Android :: Need To Sync Business Functions
Oct 7, 2010
New to android..been using WM 6.1 sync with outlook obviously seemless. Need the same type of functionality but it doesn't have to be with outlook. Looking for options to use for business. Being a small company I can go anyway I want, don't have any restrictions other than need to sync all with phone, laptop and desktop. Beginning to travel more so contact, calendar and task must sync (notes and a Today front end would be nice). I have tried Dejaoffice but I end up with 2 sets of contacts and calendars (Samsung and Dejaoffice) not to mention that the UI is lame (had just as good 15 years ago with Instant Recall). Don't mind rooting the phone if needed. So what options exist in the open source world? Love my captivate phone but need to be able to do business to keep it. Anxious to hear how the rest of the Android world does it.
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Jun 26, 2010
I have just bought an HTC Desire but i cant make the sync with HTC sync work. After af search of approximatitely 15 seconds a popup on the phone says that it can't find HTC sync on the computer. The USB connection works fine for file sharing. In my hardware monitor (dont know the english word for the window, but that in Control Panel -> System ->??? where you can see all attached devieces) i see a deveice called "My HTC" with a yellow exclamation triangle. I suspect the problem is here, but dont know has to solve it. The HTC sync has all button disabled so i cannot access the "Repair tool" i think there is in the sync manager.
- Disable all firewall(none), antivirus (Norton) and Spyware protection (AdAware) before installing HTC sync.
- Used "Run" -> "msconfig" to disable all non-MS processes and remove all starting app. Then restarted the computer and reinstalled (suggest to HTC to another user)..........
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Jun 2, 2010
I'm coming from a Windows Mobile 6.5 phone to the Incredible. My old phone allowed me to sync all of the contacts from my Microsoft Business Contact Manager on my PC to the phone. There was an add-on for Office 2007. I would love to be able to do the same with my new phone.
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May 28, 2010
Considering (heavily!) the Evo but the boss just asked me how well it handles things like pdf's and .doc's and such. We're coming over from blackberries and I'm having trouble finding anything definitive about whether the Evo (or android in general) can handle those things natively. I see that there are apps that do it but come with mixed reviews. Just wondering what your experiences and/or expectations are.
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Aug 12, 2010
Would be interesting to know what applications you use at work. In Sweden, we can not get pay apps yet so it must be "free"
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Oct 21, 2010
Getting ready to take a job that will involve air travel, hotels, rental cars et al. Any tips for the best travel app out there? Check Flight Status. Maybe be able to reserve from the device etc.?
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Oct 13, 2010
I've just become the proud owner of a lovely Sony Ericsson x10 mini! Love the phone but today my mate text me wanting a contact sent to him. No problem I thought, i'll send a business card. No I won't because I can't! No worries I thought i'll search google for an app, heard of an app called ciacs contact sender. Can't find it on the android market so any ideas where I go now?
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Oct 29, 2009
My company is going to be switching to Gmail for work. I will thus have a work and personal Gmail account. On Android, will I be able to run two instances of the Gmail app, one for work and one for personal?
I don't want to run one through the standard mail program because I don't want to lose the gmail features like Conversations.
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Nov 16, 2010
I would like to know what I have to do in order to have the Business Card Sample in SDK 3 (android 1.5), because it uses some stuff that does not compile in android 1.5, example: - if (sdkVersion < Build.VERSION_CODES.ECLAIR)... -import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts; -import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone; What is the best way to have the application compiling in eclipse and be able to run in android 2.0 and 1.5?
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Jun 15, 2010
I am looking for a business card scanner app.I know there are a ton on the market but i can not find one that gives me the option to add the cards to a database.I would like to be able to have the cards added to the database and then be able to open the database and search by company or name ect.If there was an option to add to contacts that would be ok as well.Point is i have probably 1000 business cards and do not want them in my contacts even if i make a trash group it is just not worth the effort.
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May 12, 2010
I am new to this forum so just dropping been looking really hard for a nice business card apps and i think today I found one. The problem, it is only available in iphone. Anyone know equivalent of it in android ?
check it out. that's what I really want
ScanBizCards: scanning business cards right on your iPhone.
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Aug 24, 2010
Just wondered if anybody here has fully committed their business (or works for a company that has) to the Premium Edition of Google Apps. If so can you give me any feedback on any real world issues that it has. Specifically I'm wondering how well it integrates with MS Office products. For example I receive a lot of Excel documents with embedded photos and .pdf files and will need to access and amend them. Similarly most of my customers use Excel and will need to be able to open a spreadsheet created by me in the Google system? Also can I migrate existing documents into Apps? I know these are fairly basic requirements and I would be surprised if Google haven't covered them, but are there any other issues that I need to consider before committing to the Gcloud?
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Dec 11, 2009
just posting something I found out about last night while at the mall. seems that malls have been doing poorly during the holidays due to a large company who's first letter start W and ends in fart er I mean mart. even poor Santa who has to listen to the spoiled next generation while they relieve themselves on his pant leg had to pay daily rent to be in the mall. when I asked a few people about their kiosk rent, you know the little hut in the middle of the hallway, they said that the rent went from 1200/month to 4500 for the month of December. it's not a typo So maybe they gift we give this year could be a gift to ourselves by avoiding the 500+lbs wal****T women, screaming kids cranked out on octobers candy,and self checkout systems that freak when you put down your item too hard [COMPUTER VOICE] "[REMOVE ITEM FROM BAGGING AREA OR SECURITY WILL BE ACTIVATED]" [ CUE: Arnold Schwarzenegger from terminator] lets go to those malls and the $4,500 kiosk. don't forget to drink a 44oz and sit on Santas lap I would like some cheese with my whine sir.
