Android :: Make Single App Across Platforms?
May 9, 2010How does android make single app execute on multiple hardware devices. Does the Manifest have elements like screen size, resolution, CPU architecture etc?

How does android make single app execute on multiple hardware devices. Does the Manifest have elements like screen size, resolution, CPU architecture etc?
I am trying to use menu button for my application menu. When I add upto 3 MenuItem it show them in a single row, but if i add one more it shows two rows and that's not what I want.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I make a "short cut" to my "Desktop" with direct access to a single image
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best platform to develop apps for Android on? We have both Mac and Windows platforms available in our software team but are not aware of the pros and cons of each. If anyone could let me know what they prefer?
Should we also condider Linux?
Firstoff, I'm a complete newbie to Android platform development. What basically, I want to know right now is, whether there is any similar APIs available in Android SDK, which will allow events to take place, even if the main thread is blocked for some extensive operation? Something which is similar to ProcessEvents() or DoEvents() in some other platforms.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for cross-platform social gaming platforms, essentially for high-scores and achievements but also for multi-player.
Basically I came across two solutions: - ScoreLoop ( lots of features but is closed for new developers (temporarily?) - Casmul [url]: less features and looks a bit... amateur.
I am thinking of developing a small application and I am trying to decide between various Mobile applications platforms - Android, iPhone and RIMM. I was wondering if any of you have any thoughts on any of these mobile platforms, there advantages/disadvantages etc. Also - how would you compare between the various app stores these mobile platforms have.
View 2 Replies View RelatedDo any libraries or other development resources exist that can help reduce the effort involved in porting applications between various mobile platforms? In particular, I am interested in supporting iPhone, Android, and Windows Mobile. Some areas of concern include UI, client-server communication, and hardware support (e.g., camera, GPS, etc).
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm in the middle of development of a client-server "socializing" that is supposed to run on several mobile devices. The project is pretty complex, involving networking, exchanging media, using geolocation services, and nice user UI. In terms of development efforts, technical risks and extensibility what is the best platform to start with? Taking into the account that the goal is go "live" as fast as possible with the mobile version. And second goal is to cover most users (but first is more important).
iPhone (iPod iPad)
Java ME,
I realize that there are limitations on every platform, and there are different aspects to take into the account (for example iPhone has better developer's community then Android, J2ME runs in a terrible sandbox but covers most devices). Please share your pros and cons. I have the experience only with J2ME, unfortunately I can't evaluate other platforms.
I am having issues having the user selecting a contact via the Intent "ACTION_PICK" with the URI "People. CONTENT_URI" for Android platforms 2.0 and above.I create a new intent with the action "Intent.ACTION_PICK" for the URI "People.CONTENT_URI" -- from there I send a managedQuery to get a cursor with the contact information I need, which is the contact's name, and contact's phone number for the contact that the user selected.This works well on platforms 1.1 through 1.6. However, on platforms 2.0 through 2.2, this method no longer works for me. 2.2 - can't see the contact's phone number. 2.1-update1 - same as above. 2.0.1 Can't see contact or phone number at all. When the intent is invoked, the user is encountered with "You have no contacts" even though he or she does. 2.0 - Same as above.Should I be doing something different for platforms 2.0 and above? I've searched around but to no avail.
View 3 Replies View RelatedBuild.VERSION.SDK_INT was added only in API level 4 (1.6). Is it possible to determine if phone has API level 3 (1.5) ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but you guys would know better than anyone.I am soooooo close to buying a Droid. I've toyed with a co-workers and I've read probably every page on these forums.The one thing it's missing for me is HD video recording. I see some newer phones coming out, like Bravo and Motoroi, and another from Inbric.
