Sprint HTC Hero :: Having Trouble Going To Certian Website
Nov 6, 2009The website is w w w.Americanbullyworld.c o m. I could go on this address with my treo but the hero won't load the page. Could this be somewhere in the browser setting?

The website is w w w.Americanbullyworld.c o m. I could go on this address with my treo but the hero won't load the page. Could this be somewhere in the browser setting?
I have a rooted hero on sprint with unlimited data but I found out that o can tether my xbox but , I worry now Sprint may catch on to my tethering and may surprise me with a high bill since I haven't paid for mobile hotspot Not that I wouldn't but it is not available with my phone . So should I worry ?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to root my HTC sprint hero 2.1 and I have gotten to step #9 .2 and when I copy and paste adb devices I get 'adb' is not a recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Can anyone help me with this problem so I and move forward and get out of 2.1 hell
View 21 Replies View RelatedI've tried a couple methods today, manual as well as the Fresh Kitchen 1054, and I'm getting stuck with both. I'd probably prefer the manual method so let's troubleshoot that I get through most the steps found here (and I believe I've followed them exactly, to the letter): How-To Root a Sprint Hero But when I enter the code for #6: /data/local /asroot2 /system/bin/sh My system returns: [1] killed /data/local/asroot2 /system/bin/sh It simply won't continue past that point. Ideas please?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIm trying to root my hero using pre kitchen but its not going threw i run the diagnostics text before you root everything checks out good. I have tried to root by having checked the box (with google) and tried it by not checking it. When my phone reboots i get the exclamation mark with a little phone on it. Everything seems to be running good except for this part# flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-heroc-v1.2.3.img flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-heroc-v1.2.3.img error opening /sdcard/recovery-RA-heroc-v1.2.3.img: No such file or directory can this be the problem? If so, how can i fix it?
View 8 Replies View RelatedWell I was trying to get sprint to understand my frustration over a lack of MMS messaging for my Hero, and the call got disconnected. While I spoke with another rep, I got a voice mail. With some info I desperatly hope is true.
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhen trying to access some websites from HTC hero phone I get the following:sorry but only the following operating systems are supported at this time: Microsoft Windows XP Vista Apple mac Please check soon for support for other operating systems.Is there a workaround to view these sites using HTC hero?
View 6 Replies View Related(sorry if posted already) i was wondering if anyone knew what the best website was to get accessories for the sprint hero.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have lost all the wallpapers.. do to my messing around with rooting and changing out SD cards..
Now I am looking for some good wallpapers...
Any good sites for interesting wallpapers
I'm new to all this jargon so please be kind! I want to be able to save pictures from the Internet on my phone when I am browsing the Internet on my phone. For example, say I am on a website and I see a picture I like how do I save it to my phone? You can't click save as anywhere, can you? Is what I'm wanting to do called taking a screenshot? Is that what's it's called on the ipod touch when you click the two buttons and it saves it? If so, I'll go to that thread. Oh, also, when would I use the footprint widget? Does that just save a bunch of pictures for easy viewing?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI am unable to login to the Sprint Navigation website. Even though I am entering my correct phone number and the PIN the Sprint HTC Hero Nav app gave me, I am getting an "Incorrect Phone number or PIN" error message. Called Sprint support, they weren't able to login either.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering why the nightlys aren't on the mirror website anymore?
i know that the new 6.1.0 rc1 is out. is that why? now that thats out as stable the nightlys arent needed? and then when they begin to change that the nightlys will come back out again for this new one? or did the nightlys get moved and there still being made?
So I was very happy to show off my Hero to my friend who just got his pre. Anyway he was on this website to check his internet speed on his pre and so I wanted to check mine. I was averaging ~500kbps and I hit 1000kbps once. But my friend, he was averaging 8.5MBps, yes MBps. Obviously same network, at the same time. What up wit dat?
We also tried to go to websites we had never been to at the same time and he was beating me pretty handly. Anyway, I wanted to see what you guys were getting? Site is mobilespeedtest.com, then it run test and post results! Whoa, just did it right now and I got 1311kbps.
