounds like a great idea:
I've been messing with setcpu and trying out some underclocking profiles. Underclocking while the screen is off as well as reducing the CPU power has gotten me 75% battery left after 8 hours. This is with constant emails but no wireless, bluetooth, or gps. This is better than I was getting under windows mobile.
Im new to the g1. i noticed that my battery gets killed in no time. is there an app out there that can conserve my battery power or tell me what drains it the most etc?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI went on vacation last month, and, of course, ran into battery issues since I was unable to charge. now what if, I use to home launchers.... one for everyday use, that has widgets going, 7 screens, live wallpapers (if desired), you know, the works.....and then have the stock home launcher set up that just has a phone button, text button, camera button and that's it....Sortof a "vacation mode" homescreen..... will that save battery? gonna test it tomorrow as I can't charge... see how it goes....
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo after some research and Googling, I discovered that "Killing" your app is only worse or has no effect for your battery life. Even using apps that "save" battery only harm it even more. I've been told these were the fundamental things to save battery ever since I even got my hands on a smart phone.. Guess I've been asking the wrong people.
So, what are real ways to save battery? I'm a heavy phone user, often surfing the net or watching Netflix on the go. Dimming my screen is not enough, are there any other techniques to prevent my phone from dying? I've got an Android 4.
The internal meter says it is due for charge long before its out of juice. Battery Left widget will give accurate voltage levels, but it too is fooled, even after proper calibration.
View 15 Replies View Relateddoes battery status pro drain your battery life?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone else find that their battery does best at like 60%-70% charged and when it gets below 40 it moves a lot quicker? Also I've done 3 full drain and full recharges so far and my battery has improved sloightly each time, do you reccomend I do it again or is that just bad for the battery?
View 4 Replies View RelatedBackground info:
- I'm running the "Battery Left" widget and I have it displaying "estimated percentage left", "system percentage", and "estimated time left until dead".
- I listen to A LOT of Slacker Radio.
My issues:
- I was previously getting about 19+ hours out of a fully charged battery. 2-3 days ago I started having issues with the widget (I think it may have started when I installed an update to the widget) so I recalibrated it to no avail. Then I uninstalled it and reinstalled it. Within a few hours it claimed that it was getting accurate readings (when I first installed the widget weeks ago, it took days to get accurate) and now says that I should be getting 9 hours out of a fully charged battery. I know that can't be right so I'll see how the widget adjusts itself over the next few days, but, any thoughts? (I know a lot of you guys use the same widget and know how it works...)
- Also, In the first two hours of my phone being unplugged this morning, it went from 100% to 70%. I did run Slacker for about an hour and a half of that time, but could it really drain the battery that much that quickly? And I noticed that when I close Slacker, if I go into phone settings, applications, running services - there's still a Slacker update thing running in there. Could that be draining the battery too, even if it's only checking for updates?
- I really don't run a lot of stuff on this phone. I keep wifi and gps turned off. I use bluetooth only a few hours each night. Minimal web browsing. Although, my POP email gets checked every 5 mins (but I just changed it to every 10) and I do use gchat and text a decent amount, but I'd say overall, it's "light" use (except for Slacker which could be a huge drain, right?)
We don't officially have 4G in Denver yet, but I've found two locations that I get a good 4G signal:
Near Elitch Gardens (LoDo)
I-36 near Sheridan
So the other day I was messing around with the 4g and accidentally turned off the "Mobile Network" option in Settings > Wireless & networks. When I was in the 4G area I didn't notice because everything worked fine. But when I left the area, I had NO DATA coverage.
Of course I thought that the Sprint network was down (3G) maybe due to upgrading and eventually called Sprint to see what the deal was. Of course eventually realized that the network wasn't down so it was my phone. Was going to be driving by a Sprint store anyway, so I stopped in. Rep noticed my stupid error right away and re-enabled the "Mobile Network" and data came back to life instantly.
But that got me thinking... Did I really have 4G working without the "Mobile Network" enabled? If so, that means that when I'm in a solid 4G area, I can disable "Mobile Network" and save some battery.
