Sprint HTC Hero :: Battery Draining When Phone OFF?

Nov 27, 2009

Maybe this has been talked about before but im going to ask this anyway. A couple of nights ago my battery was at about 30% (yellow) so i decided to turn my phone off and go to sleep, well when i woke up my i turned my hero back on, and the battery was at 9%. So last night the battery was low again and i decided to take the battery out and when i woke up i put it back on and my hero had the same battery life as last night

Sprint HTC Hero :: Battery draining when phone OFF?

Sprint HTC Hero :: Upgrading 2.1 And Battery Draining Faster

May 24, 2010

Since upgrading to 2.1 it seems my battery is draining faster than on 1.5 and my keyboard is lagging. Anyone else having these problems?

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HTC Hero :: Draining Battery In Less Then 3 - 4 Hours

Jun 25, 2010

Following my last thread for same reason,"full charge battery goes empty in less then 3-4 hours,even with wi-fi,gps, turned off",with tip of you guys,i monitored battery usage with "spare parts" app,first i haven't notice anything unusual: SPARE PARTS gave me very normal cpu usage:1-android system2-browser, but then in the end of list of usage option,i checked other usage & what i found was very interesting:
SPARE PARTS>battery history>other usage>total in all time:
running =time without sleeping 28.1 %
SPARE PARTS>battery history>other usage>since last unplugged:
running =time spend without sleeping 99.999 %
SPARE PARTS>battery history>other usage>total since boot:
running=time spend without sleeping 99.999 %
Now i guess i know why my phone run out of charge in less then 3-4 hours,question is what i have to do about it?
any solution please? previous post:with a full charge battery in STAND-BY, it takes just about 3-4 hours for battery to be empty! help!
also i checked main setting now: setting>about phone>status>Awake time 100%

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HTC Hero :: Messages Still Draining Battery After Disabling / Need To Fix

Nov 16, 2009

I had a quick question i couldn't find the answer to in the forums RE the message app battery drain on the HTC Hero, i disabled both auto-retrieve and notifications in the settings but when i run taskiller it still has messages running and using resources. anyone else have this problem and if you fixed it, what did you do?

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HTC Hero :: Battery Performance Report - Draining Very Fast On 3G

Nov 5, 2009

I was quite frustrated earlier with my battery performance. I turned off:

- WiFi
- Bluetooth
- "Use wireless networks"
- Gmail/Email pull and Auto-sync (but leave the "Background data" on)
- "Enable GPS satellites"
- Weather update
- "Enable Always-On mobile" (but leave the "Mobile network" ticked)
- and let Twitter/Facebook to automatically update only once/twice a day.

Still the battery was draining very fast. The only thing I did not turn off is the 3G. Yesterday I decided to switch to 2G and replace the built-in SMS with Handcent SMS. To my very surprise, the battery life improves greatly. I will now do a test to see how fast it drains. I have just fully charged the unit and will update it here once I get the result.

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HTC Hero :: My Battery Is Draining Fast / Awake Time High

Feb 22, 2010

Before everybody redirects me to the standard "ways to extend your battery life" threads, I believe I've tried all the usual tricks, which is why I'm posting another thread.This is really starting to drive me nuts. Up until a few weeks ago, I was getting good battery life. A couple of days worth with normal usage, which I think is reasonable with all considered.But now, it lasts about half a day, which is obviously not much use when you can only charge it at night.I've been checking the "awake time" and sometimes it just keeps staying high. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. When the awake time is high, it is also warm to the touch, as if it is doing a lot of processing or something.

I've also been using "spare parts" to see what appears under "partial awake". I have never seen anything under this which accounts for the awake time. For example, the awake time might say "15 hrs", but "partial awake" in spare parts shows the biggest thing as being "Android system", but only taking "2 mins".I have (as far as I can tell) disabled the standard HTC messages app, and am now using Handcent SMS.I have turned off bluetooth and GPS, but leave wifi and mobile data on. I know switching these off saves power, but I've always had them on without as much drain as I do now.I have done a factory reset, and reinstalled all my usual apps, and left off any which I don't really need. All seemed well for a few days, but then the drain started again.