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Dec 14, 2009
I travel on the road a lot for work, and traveling expenses are probably my largest tax write-off. Yet, I've been unable to find a nice app in the marketplace that allows me to simply input my starting odometer and my ending odometer when I get home, and arrive at a simple calculation as to how many miles I traveled on that particular trip and what my approximate tax write-off would be.
On the Iphone, I used to use an app called "MileBug". It was great. Sadly I haven't been able to find anything that compares to that app in android. Do any of you know of a good app for such a purpose? I'm not interested in the plethora of apps available to monitor my gas mileage or my MPG. I just want a simple application that allows me to quickly record my miles traveled per trip.
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Dec 21, 2009
I just got a Moto Droid for business use. If I can't find a workable travel expense app I may have to return it and find something else The biggest problem I'm having in finding what I need is that everything I've tried so far assumes that all expenses will occur in a single currency. Many offer "multiple currencies," but that just means that all expenses are tracked in dollars or euros or pounds, etc. What I need is the ability to enter an expense for a meal purchased in dollars at the airport in Atlanta, and then the next day enter a meal purchased in euros in Paris. I need to be able to have the euro expenses tracked in euros for the same report as expenses tracked in dollars. And I need to be able to record expenses in at least 4 or 5 currencies per report.
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Jun 18, 2010
I have looked all over the place. Here in the forums, online, user manuals, etc. What I am looking for: When I am texting, I see above the "A" key is an alt symbol that looks like an arrow pointing to the right with a verticle line. It appears to be an ALT-function of some sort. What is it? What does it do?
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Apr 1, 2009
I read in the documentation for SQLite that there should be some core functions and aggregate functions available, but I can't seem to use them in my code.. Can anyone help? Here's the documentation ad: There is for example the function count() but how do I use it? I have tried to use it as stated below, but none of the functions in the documentation is available that way (i.e when I type "db." the list that shows in Eclipse documentation doesn't include any of the functions from the SQLite doc except from execSQL):
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Aug 28, 2010
Can someone tell me what busybox actually does and why it's required or necessary? I'm using a rooted captivate if it matters.
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Apr 23, 2010
Are there any USB functions for Android devices (all user devices, not rooted)? I'm curious because I might want to make an app that puts things through USB
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Jul 22, 2010
How does one go about adding a custom SQLite function from within the Android sqlite API? I have a function (written in C) that I'm able to add using the C API outside of Android as described here:
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Jul 12, 2010
I've searched through the forums and tried a lot of notes apps, but I am yet to find one to my requirements:
- Should have widget support (I need to put some notes on my homescreen, not the note creation widget like 3bananas)
- Bluetooth sharing (or it stores the notes as .txt files on the SD card). Alternatively, it could sync with google in some way. If you know one that does these, please tell me. Else please tell me what app you're using, so that I can try it if I haven't already.
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Aug 29, 2010
I have a static library that contains some JNICALL functions, i.e. they are expected to be called from the JVM and are never referenced by the shared library that links the static library. However, it seems like function stripping is exterminating the JNICALL function (it's not visible in arm-eabi-objdump -t). I'm working around it by adding a dummy function with an impossible condition that calls the JNICALL function, but that's dirty. I know that there is a link option to prevent certain modules from getting their unused data stripped, but what is it? And how do I specify that option in the .mk file? I didn't see anything immediately obvious in arm-eabi-ld. Incidentally, the function stripping doesn't strip out JNICALL functions in the shared library itself, but it will remove those from the static library that the shared library is linking. What's the reason for that?
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Sep 2, 2010
Alright, this might be kinda simple, but I cannot figure out how to do this. How can I change this function to return the String class_name? I know that I need to change the function from void to String, but what else do I need to do? Code...
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Oct 30, 2009
It seems like the convenience functions (onUpdate, onEnabled, etc.) aren't being called in the emulator on Android 2.0. Is this a bug, or are these functions just being eliminated? It would have been nice to see this documented somewhere.
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Sep 30, 2010
I use in the getView()-Method of this example a static function to download the source of an ImageView. Later there will be threading included. However, I like to know in general how save the use of static function is in this case.
Because I experienced, that in some cases (when I scroll really fast) the Images get mixed up.code...
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Sep 12, 2009
Im having trouble with button functions i have a menu created but how do i give them functions so when there pressed they can actually do something?
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Oct 15, 2011
I want to perform various image processing functions such as threshold,equalize etc on the image i capture from the camera...What should i use in order to do that?
Also,when i installed the app in my phone, after clicking the pic, the next screen appears, and after clicking the button for performing other functions, force close comes up...what could be the reason,because my code works fine without the camera portion...
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Mar 5, 2010
Got a text of my girlfriend earlier, asking me to send her the phone number for my local taxi rank, and I couldn't find how to send a business card for the life off me! I just ended up memorizing the number.Did I just over look it in the settings, out is it not an option on android 2.1?I hope it is an option, cos it's a pain in the arse if not.
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Nov 15, 2010
Picked up new DesireHD yesterday and someone tried to send me an MMS business card tonight and I got the 'unsupported media type' error.Unbranded 2.2 on the Orange network.Tried searching to no avail.
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Jul 28, 2010
I have people listed in my contacts with ocupations like "Doctor", "Dentist", etc, under "Job Title" and contact listed as working for "State Farm", "Hooters", etc under Organization.
No matter what I do, the phone will not locate these people if I use people search, or just the regular search when using those parameters.
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