Android :: Flash Cs5 - Error - Permissions?

Sep 3, 2010

I'm using flash cs5 to make an Android game. The problem that I have is that in the moment of "publish", flash give me an error, that is about the "permission". Into the property of the flash program, there are 4 tabs. One of this is "permissions". But into the list there isn't anything to select. So I don't know how to compile the apk file.

It's happen with the last version of extention of Air Android for Flash cs5, because in the prev version of this plugin, the permission tab there wasn't.

Android :: Flash cs5 - error - permissions?

Motorola Droid :: Facebook Error Applications Permissions

Mar 4, 2010

Only when i try to post a status, i get this message. Not on comments just on my main update status. i didnt install anything new and ive had this error a few days now. i tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app and nothing seems to be changing. im runnung BB0 0.7.5 if it matters and have been for a long time. i havent dont anything new with my phone...

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General :: Error (Cannot Start App Due To Insufficient Permissions) When Open Weblink

Jan 3, 2013

I encountered the message "Cannot start the app due to insufficient permissions" when open web link in facebook for android or friendcaster or some news apps. Before, I rooted my Xperia and do some mods with Small Apps and Toggles.

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General :: App Update Permissions - Any Way To Restrict Permissions?

Jul 23, 2012

The permissions say that you must agree to allow them to delete files from your storage including your SD card; must agree to allow them to extract any information from your phone, etc. In other words they can do any thing they want with your phone and the data in it.

Is there any way to not grant these permissions and still get updates?

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HTC Incredible :: Error When Attempting To Flash ROMs

Jun 27, 2010

Whenever I try flashing any ROM I keep getting this error:
"E:No space left on device
E:Error writing BOOT:
E:Failure at line 393:
write_raw_image PACKAGE:boot.img BOOT:
Installation aborted."

Now of course I have wiped data/cache before every attempt, and have also checked internal and sdcard storage and there is more then enough room. I have reflashed with the new reflasher tool, so recovery version is Also, I was able to successfully flash a kernel, so I am stumped. Just tried to use ROM manager to flash, same result.

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Motorola Droid :: Error When Installing Flash

Sep 3, 2010

I just got the upgrade to my system that is supposed to allow me to install Flash from the market. After it downloads, the installation fails with the message: "Package file was not signed correctly." I see comments from other Droid users that look as if theirs installed (although I am not certain that they are Motorola Droids).

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General :: (MT6575) SP Flash Tools Checksum Error

Dec 5, 2013

have an iBall Andi 3n here. Runs on MediaTek MT6575 SoC. Getting this error while flashing stock rom.

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General :: Darktremor Get Error After Flash Another Custom ROM Update?

Feb 18, 2012

I've been using darktremor and a2sd GUI, but after I flash the phone GUI a2sd get an error.

A2SD exiting the GUI:
A. your device is not rooted
2. Script A2SD Could not be found
3. EXT no partition found

What should I do?

[Solved] must to mount data, system and ext when you flash a2sd, or if you get a2sd error after flashing custom room take a try to flash new a2sd script..

I use CM7 RC5.5 for galaxy Mini - SquadZone Version

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General :: Error Fastboot Flash Recovery Due To Reboot

Jul 1, 2012

I have an AT&T Atrix 4G and I wanted to imstall CM7.2.

I had the latest Atrix Android version on it. Then I followed the instruction at the cyanogemod wiki for the atrix. So I flashed the sbf (cyanodenmod wiki -> Motorola_Atrix_4G:_Full_Update_Guide).

The rsd lite flashing didn't succeed because the atrix rebooted and the programm couldn't switch into BP passtrougth, or so. At this point the device said something about 0x1000 no bootloader, but I could choose between rsd, fastboot and the other possibilities.

I booted into the fastboot mode and did an oem unlock. Now it says unlocked.

I booted again into the fastboot mode, and now it should be a simple

fastboot flash recovery recover.img

Windows) it always says:

sending 'recovery' (4824 KB)... OKAY [ 0.453s]
writing 'recovery'... FAILED (status read failed (Too many links))
after that the device reboots and is in a boot loop

so i tried linux) The first time i tried the command everythings worked fine, but after reboot i chose.

android recovery mode, but after a while (secs) the device rebooted.

so went to fastboot again, but now the device reboots after the sending command and then it says writing failed because of no device

I don't know if when I am using rsd lite to flash a complete image the phone reboots again and i have a hard brick.

