Android : Detailed Capability Of One Content Provider

Feb 18, 2009

More specific, I wan to figure out all the Calendar Provider's capabilty I could use.

Android : detailed capability of one content provider

Android : Content Provider - No Link Between Content Provider And Its CONTENT_URI Declared In Another Class

Mar 1, 2010

I am having a hard time understanding content providers. In the notepad example and others, the content provider never even declares its CONTENT_URI anywhere inside itself, yet the docs say to publicly declare this. It's declared in a different class. So when an activity queries a content provider with a CONTENT_URI, how does Android know which one I want. I see no link between a content provider and its CONTENT_URI declared in another class.

I also don't how to think about intents and content providers. I know that you don't call an intent on a content provider. But an activity queries a content provider without an intent, and an activity has a mimetype attribute in the manifest that would seem to tie it to a content provider.

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Android :: Custom Content Provider Like Contact Content Provider?

Mar 11, 2010

how can i create a custom content provider like contact content provider? i know how to create custom content providers but i want to integarte to device such a way that it canbe accessed by all application installed in that device.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Internet Browsers / Capability In Displaying Certain Content On Web Pages

Jun 9, 2010

I was wondering about internet browsers and their capability in displaying certain content on web pages. I go back and forth between the stock internet browser that came with the Evo and Xscope Browser. I noticed two things, on that it doesn't display animation on GIFs. I wanted to know, is there a plug-in one can download or a browser that would run the animation on the page? The reason I ask is because right now I can�t tell the difference between a JPEG and GIF on the page when it loads up. Its only when I decide to download it that it displays the extension. My second question is about playing Quicktime files on trailer websites that run QT. I can�t play these back. Is there a plug-in or browser that I can use to play those videos on my Evo?

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Android :: How To Use SMS Content Provider?

Dec 29, 2009

I'd like to be able to read the system's SMS content provider. Basically I wanted to make an SMS messaging app, but it would only be useful if I could see past threads etc.It seems like there's a content provider for this, but I can't find documentation for it - anyone know where that is?

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Android :: Content Provider Without SQL

Jun 4, 2010

my android application is handling a large database of bus passage time and we would like to allow others application to be able to display certains bus passage time. We would like to use a content provider to do that. Most example seems to be about using an SQL database, but we use some custom text file. I was wondering what would be the best way to do that. I was thinking I could use a Content Provider and implement the Cursor interface on a custom object that I would manually fill with my text data. Would this be possible ? Anyone have a better idea (excluding changing to SQL lite of course)?

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Android :: How To Get A Content Provider On System?

May 26, 2009

Can i pro-grammatically get a list of content providers extant on the system?

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Android :: Want Content Provider To Applications

Sep 2, 2009

What content providers in the cupcake android build do apps have access to?

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Android :: Use Content Provider From Other Applications?

Jan 21, 2009

1. How do i use the content provider defined to interact with an application. I mean the database defined is for use in the program only, then how can i use this content provider from another program.

2. Is there an example depicting using of content providers. How are the content providers accessed else where so tht he databases defined in it be created at run time.

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Android :: Trying To Create Content Provider

Jul 1, 2010

Im having problems with the content provider. Im trying to create a content provider.Is my URI parse been parse correctly?this leads to my database as I want to extract data from it and show it in the list view.after which, i have to edit the manifest inserting the provider if I extend my class to ContentProvider, my database file will be kinda screwed up, is there an easier way?however, it shows the error of not having the one.two.databases to exist.

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Android :: Content Provider VS SQLiteDatabase

Sep 10, 2009

I would like to know the exact difference between Content provider and SQLiteDatabase. If we have to share our data among applications then we use Content provider, otherwise SQLiteDatabase. Is this is the ONLY difference, OR using Content Provider has something to do with performence?

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Android :: Caching Content Provider

Feb 2, 2009

I am performing hundreds of calls to a single content provider to perform various insertions, updates and deletions. After profiling my application, I have noticed that the ContentResolver class takes approx. 30ms to retrieve the corresponding content provider object for each call. Is there anyway to retrieve a reference to the content provider rather then going through the ContentResolver every time?

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Android :: Can't Find Content Provider?

Dec 21, 2009

I have written the following content provider, but when I try to pull information from it into an array,I presume its something to do with my naming of the CONTENT_URI or something? I'm not quite sure how it works so could anyone explain a bit and spot what I have done wrong?

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Android :: Content Provider Permission

Jul 14, 2009

I want to delete Downloads provider data. And I have added permission in AndroidManifest. xml,But it doesn't work, the log gave me a pid and an uid, I guess the problem is caused by these two ids.If it's true, what can I do to solve this problem.

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Android :: Playlist Content Provider

Mar 31, 2010

I'm making a media player, but my code doesn't show all my playlists and for many others it does not show any.Why doesn't the code below work completely?

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Android :: Stopping Content Provider

Oct 21, 2009

The Content Provider starts when the first applicable URI is resolved. This will make the ContentProvider run forever and there doesn't seem to be a way to stop it (such as due to inactivity etc).It would be nice if Content Provider would stop after some time so that the memory usage is reduced (An enclosing process, doesn't need to be alive if the Content Provider is not needed anymore).

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Android :: Documentation On SMS Content Provider?

