Android :: Detailed Relation Between Contacts And Raw_contacts?

Mar 8, 2010

Any one can help interpret the relation between the table "contacts" and "raw_contacts"?Is it one-to-one or one-to-many relation?I am puzzled because the SDK seems indicate it is one-to-many relation but after I checkout all data from the database table,I found it is one-to-one relation. And is there any detailed relation diagram describing android database tables?

Android :: detailed relation between contacts and raw_contacts?

Android :: Relation Between MediaRecorder And AudioRecord?

Apr 1, 2010

the location where the audioflinger, surfaceflinger and cameraservice talk to MediaRecorder's APIs? Is there any relation between MediaRecorder and AudioRecord?

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Android :: Service Binding Relation

Apr 30, 2010

Can one service be bound to n activities?

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Android :: Res And Src Folder Relation In Eclipse

Jun 3, 2010

What is the importance of "res" and "src" folders in eclipse-android while creating android project.

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Android :: Preference Activity And AppWidgetId Relation

Jul 4, 2010

i'm using PreferenceActivity class to configure my widget. PreferenceActivity class automatically saves user preferences, so in widget update service i can call context.getSharedPreferences() and i obtain user preferences.Problem is follow: if you have many widget of same type, how PreferenceActivity class saves prefs? how i can load appWidgetId specific prefs from sharedPreferences?

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Android :: Application Relation To Data Usage

May 30, 2010

This is my first post and Its for sure not going to be my last

I was just wondering a few things

1. I'm getting the Nexus One and putting the SIM Card from my other Rogers phone into it... will there be any problems/pitfalls i should look out for?

2. As far as applications go, if I don't have a data plan, will i be paying out the rear end to use apps such as facebook, etc?

3. Is there an app that lets you text/call for free?

4. Do you have to have a data plan to download apps when not in range of WiFi (if so how much does it cost to browse the store and download an app?)

5. Does it cost anything to use the GPS (Do you need a GPS plan?)

6. Is there an app that lets you track Text messaging usage, call time, data usage etc?

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Android :: Apps In Relation To Different Screen Sizes - Resolutions

Jun 1, 2010

I am a current iPhone 3gs user migrating over to Android this Friday and getting the Evo 4g. Now, all iPhone/iPod touch screen sizes are the same and all the hardware specs are the same for the most part, but with Android you all kinds of resolutions, screen sizes, processors, etc etc...

Are all apps made for Android stretched to accomodate bigger screen sizes? For instance, I have played with my friend's Droid on Verizon and the screen is 3.7" at a resolution of 854x480 and he has showed me games on it like Gameloft's NOVA which is a full 3D first person shooter. So his phone essentially has a bigger resolution slightly than the HTC EVO 4G but smaller screen size (3.7" vs. 4.3"). So would the same game be stretched to fit my phone?

I'm wondering with different apps, are there any conflicts in relation to different spec phones?

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Android :: In Opengl - Relation Between Pixels And Gl.gltranslatef - Floatx,y,z?

Sep 25, 2010

I am trying to learn opengl stuff on Android. In the gl.gltranslatef(x,y,z) call, I am shifting my texture by some units in the +ve x direction. But I am unable to find the number of pixels does 1 unit of x belong to?

Here is what I am doing:
I call gl.glviewport(0,0,width,height); // This will set my rectangle with 0,0 as lowerleft corner and then extend it to accommodate width and height.

I call to gl.glfrustrum(-5,5,-7,7,3,7); // I am little confused how this call is using the dimensions I set in gl.glviewport.

How will -5 to 5 units from left to right in the above call, translate to pixels on the screen of android?

I mean if width = 320 and height = 533 pixels, then what will be the number of pixels occupied on the screen due to the gl.glfrustrum call?

I am experimenting in the gl.gltranslatef call by specifying xshift as 5.0, but it does not translate the bitmap at the right or left corner of the screen, when I increase it to 6, part of it is still visible on the screen.

I am searching for the maximum number of units (in terms of X) which will represent extreme corners of my android phone screen.