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General :: Unable To Flash Custom Rom Due To Error (status 0)

Sep 29, 2012

This is the first (and only) time that I have try to root my phone (with the AAHK). After alot of reading I managed to ROOT my Desire HD and it says S-OFF.

The problem is that I am not able to install a costum ROM. I have tried the following roms:
1. Android_Revolution_HD-4G_6.3.3
2. TrickDroid_v2.0.0_C2

And I allways get the same error. It says status 0. I found in some other threads on XDA-devoloppers that the problem is: "Wrong update-binary".

Software information:

Android version: 2.3.3
HTC Sense version: 2.1
Kernel version:
Software number: 2.50.405.2

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Samsung Fascinate :: USB Cable Error And Adobe Flash Player

Oct 5, 2010

Samsung Fascinate USB cable issue and Adobe flash player.I've got Verizon Samsung Fascinate a few days ago. I really like to phone but there are some things I can't figure out and their tech service wasn't able to answer my questions.First of all I couldn't figure out how to download my pictures from phone to my PC by using USB cable connection. I totally don't understand how USB works with it at all.Second thing, I was trying to watch some of my TV shows but I wasn't able to do so because requests to have adobe flash player. But couldn't manage to download. Is there another program I can use?If anyone has answers for me that would be great.

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General :: Flash Image Recovery Gives Error Scanning Partitions

Nov 1, 2011

Current issue is that I my phone will boot just fine into regular startup however it will no longer boot into recovery mode.

I have tried the below methods but the main problem that I run into is that when I issue flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img(I have tried multiple img files such as the clockworkmod and SPRecovery) however none of them have worked they are receive the below message.

# flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
error scanning partitions

What I need at this point is either a way to get some form of recovery loaded either the out of the box version or clockworkmod version working so I can flash my phone and get gingerbread loaded. Or I need to break the OS to the point where the phone will not load past the boot loader.

Phone information:
Droid 2 Global
System Version 2.4.330.A956.Verizon.en.US
Android Version 2.2
Kernel Version

What I have looked at so far: [URL] .....

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General :: Spice Mi-350 Phone - Google Maps Error After Rom Flash

Jan 9, 2013

I'm using a Spice Mi-350 phone (It is the same as Lenovo A60). On the stock Google Maps worked perfectly. But recently i flashed Yonip 5.3.7 Rebirth ROM. Since then Google Maps does not work anymore. When ever i open it, it says 'This application requires a working data connection'. I have a fully working data connection and every other app on my phone can access the internet except for Google Maps and it's related apps(like Navigation,Places,Local,etc).

Here is the download link for the Yonip 5.3.7 Rebirth ROM. [URL] .....

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General :: Unbrick NEO N003 MTK6589T - SP Flash Error 4032?

Jan 27, 2014

NEO N003 1/4g T13

I have flashed to newest Stock room from the website neo then i try magerto room he was fine as the beginning then after 2 days he start freezing and sometimes working then the camera is no longer working i tell my self its just poor room

i decide to use the stock room but after i flashed work normal for 10 minute then freeze the screen turn black utile you remove the battery and put back in 2 minutes after many times trying to flash it by sp flash tool i hit format imei is gone and no signal on the sim card ( thats not a big problem)but the phone still freezing and restarting screen ......after that the phone not able to turn on even the logo just black you can see he is trying turn on but no logo no nothing

in the device manager detect MediaTek Usb port before was detect preloader MediaTek somthing ......
look at the picture and the sp tool not working MediaTek Usb port and i got this error

this Morning accidentally i put the phone into Preloader Mode and make normal flash and my phone is a live a was very Happy i went to write the imei must root the phone...i have install root programe name is geno (he is work fine on lenovo P780) but in neo N003 he just freeze and tun off and no longer can trun it on again just black screen.

Now when i plug the phone via usb port windows detect it MediaTek USB Port how i can put it again in Mediatek Preloader VCOM ???Always get error 4032 on sp flash tool (format , upgrade, download) all he same error

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Motorola Droid :: Failed Flash At Start Error Code 0x7100

Jun 25, 2010

Well i flashed befor and my son was playing with my phone and he let the verison patch come on top of my rooted phone.. well i still have super user but it will not let me do anything stop all of my wifi tether ect. ok well i go to re flash my phone and now it will not let me flash it. It just stops at the start.