I have a feeling my battery drain is due to an update to an app, but as it's not consistent, I can't figure out which app or update it could be.As it is, with the battery lasting for less time than I am out in the day, it makes it a really rubbish phone, and just not fit for purpose.Is there any other way, other than using "spare parts", that I can tell what is using my power?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Best Non Draining Battry Widget?

Jan 16, 2010

What is the one you like most?

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Samsung Captivate :: Phone Getting Hot / Battery Draining Fast

Nov 18, 2010

Since I got my Captivate just a couple of weeks after it hit the market, I experienced really good battery life. I could plug the charger in at 6:00 when I get up, take it off the charger at 7:30 when I leave for work, and make it til the next morning most days.A couple of weeks ago, I left for work with a full charge, and around 11:00 I took out my phone to test WiFi coverage for some new access points we had installed in the office. The phone felt very warm, and the battery indicator was yellow. For the next couple of days it went like this. I had a spare Samsung battery from when AT&T sent us a new one for my wife's Captivate when she was having random shutdown issues, so I swapped batteries. Things were fine for 10-11 days. Then suddenly last evening about 7:30, when I went to look something up online with my phone, it was very warm again, and the battery indicator was red. Had to put it on the car charger when I left church.When I got home, I put it on the charger all night. By midday today, it was in the yellow, and it finally died about an hour ago. again the handset felt very warm. I don't have a spare USB cable here at work, so will have to wait to get home to charge it. Anything particular I should look for on the phone (running apps, etc.)? Or do I just need to go ahead and place a call to AT&T support?

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HTC Incredible :: Systempanel Monitoring Draining Battery And Slowing Down Phone?

Aug 23, 2010

i bought the full version of systempanel last night, because i installed setcpu and tasker over the weekend and started overclocking - i wanted to try the monitoring service and try to see if there was a drastic effect on my battery... well, the battery DEFINITELY seems to be draining faster than it did yesterday, and the phone seemed to be very choppy when switching between home screens. i disabled monitoring and it seems to be more responsive again.

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Samsung Epic 4G : Phone Cannot Go To Sleep - Battery Draining Quickly

Nov 12, 2010

I've been getting pretty good battery life (about 14-16 hours on average) when I use the airplane mode trick and kill the Media Hub service. However, my phone has not been able to sleep since the past 2 days and the battery is draining quickly.

The up time indicates that the phone cannot go to sleep. I'm just surprised because I haven't changed any of my phone settings so I don't know why this is happening. I uninstalled the last app that I downloaded and that didn't help.

Should I try doing a hard reset? Are there any apps that will specifically tell me what is keeping the phone awake?

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General :: What Is Keeping Phone Awake Through The Night And Draining Battery

Jun 8, 2013

What is keeping my phone awake through the night and hence draining my battery rapidly. I am going to post screenshots and BetterBatteryStats dump file to make it as clear as possible.

Basically, what I see is that the phone was mostly awake at night and was in deep sleep only for about 1 hour. I don't think it is normal.

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HTC Incredible :: Battery Draining Really Fast - Cell Standby And Phone Idle At 36% Each

Aug 6, 2010

Just yesterday my phone was getting more than 14+ hours of battery. Now it's draining really quickly even when I'm not using it (I left it on while I was asleep). It's not facebook because I already downloading the fix and rebooted. My "time without signal" is 0% so I don't think that's the problem. I did download Quickpedia yesterday but a quick search tells me that's not the problem either.

The only other thing I did differently was switch from ADW to LauncherPro yesterday, but if that was draining the battery wouldn't it be under Android System and not standby or idle? Regardless, I switched back to ADW just to see if that works

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Sprint HTC Hero :: New Battery Makes Phone VERY Hot

Mar 30, 2010

I've had my Hero for a few months now and it has been wonderful. However, the other night, the phone wouldn't charge all the way, so I unplugged it, restarted it, and charged it and it charged up to 90% through the night. Last night it only charged up to about 50% give or take. This morning at work, I plugged it in and instead of charging, it got extremely hot and then it died.

