Android :: Launch MultiTask Manager By Holding Home Button?
Jun 26, 2010Is it possible to launch MultiTask Manager by holding home button..?

Is it possible to launch MultiTask Manager by holding home button..?
I was wondering if there is alternative to holding down home button to switch between apps. I was wishing that there is some app that shows all active app and if we click on it, it gets opened. Is there anything like that? Holding down home button only shows recently opened apps. Also, I am not fans of holding down buttons.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have had my HTC Desire for about 2 months now and I have just accidentally learned that if you hold down the home button for about a second or 2, it brings up a neat little 'last used apps' screen. I am using LP so i don't know if it is part of Android or the launcher but I found this pretty neat.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen clicking and holding the home button the very useful modal dialogue appears showing the list of recently used programs/applications. Unfortunately, most of the time it appears and then disappears again. It is very annoying and makes this feature useless.
I am using LauncherPro on my Android 2.1 (CyanogenMod 5.0.8 DS), but with ADW launcher it showed the same behaviour.
Anyway to make one open up Multitask Manager? (I have search as quick compose for handcent)
View 5 Replies View Relatedthis is my first post as a Droid user, coming from a BB Curve. Have had about a month with my Motorola Droid and am running into several problems that are a pain. 1. The phone seems to load the corp calendar, gmail, settings, messaging, alarm clock everytime I slide the phone to ON. I have gone into the Quick launch and turned off everything but it is useless. So how do I turn off the quick launches so I don't eat up so many resources. 2. The HOME button obviously has a mind of its own and usually take 3 or 4 touches before it activates and sends me back home. This is especially true if I am on-line or in my gmail. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a fix or is this related to the resource issue? 3. Whenever I open one web site from my BM's it shifts the position of all of the other of my BM's. What is the use of a BM if the OS is going to bounce them around. Idiot design as for as I am concerned. I down loaded the app 'BookmarksBR' and it organizes my bookmarks in BookmarksBR but not in the browser. 4. Other than being slow at times I 'think' I like it better than the BB but jury is still out. Is there any word on OS updates.
View 1 Replies View RelatedOn my droid phone, I get what I consider a proper pause/stop/resume/restart sequence when the home button is pressed and I then select my application. However, I'm testing on a new Samsung Galaxy tablet and when I select my application after having pressed the home button, a new activity is being launched. I do not understand why the behavior is different on the Galaxy. Any ideas? I have removed orientation config changes in the manifest, so it's not that.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a widget that contains 4 buttons to show 4 stock prices, each of them will launch into the same activity Quote.class to show stock details. In onUpdate(), it will set up the pendingIntent with extras with stock symbol. After I hit button A, it goes to Quote activity that shows stock A. Then I hit the BACK button to the homescreen, Quote activity calls onDestroy() and when I hit button B, stock B will show properly. However, when i hit HOME button after it shows stock A, the Quote activity only calls onStop without calling onDestroy(), then as i hit button B, it will call onStart() and it shows the same instance that shows stock A.
Originally I thought adding a flag in the Intent should solve this problem. But I have tried
i.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK or FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK or FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY), none of them makes any difference.
So is there any ways to make it work? How can i remove the history stack from HOME button? How can I call onCreate in Quote activity and get new extras when i hit button B?
Could someone let me know what I am doing wrong? I have an A855 Model Droid, and I am thinking about Rooting it now that Froyo is on a Motorola and Verizon Black List, (See Article at My Droid Does)! I hold down the Up Volume and Power Buttons Simultaneously, but it still boots normally! What am I doing Wrong? Keep in mind that I am a Newbie at this!
View 3 Replies View Related1. sometimes when you unlock the screen you get this weird static screen for like half a second
2. holding down the menu button still doesnt do anything
3. when you're charging your phone it doesnt show the percentage
4. cant uninstall where's waldo and midnight bowling.
5. sometimes you have to push the actual unlock button for the screen to turn on instead of any of the buttons (i do this to check the time)
never had the SD card or vibrating problems so i dunno if they got completely fixed.
Is there any way to make it so when i press and hold the power button and choose either silent or vibrant only that it will also mute media? I am hoping for the ability to change something through adb shell or something because I use the power button method all the time I just really want it to mute/unmute the media volume too.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI know what your thinking, lame calculator trick well here it goes anyways if you hold the c or "clear button down while in the calculator it will clear the stored data!
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have recently upgraded to Android 4.0.4 on my samsung galaxy s2. I used the ressurection remix rom 1.9
I have noticed that although holding down the menu button will go to google search from the main screen, it no longer works in certain apps that used to work before the upgrade. In fact it doesnt seem to work in any apps.
Can anyone confirm if android development is not yet supported on windows 7 x64? i downloaded the sdk but when i tried to launch the sdk and avd manager it fails to launch.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI downloaded and installed and JDK-6u31-windows-x64.exe, but the SDK Manager.exe program does not launch.