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HTC Hero :: Relation To Slugs Sticky?

Aug 4, 2010

Im on 3 and as of yet there is no update to 2.1 so im on 1.5 this maybe the most stupid question ever but in the sticky slug posted it says coustom ROM'S and all of them are 2.1 does that mean i have to have 2.1 update to be able to use one of these ROM'S, if not what are your recommendations for a custom ROM ie what one from the list is best and why . what will they do/ what do they do , will it improve this already good phone and in which ways , also if i am able to put one onto the phone how do i do it.

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Android :: Detailed Apps Thread?

Aug 18, 2010

There used to be a thread on here that had a list of many types of apps, email clients, sms clients, web browsers etc... and it listed several apps in each category along with a barcode to each app but I can't seem to find it anymore...

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Android :: How Detailed Google Maps Report To HQ?

Nov 5, 2010

My Galaxy S comes with a built-in Google Maps application. It is not installed by me and hence it does not appear under Manage Applications and I do not know how to tell what sort of information it is accessing. But according to the Privacy Policy of the application, it sends my position to Google, together with my phone number and email address. Does anyone know how often this data is sent to Google? Is it a few times per second or is it every so many meters I have moved.

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Android : Detailed Capability Of One Content Provider

Feb 18, 2009

More specific, I wan to figure out all the Calendar Provider's capabilty I could use.

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Android :: Need Detailed Instructions For Adding Album Art To Music

Dec 14, 2009

Can someone give me detailed instructions for adding album art to my music I load to my Hero. I've tried for hours, googled, downloaded taggers, music players and nothing has worked

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Android :: Data Traffic Counter With Detailed Info?

Dec 26, 2009

I my Droid makes lots of traffic and I need to see which programs cause this traffic. Is there any tool with detailed information?

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Android :: Detailed Description Of Optimizations In Build Process?

Mar 29, 2010

I've been curious as to all the optimizations that go into the building of an .apk. I'm curious because of two things I've tried in the past to bring down the size of my .apk:

I have had a few large json assets in projects before, as well as a static sqlite database. I tried bringing down the size of the apk by gzipping them before the build process, but the resulting size is exactly the same.

I just today tried pngcrush on my /drawable/ folders. The resulting build was exactly the same size as before.

I would think that perhaps #1 could be explained by the zip process, but simply zipping the /drawable/ folders in #2 result in different-sized files. Perhaps the build process runs something akin to pngcrush?

Regardless, I was wondering if anyone knew where to find a detailed description of all the optimizations in the Android build process. I don't want to waste my time trying to optimize what is already automated, and also I think it'd help my understanding of the resulting apk.

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Motorola Droid :: Android 2.0 Detailed User's Guide?

Nov 15, 2009

They sure didn't ship one with the phone. Is there a Droid (or Android 2.0) User's Guide on the web that gives detailed operation on all the Droid functions (including tips & tricks)? It sure would be handy!

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Android :: Example For Parsing Json In Droid With A Detailed Description?

Aug 16, 2010

Can anyone send me link which has an example for parsing json in android with a detailed description?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Detailed Mega Review Of Android 2.1 With 60 Screenshots

Apr 17, 2010

For those looking to see what Android 2.1 brings to the Hero, I just spent about 6 hours compiling this with full details: Detailed Mega Review Of Android 2.1 On Our HTC Hero Discover All The New Features (With Lots Of Screenshots)

My favorite new feature is probably the speed-to-text but the absence of lag is a close 2nd.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Accessories Detailed Ahead Of Launch

May 28, 2010

HTC EVO 4G accessories detailed ahead of launch -- Engadget

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Sprint HTC Hero :: More Detailed Widets?

Jun 9, 2010

Im running Home++ right now but my main question is for some apps id like, instead of just the widget, a more detailed kind of deal? Like ive seen my friends layar app for example and instead of just the widget it was a more detailed display, i am wondering how to implement this(to apps applicable) onto my screens(in the works of customizing them). Id really appreciate any input on the matter, and please if this was brought up in another thread direct me to it.