This afternoon, I took it to the Sprint store and they put in a new battery and the phone worked again, but it got REALLY hot again. I took it back in and they looked at it again and said the phone has definitely got a problem and the cause of this is water. It has been raining, but I don't recall ever having any water get in the phone - just the occasional rain drop hits the screen and I wipe it off. I never keep it out in the rain. They are saying I'll have to do an insurance claim to replace it because of water damage. They say there are 4 water marks in the phone. I find this so hard to believe and don't like that they want me to spend $100 on a new phone.

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Motorola Milestone :: Battery Use Media Is Number 1 And Battery Is Draining

Apr 19, 2010

For some reason my battery is draing QUICK in a couple hours goes dead, thinking must be some bad app? I deleted a few of the last apps I installed but it could be an update, wish it was easier to solve, but now Media is my number one battery usage, even after I uninstalled a couple new apps.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Separate Battery Charger For Phone?

Apr 5, 2010

Does anyone make a charger for the battery alone like the Instinct use to have? I loved being able to have two batteries and being able to charge one while using the other and it was small enough to take with you and used USB for it's charging source.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: App To Know Which One Producing Most Battery Heat On Phone?

Aug 12, 2010

Is there any app that will tell you which app is producing the most battery heat on your phone? I know spare parts tells you what's using the battery the most but nothing is being used really under that and my phone on average hovers around 100 to 115 degrees.

my right leg is officially ready to be served for dinner

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Battery Affect If Constantly Keep Phone Plugged Into USB?

Jan 25, 2010

Does it affect the battery if I constantly keep my phone plugged into my USB while at work? It's kind of warm right now, but I'm not worried b/c it's not overly hot. I just want to make sure it's ok. I got this phone Friday for my wife and myself and we both love it. My wife says she can't hardly put it down. I'm sitting at work streaming pandora while I work.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Battery Dies Fast When Talking On Phone

Aug 1, 2010

My phone was on about 85% then I received a phone call that lasted 1 hour and 30 minutes my battery went down to 50% why would this happen.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Watching Movies On Phone / Battery LIfe

Oct 31, 2009

I was just curious if anyone has tested the battery life with watching movies. I was wondering what kind of drain an hour long mp4 video would have on the battery.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Doubled Phone's Battery Life Or Email Polling

Nov 27, 2009

I am really excited to share with you guys that I have solved my horrible battery life problem, at least to a satisfactory degree. Without further ado, I present to you How I Doubled My Android Phone's (HTC Hero) Battery Life or Just How Much Email Polling Affects Your Battery

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HTC Desire :: Which App Is Draining My Battery?

Aug 10, 2010

I have downloaded a number of widgets and apps.is this the reason? Im using Tajm, BattStatt, 3g Watchdog, DroidStats, Internal and external memory notifications, retro clock.Ive got all of these as widgets spread out over the 7 screens.Also guys if your phone was not used all day and locked how much battery would you say would get used?

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Android :: App Is Draining Battery

Dec 16, 2009

After the ota update I went from getting full day battery life with pretty heavy usage to 10 hours. The update was supposed to improve battery life but it made it worse. I tried going a day without using home++ (home replacement app ) and my battery life went from 10 to roughly 36 hours!!! So if you are one of those people complaining about battery life after update like I was,and you are using this app try taking it off. hope this helps some ppl.

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HTC EVO 4G : Battery Has Been Draining Much Faster

Jun 28, 2010

My wife's phone has used almost 4GB of data this month and her battery has been draining much faster than mine, especially at night. Last night we watched in SystemPanel at the Net Receive indicator and it was constantly downloading at least 200+ kps. I had read about some issues with Facebook so we removed the Friendstream widget and saw the downloading go close to zero.

This morning, I checked the 8 hour monitoring in SystemPanel and saw that the CPU activity was still high overnight (running near 30%) and her battery drain was twice mine (over 13% used over ~7 hours, mine was around 5% drain).

I loaded up Spare Parts on her phone and was looked under Battery History, Network Usage and took this picture (sorry about the quality, her screen protector makes it hard to get a good picture and she is not rooted). Can anyone explain what UID 10006 is and why it is downloading so much data? I do not see it listed on my phone in Spare Parts. What do we need to do to turn this off or at least slow it down?

