Android :: Audio Stream On Wifi From Pc To Phone?
Sep 28, 2010
I lige watching movies on my computer, while im laying in my bed, but the cord from my headset is too short. is there an app where you can turn your phone into a wireless headset throug wifi so you can play the movie on your pc and get the sound through a headset you plug into your phone?
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Sep 16, 2010
Can i stream the audio from my mac to my phone?
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Jul 18, 2010
I have a Samsung Moment with Android 2.1 on it and lately I cannot stream music or video in any app that I try. The YouTube app says "Sorry, this video cannot be played." for every single video, and if I try to use something like DroidLive (for shoutcast and such) it has a connection error every time. Grooveshark has an "Unknown MediaPlayer error." I tried a few other random apps off of the market to try to rule things out and none of them would play. Music that is stored on my SD card plays just fine.
It doesn't only not work sometimes, it doesn't work 100% of the time now. Happens when I have 3G and even if I'm connected to Wifi. I did a factory reset last night thinking that maybe an app had messed with a setting somewhere and it still doesn't work. I have no clue what else I could possibly try.
EDIT: As requested by the stickied thread:
1.) Model Number - SPH-M900
2.) Firmware Version - 2.1-update1
3.) Baseband Version - S:M900.8.0S.DD03
4.) Kernel Version - 2.6.29
5.) Build Number - ECLAIRDD03
And the hardware version is M900.8.0
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Mar 22, 2010
I am planning on developing my specific voip app for android.when a phone call occurs I want to hear the person who's calling on my local pc speakers and I want to speak to him via my own pc microphone / headset. So I need to send the audio stream of both me and the person I am talking to via the wlan network.
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Sep 22, 2010
Is there an Android equivalent to the iOS Core Audio / Audio File Stream Services? I need to be able to read audio bytes from a network and feed them to the audio system under my control, so I can do my own timeouts / reconnects / range requests / etc. without interrupting the audio playback (since the system audio thread would be playing audio already enqueued). It seems that MediaPlayer doesn't give me this level of control. Is there a lower-level framework that does, either in the SDK or NDK?
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Aug 23, 2009
I used Class MediaRecorder to play mp3 file, the source like this:
It runs no problem. But I want to get the stream,and write the byte array to the stream, let mick sound the refreing voice.
by use java source I can did that. the source like this:
You know,Android SDK don't include the class SourceDataLine(package javax.sound.sampled).
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Sep 23, 2009
is possible to analyze audio stream spectrum with Android API (similar to what you can easily do with Flash). Basically what I need is to determine the duration between two claps in a small audio record. The claps are much louder than the background, so theoretically it should be somehow possible..
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Mar 10, 2009
I want to send audio stream to internet directly, instead of store in the file. But the output of MediaRecord only supports file by seting setOutputFile(String path) , not OutputStream. Is there any methods to do this?
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Feb 10, 2010
How to play audio from a stream in android? I will get input stream from an online link( like continuous FM). I need to cache the stream and play it. I searched a lot in sites,,,but didnt get.They show option of playing from a stored file. There is no option to play from a stream.
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Aug 17, 2010
I have seen apps in the Android Marketplace with regards to an app recording an ongoing phone conversation. I am interested in how this is done. Anyone knows how the call is being recorded?Is there a way to maybe get an Audio Stream for a call in Android?
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Oct 13, 2009
I can capture an audio stream from the mic, but can I capture the currently playing audio stream?
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Apr 22, 2010
For some reason I am not longer able to reply on that topic, so I will start a new post with my further input. I noticed that in the newer Android versions the system will now automatically mute audio streams while some types of audio notifications are playing. This is a nice solution for many types of audio. For music players this works well. My audio application is an audiobook player. The reason that I had posted the original topic about the ability to get a notification when other audio needs to play, is because for an audiobook, muting the audio isn't a very good solution. People miss part of the dialog of the audiobook while it is muted.
I now have customers writing to me and complaining that it skips part of their audiobook when other notifications play. It appears to be skipping to the listener because the audiobook continues to play but is muted while the other audio notification plays. Is there a way for my application to get a notification when its audio stream gets muted and unmuted?...............
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Jan 11, 2010
Let me first state that I do not know Java. I'm a .NET developer with solid C# skills, but I'm actually attempting to learn Java and the Android SDK at the same time (I know it's probably not ideal, but oh well, I'm adventurous :)) That said, my end goal is to write a streaming media player for Android that can accept Windows Media streams. I'm okay with restricting myself to Android 2.0 and greater if I need to. My current device is a Motorola Droid running Android 2.0.1. There is one online radio service I listen to religiously on my PC that only offers Windows Media streaming, and I'd like to transcode the stream so my Android device can play it.
Is such a thing possible? If so, would it be feasible (i.e., would it be too CPU intensive and kill the battery)? Should I be looking into doing this with the NDK in native code instead of Java? I'm not opposed to writing some sort of service in between that runs on a desktop computer (even in C#), but ideally I'd like to explore purely device-based options first. Where should I start?
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Jul 8, 2010
Let's suppose that we have the following scenario: something is playing on an android device (an mp3 par example, but it could be anything that use the audio part of an android device). From an application (android application :) ), I would like to intercept the audio stream to analyze it, to record it, etc. From this application (let's say "the analyzer") I don't want to start an mp3 or something, all I want is to have access to the audio stream of android. Any advice is appreciated, it could a Java or C++ solution.
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Jul 26, 2010
I m working on Radio application i gt stuck coz i m unable to stream live audio in android 1.5... is that possible to stream live audio in android 1.5 SDK..
