Android :: How To See CPU Usage On Device?
Sep 30, 2009How to see CPU usage on device?

How to see CPU usage on device?
I have a few questions regarding the usage of localization in android applications: Are there any interfaces available to find out when an application uses location information? Is it possible to know if the application is using coarse or fine grained location information? Is it possible to detect which type of localization is being provided, i.e. gps vs. wifi? And if the answer to any of the above question is yes, how? You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis is NOT a "my battery life sucks" thread, i'm just wondering what apps everyone uses to monitor their battery life and device usage.
I'm currently using:
Default Settings > Battery > Battery Use
Spare Parts
System Panel
Battery Graph
Is there anyway to find out if a device is portrait or landscape by default? In that I mean how you normally use the device.
Most phones have a portrait screen for normal usage but is there some flag for finding that out?
I don't know if it's my phone or what but when I look up the Other Usage on my phone, it shows it "Running" more than 2/3 of the time.And on Network Usage, "Android System" and "Media" use a great deal of the phone as well.I think this might have to do with my "android.process.acore" crashing every once in a while when it's asleep. Based on everyone's feedback I might have to return the Moment for a third time.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan someone explain a couple of very simple concepts to me - I'm interested in mobile devices running android and how they are identified over networks. Some scenarios: Device is connected over WiFi - presumably the device has a standard IP address as with any host and can communicate with any other android host over TCP/IP (assuming it knows the participating device's IP? device is connected over bluetooth - how are devices identified in this case? device is connected over mobile operator's network - this is the one I'm interested in and confused by - is there anyway for two or more devices to discover each other and communicate via the mobile operator's network? How does a device communicate with a backend server in this scenario? In other words, how do apps and devices communicate when not connected to a WiFi network?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have developed and tested my app on the emulator, and now want to install it on my HTC device. the apk installs successfully, however my database is not going with it. I have created my database using sqliteman browser b/c I have to insert a bulk data before the app starts. I have four tables in my db and call each in different activities and created all on the sqliteman. after the data is inserted I pull back the db onto the data folder of the emulator. it works perfect on the emulator but failed on the device. when I try to pull my db on the real device, it shows access denied problem
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have developed a sports game which is single player. Now I want to have one more game mode which is multiplayer.
My question is how can i do device to device connection in android using sets of api which can be :
1.Bluetooth - whose APIs are not currently available.
2.gtalkservice - removed from sdk1.0 3.wifi - I dont knw how to connect 2 devices using wifi apis . I have asked about wifi because we have developed a game on iphone which used wifi connection for multiplayer stuff.
Or is there any other apis which can be used for implementation of multiplayer in game ?
How do I map the device Y axis to the screen Y axis?I can't figure this out.I'm the developer of Tricorder, and I'm trying to make it so that the accelerometer and magnetometer indicators I draw always point in the right direction.On the G1 phone with the slider closed, all is well.But when I open the slider, I end up showing that gravity is pulling me to the left (if the phone is held with the display vertical).So, I know that the device, and hence sensor, Y axis is always in the direction of the earpiece; and the screen Y axis changes when I open the slider.And I know that I can use remapCoordinateSystem() to change the device axes to match the screen axes.But where do I find out what the device's orientation is?In other words, how do I compute the correct values for the X and Y parameters to remapCoordinateSystem()?
Configuration.orientation seems quite useless.Suppose it is set to LANDSCAPE.What does this mean?Does it mean a device which is "naturally" portrait (i.e. the sensor Y axis points to the narrow end), and which has been turned into landscape mode?If so, which way was it turned?Or does it mean a device which is naturally landscape?In other words, LANDSCAPE could mean that the screen axis is off from the sensor axis by +90, 0, OR -90 degrees.Not much help.So how do I do this?Obviously I want my app to work on all devices, not just the G1 phone.
I have a standalone GPS enabled data recorder in my car that can function as either a USB host or device. (Its a class 0x00h USB device). I currently connect to it via a WM 6.5 app running on my Palm Treo 750. I would like to port my WM 6.5 app to an Android phone. (I don't have a specific Android phone in mind, I would like it to be as generic as possible).Replicating the GUI is not that difficult, but I am having trouble getting started on the USB communication. I'd appreciate it if someone could point me towards an example, or the appropriate tutorial.
View 1 Replies View RelatedBasically I have an old iPod touch 2g on iOS 4.x and a Nexus 5.
I want to use my iPod as my media player but I'd like to be able to control music from my Nexus (only basic controls).
Is there an app on either device that allows this? I know tsk skipping can be done by some Bluetooth headphones so I'm hoping there's a way to make iOS accept command from my Nexus
I'm using the android plugin for eclipse, and when I try to run my program using a real device through the android device chooser, my phone is not listed as a device. I have updated eclipse and all of the android packages, but it still isn't showing up. My phone is running 1.6, which is also the target version listed in the eclipse project.Also, the reason I decided to try testing on a real device is because the emulator doesn't seem to be working right anymore when I run my project. The emulator launches, but the program never does. Any ideas?(using windows 7/t-mobile mytouch 3g)
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anybody have an idea what I may be doing wrong. I have installed the usb drivers and have my device running in debugging mode but when I run my basic hello world application through eclipse my device wont show up in the device chooser. I have also tried re installing the sdk and all the drivers and still no luck.