As for the Bravo and Motoroi, they both record in HD, so if they are Android, will they be EXACTLY like the Droid as far as operating system and user experience, differing only in build or possible speed differences
First off, I'm a complete newbie to Android platform development. What basically, I want to know right now is, whether there is any similar APIs available in Android SDK, which will allow events to take place, even if the main thread is blocked for some extensive operation? Something which is similar to ProcessEvents() or DoEvents() in some other platforms.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know if Flash will be able to run independent from the browser? I mean native apps in Flash, not just the player in a browser. The Symbian OS can do that, however I have yet to find an article which explicitly states what will become available in the case of the iPhone and the Android platform. I am not asking about dates, as those are the most fluctuation prone variables. I am part of a web/mobile apps development company which is eager to use flash to make applications even richer in content and user experience.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have heard that the iPhone does not support dynamic linking. I want to know whether any mobile platforms support dynamic linking, such as Android or BlackBerry?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAfter having some development skills in Java, I thought I'd try to make my own apps for the Android Platform. But I haven't even installed the whole SDK yet and I've got already my first Problems. I downloaded the SDK r05 Starterpack and tried to install it, no Problems with the eclipse-Activation. But when I tried to download the platforms with the Android SDK and AVD Manager, I just failed.
After replacing the https:// with an http://(cause the safe way didn't work) I saw 6 things at the "Avilable Packages" Screen, but I only could install 2 of them. The Android SDK Tool r5 and the USB Driver Package r3. I saw the APIs too, but I wasn't able to install one of them, my problem is that it shows me; "This Package depends on 'missing SDK Plattform Android API X". X = The Number of the API(3;4;6;7). So, here's the big question, what did I do wrong? Or where can I download the Platforms?
As i am being an Android developer, and android is supporting SQLite database, i would like to know that which are the other mobile platforms supports the SQLite Database so that i can make SQLite database common and can place it at one place,and thereafter i can make database transaction from different mobile platforms.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI haven't done any work with the Android or iOS platforms, but I have recently been pitched a project and I'm trying to see if it is even feasible.
Is there currently API hooks in the iOS and Android platforms for accessing / manipulating the voice / data streams? What I would like to do is encrypt all outgoing steams and decrypt all incoming streams before they reach and other processes that need that data.
I would assume that because the Android platform is open source one should be able to do this, it just may have to be hacked together. I'm more worried about iOS.
I'm contemplating the idea of developing an application for the android. I have several years of experience developing web applications with Java and so figured it shouldn't be too hard to pickup a book and learn how to do it for the android platform. So far so good; that's why I love Java.
My question is in regards to how does the android development community go about testing their applications of the various android version and phones? I think I'm more concerned about the android version rather than the phones. I'm planning on getting the Sprint Evo 4G LTE coming out on Friday, so I'm obviously going to be able to develop and test for Android 4 and HTC Sense 4 (though I don't think that is as important right? Development is usually against the OS and not the UI manager, right?). But how would I go about testing against Gingerbread, Froyo, etc.? Do you guys keep a previous old phone (like my old HTC Evo 4G) and flash diferent roms in order to test the app against previous versions of android? Are there other solutions? If it's using an old phone, does this work off-network/service? I guess you could just dump the apk on the sd card and install as third party app and test it out. As long as the app doing require phone services or mobile data network (internet) you'd be fine if you have wifi access right?
I am building and designing a (mostly) read-only interface to some data. I'll be uing ASP.NET MVC to build a psudo-restful API. I'm wondering if anyone can provide some resources for building full-client applications for various mobile platforms, iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, etc. I'm thinking that serving up XML data is going to be the most simple and universal, but parsing XML in objective-C for example doesn't sound like fun to me, but maybe there are some good libaries out there to help ease this task?
In other words, what formt will be the quickest to implement on the client side? Are there any JSON parsrs for iPhone or Android? I know there are .NET JSON parsers, but not sure about other platforms -- is ther another format that might better? Or should I stick with pure XML and deal with it on each platform differently?
I have been given the tasks of speccing a mobile application, which will need to run on approx. 1000 devices. These devices already exist, and consist of iPhones, BlackBerrys, Androids, Windows Mobile and Netbooks. The application will have simple reporting capability, and a collection of forms. Anyway, the obvious solution would be to develop some browser based solution, although given the occasionally connected nature of the devices, there's a potential for data to get lost / not saved.
