Samsung I7500 :: Delete Only Selected Sms From Messages?
Feb 11, 2010I am able to delete all threads. How can I delete only selected sms from my messages. my andriod version is 1.5

I am able to delete all threads. How can I delete only selected sms from my messages. my andriod version is 1.5
I was running through some bits last night to try and squeze a bit more memory from my Galaxy. Mainly just the bits in the clearstock script.URL...This morning, I know at least 3 people have sent me text messages, which have not turned up. Of course we have had snow, so it my just be the wrong kind of snow on the cells. Is anyone else on O2 having this problem or can someone confirm the process that should be running to check for SMS's so I can see if I broke somthing.
View 3 Replies View RelatedOn O2 UK, APN settings look OK and I have good signal... but whenever I send a picture message it sits there sending for ages and recipients get multiple copies.
This is using Handcent SMS on the GalaxHero ROM, but I was getting the same issue on stock II5.
Like google talk, voice, search blah blah, my uploads (what is that)i want to limit my startup apps without using third party software like startup auditor etc. Any thought?And how do i stop the market and messaging to start on their own? And how do i get rid of inFECT's adw dark sense and go back to the standard android home?(im on galaxo, and i dont want to wipe or stuff like that)What is JIT Dalvik Froyo for Galaxo?
View 16 Replies View RelatedAlthough the promise of an Android phone is still exciting to me, I have to admit my first experience is leaving me less enthused. I was finally able to do the magic 15 second driver install and got installed without any seeming issues. Since then it's been a long road. 1. The phone overclocks at 610, but definitely is unstable at 710. 2. I get constant FC messages. In accordance with a posting I found somewhere I got MinFreeManager and changed the defaults to: Foreground 8 Visible 10 Secondary 10 Hidden 24 Content 26 Empty 24 and that seemed to help. I also am using ADW, and wiping the Launcher.apk in /system/app seemed to help. But it's still a problem. 3. Audio and Bluetooth are problematic. I wiped the default Music.apk and tried Meridian which does seem to deal with the headphone bug. But mysteriously Meridian often plays one or two songs and then just stops. And Bluetooth A2DP is erratic and full of gaps. 4. All of these would be surmountable if it actually worked consistently as a phone, and that's were things that getting bad.......
View 38 Replies View RelatedAfter updates i cant send or receive mms messages.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhile I wait for 2.0 to be released for this phone, officially or not, I've decided I'm giving it to my brother, and I'm going to play with a Milestone. Anyway before I hand it over to him, I obv want to delete all my email account etc. info off the phone. I couldn't really be bothered re-flashing it, so does anybody know whether the factory data reset works on Galaxhero, and does it just leave you with a blank galaxhero slate?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI went to send a text message today, and all of my conversations had been cleared. This has happened once before about a year ago and I eventually gave up trying to restore my messages. How to prevent it? I'm thinking the message database is somehow getting corrupted which is why it's clearing out all of my conversations?
I'm running 2.3.3 - my phone was rooted at some point but I'm guessing after an OS update I lost that capability. This happened before the OS update and now after.
Im' looking to backup certain parts of my phone in case of a firmware upgrade goes haywire. Also, those are the things i want to keep... I'm looking for a way to save my text messages, my spelling dictionary and the browsers stored passwords aswell as the bookmarks. I know there are apps that does this, but I'm intrested in the "manual" way. anyone who can fill me in which directories to backup?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have installed my 128 mb galaxy i7500 galaxo 1.6.3 ( with new patch)
I see some lags between switching programs and wait close apps messages..
I think everyone see such mesegase...
I tried to use beutiful widgets or some other widgets but my processing power gets high (also battery usage) and force close messages are make me nuts.
But then I thing it must related to ram issues (after copilot usage) becouse we have limitted ram.. my firend have a hero and she uses copilot faster like google maps...
So I installed root required memory programs like autokiller & minfreemanager.. and readjust memory values...
I make
Foreground 8 mb
Visible App 10
Secondary server 12
Hidden app 24
Content Provider 26
Empty app 24
When I make this changes my app launcher and other programs works faster than before and the transitions are better much better than before and less force closes...
I write it becouse I am very happy now... & just kind of information for the pros ...
Also I found problems ( no widgets or apps running behind) looking from System pannel monitoring is off
- Auto Brightness option doesn't work after restart (stays same)
- when Orientation option is selected the battery consumption is more or much more (maybe calculation)
- when the Bluetooth wifi and gps options are seleceted (means open) battery consuption or calculation is less than close...
- Bluetooth stereo has problems... buttons play pause not working stable
- Wifi doesn't connect after disconnected for a while... (screen policy set to when screen turns off)
Also advanced launcher is buggy ..
if drakaz can install adw launcher .... I am very happy ( also we can able to update it from market) becouse if i use it or other launchers dial pad contact list comes later or take time...
Android keybord don't have Turkish characters like Ş,Ğ, I, ş, ğ, ı if it's possible it is very good for us to have...
is there a way to delete threaded messages, similar to if you wanted to delete emails? like if i have 20 text threads, and only wanna delete 10.. but do all 10 at the same time..
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a application which send sms. but i found that the application always sends 2 sms messages to the selected number. couldn't figure out how is this happening. so i'll paste the code below if you have any suggestions just let me know
When I woke up this morning all of my texts were gone. I do not have anything set to delete them. Why would the phone delete all of my messages?
