Android :: Any Application For WiFi Speed Test?
Dec 23, 2009Is there an app that can test a WiFi speed like the iphone version of I have this application for 3G connection but I want to be able to test WiFi connection?
View 3 RepliesIs there an app that can test a WiFi speed like the iphone version of I have this application for 3G connection but I want to be able to test WiFi connection?
View 3 RepliesI have a Google Nexus 4 with Android 4.2.2.I've just tried a speed test on it using the Android app ( and it says over wifi I'm getting about 1mps down/upload. I've also tried it on my laptop using the same wifi connection but through the browser using thier website - The Global Broadband Speed Test and it says im getting about 15 mps down and almost 1 upload.
when I go into Chrome and search for speedtest it goes to the play store with thier app, any way I can access thier site on my phone browser? the desktop site doesn't seem to work?
I'm writing an Android JUnit test and want to copy/reset a test fixture file (it's an SQLite database file.) If I were within the main application, I know I could just place the file in the assets directory and use getResources().getAssets().open(sourceFile).However, this API appears to be unavailable from the ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 class.Is there an easy way to copy a file over from the testing PC, or should I just keep a fresh copy of a test fixture on the device and copy it over a temporary file?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis was asked in the Droid forum, but I suppose people without physical kb don't go there so I might ask this here as well.. Does anyone know an app which lets you test your typing speed with the on screen keyboard?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDownload the SpeedTest app from Ookla and run it. Let's see how the 3G compares around here. Mine's not so good.
On 3G: Download: 825kbps
Upload: 148kbps
Wifi: Download: 7620kbps
Upload: 1344kbps I find it a little strange that my UL is so low on the wifi. My connection is about 9.5Mbps up and down.
I have a project (that compiles and runs in the emulator.) I have a test project that tests part of this project. This test project also compiles with no problems, but when I try to run (test) it in the emulator, I get a NoClassDefFoundError exception on one of the classes my test class tests (I hope that made sense!) when it starts to run in the emulator. This is coming out of the adb log. I looked in the bin directory (of the test project) for the missing class, but could not find it... Should it be there? I found no reference (apk, etc) of the project I am trying to test either in the test projects bin directory. How does the test project get the classes it needs to test against (in the classpath, I assume.) How do the tested classes get moved to the emulator? I did try running the app before testing, so I know it is installed and runs correctly. BTW, I am using netbeans with the nbandroid plugin.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHas anyone else downloaded this app. And if so what was your results using Verizon and not wifi.
My scores were:
Download- 15kbs
Upload- 45kbs
My pings average 19 to 36
I don't know if these are good or bad since I'm new to verizon so figured I would ask and compare.
JUST FIGURED I'd through that in the mix also.
Tried searching but couldn't find the answer. So what is best way to test speed of my new micro SD card?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhilst sitting in my home, with full bars for reception on my Galaxy S, I ran a SpeedTest on it. The icon on the 'phone displays a 3G symbol. Results: Download: 384kB Upload:482kB Provider: Tele2/Amsterdam,NL. 3G is really exceeding exceptions. This is on a 2Gb download data plan. Great (Feel the sarcasm )Is this to be expected? Regards.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow are you guys checking what speed your processor is running after overclocking?
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo I was very happy to show off my Hero to my friend who just got his pre. Anyway he was on this website to check his internet speed on his pre and so I wanted to check mine. I was averaging ~500kbps and I hit 1000kbps once. But my friend, he was averaging 8.5MBps, yes MBps. Obviously same network, at the same time. What up wit dat?
We also tried to go to websites we had never been to at the same time and he was beating me pretty handly. Anyway, I wanted to see what you guys were getting? Site is, then it run test and post results! Whoa, just did it right now and I got 1311kbps.
I never had a problem until today and now my evo is having trouble connecting in places it used to work great in. And when it does connect, it (a) either doesn't work at all (browser, speed test, nothing registers an internet connection) or (b) works for a minute, then (a) happens. I have an allegedly "good" 4g signal too. Tried soft reset and battery pulling, hoping that the problem will go away before resorting to a factory reset...
View 49 Replies View RelatedSo i was out the other night with a few friends and we decided to race our phones going to various web sites. We laid all three phones down in a triangle next to each other. We would all type in the same web site and hit go at the same time. My incredible was killing them. Compared to the droid, the incredible would load the site about 5 seconds faster. The iphone was not even close. One site took about 15 to 20 seconds longer to load on the iPhone. They were shocked at how fast the incredible was. I am so glad I have this phone!
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there any sort of automated test similar to this (The W3C Markup Validation Service) that can perhaps mark how the usability a mobile application is or whether it is secure etc.
Or is the best way to just give my prototype to testers and receive feedback.
So I just rooted my phone yesterday with the new unrevoked 3 and mainly for the purpose of getting the WiFi tethering app back. Yes, it worked, but man has it been a sad day. I've been reading posts of people having great speeds and here I am trying to enjoy my 0.4 kbps down and 0.3 kbps up speeds, but it sure is hard when other devices can't even use the connection because it's so insanely low. I'm just wondering if anyone else is having this problem?
