Android :: AppWidgetProvider - Convenience Functions

Oct 30, 2009

It seems like the convenience functions (onUpdate, onEnabled, etc.) aren't being called in the emulator on Android 2.0. Is this a bug, or are these functions just being eliminated? It would have been nice to see this documented somewhere.

Android :: AppWidgetProvider - convenience functions

Android :: AppWidgetProvider - 1.5 SDK?

Apr 21, 2009

I have a general question. Is it possible to set the RemoteView of the widget to a WebView? My goal is to push real time updates to the WebView via the comet technique (HTTP long polling), similar to how Google Talk does it on the desktop browser I suppose. Do you think battery life would be significantly impacted with this approach?

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Android :: AppWidgetProvider And BroadcastReceiver

Oct 2, 2009

I have an app widget that extends an AppWidgetProvider to create an application widget.

I would like the application widget to be idle until an activity in my app runs; actually when a service in my app is started.

Once that service is started, I need to "wake up" the application widget and communicate with it (i.e. tell it things to display).

So I see that AppWidgetProvider simply extends BroadcastReceiver -- so does that mean:

1. I need to call registerReceiver in my service and tell it to filter for certain kinds of events?

2. Can I even do #1, or will an AppWidgetProvider *only* accept ACTION_APPWIDGET_* intents?

3. If #2 is correct, how can I communicate or "wake up" / trigger the application widget?

4. Can I send events to my app widget using sendBroadcast( intent )?

Then, my app widget has some buttons on it, I need to send an intent back to the application (or service). I see you can do that with PendingIntents, but if i send the different intents it to the same Activity, it seems to re-use the first created pending intent.

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Android :: Pass Value From AppWidgetProvider?

Nov 8, 2010

I would like to pass a value from the AppWidgetProvider to a service. How can I do that? This value is taken from the widget configuration. If this value changes (by going to the configuration again), how do I pass it back to the service? Is there another way to do this?

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Android :: Model For AppWidgetProvider

Aug 2, 2010

I have a widget that shows some data fetched from the Internet. I may have multiple widgets visible on the screen, each displaying some data, partly the same as the other widgets. From time to time I re-fetch the data from the Internet and update the widget views. I've modeled this in an MVC style: I have a model which I can invoke a "re-fetch-data" on, and which the views listen on. My questions:

A) Is it wise to let my model be a singleton?
B) Can I rely on that all widgets are served by the same AppWidgetProvider? Or may some of my widgets get served by a different AppWidgetProvider instance? Or, more generally: Is there any guarantee that there will be only one instance of my AppWidgetProvider? If there is only one instance of my AppWidgetProvider, then I could use an instance variable here for the model, and pass either my AppWidgetProvider or the model around where needed. Perhaps a better option?

C) In the AppWidgetProviders onUpdate method, can I be sure that the same "context" object is passed as argument each invocation?

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Android :: Updating AppWidgetProvider From Service

Jan 1, 2010

Here is my issue, I want to be able to update a specific AppWidgetProvider (home screen widget) from a custom service class. I have to build the remote view in the service because I'm also doing some networking in there, which takes some time. The problem is that I can't figure out how to update a specific widget (individual widgets can have different update intervals, using the alarm manager). If I wanted to do it from the onUpdate of the AppWidgetProvider I could just call appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(appWidgetId, remoteView); Does anyone have any experience with this or any suggestions?

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Android :: AppWidgetProvider And Screen Updating?

Nov 13, 2010

I am making a clock widget for the android home screen using AppWidgetProvider. I have it calling the TImerTask class that updates all my values using this code:

public void onUpdate(Context context, AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager, int[] appWidgetIds {
Timer timer = new Timer();
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new MyTime(context, appWidgetManager), 1, 1000);

In the TimerTasks run() I am setting a bunch of text views to the relevant values. My problem is that this seems to work fine, but it makes my home screen unresponsive, probably due to updating it every second. How do I fix this and still have it update the display at the correct time? (I only need to see minutes not seconds, but I want the minutes to change at the correct second.)

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Android :: Start AlertDialog From AppWidgetProvider

Aug 6, 2010

Anyone know if it is possible to add AlertDialog within a AppWidgetProvider class? Here is the code I am working on where I start the AlertDialog on onEnabled function call.

@Override public void onEnabled(Context context) { super.onEnabled(context); Log.v(TAG,"onEnabledWidget"); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context).setIcon( android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_info ).setTitle(R.string.app_name) .setMessage("This is testing") .setNeutralButton("Confirm", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) { } }); alertNotSmc = builder.create();; //runs when all of the first instance of the widget are placed //on the home screen .........