Was I imagining this? Or can you really turn off 3G to save battery while on 4G (or Wi-Fi)?
whats te best app to save the battery i have just downloaded the "battery saver widget" but is the juice defender (pro or normal) better? also what is APN because it asks me if i want to disable it but i am not sure what it is?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am planning on buying a new Android phone in place of my old ageing Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE. I'm choosing between the Nexus 5, HTC One (M7) and the Galaxy S4. One thing that is common to these phones are they both have Snapdragon processors.
My question is:
1. Is it wise or even practical to even install a battery-saving app for these phones? (as I heard such apps does work but also is a drain to the batteries themselves and resources/RAM)
2. What battery-saving app recommended? (I know I can easily search in Google or the Play store but there are just hundreds of them. I want to trickle it down to the "best of the best" or the "top one" out there currently?
My battery life was bad, but it was OK, but in the past few days my battery life is 10% per 30minutes(Just over 5 hours on a charge).I used to get 8-10 hours on a charge.I noticed last week that while it was charging the status of the battery was "Overheat".I think I somehow cooked the battery?I use TaskKiller and kill 95% of apps automatically, I have bluetooth,wireless,GPS disabled and the screen dimmed.I have not changed or installed any new apps.I have not changed the way I use the phone at all.My battery was dead, 0%, and it charged to 95% in about 45 minutes.Is this even possible?In fact in the past two days I have not gotten the charge above 95% at all.
View 10 Replies View RelatedThinking about getting the extended battery for my new htc incredible. Just wondering how long the battery lasts when you use the phone. Not just standby?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI was on Twitter tonight and I found this. Black Google Mobile: Save Battery with Every Search
View 3 Replies View RelatedI think this should be possible, but I'll need a bit of help setting it up as I'm not yet competent with tasker.
During the day I have "data enabled" most of the time because if someone sends me an email I want to be able to reply. However data enabled does cause significant battery drain and my email only gets checked every hour.
Is it possible to create a tasker task that turns on "data enabled" and checks emails once an hour and then turns off "data enabled"?
I stumbled upon a new wi-fi setting yesterday that is fairly hidden and not mentioned in the manual at all, so I though I'd share it here.
First, a little background and explanation, then I will share my new findings with you all. It has been confirmed in other threads that the wi-fi radio uses considerably less power than the EV-DO 3G radio in the Hero. When you think about it, it's actually pretty simple because the signal only has to travel 100 or so feet for wi-fi, vs. several miles for the 3G radio. Whenever I'm at home or anywhere else with wi-fi, I always switch the wi-fi radio on, and have found that the battery lasts much longer. Whenever the phone is awake, and you're actively connected to a wi-fi network, it seems to shut the EV-DO radio down completely and rely solely on the wi-fi data for data. This has been confirmed as true, because there are some programs out there (i.e. Sprint TV) where you have to turn wi-fi off, because they will only access with the EV-DO radio. You obviously want to turn the wi-fi off whenever there are no networks around, because it will actively search for networks whenever it is on, and will run the battery down.
So, I noticed every time I would wake my phone up after I hadn't used it for a while, it would be using the EV-DO radio, and would take a few seconds to re-connect to my wi-fi network. I couldn't quite figure out why the phone would revert back to EV-DO when sleeping, then connect back to wi-fi only after waking the phone back up. Yesterday, I stumbled upon a new menu I hadn't seen before where you can change this behavior. Check this out.
Menu->Settings->Wireless Controls->Wi-Fi Settings->Press Menu Again->Advanced->Wi-Fi Sleep Policy
The description for this menu reads "Specify when to switch from Wi-Fi to mobile data."
Within this menu, there are three options.
"When screen turns off."
"Never when plugged in."
The default setting is "When screen turns off." So, even with wi-fi enabled, whenever the screen turns off, your phone automatically reverts back to the EV-DO radio. As we all know, your phone is still transmitting data a good portion of the time, even when you're not using it. So, even with wi-fi turned on, the phone is still using the 3G radio to communicate while the screen is off.
I switched this menu setting to "Never" as of last night. This forces the phone to always use wi-fi whenever it is turned on, and you are connected to a network. Since then, whenever I wake up my phone it is still showing the wi-fi icon, and I haven't seen the EV-DO icon at all like I used to see for the first several seconds.