Is it because of the new root? Is it because of my phone? I used to have okay speeds before with just having a rooted phone via unrevoked 1. I don't know if it's my data network either because it still loads sites pretty well and downloads just fine. It's just the WiFi tethering that is horrible. I tried playing around with the settings (LAN, channels, etc.,) and to no avail, as well as moving around the house, so now I'm stumped.
How do I limit my Galaxy Tab's internet speed to 100kb/s? In a nutshell, im looking for Netlimiter for android kinda thing.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI created application with name Test, and has a class that extends broadcastreceiver that listen for PACKAGE_RESTARTED. I use Advanced Task Killer, and killed the Test application. But when I kill another application, for example gmail, the Test's broadcastreceiver got the intent (I logged it). Does it means that broadcastreceiver will never died?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen we build and install the test application from eclipse, it is able to launch the test application and show the running of tests. However, we wish to launch the test application from the phone directly. Is this possible. As test application does not have any activity it does not have main icon displayed. Could any one point us to right approach this regards Regards, Raja Nagendra Kumar, C.T.O -Mobile Enterprise Applications Development Excellence
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there any reason that download speeds over my Wifi are soooo slow? I'm downloading a 150MB file from usenet and it's going to take about 20 minutes. Same file from this pc over the same Wifi takes under 2 minutes. I'm not looking for the exact same speed (though it would be awesome) but something more reasonable would be nice. Could it be the SD card is too slow in write performance? Just wondering if this is an issue with the phone, or a simple SD card upgrade.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have sky 20 Mbps broadband and as I live close to the exchange, tend to get pretty much that. However doing speed tests on my phone while connected to the Netgear router the highest speeds I seem to be able to get is around 2 Mbps. Is there anything I can do to increase the speed to which my phone can download from the router?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI need fewer speeding tickets. I've tried voting in local elections but that doesn't seem to help. So I'm left to looking at applications that can help me keep my speed in check.
I really like this application for iPhone, but it doesn't seem to have an Android port. It seems to be exactly what I'm looking for. It has a database of speed limits and notifies you when your phone's GPS reports you have exceeded those limits. The database is user-updated so it should be fairly accurate and current. It also has a really classy GUI.
Is there anything currently in the Android market that can help me? I've tried Trapster, but it doesn't have the functions I'm looking for. It also was pretty annoying as it constantly went off for every potential copper hiding place.
I have put some instructions in onLowMemory() callback and want to test the same. Is there a "direct" way to test onLowMemory function of the application subclass?
Or will I have to just overload the phone by starting many apps and doing memory intensive tasks?
How can i test the performance of an android application ? Is there any tool that i can make use of ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was trying to send Monkey commands in one of my test applications. But When I install it on the emulator, the packageManager refuses to grant permission "SET_ACTIVITY_WATCHER" which is required to run Monkey.
Is it possible to call Monkey in a test application?
Got used to listening to my podcasts on my iPod touch in 2X speed. Would like to use my Incredible the same way. Anybody know of a way to speed up the playback? I looked in settings, and didn't find anything, so suspect will need an app or something. On second note, is there a way to access the Market from a computer? Searching via the phone is pretty hard to do.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been looking for a good application that has a real time speed limit for roads, as I live in a place where they don't exactly like to put up many speed limit signs. Does anyone know of one that is GPS enabled, and tracks the speed limit by your gps location? This may be impossible, but I am just wondering if anyone has stumbled across an application similar to this. Does not need to be fancy, just work.
View 4 Replies View Related1. I am in the process of creating an Input Method for Android devices. I using Eclipse(3.4) IDE and have Android (1.5 and 2.2) SDK. 2. Currently i am doing testing on the Emulator. But i wish to test it on actual Android device. 3. Can you please tell me which ideal device should i buy to test my application 4. Is there any lead device assigned by Android for a given SDK. 5. I intend to sign and publish my application so can you please tell me is there any Certification criteria which i have to follow.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI use google navigation which I think is a brilliant navigation system seeing as it's completely free! The only downside is that it doesn't pick-up speed cameras. Does anyone know of any good speed camera apps that can run in the background or in conjunction with google navigation?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 to do some test for an activity. I get a button in the setUp() method like this: protected void setUp() throws Exception {super.setUp(); act = getActivity(); btn = Button)act.find ViewById ( ); // this button has been defined in layout} Then I use this button to perform a click in a test method like this: public void testBikeButton(){ //click the bike button btn.performClick();}
View 7 Replies View Relatedi am developing one small app, in that i have to find out whether device is connected to wifi or mobile network internet(GPRS/3G/HDSPA) and after that i have to find speed of the internet.
if it is connected to wifi we can easily get the speed of the net.but for mobile network internet (GPRS/3G/HDSPA) i am not getting how to find the speed of internet