Sprint HTC Hero :: Downloading Messages On Handset / Stock Messaging
Oct 6, 2010I'm having trouble downloading messages on handset and stock messaging. somone sends me an attachment and i can't download it.

I'm having trouble downloading messages on handset and stock messaging. somone sends me an attachment and i can't download it.
Whats the scoop behind which one is really better? The stock messaging app or aftermarket apps (handcent and chomp). I use Handcent, and lately I have been finding it to be quite laggy and slow, even with cache cleared and all threads deleted. Is the only difference between stock and aftermarket, the fact that you can customize? I would much rather have a plain looking stock app that performs well, then a customizable aftermarket app that is slow. I am just looking for some opinions.
View 16 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone else's stock messaging app lag a lot? It seems like it takes longer to send text than through handcent or chomp. I can't compare it to before the update because I used Handcent but I do like the stock better, just wish it wasnt so sluggish.
View 4 Replies View Relatedfor some reason a lot of mms message i get come with a download button. wouldn't be a big deal if the messages would actually download. is sprint having trouble today or is it cm6? this is using the stock messaging app in cm6 stable.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can't delete any of my messages from Handcent or the default messaging app. What should I do to get rid of them? It is really bothering me.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI woke up this morning and had texts from multiple people wishing me a merry Christmas. When I finally came around I decided to send a mass text message out to all my friends and family. I started trying to link people by using COMPOSE >MENU>PEOPLE and thought to myself "wow I thought I had more friends than this...i'm a loser." Then I went and checked my phonebook and realized that the messaging service is not linking to all my contacts in my phone book.
Anyone else have this issue. Or any ideas on how to fix it? It sucks cause I had to go through and type the first few letters of each for it to pop up, instead of just clicking the contact name like usual. I started using the stock messaging app last week when I had a lot of issues with Handcent. Once i switched I saved alot of battery for some reason.
I just updated my Hero today and now I am trying add back all that I had prior to update. My question is how do I use the handscent message without the stock message popping up. I only want to use the handscent message not the messaging system that comes with the phone.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to delete large text messaging threads in the stock messaging app on my Sprint HTC Hero. It is taking an inordinate amount of time to accomplish this task. I deleted one thread that had a mere fifteen texts in and that took over ten seconds. Now, I just tried deleting a thread that has one hundred texts in and it has been minutes and it still has not deleted the thread. Has this happened to anyone else? Would deleting the data in the "Manage Applications" section delete these texts faster or would that be inadvisable? In my opinion this deletion lag is ridiculous.
View 10 Replies View RelatedJust out of curiousity, if/when Sprint/HTC fixes the stock messages application, will everyone use it or stay with Handcent/Chomp? What are the advantages of using the stock messages application? I almost immediately downloaded Handcent after reading all the temporary fixes. So I am not aware of the advantages of it.
View 31 Replies View RelatedWhy do I have to download the attachment? In my other phones, I've always been able to just view the picture on the screen.It's really annoying, and I would love it if someone can tell me how to fix it. I can see pics I've sent, right in the thread, but not ones that are sent to me.What about chomp sms? Is that any different?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSo I have returned back to the stock Message app for SMS mainly because no other app has a photo next to each message like the stock one does.
But I was wondering if there is a way to control how many messages show up in each conversation? Like, say I am having a conversation with Bob. When I open up our conversation, it shows EVERY SINGLE message between us two, all the way from our very first text. And so scrolling and browsing through our conversations can get laggy.
Is there anyway to just show the recent messages in the conversation? I know in ChompSMS, it automatically does that, and if you scroll to the top of the conversation, theres an option to "show older messages."
Froyd villain1.2.2 stock messenger force closes so
I tryed chomp and I can send text but not revive messages . if I cant fix this I will have to go back to 2.1 Villain 12. what can I try ?
PS I tried to post a bug report on Villains forum but it wont let me post I just get errors
I hear a hissing noise in the background when using the handset to answer or make calls. Anyone else experience this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm not sure what to do about this, I'm running cyanogenmod6 nightly build-87 (10-11-10). I have on gapps mdpi 10-8-10 and the froyo mms fix. My phones info is
Baseband version:
Kernel version: #3
Build number: FRG83
What I don't understand is that I have internet connection, I'm actually posting this from my phone, but yet when I try downloading mms messages it lights up my 3g arrows and then says message download unsuccessful. Iv tryed using stock messaging app and handcent and its the same for both. Iv tryed updating permissions and I know my phone is compatable to open the message because I even tried sending myself a ringtone, it sent. But then I couldn't receive it. Any suggestions on how to fix this? And if not maybe I could try going back to a rom that allows me to update prl and profile? But I can't find one of those either.