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Android :: Google Checkout - Manage Customer Relation - Checkout Also Putting Multiple Holds On Txns

Feb 20, 2009

I know there is a Google Checkout API, but that seems it is more for creating a shopping cart, and interfacing payment methods w/ Google Checkout. Is there any management tool that allows one to 'easily' communicate with the customers? Automate a thank you message, or something?

In addition we have already had one customer call to say he had multiple $1.00 charges for our $0.99 app.

I purchased our $0.99 app and sure enough, I have the following holds on my account 02/20/2009 5399 GOOGLE $1.00 02/20/2009 5399 GOOGLE $1.00 02/20/2009 5399 GOOGLE $0.99

This does not seem right, especially if someone is buying more expensive applications, or using a one time use card.

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HTC Eris :: Detailed Leak Root Tutorial

Jul 17, 2010


Many people have said that they are having difficulties understanding the root process, so I typed up a complete tutorial exactly the way I rooted my phone. All credit goes to wag3slav3 over at XDA, Root for ERIS LEAKERS! - xda-developers, I just expanded on the instructions

1.Download the Android SDK from here: Android SDK | Android Developers

2.Download from here: - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

3.When the is done downloading put the files of the folder into the tools folder of the already extracted android sdk. The tools folder can be found at /where ever you put the sdk/android-sdk-86_mac/tools.

4.Download a custom ROM, I recommend KaosFroyo, but you can choose whatever one you want. Place the .zip file on the root of the SD Card (ie. Not in a folder). PS. If your mac automatically decompresses the .zip, you can find the original .zip file in the trash. For this plug your phone into the computer, pull down the notification bar at the top of the screen on your phone and tap the USB connection notification, then tap Mount as Disk Drive. Copy the .zip onto the phone.
LIST OF ROMS: Known Droid Eris Roms, Patches and Hacks - UPDATED 05-11-2010 - xda-developers

5.To change directories to sdk/tools folder:
1.Open a new terminal window and type cd [space]
2.Find the android sdk in a finder window
3.Drag the folder that says tools to the terminal window and press [ENTER]
4.There now should be the word "tools" in front of the computer name/your name in terminal.

6. On your phone go in to Applications->Development->USB Debugging and make sure it is checked. Plug your phone into your computer, select "charge only" not Disk Drive mode

7. To test if your ADB is working run " ./adb devices " . If you get an alphanumeric code that starts with HTXXXXXXXXXX and says device then you are all set.

8. Once your phone is plugged in run " sh "
It takes a while to load, but you should be in Amon's recovery after its done. If you don't see Amon's recovery than try step 9.

9. If you get "adb: command not found, try " sh "

10. Your phone will now boot into recovery. From there select "Backup/Restore" > and NAND Backup. Let it load, it takes a minute or two, then return back to main menu. Then select "Wipe" > choose Wide data/factory reset. Return to menu and select "Flash zip from sdcard" > find your .zip file that you downloaded (the ROM). It should have the name of the ROM somewhere in the zip name. Let it do its thing, then select reboot option.

11. Congrats, you have successfully rooted your phone! If your ROM does not already include "SuperUser.apk", download and install the app as soon as possible.

12. [OPTIONAL] If you want to change the boot loader to the engineering bootloader (ie. S-OFF) then follow these instructions How To Install Engineering bootloader FOR LEAK ROOTERS - xda-developers
But I have found a change that will make this much more hassle-free. On the last step when you see you have successfully changed the HBOOT, do a battery pull, and start the phone back up again. You do not have to do those commands for the final step. Then complete the root instructions above and you will have a changed boot-loader and root.




1. Download Android SDK from here:Android SDK | Android Developers Follow the instructions (1-11) that were written by GrdLock in order to properly install the SDK package in Windows. Click the link and scroll down to A. Pre-requisite: Android SDK:

2. Download and Install HTC Sync from here: [url]

3. Download from here: - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

4. Unzip the is into the tools folder of the already installed android sdk folder. The tools folder can be found at /where ever you put the sdk folder/android-sdk-windows/tools.