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust wondering, how much space does an Android 1.5 and 2.1 OS roughly take from the device's ROM?
View 2 Replies View Relatedthere an app that monitors data usage?
View 5 Replies View RelatedThinking about getting the new Samsung Galaxy S (Vibrant) when it comes out in Canada and the end of month... With the GPS turn by turn I understand it uses data... anyone know how much data it uses for the GPS? Is it a ton?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI encounter an ANR in Album. I saw from the report that the CPU usage is nearly 100%, in which mediaserver occupied 80+%. It looks like it was decoding thumbnails. My questions are: 1. Is it possible for ANRs to happen because the CPU is really busy? 2. Do we have plan for Album to have a more efficient way to decode thumbnails?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMany times (not all the times), my emulator is running 100% of one of my two CPUs on the machine. Can anyone tell me why it is so, and how can I reduce the cpu usage?
View 13 Replies View RelatedIs there any API by which we can get CPU or Memory usage of android? I have tried one code as below: Please look into it and let me know if this is the correct way?
package com.infostretch.mainactivity;
1 I want to see the usage of memory in the android through the procrank command,but throw a error error: creating kernel interface. Why/ 2 if use the top command, but the info of the %MEM is not correct. Because all the pid's info's sum will >100% ,so Why?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI wrote an app that acts as a Google Reader client. It downloads an XML from Google, parses it and afterward analyzes web pages with regular expressions to find image and stylesheet tags to make the pages available offline. So far so good. The problem is the above mentioned tasks are pretty CPU intensive and I also use gesture to mark items as read etc. The gesture detection gets really bad when done during the synchronization phase (see above).Those tasks from the synchronization phase are not time critical. I would like to tell the OS that the UI thread is far more important than my background thread. I just don't know how to do that efficiently.In an ideal world the OS would take care of that for me, so I started out with "Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY);". That didn't have any obvious effect. Then I sprinkled "Thread.yield()" in all major areas, in particular in the loops. But that also didn't seem to have much of an effect. Before I know start to to all kind of silly stuff, I'd like to pick your brains on how this is done properly? I am absolutely willing to use Thread.sleep(20) in some of the places I use Thread.yield. A little bit of a pause might be a good thing for the battery heat and power consumption, but I can't let the pause get really long, e.g. 250ms, because I wouldn't get any work done and would keep the phone awake unnecessarily (I am holding a partial wake lock). On the other hand I am not sure if a small pause now and then, like a 20ms pause, then 50ms work, won't take too much a toll on the CPU for switching tasks and in the end burn the battery too fast. Also, what seems like a good pause for the G1 might be not so much of a good idea on different hardware, like a Netbook.
View 20 Replies View Relatedwhenever any (non-android) java project in my eclipse ide is built, a "Loading Android Sdk Content" Job is started although no android project is open. Furthermore adb is started in the background, causing 100% CPU usage. When killing adb DDMS prints: Code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI see that a lot of folks recommend "Spare Parts" as a app to monitor system usage. Are there any other apps out there that do the same thing? The main reason i ask is because Spare Parts doesn't seem to have the greatest reviews so i have been debating on installing it.
I main thing i want to be able to do is see what is using my battery power. Is there a way to get the device manufacturer or the USB device ID? I could not find anything documented.
View 7 Replies View RelatedSo we have 2 Incredibles on a family plan and with this chatter of eventual data caps, I just was curious and took a look at our recent data usage on myverizon to see where we stand.I average about 5gb a month while my significant other is around 20gb! I am a moderately heavy web user (although I don't really have anyone to compare to, but I check the internet a lot during the day out of sheer boredom at work) and he by all means is not.Can somebody explain what exactly eats data and how it works? We are mostly just curious and are guessing it's an app. But *what* is doing it? Like does it draw data from the internet or something? Is that app updating or refreshing? The only thing I know about data is like if you refresh a page on the internet, then data is used. I refreshed a website twice and my usage according to 3d watchdog jumped about 1mb. Is that normal? Is it also normal for there to be data usage while your phone is asleep?
View 7 Replies View RelatedAre there any inbuilt classes ya methods that help to count the number of bytes sent/received. I'm trying to develop a light weight browser and am doing this as an option. As mobile users are charged based on the bytes they browse. I think this is a mandatory requirement but the more I google it The less I find?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there an app to monitor megabytes sent and received per app?
View 21 Replies View RelatedHow much data do you think Pandora would use in an hour?
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust wondered if there is an app available for keeping track of fuel usage, miles travelled etc to keep track of MPG over time. I've tried searching a few times in the market but cant find anything but someone might know of something that does this.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone knows some app that acts like a "dumeter" in a widget? someting to get the instant transfer rate from 3g/wifi....The only app closer to this is netwok monitor, but no widget for it
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