The error code i get is (0x7100)

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General :: Galaxy S4 MTK6572 Alps Clone / Error 4032 When Trying To Flash Or Anything

Dec 23, 2013

I bought an S4 clone, Manufacturer alps Model GT-I9500.

I tried with ALL ROM i found, and with GT-I9500_MT6572_ALPS-JB3(fix) ROM without success Even when i wana format or do memory test i get


[EMI] Enable DRAM fail

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Jelly Bean :: Facebook Video Error - Update Adobe Flash Player

Feb 28, 2014

I believe Facebook has updated their Flash requirements, every time I try and watch a video I get a n error message with a "update Adobe Flash Player", I've tried opening the link but it will not download. I have found the Play Store no longer supports Adobe Flash Player so I've tried to manually install the latest android v4.0 software from the archives files but even after installation it still does not let me view. I can view all the videos on my PC without a problem.

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General :: Galaxy S4 MTK6572 - Error 4032 (Enable DRAM FAILED) When Trying To Flash?

Sep 16, 2013

My phone is dead after I flash a wrong preloader my phone model is alps GT-I9500 mtk6572 . I try with ALL ROM on with keyworld "alps" "GT-I9500" "mtk6572" ... about 20 ROM but I get Enable DRAM FAILED for each try

Use case :

1- Disconnet the battery and wait 10 seconds

2- Open flash tools with the scatter file

3- Connect the phone usb cable to pc

4- Plug the batterie on the phone
==> MTK USB PORT (COM XX) ok : drivers on the pc seems to be ok

5- On flash tools press download
every time I get BROM ERROR : S_FT_ENABLE_DRAM_FAIL (4032)
[EMI] Enable DRAM fail

on the web they say the cause is the wrong ROM but I don't know (I try over than 20 ROM)

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General :: Eboot Error (16008) In Smart Phone Flash Tool (Micromax A25)

Feb 17, 2013

how to fix this error... i also create a new scatter file of my phone.. but nothing works..

Error is

EBOOT ERROR : (16008)

[Android Partition size changed!

[HINT] Partial images download error

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General :: Fastboot Flash Boot - Data Transfer Failure Unknown Error

Mar 1, 2013

I used insecure boot and root trying to root my phone, which was a huge mistake as i noticed a few minutes later since i cant startup anymore and only get into bootloader.

Now I'm trying to flash my stock rom back.

My CID is VODAP102 and my Version is so i downloaded the rom and tried "fastboot flash boot boot.img" the result is:
sending 'boot' <8192 KB>...
FAILED <data transfer failure <Unknown error>>
finished. total time: 0.158s

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Android :: Appbrain 500 - Error Server Error The Server Encountered An Error And Could Not Complete Your Request

May 5, 2010

Using appbrain on my PC seems to work fine when I'm not logged in. When I do log in and try to click on an app I get this error message:

"Error: Server Error The server encountered an error and could not complete your request. If the problem persists, please report your problem and mention this error message and the query that caused it."

Anyone else have this issue when using Appbrain on their pc?

Well, It looks like I solved the problem. I just deleted my account and created it again and it's fixed (for now).

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Android :: Can You Play FLV (Flash) Files Offline With Flash 10.1 Plugin?

Aug 26, 2010

I know Flash 10.1 is technically a browser plugin but has anyone figured out a way to play .FLV files (offline)? Tried opening a .FLV file through Estrongs and then selecting the video option but it would not play

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Android :: What Are These Permissions Used For?

Jul 30, 2010

In android manifest code these permissions are used sometimes.for what these are used?
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

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Android :: Flash Shared Objects (Flash Cookies)

Sep 22, 2010

Many people don't realize that they have two kinds of "cookies" on their computer. We all know about the familiar ones that web pages can place on our PC's and which we can see and delete with our browsers.But there's another more insidious kind which can be placed on your computer via Flash. These are called Flash Shared Objects, or sometimes "flash cookies" and they were disigned to provide inter-session persistency but are, in practice, used the same way cookies are. On a PC they're found in C:Documents and Settings***user***Application DataMacromediaFlash Player#SharedObjects and/or C:Documents and Settings***user***Application DataMacromediaFlash Playermacromedia.comsupportflashplayersys. They are a huge privacy violation.Browsers do not normally delete these although you can get a plugin for Firefox that does.My Question: Now that Android supports Flash, how do we get rid of these things from our Android devices?