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Android :: Add App Widget Through Created AppWidgetProvider?

Jul 14, 2010

I'm slighty puzzled about how android's AppWidget machinery works. I reimplemented the AppWidgetProvider's constructor like this:

public class MyProvider extends AppWidgetProvider {
public MyProvider() {
Log.d("TEST", "Creating...")
public void onUpdate(..., int[] appWidgetIds) {
// updating stuff here

From what I've read in the docs, I understood that AppWidgetProvider is instantiated once, when widget of that type is added for the first time. If another widget of the same type gets added, it will be managed by exactly that provider.But I just discovered that this is not the case. For each widget I add, android creates a new MyProvider (I see that from 'adb logcat' - it prints "Creating..." for each widget)!I don't understad why. Maybe I got something wrong? Or documentation isn't clear on something. What's the reason of having appWidgetIds passed to onUpdate and other methods if each provider is managing only ONE widget?

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Android :: Sending Event / Intent To AppWidgetProvider

Sep 30, 2009

From a service that's running, how do I send an event or an intent to an app widget that is just sitting their idle.

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Android :: Accessing Elements Of Widget From AppWidgetProvider

Nov 23, 2009

I have built a widget that contains a button and an editable TextView (that behaves like an EditText) much like the native Google Search bar widget. How can I access the text that the user has typed into the TextView? In an Activity I would just use findViewById(), but of course I can't do that in the AppWidgetProvider. (I get the error message "The method findViewById(int) is undefined for the type Widget.") So I tried to solve it by using a million casts, like so: String str = (String) ((TextView)((Activity) context).findViewById(; Unfortunately, with that line present my app crashes. What is the correct way to get references to those Widget elements? I've read all about RemoteViews and Widgets and looked for examples where somebody does this (which seems like it would be common, but I guess not) but I haven't turned up a solution. What am I missing?.....

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Android :: Signal An AppWidgetProvider From Service Running In Another Process

Feb 2, 2010

I am attempting to signal my widget such that it receives my new Intent from my service

The code I am using to send from the service is as follows:


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Android :: ProgressBar Doesn't Allow Control Of Visibility In AppWidgetProvider

Aug 7, 2009

I was trying to set a progress bar to View.INVISIBLE or View.GONE, or View.VISIBLE inside an AppWidgetProvider. However, it doesn't seem to want to do it. Setting visibility works fine with TextView fields or ImageView fields or ImageButtons. However, ProgressBar doesn't seem to work. It doesn't make sense that just the progress bar type isn't supported for controlling visibility. Has anyone else seen this problem?

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Android :: Way To Display A ListView On A Home Widget With AppWidgetProvider?

Jun 5, 2010

I would like to create a Home Widget containing a ListView, but I don't know if this is possible and if it is, how to do it. I was using a ListActivity and it was pretty simple, but can't figure out a way to do it using AppWidgetProvider.

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Android :: Widget : Get Data From Configure Activity To AppWidgetProvider?

Feb 14, 2010

I'm writing a widget where i first have a configure screen where the user makes a selection. Then I want to pass that data on to the actual widget. This must be really simple but I just can find out how to do it.

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Android :: AppWidgetProvider Not Inform When Adding Widget Fails Due To Not Enough Space

Dec 30, 2009

My app has a 1*4 icon size widget. When a user tries to add a widget I provide with a configuration screen. and some data is collected - it is verified by the server - it is added to the local DB with appWidgetID as the key - all is good. when user hits save, if there is not enough space, he is given a polite toast - "No more room on this home screen". Now my problem is that the application is not informed of this. Application still assumes the widget was created and sits back and wait for the broadcast to update the widget after certain amount of time.

Can anyone tell me if i can find out via a broadcast or a call back or any method possible to determine if the widget was not successfully created, so that i can mark that record in my DB as deleted. Or better if i can know the space available beforehand via some magic ninja code. my whole application design is disturbed because of this problem.

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Android :: Store State Information In AppWidgetProvider - Between OnUpdate Cycles

Aug 26, 2009

I know I can save information in a static attribute in a widget, however, is there a way for a widget instance to save the state information similar to the Activity onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) method? I don't want to write to a database for this state information.

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Android :: Way To Access Content Resolver Methodsn From AppWidgetProvider Class?

Dec 31, 2009

Is it possible to access the content resolver methods in a class extending from AppWidgetProvider class? Have been trying to do it with no luck so far.

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AsyncTask Put In Widget (AppWidgetProvider)?

