Android :: Gtalk Always Connected
May 7, 2010I installed gtalk using the .apk cause it wasn't installed by my provider (Orange France)it works fine.BUT, even if I kill it using android Taskiller, it seems to be always connected.

I installed gtalk using the .apk cause it wasn't installed by my provider (Orange France)it works fine.BUT, even if I kill it using android Taskiller, it seems to be always connected.
Downloaded FoxFi, and love it. Great when I need to use my laptop. But...
Lately, I've noticed it has been having connection issues. I start the hotspot, my laptop "sees" it. And I can connect (shows "connected" in the wifi window next to "FoxFi" on laptop). But, at the top of the same wifi window, it also shows (under "Currently connected to:"), "No internet access" (or something - connected right now on different wifi network, so I can't get the exact wording). But I hope this is clear.
Why this weird contradiction? One part of the window says I'm connected, the other says I'm not.
I posted this earlier but it disappeared? When the phone is unplugged, it says USB connected, and all of the icons are missing from the top of the homepage (time, signal strength, 3g, etc). The pull down menu is also hard to pull down then is real jerky when it does pull down. When the phone is plugged in, it has the signal for the USB and all the icons return, It also shows a full battery, then tho it is not.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThis is not specifically related to the Gtalk app, but it is while using the Gtalk app that it occurs. As you may or may not know, UK users of Googlemail have recently been able to switch to a Gmail account. I did this and it caused problems with signing into Gtalk (even though there were no problems signing into Gmail via the Gmail app). I've since followed some advice found elsewhere to go into Gmail, then Settings, then Accounts and Import and to change my address back to Doing this has allowed me to sign in to the Gtalk app, and I can see my friends on the friends list but I can't send messages. I always get the message "This message couldn't be sent". Any ideas how to fix this one error in the Gtalk app?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just found the Gtalk gadget for PC. I have been using it on my Gmail page and on my phone, but didn't realize there was one for the PC. Just thought I would pass it along.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI deleted Gtalk without realizing it was connected to my downloads. Is there a way to reinstall this app?
View 7 Replies View RelatedObjective: The ability to have multiple (two) Google talk accounts run simultaneously. Currently I've set up my phone with my Gmail ( account. The Gtalk application has been configured with this account by default (I think) which is great. However I would like to be able to be signed into my work chat as well, which is a Google apps premier account. I have not found a way to accomplish this without having to download another app. The apps that I've tried so far are: Ebuddy and Meebo. Ebuddy works awesome with my Google Apps account except for the fact that it sends messages after I chat indicating that I am using Ebuddy. The spam message includes a link to a webpage. I can't figure out how to turn this off, so I've stopped using it. I'm willing to pay for a version that doesn't do this, but I don't think there is a pay for version of Ebuddy for Android. And Meebo doesn't work with my Google Apps account. Can anyone point me in right direction? Maybe a recommendation?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have just recently gotten a Samsung Vibrant and am loving it so far but. But I do have one question since GTalk "alwyas online" I would like to use it as my main instant message app, but is there a way to add AIM buddies to the app on android?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor the past two weeks, I am working to create an application ,which is used to communicate with all Messengers in android. I am using Smack api for that, and now I can able to connect to the GTalk.Now trying to connect it to the Yahoo messenger. But it is throwing some exception. I want to know whether we can create Yahoo IM client using smack api or not. If possible please give the list os IM clients supported by Smack api.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Galaxy spica GT-I5700 and have registered 2 gmail ID to it the GTALK only opens the first ID but I wanna login with the second gmail acoount plz help me with this I am not able to find a solution
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just got my first Droid. I was wondering with gtalk is there anyway to set a Notification for when someone signs on to there gtalk or gmail.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAs we are well aware, we can now talk to our aim buddies through gtalk on our computers. I've been trying to figure out how I can do the same on my droid. I would like to somehow be able to talk to my aim buddies though the gtalk program that comes pre-installed in my droid. Any ideas of how this can be done? I'm currently using ebuddy, but if I could cut down on the number of running apps that would be great.
View 1 Replies View RelatedYou can now search Android apps from your Gtalk with AndroLib Gtalk Bot. Just add in your Gtalk contacts, type your query, and the search result will be sent to you.So enjoy the new features.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI never really gave Gtalk much attention in the 7 months I have owned my phone. But lately, specially since a lot of my friends are getting android powered phones, I have grown to really liking it. I actually like using it over text messages. I think that if I can get the majority of my friends to use it I might be able to lower my text message plan. Also since I get terrible reception in my apartment I find that having people contact me through Gtalk works out a lot better since I am on wifi at home. I would like to see a widget come out for it (which is the big advantage of text messages over it), and I hope google develops it more. I would also like to see maybe video chat integration since Gingerbread is suppose to have built in support for it.