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Android :: How Do Edit An App's Permissions?

Sep 25, 2010

I know where to go to view them, but how can you change them?

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Android :: Reducing Permissions

Aug 30, 2010

I've been following the "Is there a way to request permissions from a user as you need them?" thread with a lot of interest, but even if someone is convinced to make the Android permissions system better, it doesn't do anything for right now.

So, I thought I'd start a thread for coming up with alternative ways to reduce the permissions your app needs.

My app absolutely needs internet access (it's useless without it), and it uses Google Maps extensively (it's the main activity), so I have the following :


I want to be able to know if I have a network connection, hence the ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE. I also try to use GPS hence the "ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION", and if GPS is not available I try to find the user's location using something else hence "ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" and of couse the "INTERNET" permission. I also use the "My Location' feature of Google Maps.

So... the question is : Is there a robust way to use Google Maps, and be able to send requests to my server without all those permissions (in a user friendly way) ?

I'm also experimenting with C2DM, so I have the following:


If I want to use C2DM, it seems I am stuck with those... Anybody know

Now... I also want to use the camera (optional) and vibrate (optional but most users will want it) so I have to add :

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE" />

Total 10 lines of permissions in the manifest.... AND this is AFTER removing 4 other permissions that a small percentage of users would have found very handy, AND not adding a few other features because of the permissions bloat they would have added


So... given all of this, is there a way to reduce the permissions I need any more than I already have? AND why do I need a total of 8 permissions just to ask my server for the data they want, and try to keep them current using C2DM? Surely those permissions could be reduced somehow.

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Android :: Using Permissions Need To Set Four Levels

Jan 18, 2010

I'm currently reading the specs about Android's Security system and something is not clear on my mind... Can somebody explain me ? About the Permissions, it is possible to set four levels (Normal, Dangerous, Signature and SignatureOrSystem) The documentation is here : the "Dangerous" level, it's written : "For example, any dangerous permissions requested by an application may be displayed to the user and require confirmation before proceeding, or some other approach may be taken to avoid the user automatically allowing the use of such facilities." What does "Some other approach may be taken..." means ? How does that work ? Is there any example?

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Android :: Permissions To Be Set For An MMS Receiver Application

Jun 28, 2009

I have found the solution to this problem, the issue was I was also supposed to add the data tag:<data android:mimeType="application/vnd.wap.mms-message" />.Can someone provide some sample code to access the contents of the MMS message received.

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Android :: Automatic Permissions In TMobile G1

Nov 26, 2009

When I run any application from Eclipse on my real G1 device (a retail one, this is not a dev phone), I am granted the READ_PHONE_STATE and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE even if i don't declare them in the AndroidManisfest.xml. I actually can call TelephonyManager.getDeviceID () to retrieve the IMEI and I see these permissions in Settings -> Applications. I don't have this behavior in the emulator. Does anyone have the same "problem"?

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Android :: XML - RPC Interfaces / Exception On Permissions

Mar 4, 2010

I have some well-debugged XML-RPC interfaces on a site that work wonderfully from both PHP and from JAVA. Using Eclipse I am able to write Java apps using either the Redstone or Apache XML-RPC libraries quite simply. These test cases using the 2 libraries utilize JavaSE-1.6 (jre6) libraries as well as one of the 2 xml-rpc libs referenced above.

My problem is making this work on Android. I have added ADT to my Eclipse setup and easily executed the HelloWorld test using a virtual 1.6 or 2.1 Android device - no problems. Whenever I go into the Build Path in Eclipse and add the external jars for either the apache or redstone XML-RPC libs my console goes wacky with a ton of the following:
Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class that doesn't come with an associated EnclosingMethod attribute. (This class was probably produced by a broken compiler.)

If I push ahead and debug the code when it actually ships off the XML request I get an exception out of the XML library on permissions of some sort. Why does this only happen in an "Android" project. These libraries seem to have no problem running in Non-Android standard java configs. Once we proof the ability to talk to our server we can proceed down the road of actually porting our app to Android.

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