Samsung Vibrant :: Only Boots Into Recovery

Oct 12, 2010

I was having some pretty serious problems with Bionix 1.7 (couldn't download from market, unusably bad GPS, etc), which I thought I had successfully flashed yesterday afternoon. I decided to use Clockwork Mod to restore a backup I made before I flashed Bionix. This hung up for quite a while (upwards of 20 minutes) so I figured something had gone wrong. I held the power button until the screen turned off, and that put me right into Android Recovery, where I get the options to reboot (puts me right back there), reinstall packages (puts me into Clockwork Mod, which I'll get to in a second) or delete user data / cache, which I haven't messed with.

If I go into Clockwork Mod, I can tell it to try to restore one of my previous backups again, but it hangs up indefinitely (upwards of several hours) at "Restoring data..." (with either immvbsd.lck or .pc_syncstream below that). I can also still see the Bionix .zip on my SD card, but when I tell Clockwork Mod to install that .zip it gets this far:

Formatting DATA:...
Copying files...
E:Failure at line 81:
copy_dir PACKAGE:data DATA:
Installation aborted.

Samsung Vibrant :: Only Boots into Recovery

Samsung Vibrant :: Vibrant Only Boots To Galaxy S Screen

Nov 7, 2010

I downloaded a kernal on ryans lag fix and then it made my phone get stuck on the VIBRANT SAMSUNG screen so i tried to fix it by using odin, but all it did was make it go to the Galaxy s sign now, any suggestions on how i can fix this? (and also, after the galaxy s sign shows up for about ten seconds or something like that it goes all black and all that stays lit are the home button, the back button, the search button, and the settings button), i need serious help.

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General :: Boots Into ClockWork Recovery Mod - Galaxy S Plus

Mar 15, 2013

I have the Samsung Galaxy S Plus (GT-I9001)

My stock rom is: I9001XXKI3_I9001XEUKI1_XEU

I have been wanting to install a custom Rom for a while now.

However I always end up getting stuck in Clockwork recovery mod.

I have tried installing clockwork recovery by:

Using Odin (Using this tutorial > [URL]....)

Rooting it first then installing it using the stock recovery. (Like in this tutorial > [URL]...)

Both ways have got me stuck booting into clockwork recovery mod and I've tried other things like clearing the caches and stuff. I'm fed up with slow gingerbread! >~<

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General :: Boots Only In Recovery - Menu Key Stuck?

May 29, 2012

Last nigt i rebooted my phone to recovery to reflash ROM,did it and now it only boots in recovery even if im not pressing menu key...I could boot to download but without pressing menu key so i flashed stock firmware but still it only boots in recovery.When im in recovery i can move UP,DOWN using volume keys but menu key does not work,when i press it nothing happens...i think that that menu key is somehow stuck but it works normally when i press it i can hear "click" that makes but does nothing.

Got CWM and run key test all keys work(volume up,down,menu key,back key) except main menu key got nothing on output when pressed main menu key

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Samsung Vibrant :: No Zip In Recovery Mode

Nov 14, 2010

After using oclf & adding i think it was zombie kernel. Phone. Got stuck on vibrant logo. Screen.when using 3 buttons to go to recovery only option are:reboot system, reinstall packages,delete all user data,deleUte cache data.trierd all. & still have what?

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Samsung Vibrant :: Can't Get Into Recovery Mode

Sep 29, 2010

I am new to the vibrant, been a long time blackberry user. I have to have the latest and gratest, but can not root my phone!! I have downloaded and renamed the zip file, but cant get into recovery mode, did the volume up and down and power, Nothing seems to work for me.

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Samsung Vibrant :: Stuck In Recovery Mode?

Oct 28, 2010

Tried updating to 2.2..... now stuck in recovery mode. There is no way to select any options because i do not have an OK KEY...

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Samsung Vibrant : How To Boot Into Recovery Menu

Aug 19, 2010

Ive been trying all day to boot into the recovery menu for my vibrant. I power off my phone . and i hold up and down on the volume button, while holding the power button. After i see the "vibrant" logo pop up i let go. that doesnt work. I try holding down Up and Down, while holding the power button for 5 minutes, doest work .

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Samsung Vibrant : Can't Seem To Boot Into Recovery Mode

Aug 22, 2010

I followed the instructions on the how-to root sticky, but when I power down the device and then hold vol down+up simultaneously and power it back up to get to recovery mode (to root), it boots normally. I've done this 7 times now, with two fingers holding down the volume buttons (one each) and then pressing the power button until the device shows signs of life.