View 12 Replies View Relatedi feel like gtalk could be upgraded to include certain features like video sending, picture sending, etc. why doesn't google or anyone else do this? why not make gtalk like bbm so the one thing blackberry users have over android users is gone?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a 7 inch tablet Odys Xelio ICS android 4.0.3, and I would like to install gtalk.
I can not find the application on google play. I do not know why
The tablet is rooted.
Is there a version with this apk for easy installation?
I don't want my google passwords to be stored in my phone. How can I use gmail and gtalk by entering my password each time I want to use them?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIt is easy to find on google which is the broadcast receiver to listen for sms messages. Is there also a similar receiver to listen for gtalk messages or new emails?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know a multi-system (MSN, gtalk, facebook etc.) IM client that gives you the option to only do audio notification on a NEW THREAD?
I'm using meebo right now and its great except how it beeps at me with every frickin message. But if I turn it off it won't beep if a new msg comes in on a new conversation and that's no good either. What's needed is a beep on a NEW conversation and no beeps if the conversation is existing...
I can't believe this feature is not there, any tester would have noticed this within 10 minutes.
Does the gtalk use sms? am I getting charged for text messages? has a 3 day day on my current usage, so it's hard to test.
View 4 Replies View RelatedNot sure what I am doing here. but I have nothing out of the ordinary, popular apps, like skyped, scanner, toss it, twitter, buzz, facebook, foursquare, etc etc but now I cannot open gtalk it acts like it wants to the screen flashes and then back to the home screen. I did a batter pull, uninstalled skype and last few apps and still nada
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm currently writing an Android app that should be able to communicate in real time with another app hosted in Google's app engine. Since I can't use sockets in GAE, I though maybe using XMPP over GTalk server would solve my problem. But that way the Android app would be connected to the users account and thus showing the user as being online, when in reality the user is not. Any way of achieving this kind of communication without showing the user as being online?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI did a quick search and didn't find anything but, is anyone having any issues with gtalk on the N1? What I am asking is when I IM someone and they reply back, the persons reply goes on top of my reply. The IM's are out of order. I tried to reboot etc but it keeps happening. It just started maybe about 30 mins ago.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIm trying to avoid a full reset, if I dont have to. Id like to try reinstalling the GTalk apk
View 6 Replies View RelatedI definitely did not want to make a thread about this because I'm certain it has to have been made before, but I searched and searched and couldn't find a thread, so here goes.Ever since the update (the one like two weeks ago, the one that caused crashes and they pulled but eventually put back up) GTalk starts itself automatically. I already changed the settings so that it wouldn't start, and everything was great. But since the update, it randomly starts automatically. All the settings are still set to off, but it will start up whenever it feels like it. It's gotten to the point where almost every time I pick up my phone, I have to check Running Services to turn of GTalk.This is affecting everyone, I'm guessing? Has there been any news about it? Fixes?Also, somewhat off-topic, but I've been away from the forums for about two weeks. I've been on vacation. Have I missed anything big? Have there been anymore updates, besides the one which caused the crashes (and they ended up putting it back up, right? I didn't download the still glitchy version, right?).
View 5 Replies View RelatedAt the end of every day, I'm running home to plug my HTC Desire to charge before it goes flat. Whenever I'm going to spend the night somewhere I always need to take my charger even if the phone is fully charged. This is exasperating, and I find it hard to consider relying on the phone when it's like this. I've had the phone for a few weeks now, so if things were going to settle down, I'd have expected it already. Pretty much all I use the phone for is SMS and Google Talk. Is Talk known to be a big battery drainer? Since I like the idea of it being a smartphone, I do have Weather, Facebook, Flickr, set on a 2-3 hour refresh. I have News set to Manual. GPS is off. Since I'm at a computer all day, I use that for surfing the web, not the phone. I'd like to use more apps on the phone, but I don't dare waste the battery since when it goes flat no one can contact me. I don't use an AppKiller. Actually I have "Advanced App Killer" but it seems kinda pointless when it just lists every app installed even if I never use them.
View 18 Replies View Relatedi have a couple questions, just downloaded adw launcher and i wanna try it, but i don't know how to turn it on, and also how do i disable gtalk and will it affect anything it i do?
View 2 Replies View RelatedBecause I think Google can make a far superior product than Qik.
View 4 Replies View RelatedBoth my wife and I have the droid, no matter what we set our status to (available, DND) in the gtalk app we appear away to everyone. The status messages seem to update fine though. Is their a setting we're missing, or is there a bug in the gtalk app?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI am currently running both IM & Gtalk for IM'ing purposes, but I am trying to move to eBuddy just so I can have everything in the same place at the same time. I am running a rooted phone Fresh 1.1 and I am using pre-kitchen. Problem: I have tried deleting IM multiple times using Kitchen, but every time it reboots IM is still there. Debugging is on and I have made sure I am logged out before I tried uninstalling. Also, I am trying to get rid of GTalk since I am no longer going to use it either. But it does not show in the Market > My Downloads. Is there any other way of deleting it that you may know of?
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