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Motorola Droid :: Battery Not Draining?

Jul 2, 2010

I am using BB V0.4 with Chevys 1.2 ghz ul kernel.My battery meter has been on 100% all morning normally it drains much faster than this. I know there is a CHANCE my battery just isn't being drained because of the 1.2 ghz ul, but it seems pretty slim to me. I have been using it for probably 4 hours without it going down form 100%.

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Samsung I7500 :: Another Possible Draining Battery Cause

Nov 24, 2009

Battery life issues for me are over. In the beggining I would be happy if the battery lasted for 2 days. Now I can have my phone always on for 7 days straight, that is 168 hrs (when using very limited wireless data connectivity of course), thanks to Galaxhero and some other tweaks.But anyway, lately I've been doing some tests regarding Google Latitude. I suspected that Latitude was messing (not just) a little bit with the battery life.So, yesterday at 9AM I unplugged the fully charged phone that had the Latitude feature on. Result: at 5PM the battery was at 90%.Today, I decided to turn off Latitude (leaving the rest of the configurations intact) and unplugged the fully charged phone again at 9AM. Result: it's 5PM and the battery status is at 100%.

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Android :: Amazon Mp3 Keeps Draining My Battery

Sep 7, 2010

What is up with this program? Everytime I open task killer it shows Amazon MP3 as running.I have NEVER used Amazon MP3. Amazon MP3 came with the phone, yet my carrier won't support it ( cough Sprint ), they say call the application provider.I can't get a phone number to Android to give them a piece of my mind.I call Amazon and get sales people that don't want to listen and dump me on anyone they can find and are the wrong people. Why can't I get support? Why can't I uninstall Amazon MP3?I don't want Amazon MP3, not if it is going to run all the time and drain my battery.

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HTC Desire :: Handcent Draining Battery?

Nov 9, 2010

A while ago I got rid of Handcent because it was very laggy following updates.Having heard this had been fixed, I have downloaded it again and it's no longer laggy which is great.However, it is draining the battery. I know this because I've had the System Panel monitor on, and the history shows that the CPU usage for Handcent is high for about 15-20 minutes after I send a message (as opposed to the stock, which just goes down as soon as I've sent a message).Is there a setting somewhere on Handcent that I'm missing, that's keeping the CPU usage high?

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HTC Desire :: Opinions On Draining Battery?

May 25, 2010

Just wanted to get a feel for what the consensus view in this area is, as i'm slightly torn.On one hand i've read online (here I think, and elsewhere) that fully draining the battery regularly is bad for it and will damage its cells. (I'm not sure what regularly means, daily/weekly/monthly?) Hence i'm a little cautious to do it.However I tend to get far better batter usage after draining, turning the phone off and doing a full overnight recharge. Little top-ups, like taking it from 60% (where it reached through a day of medium usage) to 100% seems to result in inferior performance.A lot of people on here talk about overnight charging, which i've no problem doing. (In fact i'm used to it as my old Samsung Omnia required it) But 'how' do people do it? As in, do you regularly use 70-80% in a day and then leave it overnight? My current behaviour is to use it throughout the day in during (odd bit of browsing, txting, app usage etc) which can take 50-60%, then get home top-up for an hour or so, which gives me about 40% back, so I know i've got plenty in the evening when out.

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HTC Incredible :: MAPS Draining All My Battery?

Jul 7, 2010

This is my first smart phone so I'm somewhat of a noob.However recently when I have been checking what has been using my battery the most to try and conserve some battery.My GPS is always off unless I need it and I have not even used Maps at all today. After about 8 hours of being unplugged I was down to about 30% battery life.

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HTC Incredible :: GPS Draining Battery Down Even When Plugged In

Jul 22, 2010

I am using the GPS for a 10 hour or so trip and have it plugged in.It drains the battery completely down even when its in the charger.Anyone have this issue and anyway to resolve it.I am going to use it again and see if the same things happen before I call VZW.

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