Android :: Possible To Implement .net Applications In Phone
Jun 25, 2010there is any possible to implement .net applications in android phone.Can u please give me link to learn it.

there is any possible to implement .net applications in android phone.Can u please give me link to learn it.
There is any possible to implement php applications in android phone without using the web browser.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSDK-wise, which UI controls drive it
View 2 Replies View RelatedI already mentioned this briefly in another post as part of another publishing topic.
But I think it is pretty important for a lot of us to know good ways to make free versions that can't be cracked too easily etc. After all most people just download the free stuff, I know I do, so its important for numbers.
I just made a game called ScrollSlider and I want to make a free version with limited evaluation period perhaps, but I could use some advice on how to do it. I'm also having problems with data persistence as views appear and disappear and managing game loop view thread accordingly.
I want to develop an application which does payment processing through But everytime I get unknown error. Firstly i fill all the textboxes and use these values on a button click event. My code is: through setContentView i am showing my splited result .and i get only unknown error exception .no other description is shown?is my method wrong or there is any other method to implement payment processing?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnybody idea how to integrate flicker to my application on android?. i got API key secrete key for my application from site. i am confused how to use it. Api key separate for every user? how to get token number for flickr by code ? i have refer photostream and Flicker free code . but both code give the exception.? plz any body have code ,plz give me it?
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View 2 Replies View RelatedIf an apk were copied to /data/app, android would install it automatically; and if an apk were deleted from /data/app, android would uninstall it automatically. How does android implement this? with i notify? where is the related codes?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe way we can do it in HTML, where we have two framesets. If I click a link in one frame then only the other frame(target one) is reloaded, the one from which I clicked is not.
How this can be done in Android?
As in, Say I have a kind of taskbar/toolbar which is part of all views. Is there any way in which Activities from one "Frame" can switch but activity in other frame remains stable?
I want to implement SyncML on android. I want to sync my contacts and calendar on my server.Is it possible in android ? if yes then how ?. I am waiting your response.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm a new android user, but already a huge fan. I just have a problem finding certain apps, I would like contacts blast lite fx. but it isn't anywhere in my market, and when I try going from a link on a web page it is the same message - that it can't be find. What can I do? I would also like an app that could keep track on how much data I've downloaded, anyone knows such an app?
View 3 Replies View RelatedBasically having massive trouble connecting my phone to my wireless. It just connects for about 5 seconds then goes back to disconnected and seen as I have been trying for 3 hours to fix it and have 2 hours till I go on holiday I have all but given up. Just wondering if there was a way I could download apps on the PC and transfer them to my phone?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf I purchase an app with my current phone, and then I upgrade to a different phone in a few months, is there a way to take the apps with me? I have searched and can't find anything definitive. The ideal thing is if Google is storing my application history with my Google account somewhere, but I don't see where it would be.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been developing applications for a long time now, but now I want to jump into Phone applications development. There are four main candidates:
Nokia's Symbian
Apple's iPhone
Google's Android
Microsoft Windows Mobile Phone
considering documentation, market, samples and availabilty of emulators, I'm not a millionaire so I can't buy it unless I know it would mean profits!
I don't have much preferences as for languages, but to stay within C# would be nice, however I've been thru Assembler for a long time, so it's hard to scare me.
My Droid 1 has officially died and I'm looking at purchasing a Droid X on eBay. When I get the new phone and sign in with my Google account do I have to repay for applications or will I be able to download for free?