5. Download a custom ROM from this forum or one of the other popular Android forums (see the link below). Do not upzip the ROM file. Instead, place the .zip file on the root of the SD Card (ie. Not in a folder). To do this, plug your phone into the computer, pull down the notification bar at the top of the screen on your phone, and tap the USB connection notification, then tap Mount as Disk Drive. Copy the .zip onto the phone.
LIST OF ROMS: Known Droid Eris Roms, Patches and Hacks - UPDATED 05-11-2010 - xda-developers (I hope to be able to update this soon).

6. To open a command window in the tools directory:
[VISTA and WIN7] Navigate to your Android-sdk-Windows folder and open the Tools folder. Find a blank spot in the window and hold down the shift key + right mouse click. Choose the option, "Open Command Window Here."
[XP] Click Start>Run and type "cmd". This will bring up a command window and from there type " cd C:android-sdk-windows ools "

7. On your phone go in to Applications->Development->USB Debugging and make sure it is checked. Plug your phone into your computer and select "Charge Only" (not Disk Drive mode).

8. To test if your ADB is working type "adb devices " and hit enter . If you get an alphanumeric code that starts with HTXXXXXXXXXX and says device then you are all set.

9. With your phone still plugged in type "runindos.bat" (at the end of the string in the command window on your PC) and hit Enter
Your phone will reboot, sit a while, and then reboot again into Amon's recovery.

10. In Recovery, select "Backup/Restore" > and NAND Backup. Let it load, it takes a minute or two, then return back to main menu.

11. Select "Wipe" > choose Wipe data/factory reset. Return to menu and select "Flash zip from sdcard" > find your .zip file that you downloaded (the ROM). It should have the name of the ROM somewhere in the zip name. Let it do its thing, then select reboot option.

12. Congrats, you have successfully rooted your phone!
--Thanks to v941726. Just needed to clean up some of his steps to be more readable by beginners. Much of what Surgeon0214 wrote could be copied and pasted with a few words changed into Windows language.

FLASHING CUSTOM ROM's (Once Root is gained)
In order to flash a new ROM after obtaining root you simply:
1. Find and download the ROM that you want to use.

2. Mount your PC and copy the .zip file over to your SD card like you did for root.

3. Turn off your phone and power it back up while holding down the up volume key.

4. After booting into Recovery, go to Wipe and wipe factory data along with Dalvik Cache.

5. Back out of the Wipe menu and go to Install from SD. Your ROM will be there. Hit install and it will put the new ROM that you want, on your phone.

6. Reboot and you will see a boot animation screen for several minutes before it loads your new ROM.

7. Repeat this procedure with a Nand Backup each time you get a new ROM set up.

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General :: Weather Widget With Detailed Information?

Sep 1, 2013

I love weather apps, but I've yet to find one that I really like that much. A lot of them are pretty good, some have this function or that function but none of them seem to have everything.

Anyway, years ago I used an app called PocketWeather on Windows Mobile and used a skin called Wonder Skin. It looked like this:

Notably it has humidity, pressure, forecast, current conditions (inc wind), temperature graph etc.. It had everything at a glance, I rarely needed to look into the app at all for this.

Most weather apps I can find today just have some current info, mostly seem to be clock widgets + some weather info.

Any weather widgets with more details on them? I don't really want to get into the complexities of making my own with something like UCCW but I'm pondering it.

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General :: App That Shows Detailed File Use On Running App

Aug 11, 2013

it's possible to get an app that basicly gives a detailed description of what files an app is accessing when it's running, i can't seem to find one and i'm wondering if it's possible to get one done.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Detailed Calendar - Tasks Info

Oct 9, 2009

As you can see from my sig below, I'm a longtime PalmOS user. webOS has some nice features, but unfortunately the PIM apps are a major step backward from the PalmOS versions. SO, now I'm considering switching from webOS to Android and the Sprint Hero. The key for me is finding some detailed description or screenshots or video that show how to create events in the Android calendar and how to manage tasks. I really need a step-by-step explanation so that I can judge whether Android will be more efficient than webOS in using the calendar. I do like what HTC has done with Sense and Scenes, which would help me keep my calendar more easily accessible than in webOS.