View 30 Replies View RelatedAfter a period of time when I uncheck the box so I can keep my messages for as long as I want, the box always resets itself. Does anyone have any way to counter this? I appreciate any help
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow to Debug on the Samsung Galaxy I7500 Android Phone
When i followed the above steps system tried to install driver and then prompt following error.
Refence link
The Samsung i7500 Galaxy is, except the support from Samsung itself, a great Android smartphone with a very good (the best?) price for value. It's with 11,9mm the second slimmest Android phone after Nexus One with 11,5mm (right?) and has unlike the HTC phones a flash light and build in storage of 8GB. On most sites the Galaxy is (one of) the cheapest Android phones, I wonder if it's because Samsung is cheaper or HTC/Motorola more expensive by itself?
I personally would compare the i7500 with the HTC Hero, although in my opinion the i7500 still has a much better price for value.
Is it even possible to define if and which Android phone is a low, middle, or high-end smartphone?
Sure, it also depends for what purposes you bought and use your phone, but I still wonder were the i7500 would be if 1=low and 10=high end Android phone, and if there even is a number 10? I also think that the D-Pad is a big plus and not a minus in comparison to the scroll ball from HTC.
there I am new to this. I would like to find out some information in regards to and update for the samsung galaxy I7500.I live in Australia and it seems the phone cant be updated. Is this true. I have tried on many times to plug my phone into my computer via pc studio.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want upgrade my samsung i7500 device to android 1.6 (new build).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI accidentally put my phone in another language, and in the process reset factory settings. Now, my phone wont connect to the internet. WTF?! What did I do!? My SIM card was in when I did this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes GAOSP Froyo support live wallpapers for i7500? If yes, can you recommend some that seem to run fine without (major) slowdown? I would suspect that the CPU is too slow to run most live wallpapers, but there might be some neat ones that are good to go?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have the HTC EVo, and want to be able to delete all messages in my inbox/outbox, without having to check them one-by-one. Is it possible, or is there an app I need to download?
View 12 Replies View Relatedi7500 does 1.6 work on this model if so where can i get?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSorry if this thread seems inconsequential but I have been rendering myselves sleepless nights over the past couple of days ( and nights ) due to my inability to choose between the above two said android phones. I like the i5700 for its zippy 800 MHz processor and that its got the 2.1 update. I like the i7500 for its 5 MP camera and flash + a larger screen to play with I would have gone in for the i7500 but have been hearing about Samsung deciding against not updating it to version 2.1 which can off course be done taking the un-official channel. Moreover the 528 Mhz processor is certainly lagging.
But still I see people in here Going after the i7500 .... Adding to it there is more threads and discussions going around on the i7500 as compared to the i5700. Am I missing something in the i7500 or is it just that i am a stupid newbie ... I have gone through many many pages of information on this thread before posting this query.
How can we delete MMS messages programmatically? What URI should I use for MMS. I have implemented deleting SMS and the code works fine. The URI I used for SMS was "content://sms/inbox". I tried "content://mms/inbox". But it does not work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhenever i go into my messages(texts), it loads up fine. But when I go to open any conversations It takes atleast 30 seconds before anything happens. I've tried deleting messages, but that did nothing. Literally nothing. Like no messages deleted. Also, my Micro USB port is being a little haywire. To get it to charge or connect to my computer, I have to hold down the cable, so that it's at an angle. This is the only way it'll charge. This just started happening last night. I've treated this thing very nice, and I haven't dropped it once. I'm thinking about taking it into a Sprint store to see what they can do. I just downloaded the update today, and the hardware version is 0002.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI found a load of old texts when I inserted my sim into my lovely new Desire. I deleted their back again!
I deleted them again...and their back again!
How do I get rid of them for good?!
Im a pretty private guy and i hate when my girl reads my texts i send and recive. with old phones id just delete my messages. but with my hero i cant delete messages in chompSMS nor the normal messagner app. ill hold down my finger and press delete and it just doesnt delete anything and most of the time crashes my phone and i have to reset my phone. this is VERY annoying because when she grabs my phone i have to fight to get my phone back so she doesnt see any of my texts that i CANT delete !
View 40 Replies View RelatedThe problem I'm having is trying to delete a thread of 1600 text messages from one person. Everytime I try to delete, it freezes my phone & have to force close the messages. Even turning off my phone doesn't work, I have to pull the battery out.
I tried looking up some answers on the forum. One member mentioned downloading Handcent. Unfortunately, that didn't work for me either. Same issues occured, phone froze & couldn't restart phone...had to take the battery out!
The case is I have many SMS messages that have a date of 1 Jan 1970, AKA Ghost messages. My mobile is HTC Magic, and I am using Cyanagonmod 6.0 on it. I believe this problem happened when I used MyPhone Explorer app to delete my old messages straight from my PC. Well, I gotta admit that not all the messages I deleted through that app did the same behavior? So, I am not pretty sure of the scenario by which it caused this problem, however I am pretty sure that It's because this application. What I need now is some way or an app that can clear those ghost messages from my Phone. They don't appear when I search for them using MyPhone Explorer. Also, I tried an application called CleanMessages which delete messages based on some criteria (for example date) but it also can't detect them.
View 17 Replies View RelatedI am having an issue Delete my SMS Messages. I'm not sure how many I have, but I would guess 5000-6000. It is really slow now when I go into Messages via the HTC ap, or even if I use Handcent. I Have Tried Aps that Delete Messages/Clean out old messages, same thing. I'm sure my phone is bogged down due to the amount of messages, but I'm not sure what to do now.
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