Android :: Settings / Profile Switching App - Not Locale
Nov 6, 2009
I'm looking for an app that will allow me to set up different profiles for phone settings that can be switched easily by choosing a "profile" from a list.I DON'T want Locale. i want to be able to do this by choosing from a list, NOT based on my location.For example, a user could set up a Power Saver profile, a Power User profile, an Online Profile, etc. Each of these profiles should be customizable. For example, I should be able to customize the "Power Saver" profile to the power settings I want (ie. Screen brightness, WiFi off, Bluetooth Off, Syncing Off, etc).Is there anything like this? Ideally I'm hoping for something that has a free version, as I am in Canada and we can't get paid apps yet.For the record, I am using Useful Switchers, but I don't want to have to go through all the various steps each time I want to go back and forth from power saving and using my phone online.
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Dec 1, 2008
new to Android, G1 and the forums Wondered if any of you can help?
I have 4 things set up in locale
1) turn on silent when at work
2) turn on Wi-fi when at home
3) turn on silent 6:30PM to 7:30PM (when getting my son to bed)
4) turn on silent 11PM to 8AM (so no emails are waking me!) number 2 works fine, the problem however is with the silent ones, ALL of them never go back to the default (ringer at full volume) when the time is up or when I'm away from the location. any ideas? I don't have GPS on, but the distance from home to work is large so it can't think I'm still anywhere near there plus that won't affect the time related ones.
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Feb 11, 2010
Is there a way to slow down the gps update setting on locale? It seems to check about every 4 - 5 mins or so for me. is there a way to slow it down? I fear it is killing my battery
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Oct 27, 2010
I am writing a service in which I want to have an observer kind of thing for the phone Locale, which lets me know if any one has changed the Locale through Settings->Language & keyboard. Is there a way to do this?
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Mar 23, 2014
I've just started running CM11 and I do like it. Nice and smooth with very little problems. How would I change profile automatically?
i.e when I'm at home the home profile is active, or when i Jump in the car and connect to Bluetooth the Bluetooth profile is activated?
I know this can he done with tasker, which is how I manage my profiles now. But I like the idea of my ROM doing this ?
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Feb 5, 2010
I am having problems with the locale program. I set the conditions for a specific location and will place the settings on vibrate on. If I have my ringer on, its supposed to override that if I am located within the location on the condition? Can someone please explain more detail how it works. And what specifically does the defaults do in relation to an active situation?
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Feb 13, 2010
I would like to give the users of my app the possibility of selecting a language from within the application. All languages are supplied the standard way via the values resource directory. However, I don't want Android to select which resource directory to use but let the user decide instead. Any ideas how to accomplish that? The rationale for this: - some languages are not supported by the Android framework and can not be selected as a locale via the system settings - if you buy a phone in Spain, it will typically not have a system setting for Russian language, if you purchase in Russia, you will have that setting. So a Russian person in Spain would prefer using the Russian language included with the app, but can't access it
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Apr 7, 2010
I know it's possible to have multiple languages in a single application through the res/string and depending on Locale.Here is a case http://stackoverflow. com/questions /2078289/android-controling-the-user-language Now how can I change the language in the phone ?Like I'd do by Menu > Settings > Language & Keyboard > Select locale > languages Is there some real code to access to these settings ? Or should I create intent for a shortcut to the language settings.Please post some code Edit : With Locale class com/intl/fr/reference/java/util/Locale.htmlThe constructor is at least Locale(String language)The input is language.How can you retrieve the current language used on device ?
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Sep 23, 2009
So I'm trying to figure out how I can get English (United States) set up on my new Hero. I've looked through the Locale Text settings and found a few English settings, but they were all for Poland or Czech or wherever, no US. With my current setting, it connects me to UK versions of sites, and apps like ShopSavvy returns products in Pounds. I want USD please.Does anyone have a solution for this?
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Jul 29, 2012
I want to ask is it possible to remove unwanted language list from locale settings? I'm using Gingerbread 2.3.6 stock rom on Samsung Galaxy Ace.
As you can see on the attached picture I want to remove marked language. Is it possible?
How can I do that? Do I need to edit LocalePicker.smali in Settings.apk smali folder?
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Mar 3, 2010
How do I switch the settings from the free yahoo back to gmail and how do I get the mail screen back where you can swipe over and look at your mail back on it own screen just like the factory settings.
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Jul 16, 2010
Just rooted my Eris and am wondering what would be the best way to use set CPU.
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May 23, 2010
I got this app and it looks pretty cool but I mean they don't really give you an explanation on how to use it and I am all lost and confused.Can anyone recomend any good suggestions to get started? Any place where I can get a tutorial?I guess my main questions are how do I set up a default setting and how can I have bluetooth set to activate only when in a car?
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Jun 30, 2010
Need an app for my D Inc that will go into a quite profile with no ringer, vibrate only, etc, then come out of it by time. So example when at work its quit, but when its time to leave work it comes back to normal by itself without me having to remember to put it into quite.Thanks guys, been looking, but can't seem to find what I had. I came from Nokia S60. They had this nailed.