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Samsung Vibrant :: Flash Back To Stock Recovery?

Sep 8, 2010

I'm looking at sending my phone back in to TMO, but I don't want there to be a trace of anything. I rooted via the and flashed Clockwork, but haven't flashed any other roms or anything.

I was curious, is there a way to flash back to the stock recovery? Or would uninstalling Rom Manager, then unrooting via terminal, have the same effect?

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Samsung Vibrant :: Phone Goes Into Recovery Mode Then Fails

Oct 9, 2010

I have a Vibrant. The issue all started when I tried to install the 1.2ghz OC rom onto my phone. I had rommanager installed, and attempted to run it off the SD card, but when my phone booted up it had lost my applications, everything.

The problem I'm running into now is that the phone seems to be unable to use its mass storage. Every time I attempt to reinstall an application from the market it says it doesn't have enough memory. Under settings it says "unavailable" for the internal mass storage.

I tried using the volume buttons and power button to enter recovery/dl mode but every time I do I cannot make selections. If I use the power button to try to select it does nothing. In fact the "up" volume button makes it go down, and the other "down" button also doesn't do anything.

Since I have no applications I can't use clockwork recovery, even though I know I have one. Also, Odin is unable to connect to the phone, so I can't reload factory. Kies also doesn't recognize the phone.

It also won't even recognize the SIM card, says it has no reception when it clearly does.

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Samsung Vibrant :: Access Phone Recovery Console?

Aug 29, 2010

As the title says, how? I am going to unroot my phone.

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Samsung Vibrant :: ROM - Link To Eugene / BH_Man's Froyo JP3 With 2e Recovery

Sep 29, 2010

Found this on AndroidSpin, didn't see it here (Mods, please delete if this IS a dupe) This is a seperate ROM from his "Doesn't Brick", so I figured why not post it? ( Rom )Froyo JP3 with 2e Recovery & Working Clockwork Recovery - AndroidSPIN Forums

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Samsung Vibrant :: Recovery Mode - HEAT Will Force Access

Sep 2, 2010

I was able to access recovery mode on my bricked phone in a way that all of you may think is stupid.I have a Bell Canada Samsung Galaxy S Vibrant. My phone somehow bricked it self a few days ago. I wasnt able to get into recovery mode at all, no matter what I tried, how many times, and I tried every single method with no success.People on XDA Forums were mentioning about heat somehow allowing you to access the recovery mode. Some said putting it facedown in the sun for a few minutes, some said plugging it in for 15-20 min, some said playing games on the phone to heat it will would also allow them to access the un-accessible recovery mode on their phone.I tried all of them. I put my phone in the oven for 5 minutes, twice, last night, did not work. Ok I thoght to myself. Maybe I need more heat. To get it hot to the touch.So I tried once again today, and what a shock, I was able to get in recovery mode via the 3 button - WITH BATTERY OUT, HOLD VOL UP + HOME BUTTON + POWER BUTTON, then insert battery, and let go of the power button once your phone turns on.Took 3 seconds to set everything to restore, in the recovery mode.It worked for me. If you are going to try this, maybe try with a hair blow dryer first.dont have one of those, so I couldnt, to be safer.I will not be held accountable for any damage you do if you leave it in too long or damage your phone in any way.This worked for me. Im happy I got it working.The only thing which worries me now What if heat or cold can cause your phone to brick itself? phone bricked itself out of nowhere, no idea how.

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Samsung Vibrant :: Android System Recovery - Updating To Froyo

Aug 23, 2010

I just recently purchased a Samsung Vibrant and started to play with it. I downloaded all the necessary drivers and I rooted it using a method I found online here with success. After playing for a few days, I decided I'd take on the task of updating to Froyo.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Boots To A Black Screen?

Sep 12, 2010

I have a Galaxy S (GT-I9000M) which doesn't boot past the start-up splash screen and sound effect. Eventually it will just switch to a black/blank screen and do nothing more. The back and menu buttons still light up if tapped.

The history how I got it this way, was I was using the app web-sharing lite to transfer some files through wifi without the need of a usb cable. I was transferring a large movie file when the phone locked up. I reset the phone, and upon boot every app and service was crashing. Tried this a few times, then pulled the battery etc, still the same. Then I booted into recovery mode(vol up+home+pwr), and applied wipe data/factory reset, then rebooted. This is when it started to only boot into the black screen.

