Android :: Paying For All Apps
Jan 10, 2010Whilst looking at an app demo on youtube, the presenter gave an off the cuff remark that from July this year ALL apps for android were going to be purchase only.Is this true?

Whilst looking at an app demo on youtube, the presenter gave an off the cuff remark that from July this year ALL apps for android were going to be purchase only.Is this true?
I have a Droid which is also my first smart phone.I have downloaded some free apps but I have a question about apps you pay for. How does this work? Do you use Paypal or a similar service? Does the price of the app get applied to your Verizon bill?
View 13 Replies View RelatedWhat applications might soon be available once they can charge for them? Personally, I wouldn't mind paying for few- if they were worth it. I'm kinda anxious to get some good apps. Also, does anyone know when these new apps might start rolling out?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis may sound dumb, but in couldn't search the answer (partly cause I don't know how to phrase it)I've finally got the courage to root my hero, but I don't know how to get my paid apps again without having to pay for it again. I just assumed because it was associated with my email, google would have the record on file?
any help is appreciated.
I was wondering if someone could confirm one way or another if I can use my paypal account to pay for apps?
I'm just about to get a desire and don't have a google checkout account and would rather keep online financial details to a minimum.
Is there a way to pay for apps with something like paypal, like BB or does it just go straight to your bill?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI haven't paid for any apps yet though I have bought smartphone apps in the past, plenty actually (former Crackberry user). The thing that I love about the Android platform is that there's so many choices for anything you can think of in terms of everyday use and the free versions are actually good and well maintained.
With that all said and done, what are some apps for the Motorola Droid that you feel are worth my money? So far I've considered a few...
1. Beautiful Widgets (Love the clock look + it has weather which I like and toggle buttons for wi-fi/gps/etc)
2. Abduction (free version is fantastic so just to support the developer I'm considering getting the paid version)
3. GDE/Dxtop, haven't decided which I want, but I will be trying them out individually before I decide on a purchase, the moto droid forum seems pretty split on which is better/more stable.
I have a serve case of adhd. and i do not want to BRICK my phone. I met a guy at my store who had a rooted cyanogenmod 6. ON his EVO. So now I want it. So I found a guy to do if for 20. Says he can't go lower in price because he uses a program that he pays a membership for. Is this legit or not?
View 15 Replies View RelatedI just downloaded the trial version of Poweramp and it looks really cool. But before I pay for it I was wondering if it was worth the money or is there a free music player that is better or as cool as Poweramp?
View 8 Replies View RelatedSo I have had my evo for about maybe 3 months, anyways I had a screen protector on it but I took it off for one day since I had ordered new ones. And I dropped my Evo And got 2 little scratches on the screen. Not deep at all. But they're annoying. Is there any way to get rid of them without paying for a new replacement?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs this possible without rooting and paying for the service from Sprint
View 9 Replies View RelatedI think it's $7 per month and has a $80 deductible. Do you guys usually go with or without it?
View 30 Replies View RelatedI'm living here in bham, al and I'm trying to stream the Alabama game from espn3 as opposed to paying the overpriced $40 ppv charge but the prob is, interestingly enough, its blacked out in Alabama and san Jose espn3 markets. So my question is; is there any way I can make my phone browser "think" that its using a non-blacked out market tower or like server so that my phone is able to stream the game through via espn3 as though I'm not in blacked out market area?
View 6 Replies View RelatedSlightly off topic, but for Desire and you lot seem to know your stuff. I'm travelling in the states for a month. Is it worth getting a local sim or just paying the crazy roaming charges. If local sim, what's the best way to get one?
I only really need the internet side of things. Will occasionally check voicemail and the odd text, but those costs will be small. Cycling Vancouver to San Fran so having unlimited access for those 2 weeks would be a massive help. Any ideas? I'm on O2 with an unbranded Desire.
I'm heading to Halifax, Nova Scotia for a week and will be bringing my Hero with me. I'll be calling Sprint customer support to see what options are available for voice and data, but I trust the advice of folks in this forum.
Is there any international voice and data plan that i can sign up for so that I don't end up paying sky-high roaming rates? I really don't want to have to keep my phone in airplane mode the whole week. Any advice from travelers to the "Great White North" would really be appreciated, eh?
I got tired of not receiving yahoo mail when I was using wifi. Here is a way to forward yahoo mail for free to gmail. I also like receiving all my mail in one inbox. Here is a link to the original androidforums thread. 30776-forward-yahoo-mail-gmail-free.html
View 8 Replies View RelatedI would like to know whats some free ringer apps? browser apps? fb apps? music apps? and theme apps?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm new to Android. I recently was an iPhone fan but thought that Android was a better alternative to iPhone. So anyway, I have a few questions about the Captivate. Does Android have support for apps that you can use to password protect certain apps on the phone? Like messages, and photos for more private stuff. Another question I have: is the Captivates reception really bad? I currently have the iPhone 4 while it doesn't have the best of signal, its not too bad either. And my last question is if the captivate has support for 32gb cards. I'm sorry if someones already gone over these but I could find anything right away. Anyways, I look forward to Android and the Captivate.