Mar 21, 2010

Does anyone know if there is documentation explaining the SMS content provider?

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Android :: Using Gmail Content Provider

Jan 21, 2010

I was wondering if anyone has any information on accessing the Gmail content provider. It doesn't seem to be officially supported in the API but it looks like people are able to do this regardless. See the SlideScreen app which notifies you of new e-mail and even shows you info (sender, title).It would be great to know how this is accomplished, for example we could create a home screen widget that shows you your last few e- mails, etc.

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Android :: Content Provider Doubt

Aug 9, 2010

I have a doubt about content provider. Why we use content provider? can't we use database of a application? If we talk about other application also. can't we use database of that application directly wihout content provider?

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Android :: Custom Content Provider

Jun 8, 2010

How can I make a custom content provider in android?

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Android :: Datebase Via Content Provider?

Aug 13, 2010

I created SQLite base with 3 tables and custom ContentProvider. I had a crash on first call method query. I tried to get cursor from base via db.query(table, columns,...) it worked correctly.

The exception is android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such column: modified: , while compiling: SELECT items._id, FROM items ORDER BY modified ASC

The method is below:


The Log is 08-13 11:49:59.471: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(5237): Caused by: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such column: modified: , while compiling: SELECT items._id, FROM items ORDER BY modified ASC

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Android : Query The Last Sent SMS From Content Provider

Jul 22, 2010

When I send an SMS on my Android emulator, it goes to the content provider:



So I wanted to get the last sent SMS from the content provider. So I used this Uri as you can see above, and, I used the method query, with the Content Resolver Object. And I got the cursor, and used the movetofirst() method, so I would have the last sent SMS. Check the code below. I hope it helps.

package com.sys;


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Android : Private Content Provider

Sep 28, 2010

I am developing an application that involves some sensitive user information. I retrieve this information via a private web API. I am trying to determine the best way to get this data into my app. Right now I'm exploring creating a content provider that can do so; my hesitation is in making it secure. I want this data to be usable only by my application. Ideally, no other apps would even know it exists.

Do you have any pointers or advice on how to do this effectively and securely? Any info on content providers who's data source is a remote OAuth'd API?

I say content provider, but if that isn't the best way to do what I need, by all means let me know what else to look into.

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Android : Use Custom Content Provider

Nov 2, 2010

What are advantages of using custom content provider? Why such content provider is superior of plain class that wraps SQL queries?

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Android : Content Provider Or Database

Nov 22, 2010

Since I've seen a presentation from Google IO I'm a bit confused in the question, if it's better to use content providers or databases. Or it makes no difference if I don't want to share any data with other applications.

If I've understood it right, content providers based on SQLite DBs and it's also possible that content of them is only accessable for my application.

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Android :: How To Instantiate Content Provider Up Front

Dec 15, 2009

In my application, I have created a ContentProvider. Is there a way for me to instantiate this ContentProvider when my apk is started? RIght now, the ContentProvider only instantiates when someone does a query.

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Android :: Content Provider OnCreate OnDestroy

Jun 30, 2010

when writing a ContentProvider I have to implement the onCreate()-method, in which I establish my database connection. But to write the changes I made to the database I have to close the database on some point. Does something like a onDestroy()-method exist for ContentProviders or is there some intent I have to listen to, which is fired before killing my process?

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Android :: Difference Between Service And Content Provider

Aug 19, 2010

I am developing an app and get confused about the idea of Service and Content Provider in Android. In practice, what will be the difference between them? Content Provider is a facade and it defines a way to share data among applications. You many attach a local database to your app or create Content Provider mapped to a universal database so that all the application on the same device can share it. Service is long running processes that need to be decoupled from main activity. It has local and remote service. local service is like the local database, and remote service is like Content Provider sharing the database info.

What My App is doing? downloads info. from multiple internet resource in the background (I suppose this will be Service) and store the info. into database, and multiple applications will need to retrieve the data, format them and output them to user (I guess it will be a Content Provider). What will be the fine line between Service and Content Provider? Newbie in Android

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Android :: Content Provider Blank Screen

Sep 16, 2010

My app has one activity and one ContentProvider, the activity is simple in that it's just a splash screen at the moment with no other logic in it (I do intend to have more activities in the app). The ContentProvider uses SQLite as a back end and loads some static data from files on first install, a slow process due to file sizes and database initialization. My problem is that I want the activity to show up as soon as the install starts and maybe display a progress bar or dialog to show the user progress about the install. At the moment I get a blank (white) screen while the ContentProvider is initialising the data which takes quite a long time and I get "Activity idle timeout for history record" warning in LogCat. My splash screen only shows when the Content Provider is done, from the app standpoint this is undesirable behaviour. One potential solutions would be to manually start the provider via an AsyncTask but I have a feeling that this is a bad approach due to the fact that if the activity is interupted and restarted while the install is underway and a new AsyncTast is created through the activity's onCreate() then I'll have worst problems on my hands. Is there a way to start the content provider in the background and display my splash screen activity straight after the app is started? Note that this problem is only an issue on first install.

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Android :: Created A Profile Using Content Provider

Jun 13, 2010

Created a profile using content provider. After running it correctly, added 3 fields to the table. But now its not working corrrectly.It shows an error like "android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x4d2".Any solution?

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