HTC's site is crashing due to everyone in the world downloading this update. Some please mirror the update for all of us getting shafted!
View 48 Replies View RelatedIs there a way of downloading or getting apps available in the 1.6 and greater market, to run on 1.5?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was having the problem where my picture mail wasn't downloading. I read & read but found nothing other than hard resetting the phone. When I talked to sprint they did tell me that there were some towers out in my area. ..Just wanted to throw that out there for people who have this problem with no solutions.
View 26 Replies View RelatedI love my sprint hero, but am on the fence about sprint itself tons of people have told me how they hated sprints service, customer service, etc..my wife and I thought the ability to send pics via messaging is a cool feature however it doesn't appear to work all that well.have tried the built in and also handcent messaging. am connected currently via my wifi at home and that doesn't help either. i realize there are probably size restrictions ( size anyone) but it should work sometimes.also the voice record feature on handsentend feature doesn't work either.
View 14 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to disable this in the messaging app because i like portrait for messaging since i have no lag there, but i do like to type in landscape on the browser. Am rooted running darchdroid 2.7 if it matters.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to download an attachment from my gmail account but it is only opening up the document. What do I need to do to get this document onto my HTC Hero?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've tried searching for a thread to help me with this and can't seem to find one. My mms will not download to my phone. The messages come through but will not finish downloading or open. I have uninstalled handcent which I thought may have been a problem and it corrected it for 1 mms then I am back to square 1. My internal memory has 87mb left and I've deleted all apps I don't use.
I have tried deleting all messages in the phone by batch mode and it either freezes up or gives me force close to what looks like the mms program. I am trying to avoid a hard reset because we all know how much of a pain to reinstall everything is. I am starting to get really fed up with the phone because for the money I paid, I expect much better. As much as I dislike Apple products, I can see why people rave about their products - they don't have these problems. (*sssshhh don't tell Apple fanboys I said that)
I've had the issue of not being able to download MMS messages for the last few months after a few trouble free months with the Hero. It's the only problem I have with the phone. I'm wondering if anyone who had this issue has since rooted and had the problem be resolved from that. I'm on the fence about rooting. I'm generally happy with the phone as it stands. And as a long time Mac user, I'm nervous about messing around with the internal stuff. And all the rooting tutorials seem to be for the Windows user.
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy text messages when I receive pictures they do not download
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen I first installed Handcent, whenever someone sent me a pic it just popped right up on my screen. No action needed on my part to open a file or anything.
About 2 days ago it started sending these "Download" boxes instead. I press the box that is in the txt msg and it reads "downloading".
Two Questions:
1. Where do those pix download to?
2. Sometimes it says "unable to download"..... now what?! It doesn't tell me why it cannot download the pic.
Curious about people's thoughts about these different messaging options. Removing / barring the pre-update issues with the native messaging app on the phone, which one of these do you prefer? I am currently using the native app, seems fine to me, I like that I can link contacts to FB etc. Not necessarily looking for something that plagiarize's the iPhone messenger (cartoon bubbles), but I am always open to something new if it is better than the app preloaded on the phone. If you don't use the native app, is there a widget for Handcent or Chomp (like the native) to make viewing and responding easy?
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhen I send or receive a text message and there are attachments, I find it a bit frustrating that at times if its over one mb I can't get it. Is there an app or workaround that can fix that?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI installed Handcent because of the battery drain issue, and like it a lot, but now I cannot turn off the OEM Messages program. I tried going into the Settings>Applications>Manage Applications to turn it off, and it doesn't work. I also did the "Use Handcent as default SMS" when that box first pops up. I get two different ringtone notifications too. Although I switched the ringer to the same one both through the phone's settings and through Handcent's settings.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI kill all apps and make a call and when I end the call i open the advanced task killer program and it shows the messaging program opened. Anyone know why this is or how I could prevent it? I know its not a huge deal but if i can prevent it I'd like to.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have not had any luck previwing or downloading attachements using the google app. I try to view a simple jpg, ppt, or mp4 but the phone gets stuck at fetching attachment. Does the SD card need to be formatted under android for it to work properly? I just took it out of my windows mobile and popped it straight into the hero.
View 3 Replies View RelatedEveryone I tried to download an attachment from my Exchange email account, it shows a little clock icon spinning, then after a few seconds it stops and gives back an error: "Alert: Network Error". I tried to change the setting to various settings (such as downloading size, attachment download location, etc.) to no avail. I was able to download the same attachment from my gmail account so this seems to be exchange server mail related.
I have a Sprint HTC Hero phone with Fresh 1.0 ROM loaded. I am not sure if this is Fresh related but I vaguely remembered that I was able to download attachment before but I am not sure.