Sprint Hero :: Get Old Htc Music Player Back Along With Widgets And Ringtone Trimmer?
Oct 15, 2010The music player blows. how do i get the old htc music player back along with the widgets and ringtone trimmer?

The music player blows. how do i get the old htc music player back along with the widgets and ringtone trimmer?
Everyones helped me so much the last two weeks my chance to give back Step 1, Go to mp3 or music widget pictured below.
Step 2, Touch it and it should go full screen pic below
Step 3, Touch menu button and this screen below appears
Step 4, Hit the set as ringtone button and below screen appears
Step 5, select trim ringtone and below screen appears. When in this screen you can adjust ringtone from each end to where it begins and ends. There is a play button and a left and right arrow. The left and right arrow allow for second to second adjusting.
Where did the ringtone trimmer go that was integrated into 1.5? I installed Fresh 2.0d and its gone. Any ideas?
View 6 Replies View RelatedPerhaps I missed it but what happened to this app? I can still see it under settings>applications>manage applications. However, there is no shortcut icon for this app under my main menu of loaded apps. I don't guess it really matters, because I never used it, but was it removed in the MR update? I downloaded and have used Ringdroid and it works great for me, but I am curious as to what happened to the preloaded app?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAll, I rooted my phone today for 2.1, and it's working great. I removed most of the crap sprint applications I didn't want (including their music player). Only issue I have is I seem to have lost the ability to set an mp3 as the ringtone. I do have some mp3's in the /media/audio/ringtones folder, but they don't show up in the ringtones list.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo I was in the Application manager, and one app was called HTC Ringtone Trimmer. I already have Ringdroid, but if the Hero has one built in, where the hell is it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedCan anyone tell how to access my ringtone trimmer? I can see it I'm my apps but can use it
View 4 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to access this program? when i go to manage applications i see Ringtone trimmer but when i pull up the menu with all the applications i dont see it. is it hidden? or just download it from the market?
View 3 Replies View RelatedNot sure if I'm being thick and missing something but. I set an mp3 to be my ringtone the other day, and when i did it, I had a play with the trimmer, but just decided to use the whole thing in the end. The point being that the trimmer was definitely working. Today I went to change to a different MP3, and wanted to trim, but the trimmer is not working. It seems to think the mp3 is 0 seconds long:
The big "timer" at the top shows 00:00, as does the small one to the right, next to the stopwatch. Both "speech bubbles" above either end of the time bar are empty and greyed out Timer to the left of the bar says 00:00 Lefthand slider (with the 6 dots) is green, but right hand one is grey.
I used the htc ringtone trimmed for one of the song in my music library on my phone and I'm sorry if there is already a thread for this but how are you able to delete these ringtones when you no longer want them? The program its self works fine for making ringtones but I cannot find anyway to delete them. I even looked in Astro. If someone doesnt mind could they please lend some advice on this. I've searched in the forums and I havnt found a solution to it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedAfter using the music player it remains on my lock screen until I reboot - is there any way to revert back to my normal lock screen picture without rebooting?
View 18 Replies View RelatedIf there is a booster for the music player or and equalizer for the music player or a better music player, I know that on a BlackBerry there is option to enhance the sound, is there something like this for the Sprint Hero?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to turn off the built in HTC music player? Whenever I hangup from a phone call via bluetooth, the HTC music player will start playing. It always occurs if I was playing music via another music app or listening to a podcast with any program other than the HTC music app.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI just got a new 8gb memory card and want to dump a bunch of music to my Hero, but the music player seems lacking in many respects (functionally) despite looking nice (aesthetically). Has anyone tried other players that both work well and look stylish? sidenote - I was unable to format my memory card with it plugged into my network printer due to not having an adapter, but when the card is mounted and the hero is connected through usb it is reported as FAT32 in the open window. Do I need to worry about formatting? I wasn't sure if there would be any performance gain by doing so. Its a Transcend 8gb class 6.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI use the bluetooth audio in my truck on my drive to and from every work every day with Iheartradio on. Every time I receive a call when I hang up my phone automatically starts the music player and just starts playing songs. It's extremely annoying. I even deleted all my music off the phone hoping this would stop it, and now it just plays ring tones. I've used an app killer, etc. and it still does it.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI just switched from the HTC Hero to the Samsung Moment and one of the main things I miss, other than the amazing camera, is not having a ringtone trimmer. Does anybody know of any apps or something similar that I can use to trim my ringtones?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen in the HTC music app, I select Menu/Set as Ringtone - the only 2 options it gives me is Phone Ringtone or Contact Ringtone. There is no trimmer option. Any ideas how to get to that option? I assumed it was standard. (Yes, I know I could download Ringdroid but if the built-in app works, all the better.)