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Aug 7, 2010
I'm working on an app for a client that requires streaming of an AAC audio stream. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do about the stream format on the server. I'm working on Android and have discovered that Android's media player does not support raw AAC streams (which is what I'm getting). I found a project on Google Code that supports it (I tested it with the stream) but it's GPL'ed and that doesn't work for my client. I don't have much experience with this sort of thing so forgive me if my ideas aren't great. I know Android can play AAC encoded content if it is in an MP4 wrapper so I had thought about creating an MP4 wrapper on the fly on the client-side or perhaps even just doing some conversion to another format on the fly. Are these reasonable options? Does anybody have better suggestions?
Edit To rephrase, is it possible to put a raw AAC stream from a web server in an MP4 container in real time? If so, does anybody know of resources to help me with the process?
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Jul 2, 2009
does android can recieve and play MMS or RTSP audio stream? or just can address for HTTP stream?? i try for MMS stream,but there is nothing to hear..
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Nov 27, 2009
I am trying to make a very simple radio player for Android and I cannot get the audio streaming to work. In my latest attempt it plays for about 1 second and stops for some streams and it doesnt work at all for some other streams. Logcat doesn't give much useful information to me. I am testing on HTC Hero (Android 1.5).
If I hook the completion and buffer events I see the audio gets a complete event but it keeps buffering. Is there anything wrong with the code below? Should I be able to stream the the audio streams below? Is there a complete example somewhere of a working radio streaming?................
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Aug 21, 2010
I'm trying to create a way to adjust volume settings for each of the different streams (media, notification, ringtone, etc) and have a way to preview the output sound level of each stream. I believe I have the correct implementation, but when I set the output stream type, there is no sound that plays.
Here is the code that correctly plays the user's selected alarm sound:
That commented out line is what is causing me problems. I would like to hear the alarm sound at the volume levels of the different audio streams, but when I include that line for STREAM_ALARM or any other audio stream, no sound at all plays.
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Aug 26, 2010
Basically, I want to make an audio visualizer.I know it's possible, because my phone came with a few live wallpapers that do it.The problem is, I can't seem to figure out how to do this with the Android API.My app would pick up the currently playing media stream and then depending upon the volume that is playing at that time, it would display more or less bars on the screen.How can I do this?It looks like I could do something like this using the microphone, but I want to be able to do it for music, podcasts, etc.
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Jan 10, 2013
getting one Android device to be able to stream its audio to another Android device. Specifically I want to stream music but I'd also like notification sounds and other audio to stream.
I have a second, older phone, that I am repurposing.
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Dec 9, 2009
just started using the Pandora music app, but my kids in the back seat could not hear it. so I stopped by Walgreens and picked up the "JUPITOR JACK". you can't miss it cause it has the big red ad: "AS SEEN ON TV". it works well enough, but I had to tweak my car audio system to make it decent. whatever the droid plays comes out on the car radio, it's better then my old belkin FM transmitter.
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Feb 10, 2010
How to play audio from a stream in android? I will get input stream from an online link( like continuous FM). I need to cache the stream and play it. I searched a lot in sites,,,but didnt get.They show option of playing from a stored file. There is no option to play from a stream.
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Jan 29, 2010
I am looking to develop an application and would like to know if the earpiece audio output can be captured.
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Oct 13, 2010
How can I get the volume of the audio stream coming in through the android microphone?
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Aug 25, 2009
I want to stream a media file on web, and android developer website has said that MediaPlayer.setDataSource() can set the data source (file-path or http/rtsp URL) to use. But I got an error in both G1 device and emulator when streaming a rtsp url file: Command PLAYER_PREPARE completed with an error or info PVMFailure error(1, -1). Does anyone know what is this error, or anyone knows where can I get the error description (1, -1) means? the code can work successfully when playing a audio/video file or streaming a http protocal sudio/video file, but can't stream rtsp protocal file. Is android not supported rtsp streaming?
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Sep 13, 2010
I've been messing around with Tasker for the last several days, and it's raised a concern I've had with android itself. Is there a definitive answer to how audio is routed? I see that there are at least 6 audio stream types: call, system, ringer, media, alarm, notification. I also see (using Smart Volume or Quick Settings, etc.) that there are corresponding audio volume controls for each of the above.
My question is, which speaker do each of the audio streams get routed to? Obviously, there are different setups for when the headphones are plugged in and not. Here's what I see empirically so far: When the physical headphones are unplugged, the system, ringer, media, alarm and notification streams get routed to the external speaker. The call stream is routed to the earpiece.
When the headphones are plugged in, the alarm and notification streams seem to be routed to the external speaker (speakerphone, I guess). The call, system and media streams get routed to the headphones. The ringer stream has been behaving oddly. Sometimes it comes through the headphones, and sometimes through the ext. speaker.
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Oct 6, 2010
I have over 100GBs of audio and video files on my PC that I would like to access at anytime. Whether it's around the house or on the go. 9 out of 10 places I'm usually at have highspeed wifi connections so I'm not too concerned about streaming over the 3G network; although it would be nice.
Basically, I want to set my PC up as a private media/file server that I can access from my rooted Droid X 2.2.....cheaply, free if possible.
I'm actually surprised that this device doesn't have streaming capabilities over local wifi networks. I can transfer files over from my home network and then play them but that requires a lot of wait time and uses a lot of space on the phone.
How to configure ftp and http servers with DNS if that helps. http would take a long time to code and can't be updated quickly so I'm hoping it can be done with an ftp server.
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Jul 5, 2010
Alpine ida-x303. When I plug the USB cable in the car stereo it will charge the Droid but it will not play radio apps. The unit says no USB found.
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Aug 1, 2010
Does anyone know of a player that will handle MP4 AVC files with a 5.1 AAC audio stream? The video plays just fine but none of the players seem capable of "downmixing" to stereo.
I did find one that would play the sound all garbled. I'd hate to have to recode my entire library to stereo to use it on my phone.
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