Android :: Key Functions Not Working
Jun 18, 2010
I have looked all over the place. Here in the forums, online, user manuals, etc. What I am looking for: When I am texting, I see above the "A" key is an alt symbol that looks like an arrow pointing to the right with a verticle line. It appears to be an ALT-function of some sort. What is it? What does it do?
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Sep 1, 2010
So I just did the OTA Froyo update (I think that maybe I should have done the RUU that I've been reading about. Anyway, since I've done the update things that no longer work properly on my phone: Pressing "Menu" button to unlock the phone Swype will no longer work when swyping letters, only when pressing like a typical keyboard Browser constantly shutting down...I cannot get 20 seconds into using the browser without it shutting down.
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Apr 1, 2009
I read in the documentation for SQLite that there should be some core functions and aggregate functions available, but I can't seem to use them in my code.. Can anyone help? Here's the documentation ad: There is for example the function count() but how do I use it? I have tried to use it as stated below, but none of the functions in the documentation is available that way (i.e when I type "db." the list that shows in Eclipse documentation doesn't include any of the functions from the SQLite doc except from execSQL):
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Aug 28, 2010
Can someone tell me what busybox actually does and why it's required or necessary? I'm using a rooted captivate if it matters.
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Oct 7, 2010
New to android..been using WM 6.1 sync with outlook obviously seemless. Need the same type of functionality but it doesn't have to be with outlook. Looking for options to use for business. Being a small company I can go anyway I want, don't have any restrictions other than need to sync all with phone, laptop and desktop. Beginning to travel more so contact, calendar and task must sync (notes and a Today front end would be nice). I have tried Dejaoffice but I end up with 2 sets of contacts and calendars (Samsung and Dejaoffice) not to mention that the UI is lame (had just as good 15 years ago with Instant Recall). Don't mind rooting the phone if needed. So what options exist in the open source world? Love my captivate phone but need to be able to do business to keep it. Anxious to hear how the rest of the Android world does it.
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Apr 23, 2010
Are there any USB functions for Android devices (all user devices, not rooted)? I'm curious because I might want to make an app that puts things through USB
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Jul 22, 2010
How does one go about adding a custom SQLite function from within the Android sqlite API? I have a function (written in C) that I'm able to add using the C API outside of Android as described here:
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Jul 12, 2010
I've searched through the forums and tried a lot of notes apps, but I am yet to find one to my requirements:
- Should have widget support (I need to put some notes on my homescreen, not the note creation widget like 3bananas)
- Bluetooth sharing (or it stores the notes as .txt files on the SD card). Alternatively, it could sync with google in some way. If you know one that does these, please tell me. Else please tell me what app you're using, so that I can try it if I haven't already.
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Aug 29, 2010
I have a static library that contains some JNICALL functions, i.e. they are expected to be called from the JVM and are never referenced by the shared library that links the static library. However, it seems like function stripping is exterminating the JNICALL function (it's not visible in arm-eabi-objdump -t). I'm working around it by adding a dummy function with an impossible condition that calls the JNICALL function, but that's dirty. I know that there is a link option to prevent certain modules from getting their unused data stripped, but what is it? And how do I specify that option in the .mk file? I didn't see anything immediately obvious in arm-eabi-ld. Incidentally, the function stripping doesn't strip out JNICALL functions in the shared library itself, but it will remove those from the static library that the shared library is linking. What's the reason for that?
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Sep 2, 2010
Alright, this might be kinda simple, but I cannot figure out how to do this. How can I change this function to return the String class_name? I know that I need to change the function from void to String, but what else do I need to do? Code...
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Oct 30, 2009
It seems like the convenience functions (onUpdate, onEnabled, etc.) aren't being called in the emulator on Android 2.0. Is this a bug, or are these functions just being eliminated? It would have been nice to see this documented somewhere.
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Sep 30, 2010
I use in the getView()-Method of this example a static function to download the source of an ImageView. Later there will be threading included. However, I like to know in general how save the use of static function is in this case.
Because I experienced, that in some cases (when I scroll really fast) the Images get mixed up.code...
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Sep 12, 2009
Im having trouble with button functions i have a menu created but how do i give them functions so when there pressed they can actually do something?
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Oct 15, 2011
I want to perform various image processing functions such as threshold,equalize etc on the image i capture from the camera...What should i use in order to do that?
Also,when i installed the app in my phone, after clicking the pic, the next screen appears, and after clicking the button for performing other functions, force close comes up...what could be the reason,because my code works fine without the camera portion...
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Feb 5, 2010
Any way to get at the Send and Receive Text functions of a phone? In other words, is there a way to transmit a text such that another phone, within range and using my app, could receive that text? Proposed app: The_Haiti_Phone: All cell towers and land lines are down. I would create a text msg to my wife's phone and my special app would send it. All cell phones in range would pass it on. When the packet's receiver's ID matches a cell phone's ID, the msg displays to the user. In summary, in a catastrophe, all cell phones with my app act as cell towers.
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Nov 6, 2008
I would Like to see more camera functions like Zoom and brightness etc. Missing alot from a basic camera phone.