When I try to launch, a blank window appears for a split second then disappears, with no error messages.
I'm running Windows 7 on an Intel quad-core, and I uninstalled, reinstalled and rebooted several times. I also tried installing Android using Installer_r16-windows.exe and JDK version 6u26, and tried running as administrator, but SDK still won't launch. I haven't loaded Eclipse yet.
Whenever I am using any app and press the home button, the home screen blacks out for a few secs and it takes around 10 sec to get all the icons back and before I can start using my phone again. I am using a non rooted mytouch 3g.
This problem does not happen if I exit an app by pressing the back button. It becomes very annoying at times.
I have 3 activities in my app: Activity1 -> Activity2 -> Activity3. Inside Activity3, if the user presses Back, I would like to return to Activity2. In Activity3's onPause event, I added a finish() statement. That's probably not even necessary, but I wanted to make sure this Activity gets cleaned up. This works fine.
However, while in Activity3, if the user presses Home or starts a new app (through notification bar or some other means), I want both Activity3 and Activity2 to finish. If the user returns to this app, he should resume with Activity1.
I have figured out how to do one or the other, but I can't figure out how to handle both cases, if it's even possible. Can I trap the "Back" button in Activity3 and send a message back to Activity2 telling it not to finish()? It seems like the Activities follow the same lifecycle flow (Pause, Stop) regardless of what you do to send them to the background. Just to answer the question of why I want this behavior, imagine that Activity1 is a login screen, Activity2 is a selection screen, and Activity3 is a content screen. If I press Back from the content page, I want to be able to make a new selection. If I exit via any other means (Home, notification bar), I want the user to be "logged out".
I have been working on a replacement for the stock Car Home app for a bit, and I am completely stumped on how to override the Home button so that my app will be brought back to the foreground whenever the phone is docked. This is the way that Car Home works, so there must be a way. It seems that BroadcastReceivers won't work, because the intent that is broadcast whenever the Home button is pressed will still cause the default homescreen app to launch; I cannot prevent it. I can override the Home button from within my app, but that does me no good since this needs to work when the user is outside my app. Car Home also does not do anything weird like set itself as the default homescreen app while it's running (I checked the logcat to make sure).
I've been really beating my head against the wall on this. Does anyone have any ideas, or can you at least point me in the right direction?
I am following for developing a widget. I am unable to launch a widget on to the home screen.When running the application I am getting the errors like No Launcher activity found and The launch will only sync the application package on the device!
View 1 Replies View RelatedI used the navigation function in the "car home" app this weekend for the first time. The nav. worked great. Voice directions were clear and actually helpful for a change and the gps kept a lock on me. However, I had to make a call to tell my friend I was going to be a little late, only to find out after the call ended that navigation was lost. Luckily, I remembered the address and re-started navigation. So two things, I suppose: 1) Can you easily recall previous destinations? 2) Is there a specific way to make/receive calls while using the app? I noticed if I use use the back button and go through the car app (contacts, voice search) I can get back and forth from nav. to phone pretty well. But it still doesn't seem right.
View 2 Replies View RelatedLaunch of My Activity at startup with out using Action_boot_complete. Instead of displaying home screen for the first time I want to display my activity for device setup when device_provisioned == 0. How can I override the code that launches the home screen activity.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to do something which really ought to be quite easy, but it's driving me crazy. I'm trying to launch an activity when a home screen widget is pressed, such as a configuration activity for the widget. I think I've followed word for word the tutorial on the Android Developers website, and even a few unofficial tutorials as well, but I must be missing something important as it doesn't work.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am desperately trying to get my head wrapped around how to implement home screen widgets. Right now, I (finally) was able to get a button on my widget respond to a button press setting up an intent filter in the manifest.
However, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to launch an activity when the button is pressed. Basically, here's the code i have...
What I really want to do, though, is start a new activity, not display a toast message. I know it has something to do with pending intents, but I can't figure out how to get that to work.
I have a widget that when clicked opens an activity from same app as the widget. When the activity is closed/dismissed via a button, the user will see the full app window IF the app was previously open/in memory. Is there a way for the activity to finish and return to the home screen and not to an existing instance of the app?
Intent i = new Intent(this,RateIt.class);
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context,
0, i, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
updateViews.setOnClickPendingIntent(, pendingIntent);
How to explicitly launch the system's Home application by code?
View 11 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to start an activity from the built-in Camera app after the user touches the on-screen Capture button?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have trouble launching the WebBrowser with an Intent with a Button Click. I try doing this in the onCreate Method of my Activity:
Its in the View like this:
When i launch the Activity i get a force close with this in the log:
it keeps acting as if I long pressed it when I only click it once.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI updated my Droid Maxx to 4.4. The change I first noticed is that the home key takes you back to the home screen instead of just leaving an app and returning to the screen I was originly on. This is definitly new. Is there a way to turn it off?
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