I was at home most of the day today, connected to my wi-fi network. I left the house twice for probably about 2 hours total, and I switched off wi-fi both times I left the house. I used the phone fairly lightly today, since we had a family day, but that still consisted of a good bit of browsing, some email usage, light texting, reading twitter updates every two hours, and half an hour playing a video game. Also, I always leave my GPS switched on as it never activates unless I open a program that requires it, and it always switches back off after I'm done. I took the phone off the charger at 9:30 this morning, and it is now 11:50 pm as I'm typing this. So, we're looking at over 14 hours today. The phone hasn't touched a charger since this morning, and I am sitting at 52% battery life, and I'm about to plug the phone in and go to bed.
I have never seen anywhere near this kind of battery life at the end of the day. I am usually below 15% after this kind of usage. I'm not sure if this was just a freak day, or what, but I really believe changing this one setting had a profound affect (effect?) on my battery life.
I was browsing around and found this. Black Google Mobile: Battery & Bandwidth Saving Search
View 19 Replies View RelatedI just recently bought a Motorola Droid, and I was pretty shocked at how quickly the battery ran out of juice. I looked around on the net and found a tip that said to turn off the Background Data option, so I did that, but I find this to be a very convenient feature. I'm just wondering if there's some sort of app or widget that will let me quickly toggle the Background Data option on and off for a quick sync to push all of my stuff in whenever I want it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAnybody have recommendations for a rom and kernel combo that would give some good battery life to our battery vampire of a phone?
I'm a heavy user, and I just think the incredible can be more efficient than it currently is.
I'm running the Skyraider 2.5.2 vanilla rom and King Kernel BFS #1.
The King Kernel is great when the phone is on standby, but when I am doing some web browsing or more, it drains the battery very fast.
I've also tried the Hydra Kernel stock speed undervolt. That seemed to give moderately better battery life than the regular .32 kernel.
I don't care about overclocking, 1ghz is plenty fast for me.
i was wondering about the hydra kernals. I installed the latest overvolt hydra kernal. My question is when you go into idle, does it underclock for you? Or do you have to install undervolt to do that? Also can you install both overvolt and undervolt at the same time? (not literally at the same time but have both kernals at once to get the most power and battery saving?)
View 6 Replies View RelatedSo I know it's usually best to place your phone in airplane mode when your phone doesn't have signal; however, are there any alternatives to this if you're in an area that constantly gives no reception? I live in the first floor apartment and I'm guessing the materials of the building completely kill my cell signal because I barely ever have more than one bar of signal if any signal at all. For example, my cell standby is usually about 50-55% time without signal during a given day.
I'm wondering if there is another setting or perhaps an app that will save some battery.
so iv been using kik on my evo recently.i noticed it KILLS my battery BIG TIME. the mobile network has to be on to use kik and it just drians my battery like no tomorrow.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just rooted tonight and installed SetCPU. I want to use it for the battery saving capabilites. I created a profile for when the screen is off and activated it, do I also need to check "set on boot" on the SetCPU main page?
View 20 Replies View RelatedCan anybody with increasing battery life for the X10i?
View 12 Replies View Relatedi have a G1 and i dont know if its just my phone or battery or what. But the life is terrible, i have everything off, no brightness, timeout to 30s, all the wifi/bluetooth/etc is off. Yet after about an hour of takign it off a full charge it drops to 70%, i can barely make it 4-5 hours in a day when its not even being used! Seeing that i want to upgrade anyway, so i can get the newer operating systems and better phone hardware, what phones right now have the best battery operating life? I hardly use the phone for its data features. I basically use the phone as a phone,a decent amount of txt messaging, ill use wifi here and there, and ill manually sync some calendar items. Im on T-mobile, whatre youre phone suggestions? Im trying to keep them at $300 or lower.
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View 18 Replies View RelatedDoes such a thing exist? I've only come across ones that show the remaining battery life as 10% increments and was looking for something more accurate/exact. My Evo had this ability, but my Droid X doesnt.
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