View 1 Replies View RelatedOk here's my problem. I'm very new to the AndroidSDK. I've ran sdparted to convert my ext3 to ext4 and just tonight I learned how to open the emulator.I used the Android development site to learn how to do all this. I ran this: emulator -avd my_android1.6 -t 2 The emulator opened up but, it looks nothing like my phone nor does it have any of the apps that my Magic 32B has. This is my question. I'd like to be able to run an application that is currently installed on my phone on my computer to enter in a bunch of data into that application to use on my phone. It's much easier to type everything out on my computer than using the keyboard on my phone. Is this possible to do with the emulator and if I can how? I'm rooted and using Cyanogen 4.2.5.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Droid X running 2.2. I'm trying to understand the advantages of storing apps on the SD Card vs Phone storage. Since the Droid X comes with 8GB of phone storage, I've got lots of room there.What would be some reasoning behind moving apps to the SD card? I see lots of people get excited when a favorite app adds SD card support, but why exactly? Maybe it's more of an advantage for phones with less phone storage? Also, how come in manage applications, it says that the app takes up way less space when it's on the SD Card? For example, I just installed Angry Birds and it put itself on the SD Card when it installed. It showed 1.83MB in size. When I moved it to the SD Card, it showed 14.06MB.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow to buy a phone for testing applications, can anyone suggest. Other phones in market are way to expensive.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI am planning to purchase a DroidX on launch day and am switching from a BB Storm2. There are a few apps that I love on my Storm2 that I would like to have on the new phone. Wondering if you guys (and gals) can point me towards similar apps for the Android platform. 1. BerryBuzz - Customizes LED light for different notifications (I.E. can set light to Orange for SMS, Disco light for missed calls, etc.) 2. BerryWeather - Awesome weather app 3. Later Dude - Can set a reminder (calendar, task, call, e-mail, etc.) based on an incoming message/phone call 4. Pocket Informant - Great PIM app.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf you are developing Android application, you will encounter such a id naming in xml files of view and layouts :
<menu xmlns:android="">
<item android:id="@+id/new_game"
android:title="@string/new_game" />
<item android:id="@+id/quit"
android:title="@string/quit" />
and I am really wondering why such naming is applied to ids. It is because of Linux? What kinda meaning this naming --@+id/...--has? When I am looking at android:icon attribute I can interpret that it means ic_new_game is located under drawable folder and @ means "located at" or I just assume that. But naming id attributes are kinda different because they also have + sign. Can somebody help me understand this convention?
I am trying to figure out some way to determine the current background on a phone and then set that background as my own in my application to create a seamless transition between my application and the phone. However I haven't been able to find any functions for this at Androids SDK site. Setting android:theme="@style/Theme.NoBackground" inside my Manifest almost does what I want, but it still has the icons in the background.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn my haste and excitement to try out my phone I downloaded loads of apps from Android Market and didn't really pay any attention to the warning screen that shows you which parts of your phone the app needs access to. Is there a way to check up on this after the app has been installed? What I would like to be able to do is go through each application and see what parts of the phone is needs access to and uninstall it if I feel that it shouldn't need access to various items.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI may need to reset my phone, but have paid for a few apps, obviously they will disappear, would I need to rebuy the same apps? or is it somehow logged that I have already bought them, thus wont need to buy again?
View 3 Replies View RelatedGetting the Moment soon, building a list of Apps, and was wondering what some cool Phone Lock Screen apps there are?
View 26 Replies View RelatedWith the purchased apps, what happens when you upgrade to a newer android phone? Are these apps bound to you by your google user or by phone? Is it maybe done through the cellular carrier?
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo many apps, particularly free ones, seem to get access to things on the phone they don't need. For instance why would a card game that isn't an online card game need access to phone's location? Should I be worried that less than scrupulous folk are putting apps out in the "market"?
View 1 Replies View RelatedPersonal info, Personal photos, viruses, stolen phone, etc. What applications if any do I need to keep me safe? The simpler the better.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI bought an Audubon Birds Field Guide app for my Droid X and installed it, in addition to a ton of other free apps. Unfortunately the Droid died and I got a new one from VZ. When I took the new DX to the VZ store to set it up the guy said I should be able to restore all the apps I had installed, including the one I bought, but none of them showed up on the phone. He was not really all that helpful and told me to contact Audubon about replacing the app. I just did that, but I am concerned that none of the apps I had already installed showed up on the new DX.
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