Android :: SDK Emulator AVD For Tablet Size
Sep 20, 2010I was wondering how to create an emulator environment for a tablet sized device,i know there are quite a few devices being released soon, but how do start sizing up my layout?

I was wondering how to create an emulator environment for a tablet sized device,i know there are quite a few devices being released soon, but how do start sizing up my layout?
I would like to see how my app works on a 800x600 android netbook. how can i setup an emulator with this size?
thanks chris
Is there a limit to the size of the .apk file when using it on the emulator. When I run the default app created while creating a project, the .apk file size is about 5K and it runs ok. When I try to run a real app which uses other application libraries so that the total size is about 325K, I get the following error: Failed to upload Benchmark.apk on device 'emulator-5554' Unable to upload file: timeout Launch canceled! I had increased the heap size of emulator to 64 MB and RAM size to 192 MB.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can i get the screen size of my emulator? i used
But it gives me different values each time. How to find the exact value?
Has anyone tried to do a tcp client server app using the emulator using the pc as a server and the phone as the client?I've got a bit of an issue where its only sending one packet, ie 1491 bytes of data regardless of how much there actually is to send, from the client(Phone) to the server(PC).
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have here a 7'' tablet that i would like to insert in a acessorie in my car. the problem is that once inserted, i cannot seed the entire screen. i have to reduce the screen displayed in the tablet to match the accesorie size. is any app or mod to do it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to set the emulator's internal storage size? It is currently set to a fairly low value. Also, while searching for the answer to this question (which I didn't find), I ran across several threads which seemed to indicate that many phones have a very limited amount of internal storage. If I have an application which is 30 Mb (due to graphics and audio resources), is this going to be too large for most people to use. Should I be looking to install my application on the SD card instead (can this only be done on version 2.2 systems?).
View 3 Replies View RelatedI added -scale 0.2 to the Default emulator option under eclipse and launched the emulator.After that I got a really small window. I then removed the -scale 0.2 but the emulator window remains small.I can start the emulator from command line and i get the normal size, but not with eclipse.Any help would be appreciated.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to reduced the size of Android Emulator i.e. come up with your SDK?As Emulator size is greater than my laptops screen size, unable to see whole content on simulator.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was trying to use some of the new camera methods included in Froyo, i.e. setPreviewCallbackWithBuffer() & addCallbackBuffer(). In the documentation it's said you need first to create a buffer of appropriated size and use the addCallbackBuffer() method. The buffer size must be width * height * bits_per_pixel or otherwise you'll never receive a preview frame. To know the image size, you can ask to the camera about it's configuration. When I'm trying to configured the camera I use Camera.getParameters().getPreviewSize() the emulator says the size is 320*240, but with that size it didn't work on emulator. I used the old setPreviewCallback() and, in the onPreviewFrame(), I asked the size again. That time the size was 480*320. Then I hard- coded that values in the first code and everything worked. Now I'm afraid not only the emulator would have that behavior. Unfortunately I don't have any real device with Froyo and I can't try it. So, anyone have tried that methods in real devices? btw, are they really increasing the poor performance and frame rate?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to push a 40MB file onto the sdcard adb hangs and the emulator freezes. Is there a file limitation that I am not aware of? I couldn't find anything on this. When I try the same with a smaller file it works without problems. I have configured the sdcard of the emulator device to have a size of 512MB and when I check with adb shell df I see that there is enough space.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'd like to use a 1x1 size Nine-patch image from Android drawable resources. When I'm trying to display it with <ImageView> in my layout xml file, this one is never showing up on the Android emulator device. Here's the xml code below. Code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedAccoding to emulator Resolution how to change the activity(Screen) controls size according to screen Resolution in android ? i have screen design like below. it is working in HVGA(320x480) resolution progressbar is coming bottom of screen but if i run in other resolution emulator VM (WQVGA432 - 240x432) i am getting the progressbar middle of the screen. i am not able to fix the in permenent(fixed) position. i am using below code in manifest file but no output
android:anyDensity="true" />
i am not getting the solution so please give some idea for resolve the issue.
I want to create android tablet application. I need an android tablet emulator for that. From my search I got a way that is making an avd with size 1000 X 600. I created that avd. But a problem exist. I cant go to the home screen. To create an android tablet emulator or the link to down load it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo I'm loading images from a web service, but the size of the images are sometimes smaller or bigger than other images and the visualization looks silly when I put them in a ListView in android. I'd like to fix the size of my ImageView so that it only shows a portion of the image if it's larger than a preset amount. I've tried everything I can think of setting the setMaxWidth/setMaxHeight, setting the scale type to centerCrop, using ClipableDrawable wrapping my BitmapDrawable, setting using Drawable.setBounds(). I've tried setting in the XML and programmatically, but neither worked. I'm very surprised setting max width/height didn't do anything. Below is the XML I'm using ImageView definition in my layout file
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Nexus 7 tablet and every few days I notice a few new apps on the device. I'm not sure if they're full apps or just simply icons to download apps or get more information. I have tried to avoid using them. I know previously I had a couple apps that were sending notifications to the notification system that I considered to be spam. After some research I found out how you can find out which apps are doing it and disable notifications from those apps so that took care of that.
