Android :: Looking For WiFi Hotsot App For Phone?
Sep 26, 2010
I used to have an awesome WiFi hotspot app. This app was community driven. You entered where all the wi-fi cafe spots were. You could go in and rate the spot (if it was entered correctly). It had a map that would come up and show you where the closest public wifi access was. I lost it when my Eris crashed - now I have a Galaxy S and I want that app back but can't find it!
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Jun 19, 2010
I have read all I can about using the Inc overseas and am confused. If the phone is switched to WiFi in a WiFi spot, can you use the phone? I have read that Verizon put some sort of restrictions on it, but I'm not savvy enough to understand it all. My daughter is in the Coast Guard and we both have DInc's. She goes to places like Star Bucks in other countries that offers WiFi and we would LOVE to be able to text each other with our phones. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
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Apr 4, 2013
I have samsung android phone which can be used as wifi hotspot. My question is can I use my laptop internet on android phone by connection laptop to android phone hotspot as phone is unable to connect adhoc network.
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Jun 28, 2012
im new to android programming is my problem:
i need to create an android app(for user) that have a login function to login to computer to retrieve some data (eg get data from a excel file) by using WIFI. How do i do that?
e.g Login: newbi123
----After login-----
i will get the data on my login id(newbi123) from the computer to my android app and display:
Name: newbi123
Gender: F
Age: 20
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Jun 30, 2010
I'm switching over from Windows Mobile and I am a big user of WMWifiRouter. I know there are some Android apps for tethering, but there is a feature of WMWifiRouter that allows me to connect USB to WiFi and enable my phone to be used as a WiFi adapter. Is there such an app for Android? Thanks in advance!
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Jul 29, 2010
I did some searching and couldn't find an app like this, figured I'd try here. Anyone know of a app that will disable your wifi when you lock your phone, and enable it when it's unlocked?
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Aug 8, 2010
I am new to the whole android OS and looking to join in very soon. The feature I am mostly interested in is WiFi tethering. I would like you guys to suggest to me the cheapest handset that I can accomplish such a feature with? Whether the phone comes with the application to do it or it can be done via alternate methods [root].
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Sep 28, 2010
I lige watching movies on my computer, while im laying in my bed, but the cord from my headset is too short. is there an app where you can turn your phone into a wireless headset throug wifi so you can play the movie on your pc and get the sound through a headset you plug into your phone?
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Dec 31, 2009
I want my Android phone to share its internet connection with other wifi enabled devices. Seems so cool to have a laptop and a couple ipods or something sharing the connection.
I know this can be done if the phone is rooted, or whatever you call it, but isn't there an app that I can download and make it work without needing to hack the phone? I know PDA net works pretty well, but that's not quite what I'm looking for. You have to connect the phone to the computer via USB or bluetooth, and it gets on the internet through there. I want to be able to have multiple devices quickly and easily jump on the Androids connection.
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Feb 26, 2010
I was just wondering if there's any way to use my Android's 3G network on my iPod touch.
So I connect my iPod touch to my Android, and use the Android internet like that?
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Jan 1, 2010
My droid won't pick up wifi even when there is no tower available. It gives me a wifi symbol with a ? over it. Can anyone help?
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Nov 2, 2010
Is there an app that can turn off my wifi whenever I put my phone to sleep? To conserve battery, I always have to turn off my wifi before I turn it off, and turn it back on when I unlock it. After a few days of this, it gets pretty annoying. I'm used to the iPod touch where when you sleep it, the wifi automatically turns off to save battery,and when you unlock it, and turns it back on. It would really save me the time.
Also I noticed this Wifi sleep policy thing. I don't really understand, can someone elaborate or explain more. Is it that when your not using your wifi for +15 min, it automatically turns off? Do you turn it on manually, or does it do it auto when you starting using wifi programs like browser.
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Aug 20, 2012
I'm getting a galaxy s3 very soon and I'm thinking about getting a nexus 7 with it.But as you know,nexus 7 doesn't have 3G so my only option to access network on it when there's no wifi network available is to use my future s3 as a wifi hotspot.So my questions are:
1-Is data consumption when using the phone as a wifi hotspot the same as if I'm normally using 3G on the phone itself ?
2-How long can an android(specifically the S3 if it matters much) act as a wifi hotspot before the battery runs out ?
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Apr 4, 2012
Any way to use an android phone as a microphone? As in, a way that actually works on a 64-bit version of Windows? I've tried a bunch of things that seem a bit dated, like DroidCam, nothing wants to work.
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Feb 22, 2009
Someone from WMWifiRouter had mentioned a couple months ago they were working on a product for Android but I haven't heard anymore. I was hoping they'd drop their product when paid apps went live. Any news? Any other Wifi tethering out there that doesn't require me to root my phone?
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Aug 5, 2010
I searched the forums and was not able to find anything about it so I am asking here. I am looking for a bit torrent that does work on the EVO, I tried every torrent available in the market and none worked. Does anyone here have or knows of a torrent that works? all I want to do is to download torrents directly to my phone by way of either WiFi or 4G.
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Aug 11, 2010
I'd like to be able to access my phone's Micro SD card like a hard drive through wifi and also access my computer's hard drive through my Android phone through wifi.
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Feb 20, 2010
If I were to buy an unlocked HTC phone (e.g. Legend/Desire) on Expansys and use it in Canada, will I be able to update my phone's firmware? (it would be directly from HTC coz the phone isn't offered by the carriers in Canada).
Another question is, what if I decide not to get dataplan coz I can get free Wifi at school/work/home... will I be able to update my phone's firmware using Wifi?