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LG Ally :: Private Email Account Setup - Detailed Information

Jul 6, 2010

The email account that I use on a regular basis is the email account that my high school set up for me. It is not an account that is organized with a bigger company such as google, yahoo, hotmail, etc. When I tried to set up my email account on my Droid ally, it asks me for a lot of detailed information about my server and then said it could not connect. I used to have a Blackberry Tour and it did not require any information other than username and password to set up an email account so I know my school does not have any restrictions on this type of thing.
Does anyone know what I should do? The Verizon store had no idea.

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Android :: Detailed Android Activity Lifecycle - OnAttachedToWindow()

Jun 14, 2010

I'm interested in android activity lifecycle and I would like to get more detailed description/documentation/reference than widely available basic (onCreate->onStart->onResume) one.

My need comes from realizing that starting new activity (Theme.Dialog styled) from onAttachedToWindow() greatly improves response time if comparing to starting it from onCreate(). I wonder how this onAttachedToWindow() fits into whole android activity lifecycle. Official API ref description "Called when the window has been attached to the window manager" doesn't help a lot.

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Motorola Droid :: Best Converter - Period - Double Click On To Bring Up The Detailed Info

Nov 4, 2009

If you having a tough time finding the download link, just scroll to the bottom of the page and it will be the first main body of text (blue in color) from the bottom! Also, this is NOT Mac supported as mentioned below, pretty much the only bad part...

Well I've had alot of people messaging me about converters for music, video, photos etc and I decided to just post up a thread for people to ask questions if they need to. Anyways, the best converter that I could reccomend, HANDS DOWN for any needs whether they be for your phone or not is the SUPERC converter which can be found here

With it you can convert virtually any media type into any other media type. For starters here are some steps...

1. Drag your file to be converted into the que.
2. Double click on it to bring up the detailed info.
3. Select the output you want from the drag down menu at the top left
4. Match up the info for the video and audio (if applicable) to the details you brought up about the clip. Yes this is a bit techy, but its really simple, just read and click on the buttons. If your framerate or bitrate doesnt match up, always pick the lower one. I.E: If you have a framrate of 96, and the options are 108 and 90, always pick the lowest of the two.
5. Just click convert! and wait until it gives you an output file size!

Yes it may seem a bit overwhelming at first, but its great to be able to convert anything into, well, anything. I use it for all my converting needs, and even if your not a techy person, even if you dont know what a bitrate is (shame on you! haha jk) its still a great program which is easy to use, whether you have circuit boards instead of brains or not.

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Samsung EPIC 4G :: Samsung Epic Detailed Hardware Video Review

Aug 23, 2010

You Tube - Review Epic 4G

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Motorola Droid :: Contacts Only Syncing To Google All Contacts Not My Contacts

Jan 16, 2010

I seem to be having a sync issue with my Droid.When I add a contact to my phone, it doesn't sync into "My contacts" in Gmail; it'll sync into "All contacts". So, a couple of questions:

1) How can I get the phone to add new contacts created on my Droid into "My contacts" in Gmail?

2) I'm trying to understand the point of "All contacts". Why does Gmail want to keep a list of anyone that I've ever sent an email to? Otherwise, it'll be simple enough to just merge the two groups and call it a day.(Note: When I bought my Droid I did NOT have the VZW sales person transfer my contacts or any data from my old Blackberry to my Droid. I used Google Sync on my BB and synced my contacts from my BB to Gmail, then when I got the Droid, it automatically pulled my contacts from Gmail.)(FWIW, yes, I did a search and found two great threads: and but I have a different situation than most of those guys and I'd actually prefer to sift through and merge a couple of contacts from "All contacts" to "My contacts" every once in a while than deal with a backup and factory reset.)

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