Apr 5, 2013

I read from my web space from a text file and paste it in TextView.Everything works.

But now I want the (AppWidgetProvider) in my widget insert. My widget has a TextView.

So how can I connect a AsyncTask with a AppWidgetProvider?Tried it. But the app crashes from then.

My MainActivityl.class with AsyncTask it reads. And my AppProviderWidget.class

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General :: GetAssets Not Allowed Inside Of AppWidgetProvider

Dec 3, 2011

Basically what I am trying to do is use a customer font in AppWidgetProvider to display a custom number font in my widget. The issue I am having is that getAssets is not allowed inside of AppWidgetProvider. I have read alot on google and forums about using custom fonts, it seems to be possible but not easy.

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Android :: Key Functions Not Working

Jun 18, 2010

I have looked all over the place. Here in the forums, online, user manuals, etc. What I am looking for: When I am texting, I see above the "A" key is an alt symbol that looks like an arrow pointing to the right with a verticle line. It appears to be an ALT-function of some sort. What is it? What does it do?

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Android :: How To Use SQLite Functions?

Apr 1, 2009

I read in the documentation for SQLite that there should be some core functions and aggregate functions available, but I can't seem to use them in my code.. Can anyone help? Here's the documentation ad: There is for example the function count() but how do I use it? I have tried to use it as stated below, but none of the functions in the documentation is available that way (i.e when I type "db." the list that shows in Eclipse documentation doesn't include any of the functions from the SQLite doc except from execSQL):

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Android :: Why Busybox Necessary - How It Functions?

Aug 28, 2010

Can someone tell me what busybox actually does and why it's required or necessary? I'm using a rooted captivate if it matters.

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Android :: Need To Sync Business Functions

Oct 7, 2010

New to android..been using WM 6.1 sync with outlook obviously seemless. Need the same type of functionality but it doesn't have to be with outlook. Looking for options to use for business. Being a small company I can go anyway I want, don't have any restrictions other than need to sync all with phone, laptop and desktop. Beginning to travel more so contact, calendar and task must sync (notes and a Today front end would be nice). I have tried Dejaoffice but I end up with 2 sets of contacts and calendars (Samsung and Dejaoffice) not to mention that the UI is lame (had just as good 15 years ago with Instant Recall). Don't mind rooting the phone if needed. So what options exist in the open source world? Love my captivate phone but need to be able to do business to keep it. Anxious to hear how the rest of the Android world does it.

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Android :: USB Functions For All User Devices?

Apr 23, 2010

Are there any USB functions for Android devices (all user devices, not rooted)? I'm curious because I might want to make an app that puts things through USB

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Android :: SQLite Creating SQL Functions

Jul 22, 2010

How does one go about adding a custom SQLite function from within the Android sqlite API? I have a function (written in C) that I'm able to add using the C API outside of Android as described here:

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Android :: Notes App With Specific Functions?

Jul 12, 2010

I've searched through the forums and tried a lot of notes apps, but I am yet to find one to my requirements:
- Should have widget support (I need to put some notes on my homescreen, not the note creation widget like 3bananas)
- Bluetooth sharing (or it stores the notes as .txt files on the SD card). Alternatively, it could sync with google in some way. If you know one that does these, please tell me. Else please tell me what app you're using, so that I can try it if I haven't already.

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Android :: How Do I Prevent Certain Functions From Getting Stripped?

Aug 29, 2010

I have a static library that contains some JNICALL functions, i.e. they are expected to be called from the JVM and are never referenced by the shared library that links the static library. However, it seems like function stripping is exterminating the JNICALL function (it's not visible in arm-eabi-objdump -t). I'm working around it by adding a dummy function with an impossible condition that calls the JNICALL function, but that's dirty. I know that there is a link option to prevent certain modules from getting their unused data stripped, but what is it? And how do I specify that option in the .mk file? I didn't see anything immediately obvious in arm-eabi-ld. Incidentally, the function stripping doesn't strip out JNICALL functions in the shared library itself, but it will remove those from the static library that the shared library is linking. What's the reason for that?

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Android :: Returning Through Multiple Functions

Sep 2, 2010

Alright, this might be kinda simple, but I cannot figure out how to do this. How can I change this function to return the String class_name? I know that I need to change the function from void to String, but what else do I need to do? Code...

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Android :: Pitfalls When Using Static Functions?

Sep 30, 2010

I use in the getView()-Method of this example a static function to download the source of an ImageView. Later there will be threading included. However, I like to know in general how save the use of static function is in this case.

Because I experienced, that in some cases (when I scroll really fast) the Images get mixed up.code...

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