View 9 Replies View RelatedDo not get me wrong - I love the Android, especially the vast amount of apps to choose from. But has anyone noticed how much more vibrant and polished the Palm Pre apps are as opposed to Android apps? Take the weather apps for example (Weather Bug or Weather Channel). They are so much brighter and complex on the Pre. I know the Pre apps are far less in number, but the ones that are there seem much more polished. Am I crazy, or does anyone else notice this?
View 36 Replies View RelatedI know the "cool kid in school" thing to do is make fun of the iPhone market for having 1,000's of 'Fart apps'
But let's be honest at the end of the day it's really not true, and now coming from being a previous iPhone owner and now a Droid owner i can honestly say, the iPhone app market wins by a TON.
This is just a general QUALITY of apps comparison as well.
NO i'm not switching back... but man do i miss the iPhone apps...
Especially facebook.. and others..
You can REALLY tell the difference between the quality of iPhone apps vs Android,
So why am i starting this thread?.. Well i'm hoping maybe a developer could chime in and enlighten us on why this is...
Things i'm curious about-
Is programming in android worse then in the iPhone OS? is that why apps are WAY less in quality?
And you can't give the excuse that it's because things are new, when the iPhone market came out the apps were quality at day 1, many of them were.
So what's the difference? i guess software...
Well i'm sticking with android even though this exists.. in hopes that maybe future Android OS updates and SDK's will improve this very obvious difference.. right now i'm not impressed at all... the apps are all Slow, and they look horrible.
And for twitter? holy crap... iPhone owners back me up here, but the iPhone twitter apps are lightyears ahead of android twitter apps.
Just take a look at Tweetdeck for iPhone, and compare to to what i guess is the best android twitter app, twidroid?
Compare those and you'll see what i'm talking about.
Is there a way to remove apps from My Android Apps list, on Android Market / Google Play? I have a few hundred in my list and a few dozen of those are apps I plan to never install again. I'd like to remove them from my list in the Market/Play. I've already uninstalled them from my phone.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI am under the impression that android apps can require other apps to be installed in other to operate.The main example I know is the zxing barCode scanner app, which gets used by a number of other apps.The zxing barcode app is free, but I was wondering what would happen if it wasn't?In particular, what would the user experience be like?How would they be notified, if at all, about the paid app requirement?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWay r some good gamer apps to help stay connected to the community? I playe alot of ffxi and lookforward to xiv i also play a ton of halo and compete at MLG events on the east coast.So what r some good apps for camera that have xboxes?Roflmao the spell check really chopped that up. Basically i was looking for apps for gamers not cameras lol i have an xbox and just downloaded the xbl friends list which is beast but was wondering if there was any cool other gamer network type apps
View 4 Replies View RelatedAre there any apps that will record what another app is doing? For example, when I use an app and it sends data, or receives data etc, is there a way for me to monitor what and how it's being done? Be it via wifi, sprint, to what servers, from what servers etc.
I dont just need to know HOW the data is being sent, I need to know everything about it. From, to, ip's, url's, etc.
Basically I want to see what an apps doing and possibly block certain things.
Is anyone aware of a listing of apps that require Android 2.1 to run (e.g. apps like Google Goggles, etc.)? I've searched the threads here at Android Forums and elsewhere and haven't been able to find such a list or site.
Now that I upgraded to 2.1, I'd like to "see what I've been missing" and take advantage of the new OS.
I have recently purchased an unlocked HTC Desire. As you may or may not know, here in Australia the only carrier of the Desire is Telstra. However I use 3 mobile so that's the reason I purchased an unlocked device.
My problem is that my phone has about a dozen or more apps which are installed by Telstra and uninstallable. Most of them are 100% useless because I'm not even on their network and I'd like them out of my applications list.
I've had a read around and I saw something about being able to remove them by deleting the file and then uninstalling them using a command prompt program.
Would anyone please be able to give me detailed instructions on how to do this because I'm not sure how to find the system/apps folder and I'm also not sure on how to get the command prompt thing to work.
I'm sure its been covered somewhere but does anyone have an explanation as to why when I open advanced task killer it tells me a bunch of apps, that I didn't open, are running? Doesn't really slow my phone down too much, just annoying... Running Eris Root KaosFroyo
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any real benefit for pushing apps to the system/apps in terms of speed/stability?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI do not recall one of my apps (Places) ever being there before and its not in the manage app area so i can delete it. Does anyone else have this app?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIf i were to switch phones (to say rhe nexsus one when it becomes available for vzw) How would i get my paid apps onto my new phone?
View 13 Replies View Related