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Jul 22, 2010
I'm not sure whether I'm badly misusing InstructionCount or there is a bug, but let's assume the first one for now. The simplified situation is like that: I have a function (say, foo()) for which I want to track the number of instructions executed and the function itself calls another function (say, bar()), for which I also want to keep track of the number of instructions executed, something like: Code...
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Sep 13, 2010
I've been messing with Android for a couple of weeks, i found many tutorials to follow, but i didnt find anywhere some "Style rules" to make the code looks better. I would like to know if its possible (im sure that it is, but dont know how to make it xD) to use more .java files to organize the functions. I mean, right now, i have where i coded all my application, but is starting to grow so much, so i would like to separate some functions into another .java file. As i told before, im almost sure that this is possible, but i dont know how to link that second file so, can anybody help me?
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Mar 22, 2010
I am wondering if Android's ContentResolver supports using SQL functions over the columns when you query a ContentProvider. Such as SQLite3 date functions, to get a specific date format, or datediff?
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Apr 27, 2010
I ran into a problem with remote services. after i started and bound my service, i want/need to access it's functionality.
This works just fine if i work with buttons and onclick-controllers just as in
But actually, i need to access the services functions DIRECTLY after binding the service, like:
If i access the service function "getDataFromService()" in an onClickListener, it works perfectly. how do i access the services functions directly after binding/starting the service?
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Sep 1, 2010
I'm fed up with the stock player on my Samsung Captivate, and I have tried both doubleTwist and Cubed (now called Rockon?) and neither has impressed me much. Thus, I am looking for something with more functionality.I have two main requirements (requests?):
1. Need some way to rescan my library without restarting my phone.
If I add music from somewhere on the internet or from an app, I want the app to be able to see that something has changed, scan my music again, and update my library.Now, all I can do is either restart my phone (sometimes works) or connect it to my computer and do it manually.
2. ID3 tag editor
Sometimes you notice an error and want to change it. I have a separate program to do this as of now, and I would love to do it within my music app. It just makes sense.Now I've read about MixZing, as it satisfies #2 and everyone seems to like it, but I'm worried about #1.Anyone have any personal experience with MixZing or another player that would implement these two things?
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May 29, 2009
I have low expectations that this message will get any response as it seems that Google developers do not like to address issues too close to the Android core and to strategic mobility applications. However, as they say, hope is the last to die.
I am really puzzled by the lack of response to queries about issues with some TelephonyManager functions.
Specifically, there have been a number of requests in the past, including mine, about
As per the link below, getNeighboringCellInfo() is a documented TelephonyManager function available to application developers.
Yet, getNeighboringCellInfo() does not work. Any attempt to call it in an application results in application failure.
What is the problem here? If Google does not want application developers to use this function (I cannot fathom why that would be the case), then please remove it from TelephonyManager, and save all of us time and frustration.
It's really puzzling that for such an open platform Android has so many secrets and rules.
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Mar 4, 2010
i have two diff applications in two diff packages. i am trying to use the functions of one package from another which crashes my application. this shows me with java.lang.VerifyError in the adb logcat. there is no problem while compiling my app. but its not able to run.
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Aug 23, 2010
I have a static library, Foo, that is used by a shared library, Bar. Bar is the native shared library loaded by my Android app. Foo contains JNI functions that are only called by Java code and not by any C++ code in Bar. Because of this, those JNI functions get stripped out of the static library (Foo) when the shared library (Bar) is built. I'm currently using a slightly hacky method to prevent that from happening.So, in this case, is there a way to tell the compiler to not strip the JNI (or any) functions out when linking?
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Sep 9, 2010
Is there a zoom function for either of the apps? I just tried the free versions in case that matters.
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May 22, 2009
When I read the android source, I have found the macro nested classes. For example, the client in cameraservice, the autolock in mutex. Who can tell my why chooses the nested class to implement these functions.
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Oct 4, 2010
Some of the auto corrections are really pissing me off yet i cant seem to change the settings? theyre greyed out.
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Jul 31, 2010
Basically, I don't know what functions & XML attributes to provide when programming a specific Android feature; eg, Android Search Widget with Edittext in the middle, magnifier glass on the right, and a custom icon on the left.
From where I can find out what methods, parameters & XML attributes to call when doing a specific Android task?
Fron what sources can we find out how to program specific Android feature? Are there some overall programming pictures to reference?
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Mar 13, 2010
I have a TimerTask task calling a function onTimerComplete() in its run()
onTimerComplete() looks something like this:
I make a Timer t and I schedule the TimerTask with t.schedule(task, 2000);
The problem is, when the timer is up and the task runs my onTimerComplete() but that function does not finish. It runs myFunc1() but never finishes it nor does it ever call myFunc2()
However, if I call onTimerComplete() directly, everything works.
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Mar 11, 2010
I am displaying some event data based on the todays event and a list of events in a week. Currently I am displaying all the events in form of list from the file, As the file contains out dated events as well but I want to display on the basis of today's date events and a week events then week after. In short I want to restrict the list on the basis of this and extract information. I know there is a class java.util containing Date class, but need some quick idea and help how can I do this? Can anyone quote example?
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