Android :: Multitouch Code - Google Provides For SDK Levels 2.0 Or Higher
Dec 25, 2009Are there any multitouch code examples that Google provides for SDK levels 2.0 or higher? I do searches on here and on google and come up empty.

Are there any multitouch code examples that Google provides for SDK levels 2.0 or higher? I do searches on here and on google and come up empty.
I'm developing an application that must handle multitouch. Basically I want single touch for rotating ( this is no problem ). And multitouch for scrolling.
I have the basic code in, but I'm having problems when the shift from single to multitouch, and vice verca, occur. Basically the movement will jolt because the median position of the multitouch ( two fingers ) and the absolute position of the single finger are at a distance. So if I have two fingers on the screen, they make up a median position, and then lift one finger, it would be like a quick movement from that median position to the absolute single finger position. This will be the movement that I don't want.
This is my code:
The onTouchDown function of the camera just sets the first value of the touch move. That's why I also use it in the up movement to set a new begin value for the single touch movement when coming from a multitouch.
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And when I tried to download it with a friend that can help I kept getting messages saying that it is not an android project from eclipse I'd appreciate it if somebody could tell me exactly what needs to be uploaded and what doesn't need and how can I make it work - if you have done it before - you probably can easily help Thanks! also, if you can and want to generally join the project as a developer graphics person or web designer.
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YouTube - Puzzle Blox - My Android Game
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