Is there a good website that lists all the android apps? I have searched but cannot seem to find one.
View 3 Replies View RelatedSay you're surfing the web and are on a website like this forum. You then feel like checking a text message or making a call so you go ahead and do that.
How do you get back to the browser that is still running in the background and to the same website you were working on? I hope there's an easy answer and I'm just stupid.
I hope its not just me. But there has to be an update for google maps by now.We are at 3.1.2 i think.When i search for google maps in the market, i get everything but google maps.I was trying to get infinity web browser as well, and this never shows up for me. But it is in the market.Just as Google's website says that google maps is on the market, and they dont offer a download.So, is sprint/Samsung blocking stuff in the market? do we have our own special market or something? I'm not seeing to many apps that say "must have root access" either.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI recently learnt of this update, but having real trouble installing it. I sync Hero to HTC, follow instructions, get half way through to point where blue bar says it's erased 11% of contacts...and every single time I get error 171: USB connection error. The phone or computer keeps dropping the connection; anyone got any ideas why this might be happening and how to solve it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI got my HTC Hero yesterday and I'm extremely happy with it but I am unable to log into Android Market. When signing in to my Google account I get an error message that says something along the lines of "Cannot establish a reliable connection with server. There is a temporary error or your sin card is not provisioned for data services"
Has anyone else had this? Or know how to fix it?
I have a HTC hero and Im having trouble "mounting" my sd card to my computer.Im running a windows 7 64 OS and have downloaded the HTC software update for my computer. I can now sync my phone but i cant get my pictures from my phone to my laptop. it shows the removable device for a second or two then disappears!
View 12 Replies View RelatedI am trying to enter the recovery image by powering on while pressing 'home'. I just get a phone lying down image and a warning triangle, any ideas?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe website used to say something about "more are on their way," but now it says:
"This device is currently sold out online. Some Sprint Stores do have it and we're regularly receiving more.
Find a Sprint Store near you."
From past experience, does anyone know if this means that the website won't have any for a while, or can we still expect them to get some? It's been more than a month since I've seen them in stock on the website. How long could it possibly take to get a new shipment?
Good day everyone. I am curious if anyone has herad when Sprint online is suppose to allow for Evo purchases again? I have a few coupons that will only work online and so I need to purchase it online. Any idea when it will be back in stock? I have been waiting for like a month since I missed the last time it came back in stock.Also, is there any way to have Sprint auto notify you when they return to stock on their website?
View 12 Replies View RelatedWas about to install VillainROM 12 when I discovered VillainROMs website seems to be down. Is this me? Or is it broken? Can anyone give me an alternative download link as I am now stuck between ROMs and am on 1.5!
View 13 Replies View Related2.1 update on HTC's website. Quote:
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to get the browser to save my open web site tabs? the next day they are gone and I have to browse back to those sites, its kinda annoying.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI downloaded theCopilot 8 software for my HTC Hero from the main ALK website, followed the instructions which include extracting the downloaded file to the main directory of the phone simcard. After that it should automatically install on the phone but nothing is happening and I can't find a solution.I downloaded to my PC via the website as I thought it would be more reliable than through the app market.
View 7 Replies View Relatedgood free music streaming website that works on the hero? I use jango on the pc but its not working on the hero. Used to be free but ones like spotify are not.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIve recently bought a Hero phone, i purchased it from carphonewarehouse on an orange contract. The handset itself is unbranded, my question is, which software update shall i download from the HTC website? Does the Orange software update imporve any functionality on the Orange network? or shall I just download the HTC update and avoid any nasty Orange GUI?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI was just wondering if anybody knows of a mobile image hosting website that will allow me to upload wh image from my HTC hero and then host it and give me the picture link once uploaded? I've tried one or two but they say 'upload disabled' when I've tried, so I just wondered if anyone here had successfully used one.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhere is the barcode reader on the android market place website I'm dammed if i can find it!!
View 7 Replies View Related