This is a Canadian phone, service/bought through bell, the phone had the one click root applied to it so TI Backup could run on the device. So I think I'm out of luck with any warranty service.

I can get into the phones recovery mode and download mode, so I think there is still hope for this phone to be recovered. What I don't know is what firmware version Bell ships with these devices, and where I can download it?

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General :: Samsung Galaxy S I9000 - Boots To CWM All The Time

May 7, 2012

My phone have turned it self of or turned it self into cwm for over a week now! I've tried to update the phone, changed rom, deleted everything (that's not a must to have for the phone). But it keeps on doing it!

I have a Samsung galaxy s i9000.
Kernel: 3.1.10 devil2
Codename: Tiramisu EVO I.C.E A.G.E 1.9.5
Version: IMM76D
Android version: 4.0.4

I've tried using an old version that I installed with Odin but without success...

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Samsung Moment :: Phone Only Boots Into Self-Test Mode / Change It?

Mar 23, 2010

So I was screwing with the self-test, and now it only boots into self-test mode! I tried taking out the battery.

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Samsung Vibrant :: Samsung Vibrant Hybrid Hard Rubber Case

Aug 20, 2010

Any of you looking for a light weight smooth finish case, the hybrid case was my favorite by far. Its very comfortable as well. I got the black one. I received a discount coupon for a next time purchase. "During checkout, leave a seller a note" Add, "Comeback10OFF" for 10% off your purchase. The seller will refund 10% back! Excluding shipping.

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Samsung Vibrant : Samsung Vibrant System Update / Released OTA Discussion

Sep 24, 2010

Ok, so I may be leaving the USA soon. I plan on unlocking my phone and going out of the country with it. I don't know how long I may be gone.maybe years, so here are a few questions.

1. I plan on going South Africa. According to this site, both the phone and 3g should work perfectly right? GSM World Coverage Map- GSM Country List by frequency bands

2. I have seen an app to unlock the Vibrant. It is by DaGentooBoy from XDA. Its called Samsung Galxy S Unlock. Would it be better for me to use this app or to just request T-Mobile to give me the unlock code. Are there any pros or cons for using either method.

3. If the OTA update or Froyo don't come out before I am gone, will I be able to get an OTA over wifi while I am in South Africa. Just to clarify, I will be using a local sim over there. I will discontinue from tmobile when I leave the US I know nothing of rooting. This is my first smartphone, so if possible I would be hesitant of doing any updates via the computer that requires me to loose all my info. I have too many apps and saved games and settings to download again so its just a scary thought of loosing it all.

4. Will google navigation work overseas. I have heard people say yes and no. I am hesitant to buy apps like co-pilot as they cost a lot and have mixed reviews, so I wanted to find out about this.

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Samsung Vibrant :: High End Games For Galaxy Samsung Vibrant

Aug 15, 2010

The galaxy s phones were made for high end games. I want to find and try all the high end games for android, so please post which games you found...Here are the high end games I've tried and what I think about them:
Asphalt HD from Gameloft. I really love this racing game. Its on par with racing games made for the psp. I hope they release an expansion pack with more cars/tracks/events. N.O.V.A from Gameloft. A pretty good fps. It kinda reminds me of halo. I wish there was more weapons and enemies/bosses. note: you cant get this game from the market, you have to buy from the gameloft website. Dungeon Hunter from Gameloft. A standard rpg. Im playing this right now. my thoughts so far is that its a pretty good rpg for a phone but pales in comparison to handheld console rpgs. note: you cant get this game from the market, you have to buy from the gameloft website. Hero of Sparta from gameloft. its a hack n slash game. this is the only game from the gameloft hd series that I didnt like so far. I havent tried the other 5 HD games from gameloft but I plan on doing so.
I really want to try all the high end games for android so please any games you have found

Here's a video of the games in action:

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General :: How To Get Into Recovery Mode - Galaxy Vibrant

Sep 23, 2011

I have a Galaxy S Vibrant i installed a rom and my phone crashed I'm trying to get into recovery mode pressing both volume buttons and power bottom at the same time but is not working. if there is another way to get into recovery mode.

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Samsung Vibrant :: Review - Amzer Jelly Silicone Skin Case For Vibrant

Aug 10, 2010

I was really hoping to save 55% off the cost of the Tmobile Gel Case but alas it was not to be. When my wife saw the case installed on the phone she said "what the heck?" That's because the case fits the Vibrant unevenly. And it doesn't wrap around the bezel fully.