View 4 Replies View RelatedHas anyone noticed that the stock music player isn't very good at shuffling music? I have my playlist set up, and want it to shuffle while I'm listening at work. It will shuffle, but the problem is that it won't play all the songs on my playlist. I have about 500 on this particular playlist, and in an 8 hour day I will hear the same song 3 or 4 times. In the 3 weeks I've been using it at work, there are some songs that I have *NVER* had come up on the shuffle. I tried turning on just shuffle and not repeat, but same thing. Is there a fix for this, or does anyone have recommendations on a music player that I can download that is better?
** Clarificaion: By "recommendation" I mean more than "Get Product X, it's cool". Why is it "cool"? What makes it better than the other products?
I notice that if I use bluetooth headphones, I can only use them with the default music player, which is a big drag since it kind of blows. If I delete the music player in the adb shell, will that fix the problem so I can use a different music app?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy native music player has started turning itself on at different times. I will get a triangle in my notification bar, open it and the music player is running and listed as ongoing. There is no stop button, only pause, and apparently backing out of the app does not turn it off. Should I look into a task killer for this?
View 18 Replies View RelatedAll the Sprint documentation I have reviewed tells how to play a selection, pause a selection and do other things like shuffle, etc. What I cannot find is how to stop a selection during playback.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to close your music player without just pausing it or using a task killer? thanks
View 19 Replies View RelatedLets discuss the best nightly combos with kernals and other things to make CM6 better.
I found that 9/24 nightly made things lag when you have the music player running. i've never experienced so much lag until I used my music player. Just a heads up. Great battery life. Was charged at 67 last night and woke up this morning and I'm at 16 percent and the Battery Info says it's been off the charger for 12 hours. Imagine if I was at 100 percent instead of 67. That's with the collins battery tweak with kernal 14
9/13 didn't give me a lot of freezes and restarts, but lately it started. I'm assuming this is because of jit maybe?
As a previous thread I made, the latest nightlys give you the ability to "swipe" your individual notifications instead of just pushing the "clear all" button. nice addition.
When I flashed a new Rom I didn't back up my apps and now music junk is off the market. does anyone have the .apk?
View 8 Replies View RelatedSomehow I am missing the really nice music widget that shows the album graphics. Not sure where I lost it, but I want it back! I installe several things (pancake, and 2.1 icons (which I got rid of)) but the music widget is gone... all that's left is a minimal music widget.
Any ideas or suggestions for getting it back?
Made some ringtones out of some of the music on my device using the ringdroid app. Now the tones I made are showing up in my music player. Is there any way to keep this from happening?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIm using the stock music app on the phone when im done with it sometimes i just use advanced task killer free to just quit the music player but when i do so the music player is still my lockscreen i just wanna know if anyone else has had this problem or is this a isolated occurrence.
View 8 Replies View RelatedThe audio/music player on my HTC Hero locks up immediately when it starts. As a result I cannot preview any sounds or play any music unless I stream with pandora or something. I have installed another music player app, which is fine for music, but the default player remains the one that locks up, so if I click an audio file to preview it, that app comes up and locks. Is there a fix for this? Can I somehow set another 3rd party player as default?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHi all my first post ,so bare with me ,I've just got my hero and I would like to know is there a way I can put the alarm on and turn the phone off ,because when I do the alarm don't go off ,also can I change the alarm sound to a ringtone I have on my music.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI downloaded a you got mail tone and also recorded one, I can set as a ringer but not notification. Anyone know how to set as a notification for email alerts?
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