So instead of creating a complex application for each platform, I was thinking we could build what is effectively a form generator, with basic offline storage capability (text files), designed to run on each device, and have the device generate a form, based on for example an XML file that it could request from a server somewhere, resulting in minimal specialist development costs, and the ability to run most of the logic from the server end, with the devices being dumb clients that render forms and upload the data when there is an available connection. Anyway, my question summarised is, how have you made the decision on supporting multiple devices for your application. Is this always an unavoidable problem, and you just have to make the call to support 1 or 2, or pay for developers to write code for each platform, or alternatively supply pre-installed devices to the company?
I recently switched to a Galaxy S3 after owning an Iphone 3GS for a few years. For me, playing music is one of the most important aspects of a smart phone, and I have somewhat specific requirements. I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this:
1. I have a large library of ripped and carefully tagged MP3s on my home PC.
2. I want to add to this library and keep it synced with my phone.
3. I want my phone to be my primary music player. As such, I want to:
3a. Play a song in the car, via the phone
3b. Arrive at work, plug my phone into my PC via USB or connect over the WiFi, and continue to play the same song, sourced from the phone, but output to my PC headphones
What I DON'T want to do is:
- plug headphones directly into my phone while at work
- use the phone interface to choose/play/stop music while at work
That seems simple enough, but so far I haven't found any software that will cooperate.
- "Google Play Music" won't track what was playing on my phone and then update it when I'm on my PC, the two are totally independent. I'm also not ready to totally commit to the cloud, as I have bandwidth limitations and spotty data reception when I'm not at home or work.
- Kies won't properly sort the music on my phone when the phone is connected, nor does it provide an easy interface for viewing or playing music from the phone
- Windows Media Player refuses to sort the songs on my phone properly. It has problems identifying artists and will sort albums alphabetically instead of in proper track order. It's possible that there's some tagging difference between every other program I've used and WMP, and maybe I can rectify this by retagging all of my music to work better with WMP, but that seems like an enormous task and I'd like to avoid it if possible.
I'm currently using Firefox 11 as my computer browser, MIUI (GB version) Stock browser on my EVO 3D phone, and ICS Browser+ on my Transformer Prime tablet, and i've come across a problem.
I can't seem to sync my bookmarks properly.
I've been able to easily sync calendar, contacts, etc with my account and such, but I absolutely refuse to use Chrome as my browser just for the sync ability.
I'd like to be able to sync between all 3 devices if possible (If not possible, at least sync between Firefox 11 on my computer and ICS Browser+ on my tablet?)
I like how the phone allows you to link the contacts between the different platforms (Moto lur, Google, face book, twitter, etc) I have been slowly doing that with my contacts, and it's nice having all the information and updates for one contact in one place. My question is.. where is this "linking information" stored? If I get a new phone, will they still be linked? Am I wasting my time by linking all these contacts?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy wife has an original iPhone and is thinking about UPGRADING to a Droid -- however, another Android phone caught her eye. It's the Motorola Motoroi, about to come out on TMobile.
QUESTION: Will everything that's been developed (ROMS/APPS) for the Droid also work for the Motoroi since they are both Android -- or is it not that simple?
I'm thinking that every phone is unique, so every phone will need it's own rooting program and special attention. I'm also thinking that there may not be a following like the phenomenon experienced with the Droid, with soooooooo many techy folk developing so much, so fast, and where the average guy (like me), stops in my tracks, hovering over to the geek side, wanting to learn more...
The Motoroi may be incredible on it's own, and it may not need or get the following that we have with the Droid...
But I think the wife is addicted to the idea of changing things up now and then, always looking over my shoulder at what I'm modifying next, secretly wishing that her iPhone could allow her to do the same.
Does Qik connect to all Android devices across platforms? Or is it more restricted then that?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI had few pieces of hardware which run on WinCE 5 and 6. I wanted to know if there was any program I could use to install Android on it without having to write drivers etc for it.
I am looking for a solution similar to XDAndroid project but for WinCE systems.
I'm developing an Android application in my school department. We are interested in purchasing a Developer Device to have more testing capabilities than the Android emulator has offer. Which one supports the largest amount of platforms? Which one is faster, more reliable?. What should I be looking for?
If you could give me some info about this or tell me some of your developing-on-device experiences.
Are there resources/documents showing how to port the Android platform onto other hardware platforms?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIf I want to porting Android to a new hardware platform, Is there any basic reqirments of the hardware?
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