Here is my review:
The Amzer "Silicone Skin Case" is completely unacceptable to me in terms of fit, feel and function. The Vibrant is a top of the line, expensive and amazing device deserving of quality accessories. This case is basically junk and not commensurate with the quality or value of the Vibrant.

First the fit: It slides onto the Vibrant easily enough (too easily in fact - it feels like it might fall off) and the cutouts are all lined up with the camera, USB, etc. However, the case barely fits around the bezel and it fits the face of the phone unevenly so you can see the bezel on one side but not the other side. The last point about the fit is that the phone feels like it could pop out of the case if you squeezed the sides; this is a very unsettling feeling. A case should make you feel more secure not less and it shouldn't detract from the quality appearance of this device.

Second, the feel: The case feels much too thin along the sides, the corners feel nice and thick as they should be to protect the phone. The sides however offer little in the way of protection. It just feels cheap and not nearly thick enough to offer much protection.

Third, the function: I bought a case to protect the phone from damage in the event it is dropped. I want protection around the bezel and the sides and back of the phone. The Amzer case only seems to protect the Vibrant on the corners where this case is thicker. I feel like if I dropped the phone and it landed on the side there would be little to prevent the phone from being damaged.

Needless to say I was disappointed when I tried the Amzer on my Vibrant this afternoon. So much so that I immediately called Amazon to arrange for its return. I have the Gel Case from Tmobile which by comparison is vastly superior although 55% more in price.

In this case you get what you pay for. And I do not want to skimp on protection a device as valuable as the Vibrant. Let's see, save $6 on a case for a $500 phone? No way, not when it's ugly when installed, feels cheap and insecure in the hand, and offers less protection. The Tmobile case fits snugly, wraps evenly around the bezel, is thicker to better protect the phone in the event of an impact.

I give this case 1 out 5 stars. The Tmobile Gel Case gets 4.5 stars.

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Samsung Vibrant :: Tmobile Web2go Unlimited Data Works With TMO Vibrant Galaxy-S

Jul 15, 2010

Grandfathered $5.99 T-Zones Data: Discuss All Related Questions Here ONLY

Someone confirmed it there. This would make this the only other Tmobile branded android phone to work with the cheap data plan other than the Behold 2.

For how long who knows, the behold 2 has been going on for years, but tmo, nor anyone really cared about that phone

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Samsung Vibrant :: Can Create Backups For Vibrant / Work Without Installing And Reinstalling Voodoo Lag

Nov 5, 2010

Is there any way that I can create backups for the vibrant that work without installing and reinstalling the voodoo lag fix everytime? I know that clockwork recovery doesn't work with voodoo installed, and messes up my phone if I try it.

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Samsung Vibrant :: Will Rooting Vibrant Effect Pending Froyo / TMO Updates?

Oct 10, 2010

I have a question for all you rooting mavens. How, if at all, will rooting my Vibrant effect the pending Froyo and TMO updates that are due out soon. Will the updates take place the same as if the phone was not rooted at all or must other steps be taken to take advantage of the pending updtates.

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Samsung Vibrant :: Speaker Volume Level For Vibrant Decreased Considerably

Jul 25, 2010

the speaker volume level for my vibrant decreased considerably even though the various volume levels in my settings haven't changed. Music and GPS instructions are barely audible. I am new to Android and hope I may be overlooking something.

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Samsung Vibrant :: Create Music Playlist From Computer For Vibrant

Jul 17, 2010

I have a mac, obviously with itunes on it, and i wanted to create a workout playlist and the only way i find that i can so far is by opening the music player on the vibrant and physically picking each and every song that i want which is taking forever. is there anyway to create playlists and to even sync the vibrant with my itunes?

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Samsung Vibrant :: Unable To Upgrade To Android 2.2 - Vibrant Tmobile?

Jul 22, 2010

Will I ever be able to upgrade to Android 2.2 (and newer) on my Vibrant (tmobile) (that has 2.1)?

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Samsung Vibrant :: Vibrant Connect To Wifi / Use It For Data / Calling?

Nov 13, 2010

This may seem like a really dumb question but I have been told several different things by several different people who should know. Does the Vibrant connect to a Wi-Fi and use it for data and calling? I have a Blackberry Curve at present and I have no reception inside my house. I connect my Curve to my Wi-Fi network and can do all data things and talk with zero dropped calls. I'm hoping to be able to do this with the Vibrant. If I can't I will have to consider another phone (I can't live with no reception in my house). I don't care if I can tether from it, I just need ot be able to use the Wi-Fi for data and calls on the handset.

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