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have a chinese tablet (Teclast P98HD A2Q6) with some very good specs it has 4.1.1 but it's laggy there's another tablet called (PIPO M6) with the same processor and display & it has 4.2.2 with the latest SDK for the chip.can i upgrade my tablet with PIPO's firmware ?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am currently developing a dictionary application with voice database. I would like to know about the current Android limitation on the file size. I am using a self-provided sqlite database ( > 50mb ) . I tested that once the built .apk size exceeds ~30mb the app will not be installed onto the simulator (INSTALL_FAILED_ INSUFFICIENT _STORAGE). Could anyone confirm me that if up until now there is no way to embed such large size files in a single apk ( Aimed to sell at Google Market without requiring user to download datafile afterwards). Also, is there a limitation of 1,048,576 bytes for a single file in the assets folder ?
View 3 Replies View Relatedif size of image is larger than or smaller than specified display size (on screen), then it is automatically, compressed and stretched resp by android run time or require to handle by explicitly.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI manage a cache of bitmap. Do you have an advise to fix the maximum size of it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan somebody explain to me what makes up the installed application size? I have an apk that is about 8 MB, and often when I install I get the INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE error. I have around 25-30 MB free space on the phone. I'm doing debugging so I have to upload lots of new versions. If I uninstall the previous version then I can install the new version. The application manager claims that the app is taking up 22 MB. So back to the original question, how come the app is taking up 22 MB when it really only is 8 MB?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI would like to know why the size of my shared library .so is bigger than my .apk file generated with Eclipse? Approximatly the so size is twice the apk one. What is strange is after having installed it in the device (2.1 firmware) I checked the size of the apk when I uninstalled it from the device and surprisingly the apk size indicated is bigger even than the .so one. Is there any explaination of that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy app downloads .png files to the sd card for later use. I kept getting OutOfMemoryErrors (if anyone could explain this too, that'd be great!) and so I took a look at the sizes of the images saved to the sd card, and they seem to be roughly double what they are on the server. Why is this, and how can I make them smaller?
public void onCreate(Bundle saved)
TextView t1 = (TextView)findViewById(;
TextView t2 = (TextView)findViewById(;
TextView t3 = (TextView)findViewById(;
TextView t4 = (TextView)findViewById(;
iv = (ImageView) findViewById(;
pb = (ProgressBar) findViewById(;
vs = (ViewSwitcher) findViewById(;
I created a sqlite database to store playlists for a media player I am developing because of extended feature (rather than using the Content Provider). It works perfectly on the 1.6 emulator but FCs on anything higher than 2.0... what has changed that I need to know about as far as opening databases in SDK 2.0+? Here is the logcat.
Here is the dbhelper class
why can't stackoverflow just use tags like a normal syntax highlighter.
Unable to play youtube videos on SDK 1.5 emulator - but playing well on SDK 1.0 emulator. Can you update the source....
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am programming an app using an absolute layout (@ eclipse). How to fit the button size with the screen size? (I have four buttons per row).
View 1 Replies View RelatedFinally strace gave me this:
And several other attempts to call "link" that also fail (sshfs does not support hard links).
Is it possible to change the emulator's behavior to create lock files somewhere in /tmp (using some hash of image path as lock file name)? I am OK to try this myself: which repositories from are necessary to rebuild the emulator alone, and where in the sources is the code responsible for image locks?
I need to run several emulator instances to test my application. When i try to run instances using emulator -data <path> option, the emulator crashes.
I got a MS Visual Studio window informing that emulator throws a "unhandled win32 exception".
The exception message in the debugger (MS Visual Studio 2008) is: "Unhandled exception at 0x77c4706c in emulator.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x03216848"
The emulator runs normally without "-data" option.
I am getting the following error when I try running my program in the emulator:
emulator: ERROR: the user data image is used by another emulator. aborting`
Is there a way to reload an Android application in the emulator without closing the emulator, saving any code changes, and running the emulator again? If I make even a simple change to the layout, it takes about 30 seconds by time I run it in Eclipse and Android "boots", and I can unlock the emulator to run the application. Is there any way to shorten this time when making changes, or is it something I just have to deal with?
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