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Aug 19, 2010
I wrote an android application to request a scan for available WiFi signals around, using the WifiManager, then dump the results to a file. The program works fine, but this weird bug occurs. Initially I was requesting a scan every 30 seconds, and everything worked fine. I then tried to request a scan every two seconds, I get this strange bug. Everything will work fine for a few minutes, then the time between two scan requests jumps from 2 seconds to 50 seconds for no reason.
Then, for four more scans, it will scan at 2-second intervals, then skip to a 50-second interval, and it continues to do this consistently. With larger time intervals this bug does not appear. Has anyone experienced this bug before? Is there a way to prevent it? Or does Android automatically cancel scan requests if they are too frequent?
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Mar 25, 2010
If I connect to my home WiFi, it works well. I'll go out of the house and come back a few hours later and the phone does not automatically connect to my home WiFi. If I go to settings, I can see it detects my home WiFi, but says "Connection unsuccessful, select to try again." When I select it, it connects and works fine. My problem is, I don't think I should have to physically select my WiFi network everytime I come home. Shouldn't it see it and connect automatically? What am I dong wrong? Do I have a setting turned on/off that should be different?
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Oct 2, 2010
I have a Sprint (CDMA) Hero (still 1.5 - not rooted) and will be traveling to England, taking it with me. I already know it won't work over there as a phone/Sprint network. But I can still use the wifi. Is there anyway that I can use wifi on the phone to make calls? I know Skype is no longer available for Android (a shame) but was wondering if any creative minds on this forum knew of a solution.
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Oct 6, 2010
I have a service which polls a server at certain intervals. I use an AlarmManager and a BroadcastReceiver to start the service. My problem is that after a certain duration, even though the WiFi is still enabled, but for some reason, my application can't contact the server. I get an "Unreachable network" error. Note that I've already acquired a partial wake lock as well as a wifilock. Here's my code for the BroadcastReceiver.
public class ServiceAlarmBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
WakeLock wakeLock = null; WifiLock wifiLock = null;
try { PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) context .getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
// acquire a WakeLock to keep the CPU running
wakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, "MyWakeLock");
if(!wakeLock.isHeld()){ wakeLock.acquire();
} Log.i("ServiceAlarmBroadcastReceiver", "WakeLock acquired!");
WifiManager wm = (WifiManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
wifiLock = wm.createWifiLock(WifiManager.WIFI_MODE_FULL , "MyWifiLock");
if(!wifiLock.isHeld()){ wifiLock.acquire();
} Log.i("ServiceAlarmBroadcastReceiver", "WifiLock acquired!");
context.startService(new Intent(context, ThePollerService.class));
} finally { // release the WakeLock to allow CPU to sleep
if (wakeLock != null) { if (wakeLock.isHeld()) {
wakeLock.release(); Log.i("ServiceAlarmBroadcastReceiver", "WakeLock released!");
} } // release the WifiLock if (wifiLock != null) { if (wifiLock.isHeld()) { wifiLock.release();
Log.i("ServiceAlarmBroadcastReceiver", "WiFi Lock released!"); } } } } }
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Apr 30, 2010
I'm looking for an app that will automatically enable my wifi for designated networks. Basically, the only location currently I really desire to use wifi is at home since if I'm at home, my phone is likely charging (since wifi eats battery) and the speed beats 3G. I'm going through and finding a lot of apps that automatically scan and connect to open networks, automatically connect to the fastest network, a bunch of wifi toggle widgets...nothing really for making conditions for what networks it will connect to, especially one that has a password.
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Apr 23, 2010
Is there an application that can enable my phone to upload photos to my PC via WiFi as they are taken? Something along the lines of this SDHC card (UK):
Eye-Fi Pro 4GB WiFi Wireless SDHC Memory Card: Gadgets - Free Delivery
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Jul 3, 2010
I have just started doing some Android development. One of the things that I would like to add to the app the I'm working on, is data exchange between a desktop computer and an android phone. Think of it like syncing data between Microsoft Outlook and the phone when it is connected to the wifi network. (Stanza on the iPhone is another good example)
The application that is running on the desktop is written in C# (to make it more interesting ;-)). I'm trying to avoid using a WebService, since this requires something like IIS.
Are there any libraries that can help me with this, or is it simple enough to do using the Java Socket functionalities?
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Oct 28, 2010
Can you make your android phone generate wifi? Is there an app or method to make your android phone act as a wifi hotspot? I have pda net for my laptop, but was wondering if I could hook up my Wii with wifi.
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Jun 11, 2010
Is it possible to toggle WiFi radio (On/Off) programatically on android phones?
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Mar 22, 2014
I have just bought an Android Smart TV Box (to replace my AC Ryan media box which gave up the ghost a few days ago) and it mostly works fine - it is connected to my tv via hdmi and the box is hard wired to my router - so it is the standard connection setup. I have two usb hard drives connected to it. I obviously want to drag and drop media files from my phone (android) or my laptop (Windows7) to the connected hard drives I use ES Explorer app on my phone and Windows explorer but using either version I cannot see the Android box wirelessly - if i do a scan using es explorer it finds the laptop straight away and i can drag and drop but it just will not find the android box at all. However if i go onto the Android box and into the es explorer app and do a scan it picks up the laptop and i can drag and drop a file onto the laptop. So the wireless is sort of working as opposed to not at all. But just seems odd that i cant see it at all - i cant even ping it from the laptop.
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Apr 18, 2010
When using the wifi thethering for some reason my Hero will not charge. On the phone it says it is charging but the battery never reaches full capacity. It just stays where it was at before I plugged it in. I am using Fresh 2.0 btw
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Nov 17, 2011
I really like my Droid X but it only supports Ad Hoc and this doesnt connect to a certain device I need it to. I want to make sure I get the right phone that does what I need it to.
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