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Jun 9, 2010
I recently found myself fumbling with my incredible as I was driving, trying to turn on my local and network settings. I had turned them off to save my battery power. My question is, does anyone know how to set specific settings to a particular "profile", do the "scenes" save power settings also?
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Mar 8, 2010
Seeing as the Galaxy seems t have problems with sleeping and some apps, I thought it would be a good idea to ask here what program people are using for their settings profiles.
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Dec 1, 2010
Hello anyone know wher is MMS and Iternet profile settings? cuz i cant find it now.
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Aug 4, 2010
Is there a way to set different bluetooth, screen timeout, and profile settings for each scene on the Evo? I use Pandora and the music player in the car. The problem is my bluetooth headset is set to play media audio so I have to change that every time I get in and out of the car. And I don't want the display shutting off either, so I have to change that every time I get in and out of the car. While I'm at it, is there a way to set a different profile (vibrate, normal, silent) on different Scenes? That's another thing that I find myself manually changing more often than I would like. I'm thinking the "Scenes" feature of Sense would be ideal for this. Just set up the apps you want, the profile settings, display settings, etc, and save that Scene. But I can't make it save any settings other than the wallpaper and widgets/shortuts.Does anyone know how I could go about this? Even is it's not possible in Sense, is there another way to do it?
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May 2, 2010
I just rooted today and downloaded Bugless Beast V1.0 ROM as well as the kernel that allows for overclocking up to 1Ghz. I'm playing around with SetCPU and wondering if anyone has any suggestions for the min/max settings within the profile. I don't want to fry my phone, so if there's someone with experience with a kernel with similar capabilities who would be so kind as to share his profile settings.
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Jun 22, 2010
there is a very annoying bug which keeps switching to the "Available networks" window in Settings spontaneously, whilst I am doing something else (e.g. Surfing the Internet, looking through mail, etc). Thus far, I have hard reset 3 times and also tried powering on and off the device a few times. I also tried to Force Close it, use Task Killer and stop the service, but none of these have worked. Can someone please help me out with a solution to this? I'm considering returning the phone it's making the phone unusable...
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Jul 28, 2010
I have done some searching and can't really come up with the information I need. I am currently running on demand at 900/500. I have looked into the profiles but I find it a bit confusing. If you set your minimum for the main screen to 500 on demand, none of the profiles when enabled will be able to go below this?
What profiles do you use and why if you don't mind me asking?
Charging Full (If it is charging why do I care if it moves from 500?)
Charging AC/Full (waste of time, don't understand the diff/between above)
Charging USB/Full (same as above)
Screen Off (set to my min clock speed?)
Battery (issue or non issue? I don't want to have my performance knocked back when I drop below 50%)
Temp (should I be worried? and at what temp?)
Can you just use some of those and they will combine with the max/min settings on the main screen?
What are my advantages and disadvantages?
Am I wasting battery jumping between 500/900? Should the values be closer?
When I have the phone on "On Demand" no matter what setting it is a bit leggy when I restart the phone (even if it is set to 900/900). When I set it to performance 900/900 it snaps right into place. "On demand" and turning on the phone is the only place I ever really notice a lag.
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Jun 24, 2010
Locale is one of my faverate App, it can create situations specifying conditions under which your phone's settings should change. For example, your "At School" situation notices when your location condition is "77 Massachusetts Ave.," and changes your ringer volume setting to vibrate.
With Locale's advanced touch-screen interface, you'll be set up in no time. Quickly define locations that are important to you using a simple Google Maps interface.
If you think this is exactly what you are looking for, you can download it in the market
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Jun 15, 2009
Does anyone know how to get current locale in program?
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Feb 15, 2010
My users can change the Locale within the app (they may want to keep their phone settings in English but read the content of my app in French, Dutch or any other language ...)
Why is this working perfectly fine in 1.5/1.6 but NOT in 2.0 anymore?
The problem is that the MENU "shrinks" more and more everytime the user is going through the lines of code above ...
This is the Menu that gets shrunk:
What should I do in API Level 5 to make this work again ?
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="5" />
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3" />
=> Menu shrinks every time you change the locale!
As I want to keep my application accessible for users on 1.5.
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Jun 16, 2009
So there is Locale for all other countries/languages where apps are available but I can't set Locale for Spain/Spanish?
See Locale list:
How can I get Locale.SPANISH so that I can set my app to spanish? res/ values-es
How can I find or create a Locale.SPANISH?
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Dec 7, 2009
Does that just make too much sense to hope for? I'd love for my home screens to automatically change for qork, travel, weekends, nights, etc.
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Jan 28, 2009
Is there any way to get rid of the the stupid red balloon locale icon that shows up in the notification bar? I can't stand having icons up there, its a pain to clear them.
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Apr 17, 2010
I'm about to get my first Android phone and I'm wondering what your favorite alternative to Locale is? I'm seeing reviews that are less and less favorable and for a $10 app, it out to be darn amazing in my book.
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Aug 2, 2009
I've been looking for this app:
Locale for Android
The website states that it can be downloaded over at Android Market but I can't find it anywhere.
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Oct 12, 2010
Does anyone know a Locale-like application that is free? I don't really care about GPS settings, more time.
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